HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 10 15 Minutes to be Approved
Se.inole County Board or County Co..in.nen
..8. EDt ... SCnet
S.nford. Florida
October 15, 2883
7:88 p...
The meetina of tbe Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) was
held at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, October 15, at the Seminole County Board of County
Comminionen Chambers.
,.,..... Present:
Commissioner Gr8nt Maloy, Seminole County Government
Commissioner Guy Brender, City of Lab Mary, CALNO Chaiman
CounciImaa .... DaJIIri, City of Oviedo
C~ Steve WoIftam, City of AJIamonte SprinS.
MicMeI.Gri:, SemiaoIe Community eo..
ConmtissicJner Art Woodruft City of Sanford
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, City of Wimer Springs
Memben ~~sent:
Canmissioner Linda c. Hart, City ofCuseIberry, CALNO Treasurer
Mtyor Daniel J. Anderson. City ofLongwood
Board Member Di... Baaer, Seminole County School Board
OtU!llhl Pr~:
AI Grieshaber, Santbnl City Manaaer
Stan Stevena. Va PraicIenl of South Eat Voters Association
t. Cd t. Order
The meetiDs was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Commissioner Brender, followed by a
lItO"" of li~ the PIedae of AllegilDCe, and IloU Call
2. Appreval or. SepteMer 3, 2883, ...... Meetiaa Mi8..
A ...... ... ... II! .c.....i... ~, leO.deII ." c....... .." t.
a",.,. .... _....... .......... M..... tI Sept__ 3, 21tS, widt &1M cenedIM .
......... ., ~....... W"'n. to ....... ..... Jl'irat Stnet ....... deIip.
TIle .... carI'W........,.
3. T....rer'1 Report
A ...... to pottp..e .e Traturert. Report ..tiI t'e BUt ...... was ..e by
C...iaioller W....... HteIIcIed ., C.......... Maler. The..... carried
4. Proan. A: A.erica. Uberties I..ittate
~ B. NeIIoa, 1Iq.ln
1118....... A..... SlIM. 1_
AbI..... SprIIIp, l'IerIda 32714
P.O. Bu 541_
Od..... ........ 32154-7S03
Rick .-vel IS PR:sidem of tile Law Offices of Frederick H. Nelsoa. P.A. and he also
serves IS the ........ and General Counsel of Americ:ul Liberties Institute. a civil
I.... educItion-1itiptiOP orpaizatioD ........... in Orlando. Florida. Rick
I.... reIiJious ..., .... tee speech cues ~ the COUIIIryIDll hu IUbmittcd
........... amicus ... principii pIIt)' briefs to the U8ited bes Supreme Court.
Mr. NeIIon presented .. overview of Idult .......ion and how the SupnIDe Court is
...... the way pel...... CIft ......~ .............. In..... cue of
~. Boob.. dIe.CitJ of Los ADaeIea die ...... CXMt naIed IhII .........
..., ..... .,.1ItioIat to....... adult .......... _.. if....~
at&OI'IIep chooIe to do 10 they may ....... the ~... or thole ........ ne
.........or............ __ __the ~"......... .....in .....
tho ........ or onhaace itself. Mr. NelIOIl RlCOIII8leDded that .......itieluktheir
attonIIY"s tb review tbeir curnD adult ent.uiDment repIations and uk the fbllowing
. Do we have a foundaaioa for the reauJations?
. Do we need this ~ becluae we ave secondary effects?
Mr. Nelson ".need kJokiDIat whedaer or not you should now do the necessary studies
toti...... ~ .... or if you dIOOIe to do 10 Mil UJIIiI you .. e..........
... 10 to eoun.He ..... tbIt you caD 110 ...... rely OIl the fIGt that ...It........
brin.. ~ etrtct... 'V'ou must alto be aWIre of im,. fees or fees (or appIic:a1ion
........ to adult ......... ... lIIIke. sure that the fee is do., anoeiatecI.widJ .
you do to procell the........ As it stands now the only WlY to ... with this issue is
to follow the Alameda Books Cue and do what the c:ourtsave told us to do.
5. .......... B: ................ Senrices - Cnia SIIadrb.
Not Present
'- p........ C: W.... JUyer ... CeenI....... o..ittee Update ....
T..riIt Dev......_ C_1IdI Update - C...iuI..er SteM W.....
Commiuioner Wolhm save . brief overview of the Wekiva River Basi.. Coordillating
COIIIdIiUee. The Governor"s Executive orden.... to take the ~of the
task fOra with the uncIentaadi., tbIt there will be a roadway built 8:oal..... to COIIIIeCt
with _beltway comins &om Orange County. The object is to determine the land use
arouM tIIIt area.
Commissioner Wolftam also save a brief update on the Towist Development Council
and the CVB Marketi. Plan. He dilCUlsed the mission IDd objectives for the year.
Commissioner Brnder theft informed the board that the CALNO appointment to the
Toud. Development Council. c:urrentIy held by CoauniSliofter Wolfram. expires
December 31, 2003. Discussion reprdiftl both the CALNO appointment. the
appoi....... held for the IIlOIl populist ..._ptJity, uad whit ... is utilized in
cIetenDiIIiDa the IDOIt ,.".. municipality eMUecI. Conunissioner Maloy aareed to
"W the County Attorney ....... .. opiaioe OIl wbat c:rilaia is used tbr the appointment
of tile moll populated municipality. (see attIChed)
A ...... .. .."..t c...fnilaer SteftW........ ..... T... On.,...
c-tl.. .....,~..... Balari, tea'" ., C........er Maloy. De
.... anted..T......,.
7. Pnpa. D: H_tl..pII SearitJ .1Id Leal...... - Newport Equity
MI...__t c;n.,- J_......,. ... ~ MIIiaIl
Before il$Oduci.. the .... Commissiona' Brender touched OIl the SuDshiDe Law IftlI
bow it equates to a City', llbility to discusa Homeland Security iuues. ConuniuioDer
8n:lnder IIIhfDittecI ... ....1 &om Frank KOt$Iik. Deputment of COIIIIDUDity Aftiirs,
whicb buicaIIy __it is ROW ....aibleto conduct _ meetiap, or poItioos of
meed... out of the IUIIIhi8e buecl 011 sea.uity COIISkWationI. <see attac:hed)
Jack Lavery, Seaior Partna', and Greaory M"tsiak, MIDIaiDI Principal. of Newport
E4WtY ~ Group, pnl:IeIUd a power poiJIt presentation aDd discussed the role
of local JJOWlrRIIMlIdS in iInpMmeoti.. ~ priority pIOtection initiatives of
criticII in~ public.... andllfisty, and aiticaI services. . They reGOIIUIIeftded
thIt local JOWl...... eIlIbIish clear roles aad RlSpODSibiHtiel. 8CCOUIIIIhility, and
coordiaatina struc:tures aDd processes that win aowm the interaction of homeland
I. Reperti r.... M_hn:
~",inok COIUIIy COIIfIIfissloner Grant MolDy
. The COUDty pusecla rate resolution chanp oflaDdfill fees statina that any city
that.... through their Iancbises to send ....... to the county landfill will
receive a three doll.. per ton diSCOUllt 011 the dump fee.
. The County Alcohol Ordinance wu chanpd to allow consumption of alcohol
until 2:30a.m.
. The Gas Tax was turned down.
. Plans' for a new bus route, funded primarily by Workforce Central Florida and
grantS are CUITefttIy beina worked out. The route is planned to go down Lake
Mary Boulevard t~ 17/92., continuina to the airport over to the Midway area. and
back to Lake Mary.
Winler Springs CommissioMr Sally McGinnis
. The Highland Games will take plaee on January 17. 2004.
. The city is gettins a police dog as a result of a donation from a homeowners
· The approved bud.. will include 8 new firemen and 4 new policemen.
. Wed has atarted OR the Cross Seminole Trail BrictIO on SR434.
AIItIIIfOnII Springs CtJmmissIoner Stew Wolfram
. On the ballot of November 4, 2003 will be a consideration to extend AItamoate
SpA. COJI\IItitlion terms to 4 yen.
. A tempOraf'y moratorium was passed on the issuing or an occ:upationallicense for
~ltuadn. .
. The city will be building two roads with the Seminole County Sales Tax I-
generation money. One is the extension of a road off 436 next to Steak N Shake
web coanectS behind the movie theater to the Cnnes Roost area the other is
Gateway Drive.
l.aIut Mary Commissioner Gary Brende,
. The City Hall is dosed for renovation which will include a rotunda and
additional space in the chambers. The inteal is for the project to be completed
by April or May.
. The new Fire Stltion and City Hall Annex should be underway within the
next two months on property the city is purchasing off Wallace Court.
· A developer has purchased property downtown on Country Club and
Lakeview with plans for a classic town center development 'or an 18,000 sq ft
two story building.
· Another town center type building to be built on Lakeview A venue baa
already been throush the site plan approval process.
Oviedo COIInCilman Robert Dollar;
. A Great Day in the Country is coming up the first Saturday of November.
. Thank you to Sally McGinnis and Regina Bereswill for working together to
resolve the ditfereoc:es between \VUlter Sprinp and Oviedo.
Sotford COIIIIIIissione, Art WoodnIlf
. AI Grieshaber the SaDforcI City Me.... wu introduced.
. The Jut seawaD panel will be installed tomorrow compleaina the seawall.
. Riverwalk is on schedule to be finished in February.
. The Fir. Street Streetlclpe running from Sanford Aveuue to Oak is planned to
begin in April.
. A. new children's theater is open in downtown Sanford.
s..iIIoII CtMfIRIIi& College Michtltl Garlic
· see is moving forward with plans to develop an Altamonte Springs campus and
a Hathrow facility.
· see is the 10th..... of Florida's 28 Community CoUeps with expectations
this year of35,000 students.
9. Old .....: Local o,c-.. Gu Tu
CUrmaa Brender SI..ed thlt It the .June 2003 medina there was dilCUSSion of why
CuseIberry aad J..onpood were DOl Iiped on to the LocII Options Gas Tax. After
rcsearcII the County Attorney advised that in 1986 only a majority of municipalities were
requind to sign on 10 when the majority was rac:hed whidl _dueled the cities of
CuseIbeny and Lonpood the task ofrecrum. municipalities ended.
The meeti. adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Nov....ber S. 2003
The CouncI of Local GcMtmments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday,
November 5, 2003 at 7:00P.m. at . Seminole. County Public SchooI$' Educational Support
Center, 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida.
1. Calllo Order at 7:18 p.m.. by Chairman Brender. A moment of silence and the
Pledge of Allegiance were led by Chairman Brender.
Roll Call- The foIIowirlt members went in attendance:
· SChool &oR Me...... a.... Bauer, Seminole County Public Schools
· Con'I.....~ Brender, City of Lake Mary
· Councilman R.......OIII8ri. City of Oviedo
· City AdmIniatrtItor JohI'IDnIgo, City of Longwood
· CommtaIIonerUndaHart. CIty of C...eIbeny
· Comml..lpiw SellrMcGlnnil.CIly of WInter Sprfngs
· CommIt,loner Steve Wolfram, CIty of AItamonte Springs
· Commil8lon8r Art Woodruff,. City of Sanford
Also present were:
· SchOol Board Member Larry Furtong,. Seminole County Public Schools
· Former CQUnCiI of Local Govemment8 in Seminole CowIty Chairman Cindy.. ~
GenneI, CItizen. City of Winter Springs
· Zachary QInMII. Citizen
· Deputy .SUperintendent Di8nne Kramer. Seminole County Public Schools
· Clerk Karen. P.."." Seminole County Public Schools
· Interim Community Services Director Pat Miller. City of Longwood
· Strity.stevens. Citizen
Those memberI who were not In attendance were:
· Mayor DanAl*lon, City of Longwood
· MayorJohn...... . City. of Winter Springs .
· CommIlaloner.Grant.. Maloy, . Seminole County Commission
· Mr. Donald Ptyton,SeminoIeCommunity College
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
November 5, 2003 meeting minutes
Page 2
2. Approval of October 15, 2003 Minutes:
Chairman Brender requested postponement to the December meeting.
CommiIIioner.WoIfmm moved to postpone. Commissioner Hart seconded the
motion; The motion passed unanimously. .
3. T.....u...... Report
Commi8$loner Hart, Trusurer,. distributed a register report of incoming and outgoing
funds~ She.reported that the balance was $1,457.03. Councilman DaRad moved to
approve the .report.. School Board Member Bauer seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously. .
4.P.,..... A: The 8.... of Seminole County PublIc SchoolS. . .
· School Board MeMber DIane Bauer . stated that Superintendent. Vogel was
&beent due to m8r\d8tory attendance at another event. . She then Introduced
Deputy Super.ntendent Oienne.Krarner. . . .
· Dianne. Kramer, . Deputy Super1ntendent.. Seminole . County. .. Public Schools,
presented the program. The program included a discu8sion of the following
. topk:a: .
· Sales Tax Projects status update: AI of the projects have been on schedule
and under budget.
· Elementary School Capacity: Deputy ~ Kramer discull8d the
addition of C8pecity (effective 2004) at .AItamonte, English Eatatee, Winter
. Springs,.e.tIwOok, Layer, J<*' Walker ~ 1ChooIa.
· ReaonIngof. tchoOI attenc:Wa boundMes:. A map of ctIT8Ilt school
attendencezone boundaries was dI8tribuf8d to members. She .diIcuIsed the
~.......... ..,procedurM. All kMIs..(~. middle.and high)
will be.......wIIhin the nextttna~. 1'ht ~ for""" wi
begin in January 2004 and wiD become effective in August 2004. . The
proceu for hi9b. schools will begin in August. 2004 and become effecM in
August.200!t The~ for middle schools wilbegIn In January 2005 and
become effective 2005I2006.
· ReckIction of ... size: . Deputy Super.dendent Kramer reported that the
.... in .. ...... nMCI. for. C8pecity was the eIemenI8ry . level. She
reported that. the. district, over the past severat years, has been reducing
· ConcretaIl'88' Deputy Superintendent Kramer reported on the pending
~ of concrete portables or -concretabIe8- and cIescribed the
· CIMa. Size Reduction Amendment: Deputy Superintendent. Kramer
di8cus8ed the amendment and the timefremefor implementation of
requirernentl. AI cIa8a 8ize8 must. meet the amendment requirements (18
for eIemenI8ry, 22 for middle and 25 for high) by 2010.
· Future. School Site8: Deputy Superintendent Kramer asked members to be
on the lookout for potential school sites.
· Citizen.GenneI inquired about seniors who did not pass the FCAT for
graduation. Deputy. Superintendent Kramer 88Sured her that the school
system knows who those students are and that 888l8tance is being provided
to thole atudents.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
November 5, 2003 meeting minutes
Page 3
4. Program A continued: The State of Seminole County Public School.
· No Child Left Behind: Deputy Superintendent Kramer discussed the
paramet.... and the pluses and minuses of the Initiative.
· Councilman DaII8ri asked what cities can do to 88$ist the school system.
Deputy Superintendent Kramer asktd members to assist with locating
feasible echool sites. The appropri8te .. for an elementary school site is
15 acres, middle school site is 25 8CAlS, and ..high Id100l site is 80 acres.
She aIaoaskedmembers.to ute caution when approving multi-famHy
developments. SchoQI Board MernberFurtong added that. members could
require developers to set aside land for achoOI sit...
· Early learning Centers: Early learning eem.n were deIcrIbed as -a school
within. ....schoor and. wiD accommodate additiOnal capacity at various
elementary schools.
5. NewBual.....: .
· Commi88foner WOlfram diIcu8I8d the 46 COt'ridor and stated that it will be built.
He said thlt429 ,. on hold at this time.
· Chairman ...... diIcuIIed. meetitgl regarding home81d security in
compliance withtheSUn8hine Law. He has contacted members of the county's
leglllative d........ to request . an amendment to the Sunshine Law to
accommodate meetings in priv8t. regarding homeland aecurity.
8. Reports"..........:
· SeInInoIe. County PublIc. SchooIa: School Board Member. Bauer. thanked
.Deputy Superintendent Kramer and Clerk Karen Ponder for participation in this
meeting. She ~ the Teach-In on November 18. and encouraged aR
membera.to ~. .She disa.IIeed potenIieI.reviIionI to the Bright Futures
Program and opined that the program was intended to be an award for academic - .
· City of WInter 8pr1np: Commislioner McGinnil announced the November 23"'
holiday perade and encouraged al. member to attend. She &$ked on Meyor
Bush's behalf to reacheduIe .... December meeting. Chalnnan Brender denied
the nIqU88t due to potenIjd dIfficuItiea.
· City of AIteoIdI SpIhIp: .Conmssioner Wolfram announced the results of
the ~ regarding extended terms from 2 two 4 yeara The referendum
failed. Heaaid..the movie thMbt WIll doing weiand ~ plana to
rebuild the emptiIh.. at Crane'. RooIt.
· CIty of .C~ Commi8eloner Hart disculled a CRA I'8development
regarding an overpasa and announced It public meeting on November 18"
regarding the 8Ubjecl She dllcussed the ~nt of dOwntown
Casselberry. She announced the expansion of the WaIoMart to a. Super WaI-
Mart. She. diIcuaeed nIAlI'N8I of the police. contraet.
· City of Lake Mary: ChaIrman Brender announced that George Duryea and Jan
Jernigan were re eleCted. He informed the membens that a eel tower woutd. be
installed IOUIh of Lake Mary BouIeYard. He dilcul8ed C01oniaI Town Park's
grand opening. He discu8aed proposed developments. He dilcul8ed adult
entertainment ordinancea and encourage other members to review theirs.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
November 5, 2003 meeting minutes
Page 4
· City of Longwood: City Administrator Drago announ<:ed, two' new
commissioners (Mike Holt and Brian, Sackett. filling seatsfurmerly held by Steve
Miller and Paul Lovestrand. respectively). The charter amendment passed. He
announced ..... events includinG an Ofd fa~ cake. ice cream social
celebrating the City of longwood's 125" anniversary on November .15" and the
Celebrate the Season tree lighting on December ff'. ,He announced the
pun:hase 'of a 35 foot clock tower. '
· City of Oviedo: Councilman DaHart thanked SCPS for hosting, this evening's
meeting. , He announced Great Day in the Country onNovembet 8". He
discussed the 'openinG of the gym and pool. He discusted the rewrite of the
Land '[)eveIopmentCode. He discussed signing' the bonds for ,the new
doWntOwn.' . '
· Cltyof,~C0mmis8ioner Woodruff dlseuseed the rewrite of the code for
mutl-faIniIy houaInQ. He dlscaAsed trick or'tredngon 1" street. He disc:usseda
.... event involVing the Red Hat Ladies. They had a city cleanup which
diapoeed of 37 tons of trWt. He di8CUI..dretrofitllng the Hopper center. He
discussed problems, 8IIOCieted with ita new police and fire station on 13* Street
He announced" December 19" ribbon cUttino ceremony for the State Farmer
Martc:et. He wished all members a happy holiday ancIinformed them that he was
unable to attend the December meeting.
· aallllnole..CoInInunIIJ COllege: JIembfw absent. Chairman Brender mentioned
FIofida LeatIet' and see Building publications distributed by Mr. Payton prior to
the meeting. , ,
· ......... Countr CorMnII.Ion: Member absent.
7. .Ac:Ijournment by ChainnanBrenderat 9:12 p.m.