HomeMy WebLinkAboutReservation Forms for Various People 18/38/2881 15:23 4875718123 CITY ALTAMONTE SPGS PAGE 81 October 26, 200 I The City Of Altamonte Springs Office of the City Clerk 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 34701 Attention: Ms. Sharon Miller, Deputy City Clerk Dear Ms. Miller, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming November 7, 200lCALNO Meeting for the Clerk's office, and for you CALNO Representative and Alternate. I have also enclosed all updated Member List and a Map from Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dinner Will Begin At 6:15 P.M. On November 7,2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2,2001. Name of Organization: d.. tt- oj-.--.!lei a IlttJy!,/;__ Jpr I)') rv .....__ ~) ~. Name of Attendee: CJo-r'yvr'~c/~ ~..>t~ W a..ej-7 t:2--r.'X.....-' I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: ~ I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 OCT-30-2001 14:36 4075718123 98>; P.01 11/82/2881 13:85 4875452835 PA(3E 81 October 26, 2001 The City Of Casselberry Office of the City Clerk 95 Triplet Lake Drive Casselbeny, Florida 32707 Attention: Ms. Donna Gardner, Deputy City Clerk Dear Ms. Gardner, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming November 7, 2001 CAlNO :Meeting for the Clerk's office, and for you CALNO Representative and Alternate. I have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map from Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Ditmer JVill Begilt At 6:15 P.M. On November 7, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2,2001. I WILL BE IN ATTE:-IDA1~CE: ~ A\d~ f Name of Organization: Name of Attendee: I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAr'X RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 HOl)-02-2001 12: 17 4076452035 96"~ P.Ol 10/31/2001 16:19 - \', \ ., --",-- "150. ~ C I 1'1' OF LOr~GI)JOOD -? 94073274753 rI0.01':;I [;101 October 26. 2001 The City Of LOllgwood Office of the City Clerk 175 West Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 Dear Ms. Zambri, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming November 7, 2001 CALNO Meeting for the Clerk's office, and for you CALNO Representative and Alternate. I have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map from Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, l"riday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dinner Will Begin At 6:15 P.M On November 7, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2,2001. I WlLL BE IN ATTE I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: Name ofOrgal1ization: Name of Attendee: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 ~ "- ~. \ 1,\ OCT-31-2001 15:31 407 260 3419 95>; P.01 10..,30/2001 12:33 r~AT I m~lJJ I DE I r~S -'f 4073274753 rm.918 [;)01 October 26,2001 The Honorable Mike McLean City of Lake MillY 378 Woldunn CIrcle Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Dear Commissioner McLean, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minules for the upcoming November 7, 2001 CALNO meeting I have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map [rom Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to NOOIl, Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dinner J,f/ill Begin At 6:15 P.M. 0" November 7,2001. RESERV ATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2, 200l. C1ni l;jfJ!!:(f t/ Name of Organization: Name of Attendee: I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 321.4753 OCT-30-2001 11:46 407 324 8268 95>; P.Ol 10/30/2001 10:49 4079775009 CrTI,' OF O\/IEDO ADHHl PA6E 01/01 October 26,2001 The City Of Oviedo Office of the City Clerk 400 Alexandria Boulevard Oviedo, FJOlida 34765 "'-1 --...--:- ',:'-'~.~--,' ''''-;::-'J " '. i '~:.:, r;:.':::-\ D r ~~ ~ : ::"~1ij L Dear Barbara, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and l'vrinutes for the upcoming November 7, 2001 C.t\LNO meeting for the Clerk's office, and for your CALNO Representative. I have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map from Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to :1'ioon, .'Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dill1ter Will Begin At 6:15 P.ftf. On November 7, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2,2001. Name o[Organization' -Af.~ Name of Attendee: _ _ _ I WILL BE IN A TTENDANCE: ~ I WILL :\JOT BE IN A TTE1\TIANCE: FAJ( RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 OCT-30-2001 10:02 40797760D'3 9,",",' r /" P.Ol 10/31/01 15:15 FAX 407 330 5616 City of Sanford [4]01 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming November 7, 2001 CALNO meeting. I have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map from Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dinner Will Begin At 6: 15 P.M. On November 7, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2, 200l. Name of Organization: ~:J y ~ [;'~Co{' J Name of Attendee: _! ~ _ ~d) I \..A C r... I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: V---. I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 OCT-31-2001 15:49 407 330 5515 97% p.m October 26, 2001 Commissioner Michael S. Blake City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Commissioner Blake, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming November 7, 2001 CALNO meeting. I have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map from Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dinner Will Begin At 6:15 P.M. On November 7,2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2,2001. Name of Organization: Name of Attendee: !J;J I CI-J/J{..L. 6 LIf;< L . I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: p I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 FRon D1AtJE BAUERP FAX tJO. 4076953552 tbe'. 02 2001 05: 22pn Pl October 26, 2001 Board Member Diane Bauer Seminole CO\lllty Public Schools 423 Eagle Circle Casselberry, Florida 32707' Dear Board Member Bauer, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming November 7, 2001 CALNO meeting. 1 have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map Crom Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dinner Will Begin At 6:15 P.M. 01'1 November 7, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2,2001. Name of Organization: ~j~U"" ~OU.n4.f 5~or B~J Name of Attendee: =1), n,,~ fi n (,( ~.... I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: ~ I 'WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 t~Ol)-02- 2001 16 : 31 4076953552 9SX P.01 ___~1~~-=-/ 0 ~_ FR~n 16~~,-A~-.J_~2 8 2011 SCC PRES. OFFICE ~OOl Mr. Paul Hull Government Relation Liaison Seminole Community College I 00 Weldon Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773-6199 11l@jJh.~ 3fMlN~f ~:r 2 9 ~: fJ $,qIiFO;;J~l{jIVIl} " I nlOHul4(.'~LfGE October 26, 2001 Dear Mr. Hull, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming November 7, 2001 CALNO meeting. I have also enclosed an updated Member List and a Map from Commissioner Maloy. Please complete the below p-ortion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, November 2, 2001. Please Note That Dinnel' Will Begin At 6:15 P.M. On November 7, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, November 2, 2001. Name of Organization: ..$"CM I NOl-c (OM Nt uN l It Cot..LC~e- Name of Attendee: PA tJ c.... Hu LL- I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: ~ - I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407)1 327-4753 NDV-02-2001 15:22 407 3282011 97% P.01