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ARM YOURSELF --- With Information
Important Meeting November 7
Most of you know me as a Winter Springs City Commissioner; however, I also serve the citizens of
Florida as a Commissioner on the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). It is in this
capacity that I address the following comments. I believe it is important for you to have access to as
much information as possible, to enable you to make well informed decisions.
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County will be hosting representatives of the State
Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
at Winter Springs City Hall on Wednesday, November 7,2001, at 7:00 PM. and the public is
encouraged to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to inform local leaders and private citizens about
the functions of these entities and to answer any questions that you may have. So many people have
said that they just don't know what they can do about the current national crisis. Here is something
constructive and positive that you can do to help protect your family and your community. Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, at a Pentagon briefing, "Civilian agencies will play just as critical a
role in the war on terrorism as the Defense Department,"
The following paragraphs outline the purpose, scope and function of the State Emergency Response
Commission (SERC) and of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). In addition, I have
included a few web sites which contain further information, as well as a site devoted to information
regarding Homeland Defense
In 1986 Congress enacted the Emerqency Planninq and Community Riqht- To-Know Act (EPCRA).
The Act has had a far-reaching influence on issues relating to hazardous materials. EPCRA contains
five sections, which cover issues associated with the manufacture, use, exposure, transportation, and
public education of hazardous materials. It is the mission of the Local Emergency Planning
Committees (LEPCs) and State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) to implement EPCRA in
the State of Florida and mitigate the effects of a release or spill of hazardous materials.
The State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) is responsible for implementing federal
EPCRA provisions in Florida and serving as a technical advisor and information clearinghouse for
state and federal hazardous materials programs.
The Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) are appointed by the SERC. LEPCs consist of
approximately 30 volunteer members representing safety and public health agencies as well as other
community organizations and groups, including private citizens. Because LEPC members represent the
community, they need to be familiar with factors that affect public safety, the environment, and the
economy of the community. The LEPC Chairman nominates members and appointments are approved
by the SERC. The 11 LEPCs in Florida develop emergency plans and procedures for immediate
response to chemical accidents. In addition to its formal responsibilities, the LEPC serves as a focal point
in the community for information and discussions about hazardous substances, emergency planning, and
health and environmental risks.
SERC Web Site - http://www.dca.state.f1.us/cps/SERC/serc.htm
Federal Law - http://www4.law.comell.edu/uscode/42/ch116.html
State Law -
ute Y ear=2001 & Title=%2D%3E2001 %2D%3EChapter%20252%2D%3EPart%2011
http://www.homelandsecurity.org/bulletin/current_bulletin.htm (A Not-for-Profit Public Research Institute
Advancinq National Strateqies and Enablinq Results Since 1958)
Commissioner Cindy Gennell - cgennell@winterspringsfl.org