HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 10 03 Minutes to be Approved
October 3, 2001
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday,
October 3, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at Seminole County Public Schools' Educational Support
Center, 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida.
1. Call to Order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Bauer. A moment of silent prayer was held
which was followed by The Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call - The following members were in attendance:
. City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Steve Wolfram
· City of Casselberry, Commissioner Linda Hart
· City of Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender
· City of Longwood, Commissioner Dan Anderson
· City of Oviedo, Councilman Robert Dallari
City of Sanford, Commissioner Art Woodruff
. Seminole Community College, Government Relations Liaison Paul Hull
. Seminole County Public Schools, School Board Member Diane Bauer
Also present were:
· Citizen, Robin Anderson
· Citizen, Stanley Stevens
City of Longwood, City Manager John Drago
Seminole County Public Schools, School Board Chairman Sandy Robinson
. Seminole County Public Schools, Superintendent Paul Hagerty
· Seminole Herald, Reporter Chris Patton
Those members who were not in attendance were:
· City of Winter Springs, Commissioner Cindy Gennell
. Seminole Community College, Vice President David Harrison
. Seminole County Government, Commissioner Grant Maloy
3. Approval of September 5, 2001 Minutes:
Chairman Bauer asked if there were any corrections/revisions. to the September 5,
2001 minutes. There were none. Commissioner Brender moved to approve the
minutes. Commissioner Woodruff seconded the motion. The motion passed
4. Treasurer's Report:
Commissioner Gary Brender, Treasurer, reported that the balance was $1,227.01.
Commissioner Woodruff moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Wolfram
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
October 3, 2001 meeting minutes
Page 2
5. Program A: The State of Seminole County Public Schools
Dr. Paul Hagerty, Superintendent of Seminole County Public Schools, presented
the program. The program included:
A report on the voters' approval of the Sales Tax Referendum. Dr. Hagerty
provided a hand out delineating the construction projects to be completed
using the revenue from the sales tax. Seminole County Public Schools
facilities are in great shape and will continue to improve annually.
· A report on Seminole County Public Schools' test scores and a discussion of
the State's A+ Plan-grading system. The district continues to rank high when
compared to other Florida school districts. There will be a new focus on early
· A discussion of Florida's economy and how it will effect the sales tax
· A discussion of teacher shortages and a program to help remedy the
situation. Seminole County Public Schools, The University of Central Florida
and Seminole Community College will partner to encourage non-instructional
support within the school system to become teachers. Interested employees
will have the opportunity to attend college courses at school sites or SCC.
The school district has 61,000 students.
· Seminole County Public Schools is doing well and will continue to improve
each year.
· Councilman Oallari and Commissioner Brender suggested that each city
representative report on the number of developments approved recently.
· Dr. Hagerty discussed the bomb threat reward. The school district will
partner with the Seminole Co. Sheriff's Office to offer a reward to any student
who reports a valid bomb threat.
6. Other Business
· Discussion of the-July-24~ 200t -letter from 8eminole-C-ountyts-Bepartment-of-
Fiscal Services regarding the distribution formulas for the calendar year 2002
related to sharing the six cents of local option gas tax levied within the County.
Commissioner Brender felt that any agreement that is 15 years old should be
. Commissioner Brender moved to request the Board of County Commissioners
to reexamine and possibly redistribute the local option gas tax with the
understanding that the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County would
be available to assist in the reexamination. Commissioner Wolfram seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
7. Reports from Members:
. City of Longwood: Commissioner Anderson reported on the City's budget.
Priorities are road and sewer improvements, parks, and the city building. Mr.
Anderson discussed the electric franchise.
. Seminole Community College: Mr. Hull discussed budget concerns. SCC is
preparing for an anticipated increase in enrollment. SCC grew by 23%.
. City of Lake Mary: Commissioner Brender reported on the proposed
development of a skateboard park. He discussed the budget process and the
communications tax simplification act. He Eliscussed litigation with a telephone
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
October 3, 2001 meeting minutes
Page 3
provider regarding back franchise fees. Lastly, he reported on the approval of
233 homes on Rantoul Road. The Marriott hotel has completed construction of
its tenth floor.
. City of Oviedo: Councilman Dallari reported on the design of a skateboard
park. Oviedo hopes to be the' home of a new hospital. Florida Hospital is
looking at a piece of land on Red Bug Road across from the mall. ORMe does
not have a specific piece of land in mind. Wal-Mart's application for a Super
Wal-Mart was submitted last year; Wal-Mart has not pursued the proposed
development any further. Lastly, Councilman Dallari announced Oviedo's new
Mayor, Tom Walters, and new Councilman, Russell Todd.
. City of Casselberry: Commissioner Hart reported that the Circuit Court ruled in
favor of the City of Oviedo purchasing electrical system hardware.
. City of Altamonte Springs: Commissioner Wolfram reported on improvements
to S.R. 436. Their Board has not approved any new developments that will
affect school growth. The City is re-evaluating the timeline for improvement
projects. He attended a meeting regarding the widening of Sand Lake Road
from S.R. 434 to Hunt Club. He discussed the City's upcoming election. Two
commission seats are contested. He discussed a grant award of $352,000 from
the St. John's River Management District.
Commissioner Wolfram moved that the Council of Local Governments in
Seminole County's meeting in January be moved from January 2 to January 9
hosted by the City of Altamonte Springs. Commissioner Brender seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
. Seminole County Public Schools: Board Member Bauer discussed purchasing
Arts Alive! tickets for the December 3 performances. She discussed the Lynx
School Pool Program.
8. Public Comments
. Citizen Stanley Stevens hand out an article from the Orlando Weekly titled
"Pulling Strings" for review by the Council.
9. Adjournment by Chairman Bauer at 8:40 p.m.
Volume X, Number 4
Seprember 14, 200 I
Lcr mc express appreciarion (() ;tll of \'011 \\"ho \\'orked so hard in Ihis s:ucs rax exrension campaign. [kno\\' rhar so 1l\;lIlV of ~'ou
worked wirh PTAs and boosrcc smllp' 10 orF:anw' rhe dh>rls (0 IIlform people and rhen ro ger rhe informed people {O rhe polls
011 Tuesday. The vorer lllrnOllr was 42.000. much 1Il0re dun pasr single-issue rurnoU{s of abour 25.000. Tklllks.
?~ J. ~~
The Ten-Ycar Capiral Improvemenr Plan rhar no\\' ell\ includc rhe Sales Ta." revenue will be presemed ro rhe Board for approval soon. The
com billed revcnues of rhe Sales Tax and rhe re~lIl.H Sure ;\IId l.oc,,1 Capiral Revenues will allow rhe disrrict ro complere mosr of irs currenr.
unfunded needs. The roral $277 million progLlllllllcludes rhe fHoJccrs lisred ill rhe dUll below. The Board will complere improvemenrs in all areas
of rhe counry wirh rhis program. The "ddirioll of rhe s.lles ux revenue will allow rhe disrricr ro occupy 200 more permallenr classrooms when school
opens in 2004 rhan are available rod a\'. Thar IS Sp.kC l'lf ,,"cr ~.ooo sllldenrs.
The proposed new schools include me following:
. A new middle school nexr ro Hearhrow E1emenr.H" School ro relieve Ihe overcrowded condirions ar Greenwood Lakes. Ivlillennium and Sanford
Middle Schools.
. A new middle school on CR 419 in rhe Sallctll.lIY de\'e!opmenr in O,'iedo. This school will replace Chiles ts,'liddle School.
. A new high school in rhe Oviedo area. Chiles i\liddlc School will he cOIl\'erred and expanded inro a high school.
Two new elementary schools in rhe easl area of rhe (OlIn(\', Onc will be locared in Wimer Springs on SR 419 and rhe orher will be locared on rhe
Chuluora bypass.
. New primary learning centers (Kindergarren and firsr C;rade) ar Carillon. English Esrares, Pine Cresr, and Renrlev Elemenrary Schools.
The sales rax revenue will also be used ro enlarge and remodel seven "open plan" or "pod" e1ememary schools and rwo high schools. The combina-
rion of sales rax and regular capiral revenue creares a capir:u program dur adds 400 new classrooms and brings all schools up ro an acceprable
srandard. Every srudem will rhen have a healrhy. function:u environmenr wirh equal access ro a variery of curriculum opportuniries. The addirion
of sales rax revenue ro rhe currenr srare and local capiral improvemenr funding will allow rhe disrricr ro comrucr o"er 400 addirional classrooms and
upgrade all of rhe 50+ year old faciliries. The combined program will direcrly impacr over 30,000 srudems.
Altamonte Elem
Convert open plan to self-contained;
add media center; add classrooms
Classroom addition for K-1; multipurpose
space for dining,. etc.
Classroom addition for K-1; multipurpose
space for dining, etc.
Convert open plan to self-contained;
add classrooms
Classroom addition for K-1; multipurpose
space for dining, etc.
Convert open plan to self-contained;
add media center; add classrooms
Renovate and upgrade classrooms;
add TV studio
Convert open plan to self-contained;
renovate, and upgrade classrooms
Bentley Primary Learning Clr
Carillon Primary Learning Ctr
Eastbrook Elem
English Estates Primary learn. Ctr
Forest City Elem
Greenwood lakes Middle
Jackson Heights Middle
conrinllcd on page 3
Anorher Cosr Savings for Seminole County Public Schools - Inside Track Cost Paid by Advertisers
Each issue of Inside Track will contain philosophy or commentary from current or former teachers of the year.
Educarion gives us rhe framework (or undersrallding rhe world around us. It is a casr of mind. a willingness to see the
world wirh ,"I elldless curiosiry and wonder. \Vhen \\'C OI'CII ourselves [(l rhis wonder. rherc is no limir ro rhe learning before us. Our
ddelnma as educarors is how do \\'C' illll'an rhis curiosil\' .111'\ wonder [(lour srudcllls. \,\'c arc pivored 011 how hesr ro edllcare our
sllldenrs. Some believe rhal we le'll'Il bCSI rhmu~h Slrllllllll.t! lr.lllsmissjoll ofkno\\'led~c-hcing rau~lll rhe 1I10sr cOlllplere knowledoe
possible aboul a subjecr. while od,n, believc rh~l wc k.llIl hest I", being giving rhc (n.:doln [() explo;c. I rhink rhar ir is a comhinari~l
of rhe rwo llIerhods rhar bring baLlIlce (() cduCllion. kn(l\\'lnlgc is mulriple and bccausl' of irs lIlulriplicirv. rhere is no one way to
share ir. The rrue mcasure of educHion is nor whar \'(HI know. bUI how you share whal \'llU know wirh orhers.
I.ooking back on my own experiences. I accredir nl\' .success ro I11Y morher. mv rcachers. I11Y belief in God. and my family.
I ofren share mv srory wirh my srudcnts; hoping rhar il \\'illlllspire rhem or gin: rhem hope. The odds werc againsr me succeeding:
I came from a low socio-economic. single-parem home. \\'irh eighr siblings. \Y/e didn'r have much. bur our morher held us to a
higher srandard. She gave us her hesr. moraliry. My reachers recognized my porenrial and encouraged me (0 do I11Y best. It was a
srruggle. bur I did ir nor knowing rhar one dav rhar mv hard work would pay otT. During my senior year. my guidance counselor.
Mrs. Davis. called me inro her office (0 quesrion me abour my plans a(rer graduarion. I rold her rhar I had nor rhoughr about college
because I knew my mother was nor (inanciallv able ro send me. Her response was. "I didn'r ask you rhat." She (Ook me under her
wings. helped my morher and I wirh rhe paperwork and rwo days afrer graduarion. I was on my way to college. Because of her seeing
me for whar I could be and nor for whar I represented and caring enough (0 go rhar exua mile, I am proud (0 say rhar I am the farsr
college graduate in my family.
This spawned my commirmenr ro gi\'e back ro sociery by being Mrs. Davis for my srudenrs. especially rhose who might
otherwise slip rhrough the cracks. Unlike us. our srudenrs roday come ro us wirh exua baggage (divorce. drug addirion. child abuse,
suicide. ere). \Y/e musr accepr them and rheir baggage and rry ro make a posirive difference in rheir lives. Like my mother, I don'r
compromise my srandards and I demand respecr. And like my reachers, I believe in mv srudenrs and dare rhem (0 dream. I
acknowledge their circumstances bur do nor allow rhem w piry rhemselves.
I consider teaching my vocarion. which comes from rhe Larin word c,dling. which comes from rhe word voice. My vocarion
gives voice ro whar I do. Teaching is my calling. Mary Chavas
South Seminol,- Middle
Extend Certificate with Travel to Mexico
Seminole Communiry College has a 10-year hisrorv of raking leachers
ro Mexico for college credir. The focus of rhe courses will focus on
socializarion in a Larin manner. There will be an official applicarion
process rhar will go online soon.
For Spring Break in Term II, lhe leachers will leave for Mexico on
Sarurday, March 9, 2002 and will rerum Sarurday. March 16. 2002.
There will be fwO 3-credir courses offered. Amhropology 2950 (rhis
course has been approved for cerrificarion purposes wirh rhe Florida
Srare Deparrmenr of Educarion.) Also offered will be Physical
Geography 2950. Borh courses can be used for re-ceflificalion of
reaching cenificares. The inrem of lhe courses is ro belfer prepare
leachers for rhe growing number of srudenrs who have a Larin herirage.
In addirion ro rhe cosr of rhe course. rhere is a S 1.300 lfave! expense
fee rhar will cover all air uave!, all ground uanspoflarion. all hOle!
Slays, all enuance fees, all rips. all guides. and some meals. There is a
$400 deposir rhar is required prior ro January 14.
SCPS will offer Ilu shars again (his year for our employees.
The cosr of rhe flu shar will he $13.00. The following
dares and locarions are scheduled:
Wednesday. Ocroher 31:
Transpoflarion. <) am - Noon
Wednesday. November 7:
Lyman Media Cenrer. 2 - 5:30 pm
Wednesday. Novemher 14:
Oviedo High. 2 - 5:30 pm
Wednesday. Novemher 21 (leacher Workday):
ESC Board Room. 10 am - I pm
More informarion will be forrhcoming as we ger closer {()
rhese dares. This informarion will he posred in rhe Inside
Dedication Ceremony
Altennese Bentley Elementary School
2/90 Oregon Avenue
SanfOrd. Florida
3:00 p. m.
Sunday. September 23.200/
will be open on Samrday. September 29. 2001
from 9 am to Noon.
New location at
1211 Mellonville Ave.. Sanford.
Lors of don:Hed supplies (0 be given away FREE!
Teachers need to bring a paycheck smb and picmre 10.
. :.~,
',I .,:.
Is..a. grouPOf"O~!!;f91!(~~m!ijg!~~Ctlgpty
,~evelopers dictatipg;~ei1"iJIJ~lb~ijf~I/I)()licy?
IlY Jm1U.Y C. 1l1l.lM.'J';
Indeed, given Its status as an unoflicial who note that Semlnole.County hears opment restrictions. including the densit..
committee, the Development Advisory only about t2 cases a year in which peo- issue. according to its initial "goals and .
O ..n.J.un.e.. 4...' Mike. .1....1. a.....t.t8way., who Board (DAB) has wresled from the county ,pie ar:e denied permits because of the law issues" statement.
is chairman of a small but an startling amount of taxpayer:paid'sup- the DAB wanted to change, The end "Have you ever seen the plaque that
powerful group In Semtriole port. County staff members draw up the resUlt, tlleY say, woOld be.to open up all of people put on the ""dll that has a picture
County that calls itself .the' agendas for the board's monthly meet. southeastern Seminole to higher-density of an. Indian?" Hattaway asks when ques.
Delil.lloPJUeritAd1tisoryBoard, ings, which take place the first Monday of constTU<;!ion. In fact. the county i:Ommis. tioned about the DAB's role in Seminole
put the panel'S influence. to the test. each month in a county building. Staffers sian eventually ~ with the activists. politics. '''To really understand me (the
Board Uieinlieili dldnollike the diligently attend those meetings. aM the. shelvlll8the pro~t8ri4 instead focus. pictured Indian says I. you have to walk a
COtllltyg()vem.J:D~t:s~licy county is expected to maintain a record of ing on fixing the situationS of those few mile in my moccasins.' We're the muc.
for allowiilgMrncS to be the board's proceedings. MOreover, the lando~ers the DABcla!ined to want to casin~."
... ~bUlft'On}i1i-allililds.Tbey board demanded aili! now has a voice in '. .helpfudivid~aUY.. .' In other words. the DAB is the coun.
.,;Wt'ufe,pollcy,'\>;IUclt .' . personnel decisilins alTectingthe county's- . Buttliat'sjust one of many conlrover. ty's "focliSgroup" Jordevelopment issues,
':"almed'.tolli"eSer"\'''Cajiortlon plamiing and development arms. Board sial proposaJs the OABhaS bad Its. h.and or. perhaps. "a. bunch of volunteers doing
of semli1QleCoUlitY:$(apidly dis- members also Iuve made It their business in In~thllt',1t SQi,i~ttO..~ . this as community service." he suggests.
a:p~nn:g'g~iiRa~byllmit, to review and make recommendations. on Seminole's proposed~ilsOtdjnaiJceto But others, including' members of the
lnghow.J1WlyTIOill;eScoujd be spending the county's $6.6 million "104 permit.moreconstructldn~along Walking county'sstaIf. don'tsee it that way. One
built in eertalri i.oneS:'wal;too fund," which is collected from permitting and biking paths.;!it.Old 1he;couitty hOw former staffer who asked to remain
restriptive;1'\l.ey.~t~.a~ian and building fees and finances mucl1 of to spe~a teee. '.ntly. ~...PP,io.Yedl.:. ....~osion of anonymous saystltli DAB never became
that WaSlnO~fa:VOl'lible to'. the county planning department's opera' a one<entsa1es taJ6:Alld Itliastaken.aim official because itS members didnit want
. d(!\'eiQpea:~d;~kJ!lI:Qte. tianal budget Perhaps most significant. attliedata upon." - to deahvith the con.
"colUltffo.cdilstder1llilliliiga the DAB also has been given authority to wWcJi the !X>\U1ty: . . . Ilict-of:interest scroti.
...clJ....:I.OO:3nge.. ~.....,.. .....~~"'.'.Ut.ot..,~......lli...."..'..'..a~....,~t.....afdlo'rI..n. e review all proposed changes to the coun. ~ its building.. .... '. The"'. wer. e ny the state's open.
. _.. 'H"'" '" ty's land:use plan. . restricti,()ll$'inf1oiid::'~ J gO\'ernment laws
.' i'r$l1a,l:id'\lSe.pllUl. 'Tdsay \heydefmitely have a lot of wnes.. '.' ...=.....h.....u..a.ck.l.n.g.S.em ..,'.nole require.
.the county would . clout," says Seminole County stilliaattawaY:)'.. Hattaway defends
':::i~~t~~oo ;~~:~~::~~Jo?[~~~~'~~~:::~ve" .~~=~~CQunty. That's the ~~a~~~~:C~:~g it
'.' '.thee~ht.DWn' more influence than other boards~' of folksji1st trying to: . most. .'appropr,'ate more "healthy" to be
her group of develop. Perhaps that's because of who's on it. help out"locaJ govern. private and equating
. ',l!I'li..btl!1~e~lI.?,d,engi. MClllbersinClude Hattaway. the owner of .ment-Apparently,the t the OAB with the
,1l~- ...~. ...", Hattaway Realty. whoonee pushOO the: ..... '.~lUItydisag~,At..... .. erm w~can COrne Sierra Club. "They
.....;.....:......",Y...............~.."trt"~.~j~,:~~toCOlID,ty\()qWidruple denSity ZClningon . .thllSCPt.;'ll)J:llJhi*t'::.U...,. n............,.W.......~...I..th.................'.... have far more influ.
n pi'Pi>erty;llcownedinChulllota;'l;arry. .ing,-andaioee!taller.'. . M... encethan we do," he
.I)ale,thebtlll)'lrigformerSaqf,ord~r :OrlartdoWe!ikIY ....... ..' . . says, "and they're not
e::'YWho~llt1y heads the Saliford.()rltilid6 lautiCbM itS:inqulti . , under the (coullty
. "'.::!)AVjapaJ:lAuthority; HughHa.riUl&iui.:,.): intq:!l1e DAB'~ undtleJn.ll!1~ County . ..' ColDmission)." . .'
\r':'e~OOt''\''ibObas riled envirQrimerl~~" M .. G~~ilWel1 up witlr i ..Butileither Sierra Club nor any other
..~7\:.S~~_~~~~~~e~i\-/:~:~~.~, .., . ~~~: ::f~~~!~=~:tWiE~:t~
gb ::~coIIIOckbatd1~RlVl:!r;AII~-G91dbetg,-....~ inembe~'~ . ...ti).',Jreii;of-cl1arge;h.and-dellvered: The DAB
t.';'WI1oO\YrlsCFGReaJooteGrouinliid" .".oPlih1tiWemJnen ...... ." ~CotilliCt.ot. does.
won the county's backing in his su=. intereSt disl:rcJsureS:~:orsii:Ygoodbyeto.. Much Qf the board's prominence Ill;'::.
cUI effort tochallenge denSity restrictions .the generous staff.hO,Uis aIidassi$tance in fact. lie in its secrecy. Until just twu
in the environmentally sensitive Wekiva . that Seolinole COuntyi:urrenUy proVides weeks ago. even Commissioner Maloy
Rliler Protection Area; Bill Miller. the to the JiriVate body...... '. '. '.. didn't know the DAB was opcrati'lg
owner of Suda.lnc. who lias bum homes, For the secOnd tlIile:in itSlh'e'Yeaz:bis, without official sanction. (Other com.
in Central FloridaJor more. than 20 }'l!ars. tory, DAB members:r#ect,ed.thl:~'s missioners did not return Orlando
and pl:eV:iolislyheaded theHoineBullders,'prefeting .oynut1toad.inY:.. Weekly's calls requesting comment.)
AssocIl/:Qoll.Cit'1>fld-Florida: andJoMsc .' '" ;~d>' Moreover; the courtty'eommission would
H(l'Ne.II;th,l!:fp~cbllil'Jll8l1ofthe:" .;, .' ;Wlllm: ...o?'~f.'.;.' some,tittlesdelaY voting on new laws'
'~'ASs0ci2tioiiOf .... .<...~QiitbtOil~ .the:QA{3'l;' . . $llcltaS the 'trails Oro!llance, until the
''''UtiiisinessgrliuP that<. ..... rolit1ijUhe,:.' " '. ,tbiW#.d.,.DAB'I:llld ac;hance to review them and
~~;;.J~~ty... ;....~..,:... '-/f~:~:':;:';'" jE~~~f:~~~I~~j~~~~~:d'
'eSIeJtaClti\1'.&!id,.;;'r',)t1'\ ... .-'. . .>;ureD~\Yasanothetfot'J1\al advisory
,.;~...';:!t~~~zt~~~~~~'" .' ~~:~~:~.J~S ........ .,~a~....:~~7;::.0~:;:'~:::[OP.
, 'so .factof.fifuildevelot>able wetlaridSwhim.'. board.~., . . ... . ..... :':'i>"i~\:<,'., ." ,'.:1.":(' . .ment:reVlew director. also was unsure of
tOO!': sUbdii{idlng(oC:futUre develollm~rit. Sl\Y And really,givei1'tlIeir:Boulalready,C' the DAB'slegal ~tatus as of last week.
. ",. yOu 0\Vtl 10 acr~ nine of whic!J are::pro- whYwOwd.they wariho.~ef' . .", ..'\'., though he dealt with Its members regu.
tectedWi:t1andS, and you [ivelon land . .'. '. '.':'..," larly.
. zoncd.Jor one house per five acres: the TheDevelopm.ini'A~;Bo;ird: . Don Fisher, Seminole's planning
DAB wol11dlEit you subdivide .arld build came tolifci.n Sep~rl9!i6~'aitOf:t': department manager and a former DAB
two houses;. whereas You previously could shoot of the Priva~ BilSinesSA.ssoclatlon member. says it simply didn't occur to the
'build only one. . of Seminole County;~ 6iJrt of sinal1:jlus\, . county until recently to force the board
.' . The DAB argued that its idea, which ness Chamber orCo.ilJme~tO~'yt.eW" into the open. It was, he says. the way
f\altawayCaJIs"the most misunderstood . and streamline the,~ ta~.~te4.. ~ were - and the staff saw no real
l:lue that's'ever been in Seminole . withbUlldingandde'e\bP\!Jg.'''''~.D{W;. need toch,ange them. "A lot of times," he-
County," Wl!5n't meantto bene.fit develop- . accord!tig to coun~M$:1~;~th Says. "you start these boards. {and] every
el's: 1ti.ther, It was intended to help small the full knowledie;ll!:t)l.'~,ciC(~,.' .noY{ and then you have to st~p back -
property owners who wanted to build county commiSsIon. It:wan~ a ~~r staff Is doing that right no\\(':. ,
another house on ther site. and more flexible !aild4~\'e~nt COde. HattaVla~', however, doesn t think sta[f
Not.so, counter slow.growth activists. a more "positive" stl\t'r ili1d to relax devel. CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
ORlANOOWHKlY / $epiemO€r 1.1 to 19.2001.-15
, a....A.~tJ. 4
"'.. .~. h""
debate ~ootir
bers, nolegat\~dingt '.'
adhere to the:StaWs"g'<&e '.'
sunshine la~im(tf~{it Sir, . 'C\iriiu..
latlve.~it\l(p'r.J.#~k.Pe~~iJi~l#tng-:: .
connectf~Jn.lI-SUlaq,tQ.wri 'P<lU~(car': ... .' ~
atmaspl\ere,;.'absaluteJy'no'rigtit to UitoW
its ~ltht''iiti)U,nd.''...:;~".-;,.:~'>).'.:.,.. ',' ...
But Ifd~-.(\Irthe'furie;"; .">
"Th'ey \verelillltcltlng-SetilrriOle.'
County," saya,Qt!!Xii:lh'Sohaf\lr; presidenl
of the SoutheaSt~le Voters
Association. "Thal'lJthe niOst appro'pnate
term wo can come up with." .
CONTINVE~,f~~~_,f'NlE'iSj;;'::'+;,:4\;,"'."Ma'~.1till!1~ce,.SisllPIY replied, "Huge'
tnvolv~ll:le~~\sa~r.i,lsSlng,l~S\lei~nP!@:;!:'~C\l.-U!,eS:!~Il~e5j.i,oi1.J\!k"l.ida le~.bi1t a
Ihatll'$.a,heJIQlYP.l:9c ~Olll~>' te,"No comment.-
a fewpeOple~ob~.".... 'J~~(" ,. ..~ytheD,@has
do are [PtolilStlilll'].lt's.'a'tll1; ..e,tO:', ii;'lSAnajdasays,'
per~~~t~~t~~t;~~,:~~~~,;[;it,;;.,;,. ..~~rtt;out
when he disCoVe~ed liow)ttiic:latatr,liWe\;<~; , '. 'ClI,,~ . .\."
waS de;voted,IQthe.DAB '-aboufhalf a:,::':,,:'J'..,. . "flS'the OAa'srole; To give
dozenstaff~rs, if notmo(-;i,<lttended'eo,ie't'Y.. Jhed.evti1opmentCQli)!hurlity a voice,
meeting, SQurces say. ..' <,'. "'1':h3t'~hQW We do~ says Anajda..
Stil1,tl10 DAB never received much"S<iin~tintes wei!iaycome to terms and
attention from the publlc~namely; we cha~thjngs.~
because r\oone knew it exIsted ., even. ^tthe DAB:s .'
though its mceting'so[ficla,lly were open, request.;. the county 'Only a few people
When thede.nslly issuesurlaCCd; speqa' c!wl&edthe trails
tors. suchastheSierra Club's Aridrea' .0.rdlnarU:eslgliifi- wh.o have nothing
Holman, began trickllng.in,. '. . . canUy, ';' ..
Reficctingllo that silddenattentiOQ, '. Last year. better to do are
Anajdasays;"We'mayrieCd'abiggert'Ci6m ~riol!iYoters . .
ILmore P'l9ple show up,; He,eveJ:l)J,inted app~.acounty.. [protesting] It's a
the uno[fi7ia~ DA8mayli:lve l<? li'ove to w!d.eJ~I/;S~eren".. .. . .
thecotlij1ltSS1oncham!>erStoaccotlUllO' d,wn,d~lIlgthe . non. ,........i.s....s..ue to 99.9 per-
datc a'crowd,.' ' ".CQUnty:lil(Ol"llla.: .
.' ',... '. trailslXilltmittee-to t. f th lInt'
It'Sdoi1b.i{ul.',.ariY.line"'Ptild~.itbo. il( ,"o~~e,uOd~i'the' ..... cena e co~y
theDAB~s.s:ta~,u$"itthei.d1~!t ~~'.isS'ii~:.,: ::.:StiilSlili1.f;tta'll;",'apd-,_.t ~~'-' .-'
,Vith its pro~l$" or;.tndte P.ilin@!y,,:;;j;et~ljir~.fothOW' '.'
the inQuence DAJ3 irieint,;,rs:ap~i:itly..}Ii\f;tri\~IS.i1etworky.~uld affect property
~~ f:~C:~~t~~~~=ri~ . ':,f\d~~tb~i1~alt'~ropOsal cantebclore
forme.rs~er;s'del:lined,jO.~1l$~P ~.'; ....~#l,Ii,lty~oninJuly,ttd~la..ved
record With Orlando wee~lY bi:ca\1se lliey Its~te.to 'gtve the DAB and~other: IIlter-
feared for tbe(r:Jobs; a~-.Qne.tX~1iifter,put ....~,~es~ti~tO.review it. Along
It,"1 ma~: w";l1tto~ork~lri~!1.l~~;h;...::":WllJ:1 ~!'i>pertY:righ.~'attomey't <:;hristy
Col!ntyJagJltn- Iia!\lw ~Il!~~<j~,:,~ r,}$"fal~Jhe .PAll. ~~te .a more develop;.
theIr JOb. beca. ." u. se. m.. ';t.. .h;!.~;~~.U...II:."'!h....,. ~. <:...;,....:..lI)en. '. ,.t. {ri:... emil. '.. '.y Ol'dt.I)ance..' '. .to a..l.lOW .
sourcedcclmed;to glV . pli!l;.;'"; ..."....~CI'OSSIngs of.the tnnl.by adja-
more crOSSIll~S [or tile railroad track that
ran along the road and, i[ the ordinance
passed, along the trail as well. .
The. idea, the Sierra Club~ Holman
contends, wasn't to proteclprpperty own-
en;'along the. trail; many of whom ha<!
negollated their crOSSing rights ~ars ago.
Instead, she says. Wilson and the PAB
. wanted to open up land along the trail for
retail development in the burgeoning
Bullhat wasn't the only change.
Among others:
removing a clause
that said a benefit of
the trails system
was to allow users
to move in one
direction for long
distaoces, "without
the frequept stop-
ping for cros.~ traf.
fie." The DAB also
askedthe county to
remove any refer'
ence toraUroad-
crossmgrights and
to "regu!<\t!l vehicle
crossings:' not "limit traffi~ nO~~
The county went along ,With thOse
changes, But while not evel')'DAB' recom-
mendation made it into the't1ewQrdi.
nance.which goes back to the'tiaUs com'
mittee for review tIii.$ montli. U\l!. DAB
hadasignHicant Impact ~!r!lhl.i:; ltolman
addS, because the trails Committee is 01Ii-
clal;aqdthe DAB is hot. .';:,' :,'''.
othetofficial task it tak,eSon:Nearly
half ol':evel'y DAB J;lleetin.i:'~~r. is
spept !liS<;tlssingWaYs iOaIlQca!l:Speoo. ...
. ingfro".lM"l~(f1p1d"~afuf14~e UP.'.
of publlc'dollars, :Uthougli lill~WiIY .'
repeatedly refers to it in an interview a:'l
"our monev." .
Beyond'that. Hattaway says. the OAR
merely provides technical expertise to
~aff. "That's where we have the biggest
Impact," he says. "We're one piece of the
puzzle, .but wc're not the whole puzzle." -
TypIcally, Fisher says, the meetings
are mutually beneficial: Staff asks the
DAB what it thinksof an idea, and th"
DAB offers its reaction and suggests
changes. If staff agrecs, the changes gu
ahead. If staff doesn't, the DAB's r<,com.
mendations are simply attached to the
proposal as it moves on throu~h the plan.
mng process.
How much of a role DAB member.,
have in hiring and nrin~ county workers
is unclear: Grace and Fisher say non~.
except the one occasion where a DAB
member was asked to sit on an interv.cw
committee. The former county st3ffer.
however, disputes that. With high-rank,
Ing offiCials, the source says, the DAB
could have as many as three members
helping to select employees; cven with
low,level jobs. the DAB had a say.
"They really. haven't done that [inter.
viewsl." Grace counters. But it appears
the DAB wanted to,
At its Nov. 2. 1998. meeting, Hattaway
brought up the idea of "DAB members
being contacted wheilit comes to hiring
Individuals within the land-development
division." according to the minutes of
that session. Though, as one member put
it, the DAB didn't want to "micro-man.
age," the board did want "input.'.
. . Then-plallning director Gil
. Bac\renstoss. who declined comment for
this article; told the board a DAB member
:wall present. when he was interviewell.
~1~IlI'GrBntM;doy~[)1#e .' . Orange'sninemembericross'ldeological
.,,~~.~ ~~<l9-"'", bo~lndn~i~ fniIIi1!iivirillunentaJ'
r.'t:IidCc'VanDef_"..lstltlo~tmJ: '." . ". . ." .' .
E~~, jr:~~Y.
'. "~others,).. ;"'''-''''~''',;o''';''''.troUedby'~P.Ii~e:'' forms. th.e..~. ,.funct.loilsa&.Orange's
As a bl)a. '&i.l..' .... -''':'''',.;;;",'' -. '. ; '. . .... . . Tbe;ImpUCl'!llon.' . DAB,In eoii~t; he insists his group Is a
rarelygotlnVli! .M:' _.'.~,~lI~~e~'l9nd;pf. COJ!:U11ltte,e membersMSOUlidin( board. "Anclll's not the filial
BuHts:indiV1d'. bii'~'. __ .' h "ffi"'~,')s,.+k;(" ~ ,'S<ly,'~linc1l!njable. .'. ~rd;el~i;Pio~lsuiUsigotl)rough
soUretlnJes'<<ld,"'iisflike an ":'i:l~ ue aU ,U It; curve ~M:alOY!;8,~he.\IIent. . the planQibglUld ~board. the COWl'
zen. -.vrith.a...ci>.,iii..p.l..~. t;.".";.:!'\':~."~.'~;:";'i.';'" ." y'" u~~ .' ',', ::"W,,;'. 'gO' .":;';.. "~ " alQng~t,hlrls~lIowtycoD1li1isSfuriaridiitSomecases. the
,;~ the:rOi-mer#iiffeji.~Yi.:OAB in~ "; ,,,' ~'Aa ':: ~. :~Q!1. p8m :lJlOre ~.linn."'" g.....~. .~.....~.'.(he... '....up "'. ~.'. t..~."-s ~...~..... ~'beco' .'.t .DU.'a! ~.'Ia'mm.. ~.'.u.nity
berS,:.the'sOun:Apo\J;lt$i4paittcillattO''''~-' 10 do " "- ,."p ':, .' r nww"""""~ ng ~
Daleanil'Harllrig*!18dtm~~:> ~;~ri . '.,.. ~;;::. ." pMgt.esslve on,Ia!;6r.;1 di"n.;~"OP.~ . ,. stilI. actl~ say; vmen. the DAB Uex.
they got wbat-:the,r~ted.. dl$lnd,the~s./.iS;~. ";~hl:tiYlStS.,~., /i. "b"e' .'iiI..'"g 'I:~ :th'e 1:'wahes k1sandY$.. o' .flbeCaa....d o~J .. ones IthelS. musdco. .m'pees.'tmyngthInSttafte~ltt'ggetsroups.a 1~'~eP
scenes.(Daleandffatlifigrwere~d1lng>~;:~6lila"" .. .'..'....... . U ~~ .~ . .~ n'
inQueqq. Thej'e's)iO dou~abOiJ~~L,,!i\;:~: '.. '. 'sdo'iii(;'~ .. , ,deaL". keptWQtidefjng.~SchafersaYs."wby we
AseV1dence,j1~'@s~lntto'then~"'i.:ftr th'txJi'inA..';'-' :~,.,J.mshlneJ . ~eventhqugh,he werehavfngtrOub!B~througlito
cosutroundlng BaleisBOal'liNestHUiif:+"'-'ciil . oriers ~it'" .' . ~ t oothe.~ Uie.staff;~,,!Ioesn:t'staffbeit us?t"
a~~l992.real~J~'a~~;;I~~~e':~=liL~~'(jaryl' , .' . hesumsituppeJ~~;~~,~~a~~~=~fg~:
looked Into buy\ngthe LeVy Tract,a 149'" . . .fast:rorWard six years: In 2IXXl, .' behlrut the curve on being more progres- us. M
acre piece of Seminole County property ." . Semlnolewters agreecfto tax theinselves !rive on being in the Sunshine." he s3y$. Under the new policy, Grace S<lY5. the
then valued at $149,000. MQSt oCthe land, to buy ~recreatlolitands and . . . DAB wiUhave exactly the same minimal
he says, was below the! hlgh.water mar:k' .lmprovethe county's trall.program, And In many ways, O;.mge CoUnty', DAB staff support afforded to the Sierra Club
and belonged to the state anyway ";' only InMay. the natural.lands committee differs from Seminole's: For starters. Its tb H II
. 2S acres. he says, Wore "a~ualland." He . began coni;lder\ng a buY.lJack 0( tbe . members are covered under the Sunshine or e ome Bu ders' A'iSOClatlon.
. . otr'ered the owner $1,000 an acre, and." . . Boars Nest lease.lndeed'a buyout clause . law _ thoy're appointed. they disclose B~~ SchU~rvinced. In fact. he
. planned to build lakcfrOr1t home on apor.' '..10. theleas881IOws thO'oemnty to take..... . their fll1al1Ces, and they do not meet to says. may enshroud the DAB in
lion. then deed the rest to the county; In ,", ... backtheianht thelo.:~ intervall(lt discuss the board's busIness Without ~~~~ ~ ::,~~ ::I::~ings.
the mlddle of his negotlations. Hurricane.'. '. reC1.iIIds the'group', $280,001 Investment, posting a public notice. "All that's going to do," he says, "Is make
Andn:w struck, and Logue wentto. "'; 'Stin; Bale reportedly was none too Moreover. Orange's DAB has absolute- sure we never find out wbat they're
Mlall)1. When he came bact,< six monlhs happy, According to one county official. Iy no say In hiring and firing, says plan. doing." +
'~t..r, hp. 1~.m"" Ihp. l~n(JhRrt heen "fHeJ blew a ~kct." Soon after, says Ding manager Chris 'l'Csterman_ And E-mailjbil/man(iilOriandowerkJ!I.com
.... :
~i.;::~:. .
:,;..... .
J', ~"
."'-~ '.~
~J. Qf.S.cmP-llOlI ~UJllif.l ;iIARI ~
Lake Mary High fienovate and upgrade classrooms: add
perlormmg arts center/classrooms. upgrade
Inedla center $20.000.000 2002 2006
L"ke Onenta Elem Converl open plan to self.conlalflcd.
rClloviltC. .1nd upgr<1de c1assrOOlll~:' $.1.000000 2007 2009
New f::lcrllcntary School Provldc relief III the OVlcdo arC;1 site all
Ciluluota ly,pasS S 11.000.000 2003 2004
New Elementary School To provide relief in the OVledo.V\'rnter Springs
,1Iea/slte on CR 419 Ir1 Winter Spnngs S 1 0.500.000 2003 2004
New Hrgh School Expand eXlstll1g Chiles Middle $29.000.000 2006 2009
New Middle School Provide relief for Greenwood Lakes,
Millennium. and Sanford Middle/sHe
next to Heathrow Elementary $22,000,000 2004 2006
New Middle School Replaces Chiles/site on CR 419 across
from Partin $21,500,000 2004 2006
Oviedo High School Renovate classrooms: add P.E. facility,
band and chorus rooms, general classrooms $30,000.000 2006 2010
Pine Crest Primary Learnrng Ctr Classroom addition for K-1; multrpurpose
space for dining, etc. $3,250,000 2008 2009
Red Bug Elem Convert open plan to self. contained;
add classrooms $7,000,000 2009 2011
Sabal Point Elem Convert open plan to self-contained;
add media center; add classrooms $6,500,000 2011 2013
Seminole High School Renovate classrooms; add auditorium
and general classrooms $35,000,000 2006 2011
Spring Lake Elem Convert open plan to self-contained;
renovate, and upgrade classrooms $3,500,000 2007 2009
Sterling Park Elem Convert open plan to self.contained;
add media center; add classrooms $6,500,000 2007 2009
Tuskawilla Middle Convert open plan to self-contained;
renovate, upgrade, and add classrooms $12,000,000 2005 2009
We kiva Elem Convert open plan to self-contained;
renovate, and upgrade classrooms $3,500,000 2007 2009
Winter Springs Elem Convert open plan to self-contained;
add media center; add classrooms $6,500,000 2002 2004
The Foundation for Seminole COUIHV Public Schools allocates gtams tor classroom projects or total school/district projects that enhance education.
Awards are presendy funded up to $ 500. The 2001-2002 application can be downloaded/viewed on the Seminole County Public School"s website h ..
under The Foundation or an application can be obtained by calling the office at 320-0181.
The Foundation is a 50 I (c)3 non-profit organization that supportS programs not funded by tax dollars in our schools. Last year. over $45.000 was
awarded to 43 differem schools. Awards were given for creative and innovative projects in the classrooms that enhance and meet distria and school
goals, Since the Mini-Gtam program started in 1989, over 800 gralHs have been funded totaling $2-:'-.000 that direcdy impacts the classroom.
Congrarula[ions to the following school hoard nurscs who rc-
ceived national certification in school nursing: Nancy Frost,
Patti Gantt, Nancy laCasse, EileenMcGadin. and Linda Sloot.
Passing the cxam elHidcs thc nursc (() use the professional tidc
of National Certified School Nursc (NCSN) after her name
along with thc RN tide. Rccciving this denotcs that [he nurse
is a specialist in the field of school nursing and Seminole County
Public Schools is vcry proud of their accol1lplishrnclH, Nation-
wide thcre arc only approximately 2000 school nurses that have
national certification,
Inside Track Changes
,\,; a COSl-Sa\'lI1g measure. limiteu ad\'errising is noW being included
10 cllIUlI1ale the cost of prinling the III.fid, Tmd.:. por more informa-
tion on adn,rtising. call Community ItI\'oh'cmcnt at 407-320-0176,
Seminole County Public Schools does not endorse any company
or product, including the advertisers in the Inside Track, SCPS
is not responsible for statements made by the advertisers or for
the content of editorial III atcrial.
If nlu ha\T information HIU woulu like 10 ha\'c published in the
Iwidl' Fr.,.}.:. e-mail the information 10 rosalie_nlOracc@scp".kI2.fl,us
at leas! ten working days prior to publication, If rou ha\'e any ques- -
tions, please call 320-0185,
The Lead Teacher Stipend will be paid on Seprember 28. 2001 and the $850 Retention Bonus will be paid on OClOber 12, 2001. Borh of the
payme/lls will be included wirh rhe employee's biweekly check. The Lead Teacher Stipend (supply bonus) \\'ill be paid ro cenifled reachers
employed on or before Seprember I, whose lull-rime job responsibiliry is rhe classroom insrrucrion of SlUdellls in 1(.12 and full.rime media
specialisrs and guidance counselors who serve 1(.12 slUdellls. Job share parricipanrs are eligible for a 50% sripend. The Lead Teacher Sripend is
non.raxablc and will nor be rdlecred as income on \V.2s.
The srare guidelines tor rhe SW>(} Rerenrion Bonus arc:
I, All 1(.12 reacher base emplm'ees arc eligible. including guidance counselors. social workers. school psychologisrs, media
specialisrs and learning resOllrce reachers.
2. The emplo~'ee musr hold a ,'alid Florida EducalOr's Cerrificare.
J. The emplovee musr have recei,'ed an annual performance evaluarion of sarisfaclOry (no Nl"s or U's) in 2000-200 I.
4. The employee musr have been emploved in a full.rime capaciry by a Florida school disrricr in 2000.2001 and rnusr be
employed full rime by a Florida school disrricr in 2001.2002. NOTE: rhis irem does allow new reachers 10 Seminole
Counry 10 receive rhe $8S0 IF rhe reacher raughr full rime in a FLORIDA school disrricr and received a sarisfaclOry performance
evaluarion LAST YEAR.
S. The $850 bonus is subjecr 10 applicable raxes and orher deductions.
6. The bonus \\'ill be prorared IF rhe emplovee does nO! work ar leasr 99 days chis year. which is rhe Srare definirion of a year
of service,
7. There were no funds appropriared by che Scare for cricical area bonuses for rhis year.
Informacion and Organiz3rion Meeting for interested persons is scheduled for
Wednesday. Ocrober 3, 200 I at 3:30 pm in the
School Board Meering Room at the Educational Support Center.
Learn abour rhe unique partnership with Seminole Communiry College
and the University of Central Florida lO help prepare our employees (0 become classroom reachers.
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