HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 09 20 Letter to Teri Hunalp ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone: (407) 327-1800 Fax: (407) 327-4753 E-mail: contactus@winterspringsfl.org September 20, 2001 Ms. Teri Hunalp East Central Florida Regional Planning Council 1011 Wymore Road Winter Park, Florida 32789 Dear Ms. Hunalp: Commissioner Cindy Gennell suggested that I contact you to confirm your attendance and presentation to the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Meeting on November 7,2001 at the City of Winter Springs. For our Agenda, I will need the title of your presentation and the names of those who will be making the presentation. If any equipment or special arrangements will be required, please notify me. If I can be of any further assistance, please contact me at the above address or call me at (407) 327-5965. Sincerely, ~~ Debbie Gillespie Deputy City Clerk . . Debbie Gillespie From: Sent: To: Subject: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces Thursday, September 06, 2001 4:57 PM Debbie Gillespie FW: For CALNO Debbie, could you do these, and then let me know the status, please. ~ Call Pricilla Knight at the Dept of Community Affairs (850) 413-9970 and ____ ~ get Eve Rainey's job title, and mailing address. Then write Eve a letter - -, asking her to confirm her attendance and presentation at our November 7, I A r.... "A A~ (l ~ CALNO meeting and ask her how she would like her presentation to be listed on r ~V-. - - -...J 5UPf~ the agenda'4~3 -- 16 S-- ~1 Also, call the East Central Florida Regional Planning cou~ and find ~D ~~-~ out the correct spelling of Terri Hunlap's name and her job title, as well as ~ that of Malcolm Trigg (or Triggs). Then send both of them letters asking them '_A' ~., to confirm their attendance at the November CALNO meeting and ask them how ~tl .. lAJI~ .J"I A they would like their presentation to be listed on the agenda. (You may want 'd--7-S~ or UA..!' l(A./Uf to send the letter just to Terri Hunlap with a copy to Malcolm Trigg, _ (_ fiLl, <LA including him in the body of her letter because they are to give a joint ()OUJ..- '71 ~ presentation. rv ~ _ I Both of their presentations will be similar and maybe actually combined into ~ one agenda item anyway. . -::2. "\3 06 - di(:tj Thanks. If you have any questions, I'll be around next week. i..I c::7\ l- f - - Cindy Thank you, Andrea. Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC City Clerk City of Winter Springs Telephone: (407) 327-1800 x227 Facsimile: (407) 327-4753 ----Original Message- From: Cindy Gennell AOL Sent: Thursday, September 06,2001 5:17 AM To: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces Subject: For CALNO Sometime this month, please do the following: lU; Huna.lp m~e61m -r,: 85 f~ ~ tl1l ~ k;6YL .~ .;Jt \) / D(/ uJ If''l6~f) J q w~ ~o~18( ~rOll~ tCC11tLj I FriJqr 0.'>>1 CbordlM ~( %~~~:~1.t " ii1J'tIHt I 6b~Lt/\\t.{O 1 f,JO - Lf'8'fJ(731 ('~ ~. -:I~< ~~' . ; ... .~ .. · N "'''' ..."" ...0 ...~ ." H- :z: ( ~. 1 ~ tIl C Gl -c ~-c~ .... -cfll-cGlo III ~ ~~~~ ~ IIl~O~oa;Ql Ql<(ZLlZQlE :s....~ _-=::J f.f) III c:: Ql"'C -c en Z . Iii ... Ql ....J Ql Ql 0 .- ~'i:i -Ea.t1iZ~ ===~:.!E:J:J~~ ~~>UGlen(J):J... l_oc:::;::ooOlll ::),S:I::;)4(ZZO::O b.€ 00 0 Ll Ll 0 Ll , en C:J z <( - 0 a: - a.. '<t ex: ",MO "'" '<t ....J . U. 0> a: ex: - 0> W uj~~ I-I-Z' zena::g -<(0..1'- ~ Wen N > <0 M Na: u..~w o ~!z 3: ~ () ~ 1~ :2 ~~ 'u ~ ]I 5 ~ - ~ 8.::J ~ "- :::t. - -= ..... - - - ...., ~ ~ =i :if ~ ~ ''frt'''''' 0'> f?-8~-';;:~~E' . c: c: 5:1 ro c: .Q ~ C'l ..... Q) N a:: ('i') ro -c ro -cro-c "C 0 'C 0...Q 0::: 0 -rol.L.Q)l.L. c: -.... ~ ::::lroo~ :r:~Em 'C a5 ~ a... Q) ()::> .... I-~ .$ . en c: ~.~ ~ ),;j ~ 4~ ~~ ...:!:j....... , \"- ~ .r-- :.~ 'J-' :".': ;1.t +., rt..... ," ::t- ..';i "? .... :'t. ~ -.;.,;; :t, :~~.. !~ ~: ....':1