HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 09 21 Fax Re: Reservations for Various People lAC /-:JO /-:JIAIA 1 iAO.<< unT T nul.l T T"'\t= T ue: ... /1IA,?<-:J'?,1'?c;< nlA1 un COj 01-22-92 04:40 P.Ot \ Sl:pll:mhcr 21, 2001 I'hc HOllorable WI,;!"') b6k~1 ('itv of San liml 16()S W cst I i" Street Sanford, Florida 32771 cu(')oJ)r (J. P C Dear Commissioner ~,.J\..,tcith--_'"" 1)lcasc 1ind attl:lchcd a copy of the Agenda f<)r the upcoming October 3, 2001 CALNO meeting. Plcasc complcte thc bclow portion of this form prior to ~oon, Friday, September 28, 2001. R FS ER V A lIONS: Due by Noon, Friday. Sl:plCmbcr 2,8, 200 I. ~" , (\ f' (' i~') Name ofOrg,mila'ion: _~, --=.: t _~.J {!.~L ,.,\.t f~Y Name of Attcndcc: ",__ f___VV C..{::~ {-L( - _J ..~ 1 WILL BE IN ATTL~NDANCF: _~ I WILL NOT BE IN ATn~NDANCE: :FAX RESPONS.: TO (407) 327-4753 ..J. 09/27/2001 16:05 4075718123 C I TV AL T AMmHE SPGS PAGE 01 September 21 , 2001 The City Of Altamonte Springs Office of the City Clerk 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 34701 Attention: Ms. Sharon Miller, Deputy City Clerk Dear Ms. Miller, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda for the upcoming October 3, 2001 CALNO meeting for the Clerk's office, and for your CALNO Representative and Alternate. Please complete tbe below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, September 28, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, September 28, 2001. Name of Organization: ('2 ~4,.., 6f &~ a.u CL rY'- ~ J jJ 1"" y) ya/ W+~ ~ ...fU~~ Name of Attendee: I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-47~3 SEP-27-2001 16:17 4075718123 99% P.01 FROf" D1At-lE EAUERP FAX HO. 4076953552 Sep. 26 2001 02:57PM P1 September 21 , 2001 Board Member Diane Bauer Seminole County Public Schools 423 Eagle Circle Casselberry, Florida 32707 , ,.""M. ,.,,,,, i'",.;:~.B0anlNiember Bauer~" Please find attached a copy of the Agenda for the upcoming October 3, 200 I CALNO meeting. The Minutes will be sent under separate cover at a later date. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, September 28, 2001. RESERV A TIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, Septembt:r 28,2001. Name of Organization: Name of Attendee: _l)/dn~ B(illAr /'_';, .'" ".."J}''.1~d;,~;~~.~,,~TIEN])A~SE,,:,,_~ ~~ol\~,'iw:t~_"""'~~__":"~'f~:,..~.,'A:,;....~,t,,,!:~!._'li~,~.4:>,."..:o,.._J._..,.; : .:..'. .. ,.-,..:~"..:.."~,....,, !'~"'~.,"':~~< \."',,".:iP'::': - ''';- "'~:,,'. I WILL NOT BE IN A1TENDANCE: ;: _ .~fa(J,,~' 8(/('Jrd FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 SEP-26-2001 15:06 4076953552 95% P.01 Sep-25-0l 11:54A P.Ol Sl.:plcmbcr 21, 200 I The City Of Sanford Office of thc City Clcrk Post Ofllct: Box 178R Sanford, Florid<L3.2172-1 7&8 .-- - ..",.......~I-......-_- __ -......'\ leE! ~~? 25 j] [0; I Sp Please find attached a copy of the Agenda for the upcnrning October 3, 200 I CALNO mt:t:ting for the Clerk's office. The same inti.mnatllln has been mailed under scparate covt:r to Commissioner Art Woodruff and Commissioner Whitey Eckstein. Please complete the beluw portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, September 28, 21UI1. RESERV A nONS: Due by Nnon, Friday, Sc-ptcmbcr 28,2001. Name of Organization: Name of Attendee: I WILL BE IN ATrENDANCE: I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: X - FAX R~SPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 SEP-25-2001 12:11 95:< P.01 0g/25/2001 19:03 4073302444 GARY BREf~DER PAGE 01 September 21, 2001 The Honorable Gary L. Brender City of Lake Mary 707 Red Wing Drive Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Dear Commissioner Brender, r--lease find .attacbed a copy of the Agenda for tht: upcoming O<..tober 3, 2001CALNO meeting. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Friday, September 28, 2001. RESERVATrONS: Due by Noon, Friday, September 28,2001. Name of Organ izatt on: _.___ ~M~- Name of Attendee: ~2.,:1.- nk.E^-,~ 'P I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: +~ I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 SEP-26-2001 19:14 4073302444 97% P.01 0'3/26/2001 13:03 C I W OF LO~.B,dOOD ..,. 94073274753 NO.914 ~01 September 21, 2001 )~ l' ~o ~ - :; The City Of Longwood Office of the City Clerk 175 West Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 Dear Ms. Zambri, Please find attached a copy of lhe Agenda for the upcoming October 3, 2001 CALNO meeting for the Clerk's oftice, and for your CALNO Representative and Alternate. Please complete the below portion of th1s form prior to Noon, Friday, September 28, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Friday, September 28, 2001. Name of Organization: C,..,. Y Name of Attendee: ~ H-~ I WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE: I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: ~ F L.- i) IV' 6- weJJ j) ~ ~ It-6- 0 X FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 SEP-26-2001 13:15 407 260 3419 P.01