HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 06 06 Minutes to be Approved MINUTES Council of Local Government in Seminole County (CALNO) Orlando Sanford International Airport 1 Red Cleveland Boulevard, Sanford, Florida June 6, 2001 The meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 in the Vigilante Room at Orlando Sanford International Airport, 1 Red Cleveland Boulevard, Sanford, Florida. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Gennell, followed by the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call PRESENT: ABSENT: Commissioner Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs, CALNO Chairperson Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary, CALNO Treasurer Board Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Steve Wolfram, City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Linda C. Hart, City of Casselberry Commissioner Dan Anderson, City of Longwood Councilman Robert Dallari, City of Oviedo Commissioner Art Woodruff, City of Sanford Commissioner Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission (for Commissioner Grant Maloy) Vice President Dr. David T. Harrison, Ph.D., Seminole Community College Commissioner Grant Maloy, Seminole County Commission ALSO PRESENT: Cindy Hall, Director of Fiscal Services, Seminole County Stephanie Weidner, Public Relations Representative, Orlando Sanford International Airport Larry A. Dale, President and CEO, Sanford Airport Authority Diane Crews, Commission Liaison, City of Sanford June 6,2001 CALNO Meeting Page 2 2. Approval of the May 2, 2001 Regular Meeting Minutes Commissioner McLain asked that Commissioner Maloy, the actual Seminole County representative, be added as "Absent" from the May 2, 2001 CALNO Meeting, as opposed to himself, the County's alternate. A motion was made by Commissioner Brender and seconded by Commissioner Wolfram to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2001. The motion was carried unanimously. 3. Treasurer's Report Commissioner Brender reported a balance of One Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars and Sixty-Four Cents ($1,220.64) in the account, with no change from the May 2nd report. Chairperson Gennell noted that there were some bills outstanding at present. A motion was made by Councilman Dallari and seconded by Board Member Bauer to approve the Treasurer's Report for May 2001. The motion was carried unanimously. 4. Program A: Local Option Gas Tax Distributions for Calendar Year 2002 Commissioner Gennell recognized and introduced Cindy Hall, the Director of Fiscal Services for Seminole County. Ms. Hall distributed a matrix entitled "Local Option Gas Tax Distribution for Calendar Year 2002" and explained the statutory formula used to arrive at the distribution figures (a copy of the handout is attached hereto and made a part of this record). Ms. Hall explained that the County receives 63.60% of the Local Option Gas Tax funds annually; each municipality receives a share of the remaining 36.40% based on its eligible transportation expenditures from the prior year, which have been submitted by individual finance departments. Commissioner Brender questioned whether the 12- to 15-year-old formula equitably meets the needs of Seminole County residents given the changes the County has encountered in that timeframe. Ms. Hall said that the initial agreement did not provide for recalculation of the distribution figures, but that she would investigate the matter for CALNO and report her findings at its next meeting, scheduled for September 5th. Commissioner McLain requested that Ms. Hall procure an opinion in written form from appropriate legal counsel. June 6,2001 CALNO Meeting Page 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Councilman Dallari to approve the Distribution for Calendar Year 2002. unanimously. Wolfram and seconded by Local Option Gas Tax The motion was carried A brief discussion ensued regarding the September CALNO program. Chairperson Gennell asked for suggestions from the Members, and it was decided that a Natural Lands and Trails Program update would be presented by Seminole County. 4. Program B: Status Report of Sanford Airport Larry A. Dale, newly-named President and CEO of Sanford Airport Authority, stated that the newest FAA statistics were out. The statistics show that regionally aSIA is second only to Miami in terms of operations, that it is the third largest intemational airport in the State of Florida, and that it is the sixteenth largest airport in the United States based on international passengers. Venezuelan carrier Aeropostal will soon be the first scheduled international carrier at aSIA, flying in twice weekly from Caracas and other South American locations. Mr. Dale also stated that the airport's private industry partner, TDI, has recently purchased the San Jose, Costa Rica airport and he expects there to be more traffic between the Sanford and San Jose airports in the near future. Mr. Dale said that with 1.2 million passengers annually, aSIA is by some accounts the fastest-growing airport in the world. He cited S.R. 417 as a major contributor to the airport's growth and gave the CALNO Members a brief summary of his vision and plans for the airport's future in local commerce and industry. Mr. Dale added that plans were currently underway for extended runways, further property acquisition, and improved parking facilities at Orlando Sanford Intemational Airport. Mr. Dale stated that airport revenues were derived from the Commerce Park, airport landing fees, and per passenger facility charges. Other revenues come from terminal rents, miscellaneous charges, and FAA and FDOT grants. In addition, the airport will institute a parking fee in the near future. He said that the airport benefits the area as a whole in many ways, including ad valorem taxes that are generated for non- aviation improvements, its creation of approximately 1,800 jobs, and incoming tourism dollars. Noise abatement was pointed out as one of the primary concerns of the community, and Mr. Dale stated that a special committee had been June 6,2001 CALNO Meeting Page 4 appointed to address just that issue. A dedicated telephone number has also been set up for noise complaints, and the airport is working diligently with the FAA on procedures for noise reduction. The ComAir pilots' school located on the grounds of the airport was briefly discussed in terms of housing, educational and other needs for its international students. Mr. Dale said that approximately 600 students per semester attended the ComAir facility, and that most of the students were younger, single males who did not relocate families to attend and generally shared local housing with other students. 5. Program C: Walking Tour of Sanford Airport The walking tour of Orlando Sanford International Airport was deferred until after the Members' Reports were presented. Stephanie Weidner said she would present a brief history of the airport and answer any questions at that time. Board Member Diane Bauer stated that she would like to increase awareness of the airport tour for children, and said she would inform the School Board at its next meeting that such tours were available. 6. Reports from Members: Commissioner Gennell, noting that all communities were represented this evening, thanked all in attendance for coming. Board Member Diane Bauer: ~ advised that due to budget constraints, many of the "courtesy" bus routes will be eliminated in the coming school year. She said that this was often a volatile issue, and cautioned the Commissioners in attendance that they should expect calls from concerned parents. ~ reported that the FCAT results were in, and that all Seminole County schools had received passing grades. The School Board is very pleased with the overall statistics, although a couple of schools were "D" schools. Commissioner Cindy Gennell: ~ reported that the Winter Springs Development Review Committee had denied the application of the Homeless Respite Center due to land use issues, but that she expects the decision to be appealed to the City Commission. ~ stated that the first phase of the Town Center development at the corner of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road is ready to be built, with anchor tenants and plans approved, but that drainage for the property is an issue. The City of Winter Springs is currently June 6,2001 CALNO Meeting Page 5 attempting to negotiate an agreement with the Seminole County School Board to obtain some of its adjacent property for this purpose. Commissioner Gennell also reported that she encouraged the developer to not only build a second-floor fa<;ade but to make the space usable, possibly for a charter school or similar future use. Commissioner Steve Wolfram: ~ reported that the widening of S.R. 436 in Altamonte Springs from Wymore/Douglas Avenue should be completed by mid to late July, and that several celebrations were planned to commemorate the even t. ~ also stated that the property in front of the Embassy Suites Hotel at 436 and 1-4 had been sold and was planned to be developed as a Barnes & Noble Bookstore. ~ reported that he took part in a DUI sweep on May 25th as a ride-along participant, which resulted in 17 arrests. Commissioner Linda C. Hart: ~ reported that an appeal had taken place in the pending Florida Power case, and that she assumed the news was good since she had not heard about its disposition yet from the City Manager. She said she expected that the matter would be appealed again regardless. ~ said that Casselberry's first community policing class had graduated in May, for which Lieutenant McNeil won a national community policing award. ~ reported that the Casselberry police chief was retiring, leaving the position vacant effective June 1st. ~ advised that City Attorney Donna McIntosh had been appointed by the Governor to a circuit judgeship and would be replaced by Catherine Reischmann of the Stenstrom, McIntosh firm. ~ said that several large projects were in the works, including the development of the Seminole Dog Track property, and that the City was enthusiastic about the new commercial construction. Commissioner Gary Brender: ~ reported that Lake Mary's recent Strategic Planning Session primarily addressed two issues: (1) the location of the planned fire station facilities, substation facilities, and how the facilities fit into the budget; (2) a planned expansion and addition to the City's water treatment facility for improved water quality. ~ said that Lake Mary also lost Ms. McIntosh as City Attomey and will be using Clay Simmons until the City makes a final decision regarding her replacement. ~ reported that the 304-room Marriott Hotel at 1-4 and 46A was under construction, along with a 98,000 square foot "boutique commercial" development nearby. June 6,2001 CALNO Meeting Page 6 ~ said that the City has been in talks with Colonialtown Developers to do a voluntary annexation. ~ advised that the City of Lake Mary had just opened its $750,000 Har- Tru tennis court facilities and was rapidly selling memberships. The City is also looking at putting a skate park in at Liberty Park with the $112,000 grant it received from the State of Florida. ~ reported that the Greeneway intersection at S.R. 46A was progressing. ~ said that the police station on Crystal Lake Avenue was near completion and should be finished in July following the installation of some additional electrical lines. Commissioner Dan Anderson: ~ reported that the City of Longwood voted Monday, June 4 to enforce its ordinance with Florida Power and force it to continue collecting franchise fees. In addition, the Commission voted to do away with zoning and instead use a single-map approach with land use districts and related design standards. ~ mentioned that Longwood had bicycle police officers, a couple of whom patrol at night in particular neighborhoods and have proven to be very effective. In addition, he advised the Members about the traffic survey a neighborhood association had requested which showed the residents wanting speed control were the greatest offenders. ~ reported that bids have been received on the proposed community building, and that a decision will be made soon regarding the center. Councilman Robert Dallan: ~ reported that construction would begin on Oviedo's skate park facility in August. ~ advised that the City Council has put out various referendums to Oviedo citizens including a $5.5 million water facility, an $8 million cultural arts center, and a $3.5 aquatic facility. ~ said that the Old Chuluota Road right-of-way, located on S.R. 419, was intended to be part of the Florida Scenic Trail, which was discovered only following the City's release of the land. He requested a map of the proposed trail from Commissioner Gennell in order to avoid any similar confusion in the future. Commissioner Art Woodruff ~ briefly updated the Members on Sanford's Riverwalk and downtown center revitalization plans and mentioned Governor Jeb Bush's recent Front Porch presentation to the City Commission. Commissioner Daryl McLain: ~ reported that final plans for the Seminole County Courthouse should be completed prior to the next CALNO meeting in September. June 6,2001 CALNO Meeting Page 7 ~ encouraged each Member to work with his or her constituents to ensure passage of the September 4th Local Option One-Cent Sales Tax Referendum. ~ said that the County Attorney was working with the Supervisor of Elections to determine realigned precincts. Ms. Bauer mentioned that the School Board was currently aligned with County Commission districts and would be awaiting the decision of the County before moving forward with its own redistricting plans. Chairperson Gennell reminded the Members, should they miss the September meeting for any reason, to keep the October meeting at Winter Springs in mind. She said that a presentation would be made at the meeting regarding Local Emergency Planning Committees in this district. These committees deal only with hazardous materials transport, weapons of mass destruction, and similar concerns. She said that the committee in this region is not functioning at the level that it could and should be and that it lacks membership, especially in the area of elected officials. 7. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned and the walking tour commenced by Stephanie Weidner of the Orlando Sanford International Airport. The next meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2001, hosted by the Seminole County Commission. Respectfully submitted, Rachel Carnicelli, Deputy City Clerk City of Sanford