HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 06 04 Fax Re: Reservation Forms for Various People 06:0~ 01 15:13 FAX 1073282032 see I4J 001 May 25,2001 \L ~ G II ~C)- ~ { r' ~1- The Honorable David T. Harrison, PhD. Vice-President Seminole Community College 100 \Veldon Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773-6199 Dear Dr. Harrison, Please fmd attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming JLU1e 6, 2001 CALNO meeting. Please complete the below portion ofthis form prior to Noon, Monday, June 4, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by :\Toon, ~onday, J~ne 4, ~l. ___ Kame ofOrgaruzat;on: ~?t.&/~ ~~~ ~~/ -r7/-~ Name of Attendee: 1 WILL BE IN ATTEJ\TUAi"\JCE: I WILL NOT BE IN ATTEJ'..TIAt"\JCE: / fA,X RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 ;UN-04-2001 15:16 ,~073~2E,'2a3;2 '37:.. P.01 May 25,2001 The Honorable Grant 1\1aloy County of Seminole 1101 East FlrSt Street, Suite 3114 Sanford, Florida 32771 ~... - ~ "..: ", Pl r-.:- ,~,'.~" ," ,'~.! 1 m'.....-- - " ..- ..- ':'j \ ^ '''"\, I:! ~ I ~.1 .' ~. ,;. 1 t I !, 11' . _~_.....-.J:) !, .. . . _.......-~TT-.' . 1 :J L,..> :;r <_....; L L1 ~-- ........~. a ,,~...-... Dear Commissioner Jvlaloy, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming Jurw 6, 200] CAl1\.JO meeting, Please complete the below portion of this form prior to ~oon, Monday, June 4, 2001. RESER\/A lIOl\S: Due by "'oon, :'vfonday, June 4.2001 ~"" ' II if II" I,; 0 /l -. ~tjrf\\ nCLJf .U~l-f)C~ L~WIlt, m OWLf---- I WILL BE f\' A TTENDA.KCE. ~~<~ I \VILL 1\OT BE 0J ATTE:'-<l)ANCE: ...e Name of OrganJz<1tJon Name of Attendee: FA,'I( RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 JUN-04-2001 15:05 '37::.; P.01 May-31-01 03:17P P_Ol !v1ay 25, 2001 ......, \' ..... c-..::> g ::y:: J;:.- --< ~0 J ...c ~ q i"0 W The City Of Sanford Office of the City Clerk Post Office Box 1788 S3l1ford, Florida 32772-1788 (;,) .":)I:~::'\. Post-it' Fax ~Jote 7671 To ~,Jr N Dear )'\'1 $, D01,l~herty. Please lind attached a copy of the Agenda and \-finutes ior the upcoming .!UI~~ 6, lOiJ1 Ci\LNO meeting for the Clerk's office, The same information has hccn malled LInder separate cover to Cornn~issioner Ar1 Woodruff and COJnmissiont:r Whiky Eckstein Please complete the belo\-\' portion ot this form prior to Noon, ;\Ionrlay. June 4, 2001. RESt'-RVATIO:\S Due by :\oo/;. r-..londay. June 4,2(101 ! \Iv I 1 1 I~r: 1~ .'\TTE~DANC.E [I tv of ,bttnfvrut I [{tv {!Crk-10 Dff1 C0__ RilC/l[j Uirn ILe! II V Name 0[" Org,miz3tion: \Llme of .\rtcndee: I \i.,.'! LL 1\OT BE IN A TTE1'\DA "Jet: FAX RFSPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 !,~,.,.::!lo ~,~ V~D :n,. ,.... ~ I ~. / ~ . Ul'1i 'j ,.-"-} ;.. \.. err'\" '")F VV1Ni[h :Ji..,-(Ir'~' ;s C~! r~' H)\L;;.. {.... " \ , j- ..L.(_ MRV-31-2001 15:26 '3.5 P.Ol 05/01/2001 07:23 4875718123 ::I1'/ AL T ~ilO: iiE ;P',/; P~I;E 01 RECE CIT'y' Ol::' ''''V1NTF~.~ 5\,)'-'~IN(~~ \L.l May 25, 2001 The Clty Of Altamontc Springs Office of the City Clerk 225 Newbury'port Avenue Altamonte Springs, Flonda 34701 J/ A!tcntion: Ms. J, aniec Coebt..-+, Deputy City Clerk I ,A / . 5/.i/J/2C'.(;~ 1'-7 n LEk( II- FfJ,')F / (/ C;7E: . Dear Ms. Goebel, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda and Minutes for the upcoming hme 6, 2001 CALNO meeting for the Clerk's office, and for your CAlNO Representative and Alternate. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to Noon, Monday, June 4, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Monday, June 4,2001. // /7 Name of Orgamzation:___t__LT'Y --L:!E'.. /1 I !:<,J ,,\I] CJ IITT::- (~ L' Name of Attendee ~, ) ~E I/-/.;--- j~ z- F .12..11/21.____ J WILL BE 11\ A TTEN'DA'\'CE:~__.w~__~ I WILL NOT BE IN ATTENDANCE: r--- I - I \ J P k! II\/Y~ ":, --: F A.-X RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 JUN-01-2001 07:38 40757181,23 9"3. P 81 .U~ 0':,:23:2001 14:013 ,= I if- LUiG!,IOJJI: ~3.~iJ'T~?74'?53 ~jO.5:4 DOl May 25, 2001 The City Of Longwood Office of the City Clerk 175 West Wa.rren Avenue Long\Vood, Florida 32750 Dear Ms. Zambli, Please find attached a copy of the Agenda al:d Minutes for the upcoming June 6, 2001 CAl'S'O meeting for the Clerk's office, and for your CALNO Representall ve a.nd Alternate. Please complete the below portion of this form prior to NOOD, Monday, JUDe 4, 2001. RESERVATIONS: Due by Noon, Monday, June 4,2001 Name of Attendee: !\ame orOrganizalior.: yle.- )-WILL BE I\' AT 1 \VTLL 1\'OT BE IN A TTE'\iDANCE: FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4753 '''1A'''''-2J3-2001 1"4: 11 1407 260 ~>-~ 1 9 96> P.Ol OS'3l3/?Cl31 1c;.r1C; J.. ,-' - Li---, ,JAT I iJrii.l,i: ['E I tJS -;0 ,~D'"7=,"2/,~7S3 t10.87S GJl31 May 25,2001 The Honorable Mike McLean City of Lake Mary 378 Wo~dLnn Circle Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Dear Commissioner McLean, Please find attac:1ed a copy or the Agenda and Minutes for ine .lpcoffimg June 6, 200 ~ CALNO meeting Please complete tbe below portion of this form prior to l~oon, .\1onday, June 4,2001. RESERV A TTONS: Due by :Koon, Monday, June 4, 2001. Name of Organization: C rft_J Ld K !/Ja" >1 I!JnC AtA,'7 lll'I,:']:;), J WILL BE f.\J ATTEi\uA.l'\ICE. .- Name of Attmdee: I WILL NOT BE l).J ATTE'NuAl'\CE FAX RESPONSE TO (407) 327-4153 MAY-3l3-2001 15:17 407 3:2..~ 8~68 '35> P.Ol