HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 05 02 Meals on Wheels Newsletter
Volume I
April - June 2001
Roger Dixon
Irene Lober
Kathryn L. Lynch
Dave Lynn
John Montgomery
Have you ever noticed, once the
Christmas and Hanukkah
holidays are over, how we
automatically fall right back into our
daily routines with nary a fleeting
thought of that wonderful time of
faith, joy and generosity? Do you
ever wonder who
spearheads the
"giving" the rest of the
No? Well, let me
tell you about a
quiet giant who is
Meals on Wheels,
Etc.'s very special
silent partner!
Our silent partner
is one of the
largest employers in
Central Florida. There
isn't one man, woman or child
among you who would not
recognize the name of our special
friend. In fact, many of you have had
life-changing experiences within
their ministry.
This quiet giant has a mission
statement which includes very
specific responsibilities to its clients,
its employees, its faith, its future
Wheels, Etc. is only one of many,
many organizations who benefit from
this quiet giant's largess. In fact,
Meals on Wheels, Etc. would not have
a home or a kitchen without the
generous support of this special
And that is why, a
few months after
the "giving season", we
wanted to write this
thank-you note.
",VTe would like
Weveryone in
Central Florida to
know how much we
appreciate our quiet
giant, our special
friend, our silent
partner. We would like
everyone to know that
our special friend is
the "wind beneath our wings" every
single day of the year. The kindness,
generosity and support of our silent
partner truly helps us provide for
Seminole County's most frail and
needy elderly. That's why, we would
like you to join us in saying THANK
YOU to our special friend, that quiet
giant, our dear and silent
The first publication of "The
Community Connection" is
, dedicated to you, our
community supporters.
Thanks to your volunteer
hours or financial
commitment, lives are
changed every day for many
elderly folks who want one
thing more than anything -
their independence.
In the future, programs that
eu-ab!~~~p~~,9P~ . to; rem~in
. dependent will be in even
ater demand than they are
y. In Seminole Count}; the
residents over the
'~ d~af11~ti ~a%Llf
,JA, ~~&##.
#r~ lit'
ces to help them
ain Hving at home.
researchers, and economists
are predicting that the impact
of the "graying of America" in
the next 20 years will be
significant and inevitable. In
fact, it will challenge every
aspect of our lives.
I am convinced that
America will be faced with
tremendous challenges as
continued on page 4
the Communit
:~ntly came to Central Florida from Ft. .
,gate and has a long history in economic ·
. developme ~t, ,community involvement and human :
. and social se~ces. Roger is a member of Leadership .
. Seminole's Clas~ 2001, a National Urban Fellow; .
. and sits on the Boa~ of Directors for the International Council of Central .
. Florida, which has recently been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2001. .
. ~ .
. A nyone who has met Roger has instantly made a new friend. Roger never .
. .l"\..hesitates to tout the beau"tr~nd economic viability of his new home, "the.
: beautiful City of Sanford". Roger~ married to his college sweetheart, Tami, :
. and is the proud father of Teah 9, Roger (RJ) 7 and Tatiana 4. .
. Meals on Wheels, Etc. is delighted to welc"";;",f Roger Dixon to its Board of Directors. .
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~-- - -'- - - - - - - - - -,
elighted to introduce Mr. R~ni"'-
rrCity Manager of Sanford, as the newest
f our Board of Directors.
Every non-profit depends
on volunteers. They are
truly the life-force that
keeps an organization moving
forward. At Meals on Wheels,
Etc., our most important volun-
teers are those that deliver
OPPORTUNITIE5 meals to our homebound cli-
ents. Cindy Collins is the Man-
ager of Neighborhood Services. She and her assistant, Kathy Stogner, organize
the meal routes, assign volunteers to specific routes, and deliver meals when a
route is "down". They are always looking for helpers to participate in this won-
derful endeavor. Many volunteers have been delivering meals for years and
have become very attached to the clients they serve. The volunteers are our
eyes and ears in the community. They tell us when a senior is unwell, injured
and, as sometimes happens, deceased. They visit with and provide socializa-
tion for clients who rarely have contact with anyone else! Their job is the most
important one in our agency and only takes a couple of hours in the morning,
one day a week.
If you would like to volunteer to deliver meals, please
call Cindy or Kathy today at (407) 333-8877 ex!. 120.
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~" Home Delivered Meals" Congregate Meals" Transportation" Chore Services "Homemaker Services" Case Manageme,nt " Emergency Home Repairs, '" ~
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Our kitchen is incredibly versatile and we are constantly finding
new ways to make it a profit center so we may better serve our seniors!
For example, the cookie-flyer inserted in this newsletter is an
ongoing fund raiser for Meals on Wheels, Etc. Our cookies are
fabulous and you can have them shipped anywhere in the continental
United States. Mother's Day is right around the comer and these
cookies make a delicious gift! Also, our cookies are truly appreciated
by all the young men and women who are away at school! Be sure to
order cookies for birthdays, holidays, special occasions and whenever
you want to treat yourself to something truly decadent!
Also, it's important to note that our kitchen now ~
offers institutional catering services as well. In.. .
the past we have provided meals for the Summer It !
Lunch Program in Sanford, various day-care ~ utIIIh
facilities and a juvenile detention center. If you .'Y.
have a church, organization or business in need ...~.....
of professional food service at really great prices,
Call us today/ (407) 333-8877 ext. 121. CATERING
fJ/HEElS~~ 0 N ,
~"'if UK AME.
JlJe Community Connection
For those of you who can remember that far back, our agency
started out as the Oasis, then grew into the Federation of Senior
Citizens, then evolved into Seminole County Better Living for Seniors
and, on January 31st, 2001, officially became Meals on Wheels,
Through the years more and more important services were added
for our frail and needy elderly. Today, Meals on Wheels, Etc.
offers home-delivered meals, congregate meals and socialization,
transportation, homemaker services, chore services, case
management, and emergency home repairs.
so, even though the thrust of our new name is "Meals on
Wheels", you can see that the "Etc." stands for many services
that exist today and many more that will undoubtedly come in the
We all have the desire to help and we all want our
hard-earned dollars to be put to its greatest and
highest use. Choose your charities as carefully as you
choose your investments. Then, be as consistent in your
giving as your are in increasing your investments. Your
portfolio assures your future. Your charitable gift
assures the future of someone less blessed.
NoW that you are thinking about how and where
you spend your charitable dollars, please keep in
mind our frail and needy elderly. Our waiting lists are
increasing and we need your help.
You may send your tax-deductible gift to:
Meals On Wheels, Etc.
1097 Sand Pond Road, Dept. N
Lake Mary, FL 32746
~, #~
I feSTlvalt. feaTUReS I
continued from directors corner page 2
demographics shift to an older population, and that the
solutions to these challenges must be found within our own
communities. Local governments, businesses, religious and
civic groups, and individuals will have to work closely together
to provide for the well-being of our older citizens.
A dynamic approach is needed now to effectively deal with
the increasing issues of aging. Meals on Wheels, Etc. is
responding to this challenge through expansion of services
and providing new ones such as our Home Repair and Safety
Installation programs, and we're accomplishing this with your
help. Through our combined efforts, we can make great strides
in helping our frailest seniors maintain positive living and
Your donations of time and talents are the backbone of
our mission. Thank you!
''X' Pro. PhiUip Jaffe of Professional Golf Guides of
· GREAT BOWLS OF FIRE, Ceramic Demonstration
· MAKEOVERS, by Beauty ConsuItantswithAwnProducts
Executive Director
TheAnnual Spring Festival is sponsored by Florida
Power & Light Company with special thanks to the I
City of Sanford's Civic Center for their generous
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me Community Connection