HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 05 02 Health Fair and Fun Fest Flyer t ~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~ I,~ f'~~'~~'~~'~~'~~'~~'~~'~~'~ "!.;!- "!.; !-"!.; !-"!.;!-"!.; !-"!.;!-"!.;!- "!.; !-?';!- .~. '.;!-?.;!-"!.;!-"!.;!-"!.;!- "!.; ~"!.;!- "!.; !-"!.;!- :'lI'\Z A . ~ ~.\;' ~:~ ..."d 11t ~~. ", ._.:.., "" '...... .rq~/ ~:~ ~~ ,,,.. ~7 ",tt'. ,-J ~" (/1,,;0,1( ~~ ~~~ 9:0 , ",. ~ t?4!'c ~~~ ~~ 1 :30 p.tt'. \' , ~'., ~~ ~.~ ~ I :'lI'\;' ~ ..~ ... 0 Meals on Wheels, Etc. ~ . 'i? presents their annual Spring... "!.;~ ~.~ J 'J ..... '" A'I! I:; ~~ _ il' a ;, ~ I, 'J..~ 1 r f e ) -.-. ==-- ?.;~ ~~ ~;I, - j1 i.).\ r "-.p. r~J,li 8~Tr I I'; ~~ ?,,~ -1:. . I. ?,,~ ~.~- ,. - - ~.\/ ?.;!- ?.;!- ~.~ ~.\/ "!.;!- "!.;!- ~.~ . Free Golf Swing Analysis by 0 Free Boxed Lunch for Seniors .;'4.\/ ?;!- ?.;!- ~~ Phillip Jaffe of Professional Golf . Chair Massage ~ Jan Spalding ~~ .;'4'~ ~.\/ ?.;!- Guides!! . Reiki Massage ~ Karen Clinton ?;!- ~.~ .;'4.\/ ?;!- ?;!- ~.~ . Sanford Zoo ~ Live Display and Kathy Adams .;'4.\/ 'J ..~ 'J ..... .~o .Yo ~.~ ~.~ ~f~ - --------SponsoreU-Uv- - I ~ft. 'J ..~ ~ 'J ..~ ;.~~ Florida P01ller & Llnht COlUl!anVl ;.~~ 'J"~ iii: - - 'J..... .Yo .Yo ~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~ 'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "<l'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "<l'J "~'J "~'J .....~'J "~'J .....~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J "~'J"~ ."0 ."0 ....-0 ....0 ."'0 .'-0 ....0 ."'0 ....0 ."'0 ..-0 ."'0 .""0 ..0 ."0 ..0 .....0 ."0 ."0 ."0 ."0 . 1'"0 .""0 ."0 ."0 . '1"'0 ....0 .-----------------------------------------------------. I I . I I I . I I I I I I I I Wonderful Raffle Prizes . Great Bowls of Fire r-.J Demo Caricature Artist, Marsha Eaton. Makeovers by AVON . Great Entertainment . Fortune Teller (for fun only!) . Health Screenings . Senior Resource Information .-----------------------------------------------------