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Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
April 4, 2001
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on
Wednesday April 4, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. at Longwood City Commission Chambers,
175 West Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida.
1. Call to Order.
Chairman Gennell called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
A moment of silent prayer was held. The Pledge of Allegiance foll~wed.
Roll Call
Seminole County School Board - Board Member Diane Bauer
Winter Springs - Commissioner Cindy Gennell (left at 8: 15 p.m.)
Altamonte Spring - Commissioner Steve Wolfram
Longwood - Commissioner Dan Anderson
Mike McLean, Commissioner Lake Mary
Sanford - Mayor Brady Lessard (arrived at 7:35 p.m.)
Also Present:
City of Longwood + John Drago, City Manager
+ Geraldine Zambri, City Clerk
. Jay Sargent, Manager Planning Division
+ Chris Murphy, City Engineer, Community Services Department
+ Richard S. Taylor, City Attorney
Gail Easley, The Gail Easley Company
Chris Nance, Dix Nance, Inc. (left at 8:45 p.m.)
Jeff Dix, Dix Nance, Inc. Cleft at 8:45 p.m.)
Susan Thompson, Dix Nance, Inc. Cleft at 8:45 p.m.)
Commissioner Mike Mc Lean representing Commissioner Gary Brender of
Lake Mary
+ Seminole Community College - Vice President David T. Harrison,
+ Seminole County Commission - Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide
+ Casselberry - Commissioner Linda C. Hart
CALNO April 4, 2001 Minutes
+ Lake Mary - Commissioner Gary Brender
+ Oviedo - Councilman Robert Dallari
2. Approval of the March 7,2001 Regular Meeting Minutes - Chairman Gennell
asked if there were any correction/revisions to the March 7, 2001. There were
Commissioner Steve Wolfram moved to approve the minutes. Seminole
County School Board Member Diane Bauer seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously
3. Treasurer's Report
Commissioner Mc Lean, for Commissioner Brender, reported that the balance was
$1217.60 and that all dues were deposited and received.
4. Program A: Tour of the Remodeled Community Services Building
City Manager John Drago welcomed everyone to the City and started the meeting
inviting everyone to tour the newly renovated Community Services building. The
members left the building at 7:23 p.m. and returned at 7:32 p.m. John Brock was
their tour guide. Mr. Drago gave a brief history of the building.
5. Program B: Longwood's Future - Redeveloping Our City Without Zoning -
Gail Easley introduced herself and briefly gave the history of her involvement with
the City. Her presentation related how current thinking and innovation could
transform Longwood.
Commissioner Mc Lead inquired if other communities were taking this same
approach and what the results where.
Gail Easley referred to the City of Largo, Florida. They had a similar approach,
which was adopted in 1983, and, to date, has endured through significant changes in
city code. It eliminated different stipulations while allowing growth. Walton County
also uses the singular map approach. Both place a major emphasis on neighborhood
protection. Allowing for development, whilst keeping the neighborhoods safe.
Continuing, Gail Easley mentioned using administrative procedures to streamline
the process as to ensure citizen participation in the zoning process. Currently, the
city is examining ways to cultivate meaningful citizen participation. She
CALNO April 4, 2001 Minutes
distributed a hand out that outlined this plan. She showed design standards that
would compliment the downtown area.
Chris Nance of Dix. Nance, Inc., gave an overview of the goals their company has
set for the future of zoning. Ms. Nance presented her ideas on storyboards. She
presented a physical plan she believed to be realistic emphasizing open spaces.
Ms. Nance spoke concerning making our code book a pattern book. She showed the
city of Celebration's pattern book. The book displayed clear guidelines for those
coming into the city so they know what they were allowed to do and what they
were not allowed to do.
Chair Gennellleft the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Dix. Nance is currently using studies that were done 10 years ago as well as
looking at existing patterns to compile for a pattern book. The presentation
continued and discussion ensued.
Mr. Drago added that before Dix. Nance started their plan they meet with the city.
The plan was to show what type of businesses could survive in the historic district.
They had to come up with consistent design standards to protect property values.
He mentioned that as the City Hall is in the center of the Historic District, it is
important to be good partners with City businesses.
6. Program C: Update on the Neighborhood Revitalization Program Utilizing the
Model Street Prototype
Mr. Drago introduced, the city engineer, Chris Murphy. The City Engineer gave his
presentation titled, The Road to Neighborhood Renewal. He outlined the aspirations
the City had for the future, and those the City had already achieved such as roads,
driveways and drainage. He showed a number of visual speed deterrents.
Discussion ensued.
7. Program D: Review the Master Plan for the City's Public Works Facility and
Mr. Drago presented storyboards that depict future developed of trails in the City
parks. He invited everyone to review them further, at their convenience, after the
CALNO April 4, 2001 Minutes
Mr. Drago next discussed the City's public works facility, which needed to be
improved. The project needed to be permitted by the Commission. The project is
estimated to cost 1.5 million and that includes beautification of the water plant.
Mr. Drago then referred to another project the City was working on the Longwood
Memorial Gardens Cemetery. He discussed speculative studies that showed burial
trends. Presently, there were a variety of products available to the public. The
Master Plan he was working on would cost approximately $581,000 with a return
around $3 million.
Commissioner Anderson liked the idea of taking a negative and turning it into
something positive. He commented how disheartening it was to see cemeteries that
have been abandoned by municipalities. "
8. Reports from Members
Seminole Community College .......Vice President David T. Harrison, Ph.D.
Seminole County Commission ......Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide Absent
Seminole County School Board ....Board Member Diane Bauer
Ms. Bauer wanted to commend Altamonte Springs on their participation of
financial support for local youth. She asked to take the names of any other
cities that would like to contribute as well.
Winter Springs ..............................Commissioner Cindy Gennell Left meeting
at 8: 15 p.m.
Altamonte Spring ..........................Commissioner Steve Wolfram
Commissioner Wolfram discussed his City's involvement, referring to a
contract with Florida Power. He mentioned some stipulations his city had to
make with Florida Power and that Florida Power will probably be sold. He
believes de regulation is in the near future and discussed what is happening
with future legislation and how they did not take a roll over approach.
Casselberry...................................Commissioner Linda C. Hart Absent
Lake Mary .....................................Commissioner Gary Brender
Represented by Commissioner Mike McLean
Commissioner McLean informed those in attendance that Commissioner
Brender was out of town. He announced that Governor Bush appointed
Lake Mary's city attorney as a Circuit Judge. He will be joining a delegation
traveling to Tallahassee. Among the projects Lake Mary is working on was a
State of the Art Tennis Complex. The City had received 200 deposits for
1: , , .
CALNO April 4, 2001 Minutes.
membership. They were hosting a golf tournament on the June 8, 2001, to
raise funds for the complex.
Longwood ......................................Commissioner Dan Anderson
Commissioner Anderson spoke about the redevelopment of the City Code. He
hoped that the new Code would be more user friendly. He believed the
existing Code was not user friendly. He would also like to see a one-step
process implemented by the different departments for applying for a business
license to applying for a building permit.
He would also like to see citizen interaction with those people going to be
effected by zoning. One key issue was that the code be replaced by
something that was friendly, not only to the citizens but also I{)r staff.
Commissioner Anderson commended Lake Mary on their progress while
pointing out that Longwood has less funding.
Oviedo ...........................................Councilman Robert Dallari Absent
Sanford .........................................Mayor Brady Lessard
Mayor Lessard addressed all the recent publicity concerning the Sanford
Housing Authority. He said that Sanford has little authority over the Agency.
They are under HUD. Action concerning this will be occurring soon. New
Commissioners were sworn in last night.
Diane Bauer commented, before adjournment, how far the City of Longwood
has come since the last CALNO meeting held in Longwood. She
complimented the City Administrator on the remarkable job he was doing.
9. Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Office of the City Clerk,
City of Longwood