HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 03 07 Minutes '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MEETING held March 7, 2001, 7:00 P.M., Lake Mary City Commission Chambers, 100 North Country Club Road, Lake Mary, Florida. 1. Call to Order Invocation (Moment of Silence) Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call PRESENT: Commissioner/Chairperson Cindy Gennell Mayor-elect Brady Lessard Board Member Diane Bauer Commissioner Steve Wolfram Commissioner Linda Hart Commissioner Gary Brender Commissioner Dan Anderson Councilman Robert Dallari Larry Birch, President John Drago, City Manager John Litton, City Manager Thom Greene, Mayor Commissioner Jan Jernigan Commissioner Michael McLean Mary Campbell, Deputy City Clerk ABSENT: Dr. David T. Harrison, Ph.D. Commissioner Dick Vanderweide ~~~.. '_",I1rri:!~ to' ,') .- '1 C"'.' '1'- (-,",S ,-". City of Winter Springs City of Sanford Seminole County School Board City of Altamonte Springs City of Casselberry City of Lake Mary City of Longwood City of Oviedo The Grove Counseling Center City of Longwood City of Lake Mary City of Lake Mary City of Lake Mary City of Lake Mary City of Lake Mary Seminole Community College Seminole County Commission The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Gennell at 7:12 P.M. 2. Approval of February 2, 2001 Minutes The minutes were not available at this time and will be placed on the April 4, 2001, agenda. 3. Treasurers Report Commissioner Brender explained his computer has been off-line and requested to postpone to the next meeting. He noted that all dues have been received. Motion was made by Commissioner Brender to postpone the Treasurer's Report to the next meeting, seconded by Commissioner Wolfram and motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) March 7, 2001 - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Commissioner Gennell announced she would order flowers for Secretary's Day and new pens. 4. Program A: Update on "GreeneWay Missing Link" Commissioner Brender went over what was happening and what is being seen on 1-4. The construction of the GreeneWay "missing link" has been on the books for eight years. The 5.5-mile section of the GreeneWay will cost about $257 million, which will complete the four-lane extension of the GreeneWay to 1-4. There are no additional toll facilities between 1-4 and the Lake Jesup Bridge except for 25 cents for the exits. As the road meanders through Sanford, the last of the major intersections before 1-4 is Rinehart Road. There is an overpass at Towne Center Boulevard, then the first turning movement will be the right turn to bring you to a new ramp for eastbound 1-4. There will be no Highway 46 ramp from the GreeneWay; Highway 46 traffic must use the Rinehart Road exit just as Highway 46-A traffic will to the south. The current 46 ramp for eastbound 1-4 will be closed and relocated to exit off of 1-4 just north of the Highway 46-A overpass. The distance between the two will be bridged by a new "access" road alongside the eastbound lanes of 1-4, between 1-4 and the Towne Center Mall. Thus a single exit will provide 1-4 east traffic access to the eastbound GreeneWay as well as 46 exiting traffic. Westbound GreeneWay traffic will continue west and go underneath 1-4 at an existing overpass formerly used by the railroad. A one lane, left circling movement will bring traffic to an on-ramp for westbound 1-4. There will be a "cloverleaf' exit ramp for 1-4 westbound traffic which will exit off and go under 1-4 at the same overpass and continue to the GreeneWay eastbound. The current 46-A interchange is going to be completely redesigned. Currently 46-A has a loop road which is the off ramp. The westbound 1-4 exit for 46-A will be moved north to a point adjacent to the mall and a parallel access road will parallel 1-4 down to the 46-A ramp that now exists. The current off ramp from 1-4 to 46-A will be closed. The goal is to establish traffic off of 1-4 westbound on the access road before any turning movements are needed. They have to try to make the road's turning movements as simple as possible. One major insufficiency is that the intersection from the GreeneWay to 1-4 will allow for no future plans for any westbound extension of the GreeneWay. You cannot continue westbound on the GreeneWay from this point because there is only room for two lanes under 1-4. Commissioner Brender said what he has dubbed the "northwest passage" or the northwestern section of the GreeneWay is under discussion, but has no funding and no plans in place. The problem with this entire redesign is that while it meets state and federal guidelines for bringing two major roadway systems together, it does not meet many of the local traffic needs. In the ground or planned the City of Lake Mary and the County have over 5 million square feet of office that will be within one mile of the 46-A and 1-4 interchange. The only way westbound traffic on the GreeneWay can get to Heathrow International Business Center is to get off on Rinehart Road, travel south 1-1/2 miles, make a right on 46-A, go over the bridge and end up at the north end of Heathrow International Business Center. Future development for COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) March 7, 2001 - 2 , 1 Sanford calls for high-density residential and commercial development along that 2 stretch of Rinehart Road. To dump limited access highway traffic into such a 3 densely developed retail area is a mistake. 4 5 Commissioner Brender said the proposal he has made is for some minor ramp 6 variations which will allow traffic coming from the GreeneWay towards 1-4 to exit 7 off directly to the 46-A access road, before entering 1-4. The problem is that is 8 too close to other merging movements, thus the federal guidelines would not 9 allow it. He said we in local government are trying to meet local motoring needs, 10 the DOT is trying to meet federal highway standards, and the two are seemingly 11 incompatible. The same sort of ramp variation can bring intended eastbound 12 GreeneWay traffic from 46-A directly to the GreeneWay, without having to impact 13 the Rinehart Road corridor. He has been working with Congressman Mica and 14 will be setting up further meetings with Federal and State DOT. He explained 15 another challenge is that the contractor is under a 750-day completion target. If 16 he gets finished under that, he gets a $10,000 per day bonus, up to $1 million. 17 So as not to impact the bonus or the construction schedule, it has been 18 recommended that construction continue and while it is underway, he would 19 continue working with DOT to get them to recognize there is a problem that 20 needs to be addressed. 21 22 Other roadway improvements include the 1-4 widening, starting late this year, 23 from Lake Mary Boulevard to the Lake Monroe Bridge (completion sometime in 24 late 2003). Also the reconstruction of the 1-4 Lake Monroe bridge is underway 25 with completion planned for 2005. 26 27 Mayor-elect Lessard left the meeting at this time (7:45 P.M.). 28 29 Councilman Dallari asked how they could help. Commissioner Brender 30 requested each city send a letter to Congressman Mica. He said he would send 31 a copy of the letter Lake Mary sent. He was also asking some of the businesses 32 to write a letter expressing their concern and their need to ensure more direct 33 highway access from the office areas to the GreeneWay. We also have to 34 address what happens to the "northwest passage' of the GreeneWay. The holdup 35 there has been whether a road can be developed over the Wekiva River without 36 negatively impacting the river. The need to complete the GreeneWay all the way 37 around Orlando seems obvious, albeit unplanned! 38 39 Commissioner Anderson asked the timeframe if the tolls would ever disappear. 40 Commissioner Brender said for maintenance and future needs the plan is for it to 41 remain a toll road. A county-wide referendum, such as one done in Jacksonville 42 several years ago, can replace tolls with a small property tax increase. 43 44 Commissioner Brender said the Lake Monroe bridge is a major project. They will 45 construct a five-lane bridge east of the current bridge going over Lake Monroe, 46 bring all the traffic onto that bridge, tear down the existing bridge and replace it 47 with a five-lane structure. 48 49 Chairperson Gennell thanked Commissioner Brender for his presentation. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) March 7, 2001 - 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 5. Program B: The Grove Counseling Center Larry Birch, President Larry. Birch, President of The Grove Counseling Center, thanked the Board for having him. He said this center was one of the gems of Seminole County and they provide services to all the cities in Seminole County. This is a 501 C corporation and is intended to enhance the quality of life for the community. They provide substance abuse prevention and treatment services. They work with the School Board and have different kinds of programs targeted to the at-risk population. They have eight comprehensive prevention/treatment programs and one is for ages 13 - 17 where they literally turn lives around. The facility has 85 beds. SIDE 1 B Commissioner Brender said he attended a D.A.R.E. graduation and asked if The Grove was tied to that. Mr. Birch said they are not affiliated but they work closely with the sheriff's department. Chairperson Gennell said she was sure Mr. Birch could arrange a tour of the facility. She thanked Mr. Birch for his presentation and presented him with a pen as a token of appreciation. Chairperson Gennell said the next meeting IS scheduled for April 4th in Longwood. Chairperson Gennell asked if Oviedo had appointed an alternate. Councilman Dallari answered negatively. Chairperson Gennell requested Councilman Dallari to ask the commission to respond. 6. Reports from Members: SCHOOL BOARD Ms. Bauer said they have started budget workshops and expected a lean year in education. They have a pilot program of off-campus suspensions at the Boys and Girls Club in Sanford. They have committed to a pilot program in cooperation with AAA for driver's education. WINTER SPRINGS Commissioner Gennell said a homeless rescue center approached the city to locate there. They didn't like the property they looked at and went away. The mayor found a piece of property, personally took them to the Community Development Department to make sure it was zoned for that use, which it was. Now they are going to have a homeless shelter adjacent to the Seminole Trail, adjacent to a school board piece of property, and immediately adjacent to The Grove Counseling Center. They will hold a workshop on March 21st. She and some others visited a homeless center in Savannah, Georgia, and it was a COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) March 7, 2001 - 4 1 wonderful facility, but she also found a lot of facts were not reflected in the 2 picture that was painted for them in Winter Springs. 3 4 Ms. Bauer expressed concern of the shelter because it was next to a site they 5 had chosen for an elementary school. 6 7 Mr. Birch said he had written a letter. He expressed concern of the shelter being 8 next to his facility because the majority of the homeless are drug addicts and/or 9 alcoholics. He felt it was a needed service but it is being located in the wrong 10 place. 11 12 Commissioner Gennell explained the homeless come from Parramore Avenue by 13 van. They bring sick people in and take them back to Parramore when they are 14 well. She didn't think the commission was scheduled to be in a decision-making 15 mode on this issue. 16 17 AL TAMONE SPRINGS 18 19 Commissioner Wolfram said they now have water in Crane's Roost Lake. They 20 pumped in 4 million gallons of reclaimed water a couple of nights ago and last 21 week 5 million gallons. He said Dr. Horton Evans has been given the job by Dr. 22 Haggerty to head the Seminole Youth Council. They agreed to give the Council 23 $5,000. 24 25 Ms. Bauer said that was a responsibility they all share. One of the primary goals 26 is prevention and addressing the problems before they occur. She encouraged 27 everyone to become involved. 28 29 CASSELBERRY 30 31 Commissioner Hart said hopefully they were on their last leg with the lawsuit with 32 Florida Power. It is in appeals court April 12th and they would appreciate any 33 support from the cities. The Rachers issue is quiet and they really have no idea 34 what is going on. They have a hearing scheduled for Friday with Judge Nelson. 35 The 436/17-92 corner is filling up and they are getting a new 7-11 in that area. 36 There is a public hearing tonight in Casselberry and they invited Winter Springs 37 and Winter Park residents and anyone surrounding the Seminole Race Track to 38 get feedback. On Saturday they will hold a Rock Around the Block 5K Run at 39 8:00 A.M. 40 41 LAKE MARY 42 43 Commissioner Brender said they had an election February 20th where Jan 44 Jernigan was elected. Olde Lake Mary Days was this past weekend with about 45 1,500 to 2,000 people. It was a wonderful day. Things are not so quiet with the 46 airport issue. They are dealing with PanAm that continues to fly 20-25 year old 47 aircraft and they are not well "hushed' as some of the larger aircraft. Some come 48 in at 12:30 or 1 :00 A.M. The ILS has been flight checked on the other side and 49 they are continuing to deal with that. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) March 7, 2001 - 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LONGWOOD Commissioner Anderson said they have had a preliminary release of new design standards and codes to do away with zoning. That process will go on from now to a workshop in mid-May and then bring it back as an ordinance. They had the Joy Awards given to school students for good citizenship. SIDE 2A Commissioner Anderson explained that each school picked a student and gave a biography on why he/she deserved it. Parents, teachers and administrators were there, and there was a sense of the community coming together. OVIEDO Commissioner Dallari said last week they had a workshop with DOT and the Expressway Authority and they had an interesting approach to traffic concerns and noise. They discussed an interchange on Red Bug Road that will increase traffic by 200% at a cost of $23 million. The majority of the commission thought it was a good idea and asked the Expressway Authority to continue to study it. 7. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~_ /2 (.?~ Mary . Campbell, 0 puty City Clerk City of Lake Mary COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) March 7, 2001 - 6