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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 02 16 Fax Re: 2000 Attendance of CALNO Members -1' ~, *************** -COMM. JOLJRt.R.. *** - **************** DATE FEB-16-20I2l1 ***** TIME 17:21 ******** "'"" - rem'>' _'55H" ~,,~ EHD-FEB-l. 17'21 ; FILE NO.=423 ~~L-" :~. \~ABFR~' B~' ~~ATI()-I 0~008 00: 06: ************************************ - - ***** - 407 3Z? 4753- ********* CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST stATE ROAD 4S4 WINTER SPRINGS. FlOAIl).6. 32708.m9 1lI1ephone (407) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: TO: FACSIMILE: February 16,2001 Commissioner QenneU FROM: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces City Clerk TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 NUMBER OF PAGES m (including this cover sheet) (407) 699-9430 COl\fMENTS: A copy of the (draft) Agenda is 8110 attaChed. ~ Hope your tnp today went well, and let me know if there are any changes to the attached infonnatioD. Thank you. Andrea. ~ . . '..- ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: TO: FACSIMILE: February 16,2001 Commissioner Gennell (407) 699-9430 Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces City Clerk TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 FROM: NUMBER OF PAGES W (including this cover sheet) COMMENTS: Commissioner - as requested, 1 am sending you a sample letter and the applicable information to be enclosed with the letter. 1 am sending you a sample for each of the three jurisdictions that you have requested receive the letters (along with each respective enclosure). As you re9uested, a letter (with enclosure) will be addressed and mailed to each CommissIOner/Councilman with each of the three jurisdictions - on Monday. A copy of the (draft) Agenda is also attached. As for the Trip to Savannah, I'm sure that Mr. McLemore has been in touch with you (I gave him both of your telephone numbers) - the trip to Savannah is on. Charles is still making arrangements and either he or Mr. McLemore will probably have the applicable information for you. Hope your trip today went well, and let me know if there are any changes to the attached information. Thank you, Andrea. , , . . G4LtJu February 19,2001 Commissioner Grant Maloy County of Seminole Board of County Commissioners 1101 East First Street, Suite 3114 Sanford, Florida 32771 Dear Commissioner Maloy, This letter is to call your attention to your membership attendance at CALNO meetings. Enclosed please find a schedule for the past year indicating representation from your organization. As you can see, your organization has not been very well represented for the past several months. Two years ago CALNO established the appointment of alternate members to attend meetings in the event that the primary designee was unable to attend. The meeting announcements and agendas are distributed to each appointed member as well as each alternate member. As you can see from the enclosed material, your alternates did not attend these meetings either. The entire focus of the Council of Local Governments is to promote improved intergovernmental communication. To this end, it is essential that each member organization be represented at the meetings. Since different jurisdictions host the meeting once each year, along with the dinner and the program, it is very disappointing for them when the turnout is poor. Your participation in CALNO is very valuable and your absence has been notable. I would urge you to review your attendance record. Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Cindy Gennell Chairperson Enclosure . . ~ ~ ~ ~ o-l 3: "l:l 3: l"l Z ~ Z ~ 0 ~ 0 > t'" l"l t'" o-ll"l Z l"l l"l ~ o-l ~ o ~ 0 ; <; ::;! l"l ::;! ~ l"l ZZ t:lO ~ ~ l"l ~ l"l ZZ t:lO ~ ~ l"l ~ ~ ~ Z ~ Z t:l 0 t:l 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ l"l l"l ~ ~ l"l l"l..." Z Z ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ l"l l"l ~ ~ ~ Z ~ Z t:l 0 t:l 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ l"l l"l ~ ~ l"l l"l Z Z Z Z t:l 0 t:l 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ l"l l"l ~ ~ l"l l"l Z Z Z Z t:l 0 t:l 0 > > Z Z ~ ~ l"l l"l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Z Z t:l 0 t:l 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ l"l l"l ~ ~ l"l l"l Z Z Z Z t:l 0 t:l 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ l"l l"l Z > 3: l"l o "'l o ~ ~ ... N ~ ~ ~ = l"l 2!!~ "'l0 ~t:: ~Z ~::;! 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(") l!I!J oo~g;J "I:l~ t::! i!!e>C') za::~~ C')ot'" ooz> ~:= l!I!J ~ ~ ~~t.> 0 ~ Z l!I!JC')- ~ t"'~.... = CiS E= l!I!J~= 0 ~ ~ t'" g ~ ~ ~o OOg;J >!8~ ~ go (") ~....C')- ...~:! E~~~~~ :!.... t"'~ 8~0 ~ l!I!J = ~ ~ a:: ~ 00 l'J!l .... l!I!J Z Z Z ~ ~ t'" 00 l'J!l C .... := ~g;JUl ~ Z 00 ~g~ ~ ~ "I:l l!I!J a:: i!!e gt"'8 .... Z zC') c~ 000 t'" l'J!l (") ~g;J0\ 0 ~ Z ....C')~ :! l!I!J~CiS 8~= n ~ Z S >ooog;J ~~~C')~ oo~~g ~~8~ t'" ~~.... C')~ ~~~ t"'g >(~ t'" ~g;J.... C')~ a::~"" ~5g >( ~~g;J.... i!!e2C')t::! Z~~~ C')l'J!l~= 00:= . . . . . . AGENDA Date: Time: Location: 1. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Wednesday, March 7, 2001 Dinner-6:30 p.m./Meeting-7:00 p.m. City of Lake Mary 1 00 West Lake Mary Drive Lake Mary, Florida 32746 (407) 324-3000 2. Approval of the February 7, 2001 Regular Meeting Minutes 3. Treasurer's Report 4. Program A: Update on the "Greeneway Missing Link" 5. Program B: The Grove Counseling Center Introduction of new President, Larry Birch 6. Reports From Members: . Sanford . Seminole Community College . Seminole County Commission · Seminole County School Board · Winter Springs . Altamonte Springs . Casselberry . Lake Mary . Longwood . Oviedo 7. Adjournment Next Meeting: April 4, 2001 - City of Longwood Commissioner Brady Lessard Vice President Dr. David T. Harrison, Ph.D. Commissioner Daryl G. McLain Board Member Diane Bauer Commissioner Cindy Gennell Commissioner Steve Wolfram Commissioner Linda C. Hart Commissioner Gary Brender Commissioner Dan Anderson Councilman Robert Dallari * PUBLIC NOTICE * This is a public meeting, and the public is invited to attend. Please be advised that one (I) or more Members of a Commission or Council may be in attendance at this Meeting. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the hosting City in advance of the meeting, per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetingslhearings they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. '. . \" . cJl;-J 0 February 19,2001 Commissioner Brady Lessard City of Sanford 1501 East 2nd Street Sanford, Florida 32771 Dear Commissioner Lessard, This letter is to call your attention to your membership attendance at CALNO meetings. Enclosed please find a schedule for the past year indicating representation from your organization. As you can see, your organization has not been very well represented for the past several months. Two years ago CALNO established the appointment of alternate members to attend meetings in the event that the primary designee was unable to attend. The meeting announcements and agendas are distributed to each appointed member as well as each alternate member. As you can see from the enclosed material, your alternates did not attend these meetings either. The entire focus of the Council of Local Governments is to promote improved intergovernmental communication. To this end, it is essential that each member organization be represented at the meetings. Since different jurisdictions host the meeting once each year, along with the dinner and the program, it is very disappointing for them when the turnout is poor. Your participation in CALNO is very valuable and your absence has been notable. I would urge you to review your attendance record. Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Cindy Gennell Chairperson Enclosure . .' " ,"Ii C~JO February 19,2001 Councilman Robert Dallari City of Oviedo 400 Alexandra Boulevard Oviedo, Florida 32765 C.ou.r\d (~'-.... I , Dear a Da ar . (')d~,r, / This letter is to call your attention to your membership attendance at CALNO meetings. Enclosed please find a schedule for the past year indicating representation from your organization. As you can see, your organization has not been very well represented for the past several months. Two years ago CALNO established the appointment of alternate members to attend meetings in the event that the primary designee was unable to attend. The meeting announcements and a endas are distributed to each a ointed member as well as each alternate member. The entire focus of the Council of Local Governments is to promote improved intergovernmental communication. To this end, it is essential that each member organization be represented at the meetings. Since different jurisdictions host the meeting once each year, along with the dinner and the program, it is very disappointing for them when the turnout is poor. Your participation in CALNO is very valuable and your absence has been notable. I would urge you to review your attendance record. Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Cindy Gennell Chairperson Enclosures