HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 02 12 Letter Re: GreeneWay (SR 417) 02/12/2001 15:50 C ITV OF LA~<E ~1AR'( C I Tr' H,qLL -7 94073274753 ~.jO. 550 Gl01 V - - ;. City Of --CakE. dIla~!f RECEIVED FER 1 2 1001 John C. Litton City Manager '0 ~~v0 POST OFFICE BOX 950700 KE MARY, FLORIDA 32795-0700 CITY OF WINTER SPRING~ OFFICE OF THE CITY Cb.~~~ February 9, 2001 Phone 407-324-3019 Fax 407-324-3098 E-Mail jlinon@laksmaryflcom Congressman John L. Mica Florida House of Representatives 2445 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressman Mica: In the last six months, we have become aware of the final design plans for connecting the new segment of the GreeneWay (SR 417) to Interstate 4. Unfortunately, the current design of the GreeneWay ramp to westbound Interstate 4 does not provide a connection to County Road 46-A. We are extremely concerned that while current plans meet all state and federal requirements, it is going to create havoc in the local community by forcing traffic that would be better served exiting on the west side of Interstate 4 onto Rinehart Road. As a point of information. the immediate area surrounding County Road 46-A and the Interstate 4 interchange will ultimately have mare than 6,QOO,OOO square feet of office space, as well as thousands of housing units. As designed, the motoring public wanting to get to these developments will be forced to exit the GreeneWay (SR 417) at RInehart Road, then travel either northeast to SR 46. or southeast to County Road 46-A, in order: to gain access to the west side of Interstate 4. The same problems, except in reverse, would exisVfor those wanting to get from the Heathrow/HIBC/Colonial Properties area to the GreeneWay (SR 417). Those scenarios, coupled with traffic that truly needs to exit on Rinehart Road to do business on the east side of Interstate 4, would be a nightmare. If not remedied, it is our belief that what should be perceived as a great transportation improvement will become nothing more than major gridlock, especially during rush- hour periods. From the historical perspective, I believe that the original design for this segment of the GreeneWay (SR 417) was a system-to-system interchange with access to County Road 46-A. However, funding became a problem and the link was cut sometime prior to 1995. Granted, some of the development which has come to the I~ Corridor may not have been envisioned at that time, but the reality is that much of it already exists and the rest is planned over the next five to ten years. To construct the link between two major highway systems and not include linkage to the most intense local user, and then leave the subsequent traffic flow problems with local authorities, does not seem practical. Seminole County, Sanford, and Lake Mary will have to deal with the traffic congestion that we believe the current plan creates. In summary. we believe very strongly that this is an ideal time for government at all levels to be proactive. and at least have a plan to deal with this problem on the front end, even if the improvement must wait until after current construction is completed. We know because both state and federal . roadways are involved it will require their approvals and participation. However, to not address these FEB-12-2001 15:58 407 324 3098 95;~ P.01 02/12/2001 15:50 C I T/ OF LAkE 1'1AR'!' C I T'i' HALL -? 94073274753 t--lO.550 Gl02 -, " "" Congressman John L. Mica February 9, 2001 Page Two anticipated negative impacts at this time is probably a good reason why people lack confidence in government. We have discussed this issue with our Legislative Delegation and 1he Expressway Authority, and also received several calls of concern from the Impacted business community. I think all agree that this problem deserves serious consideration, Thank you in advance for your consideration. cc: Mayor and City Commission Representative David Mealor, District 34 Larry Dale, Mayor - City of Sanford Dick Van Der Weide - Chairman, Seminole County Commissionl Seminole County Expressway Authority Tony Vanderworp, City Manager - City of Sanford Kevin Grace, County Manager JCLJsbt WoCL.. FEB-12-2001 15:58 407 324 3098 95/; P.02