HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 02 07 Minutes RECEIVED APR 0 3 2001 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE ~TY The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) held a meeting Wednesday, February 7, 2001 at 7:00 p.m., Casselberry City Hall Commission Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida. 1. CALL TO ORDER/INVOCATIONIPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEIROLL CALL Chairperson Gennell called the meeting to order at 7: 13 p.m. Chairperson Gennell requested a moment of silence and then led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members Present: Commissioner Cindy Gennell' City of Winter Springs, CALNO Chairperson Commissioner Linda C. Hart, City of Casselberry Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary, CALNO Treasurer Commissioner Steve Wolfram, City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Dan Anderson, City of Longwood Board Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board Members Not Present: Councilman Robert Dallari, City of Oviedo Commissioner Brady Lessard, City of Sanford Vice President Dr. David T. Harrison, Ph.D., Seminole Community College Commissioner Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission Others Present: Mayor/Commissioner Bruce A. Pronovost, City of Casselberry Commissioner Al Clark, City of Casselberry Commissioner Owen Sheppard, City of Casselberry Dr. Jack M. ScWuckebier, Ph.D., Casselberry City Manager Thelma McPherson, Casselberry City Clerk Tony Segreto, Casselberry Public Works Director Migdalia Hernandez, Casselberry Water Resource Manager Donna Gardner, Casselberry Commission Secretary John Drago, Longwood City Manager Terry Zaudtke, Senior Vice President of CPH Engineers, Inc. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Minutes of February 7, 2001 - Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 2. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The minutes of the December 6, 2000 Regular meeting were presented for approval. Additionally, Chairperson Gennell presented notes from the January 3, 200 I meeting at which there was not a quorum but a presentation was heard and member reports were given. MOTION: Commissioner Brender moved to approve the minutes of December 6, 2000, and notes of January 3, 2001 as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hart. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Brender reported the current account balance as $967.60. Commissioner Brender noted the membership dues invoices were mailed out in January 200 I and to date he has received approximately five (5) payments which have not been deposited into the account yet. Commissioner Brender further noted he would make a deposit when he is in receipt of the majority of the dues. MOTION: Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hart. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 4. PROGRAM A: ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON MOTION: Commissioner Hart moved to reelect Cindy Gennell as Chairperson. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Brender. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 5. PROGRAM B: ELECTION OF TREASURER MOTION: Commissioner Hart moved to reelect Gary Brender as Treasurer. Motion was seconded by Diane Bauer. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Discussion ensued regarding attendance of recent meetings and how to address the matter. The Council gave the Chairperson the following direction regarding the matter: COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Minutes of February 7, 2001 - Regular Meeting Page 3 of 5 MOTION: Commissioner Brender moved to direct the Chairperson to send correspondence to each member of CALNO and each entities' respective Chairperson reiterating the importance for regular attendance of the CALNO meetings by either their representative, alternate or staff member. Motion was seconded by Board Member Bauer. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 6. PROGRAM C: SECURING A 20- YEAR CONSUMPTIVE USE PERMIT FROM THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Mr. Tony Segreto, Public Works Director of the City of Casselberry introduced Mr. Terry Zaudtke, Senior Vice President ofCPH Engineers, Inc. who gave a Powerpoint presentation regarding the process involved with the City of Casselberry's recent securing of a 20 year consumptive use permit from the St. Johns River Water Management District. A copy of Mr. Zaudtke's Powerpoint presentation is attached to and made a part of these minutes. 7. PROGRAM D: THE GROVE COUNSELING CENTER (TENTATIVE) Chairperson Gennell noted that the new director for the Grove Counseling Center was unable to attend this meeting and moved the program to the next scheduled meeting to be held March 7,2001 at Lake Mary. 8. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Board Member Bauer of the Seminole County School Board: · Suggested distributing a fax sheet to members with the agenda materials so they could indicate and fax back whether or not they planned on being in attendance for each meeting. · Noted the School Board will be hosting the October 2001 CALNO meeting and was planning on having the School Board Superintendent address the Council on the state of the school system. · Noted the School Board recently approved an agreement with the City of Winter Springs for the temporary use of property owned by the School Board by the City until construction of an elementary school commences on the subject property. · Reported two (2) new charter schools were recently approved by the School Board. Noted the School Board meetings are being televised on SGTV. · Requested that fellow members find an appropriate date for the School Board to come before their respective commissions with a presentation regarding the School Board's technology skills. Further noted the School Board was seeking endorsements from the various entities for a cable channel dedicated solely to education. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Minutes of February 7, 2001 - Regular Meeting Page 4 of5 · Noted the Seminole County School Board was in the midst ofFTE week, which entails census of students for funding purposes. · Reported the Seminole County School Board recently approved a pilot program for off campus suspensions with the City of Sanford. · Reported State Legislators were recently invited by the School Board for a meeting to discuss education related concerns for the upcoming legislative session and noted that Representative Feeney and Senator Constantine were among those in attendance. · Requested support of the education portion of the upcoming sales tax referendum. · Noted an unresolved matter with the City of Oviedo regarding the moving of portables through their city limits. Elaborated that the School Board's FDOT permit only allows them to move the portables between the hours of9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and the City of Oviedo will only permit the move between the hours of 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. Further noted that the City of Oviedo was the only city which required a permit for the moving of portables through its city limits. Commissioner Gennell of the City of Winter Springs: · Reported the charter review process was nearing an end, with an upcomingjoint meeting between the City Commission and the Charter Review Committee. Noted the charter referendums would be placed on the November ballot. · Reported the City of Oviedo sued the City of Winter Springs to halt an annexation along Lake Jessup, which Oviedo claims is in violation of its planning agreement with Seminole County. Noted the City of Winter Springs had requested to be apart of said planning agreement but was refused. Further reported the City of Oviedo has requested that the fIrst part of the Conflict Resolution process adopted by CALNO requiring a joint meeting of the two City Commissions be bypassed. The City of Winter Springs has requested that the meeting not be bypassed. Commissioner Steve Wolfram of the City of Altamonte Springs: · Reported on the status of the reclaimed water project which would allow surplus reclaimed water to be diverted from distribution into the Little Wekiwa River into Crane's Roost. · Reported the City of Altamonte Springs has been enforcing its water restrictions for reclaimed water use and that crews have been going out in the middle of the night to track down illegal use. Commissioner Hart of the City of Casselberry: · Noted the City of Casselberry's Annual Rock Around the Block 5k Run was scheduled for Saturday, March 10,2001. · Noted Casselberry Mayor Bruce Pronovost was recently elected President of the Tri-County League of Cities. Commissioner Brender of the City of Lake Mary: · Reported the City of Lake Mary was informally exploring annexation issues in the Heathrow area as well as in the Colonial Town properties area northwest of 1-4 and 46A. · Reported developers of the northern end of the Heathrow International Business Center were currently requesting a land use change for an additional 400,000 sq. ft. of office space. · Reported on the status of his meetings with the FDOT and Turnpike Authority regarding his proposal regarding the expansion of the Greenway and lack of an easy access 46A interchange, as well as COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Minutes of February 7, 2001 - Regular Meeting Page 5 of5 lighting issues for the proposed interchange. Noted the Lake Mary Days spring event was scheduled for Sunday, March 4, 2001. Commissioner Dan Anderson of the City of Longwood: · Reported the Longwood City Commission recently held a workshop regarding revisions to its land development code. Further noted that the Commission hopes the revisions will spur better quality redevelopment. · Reported the Longwood City Commission has passed an ordinance on fIrst reading regarding restructuring of its water and sewer rates to a tiered system to promote water conservation. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairperson Gennell adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Donna G. Gardner City Commission Secretary City of Casselberry ., .- E I- cu a. cu U) :::) cu > .- a. E :s U) c o u ~ ~ OJ ..0 - OJ (/) (/) co U \.I- o ~ o a. ::) U Q ~ ~ ,., U) ~ fa cu > I o N ~ W e o ""C e ~ ro ro E .....J o o?J ~ >- W ~ > 0 ~2 LL ~ (f) I W · e ..c -"'u -WeO W ~ Ul Ul -1-'....... ""C Ul""C -... 0 ro::]~ 0 U roW:> ~NW:> o ~.~ CU ~~Cl~ .- OJ c ~ U I- UJ L...I - - - :c a.. U I (/) tJ (I) (/) co Q) c.. I- -- E 0 u -- ........ - ., 0 ""0 U 0- e fa ""0 ro e (/) LL. 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