HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 01 19 Fax Re: Excerpt from December CALNO Minutes JOURNAL- ******************* DATE JAN-19-2001 ***** TIME 13:37 ******** *************** -COMM. FILE NO.=978 ,START=JAN-19 0/36 '(, .--/ ~...~~,--~- END=JAN-19 13:37 MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION STATION NAME/TEL NO. "'f?~GE~,..., DURATION 94075718124 ~ 00~0:00:38 , y . ~ ~_./ ,./ -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS -- - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* *********************************** - STN NO. ~. ,/ ABBR NO. 001 OK ) a ',--/ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATe: ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIOA 32?08.V99 TelephQl1G (407) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE; January 15.2001 Office of the Clerk FROM: TO: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Chairperson Cindy Gennell CALNO TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 NUMBER OF PAGES m (including this cover sheet) COMMENTS: Please find attached an excerpt from the December CALNO Minutes which outlines what dates and program titles have been decided upon for future meetings. If your organization has not yet announced your program, we would apprecIate J'QU returning this document with the following portion completed: Name of Organization: Program(s): Thank you for your assistance. *************** -(OMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE JAN-19-2001 ***** TIME 13:38 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION C:T:~:33 END=JAN-19 13:38 FILE NO.=979 STN NO.. -CbMM.- ABBR NO. STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION 001 i OK Ii: ~' ~ 94072627745 . ~;~~:~2__~ 00: 38 ~' -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* CITYOFWINTER$PRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FlORIDA 32708-2799 TelephOne (407) 327-1600 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: January 15,2001 OffiCe of the Clerk. FROM: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces. City Clerk Chairperson Cindy Gennell CALNO TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 221 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 TO: NUMBER OF PAGES m (including this covet sheet) Please find attached an excerpt from the December CALNO Minutes which outlines what dates and program titles have been decided upon for future meetings. If your organization has not yet announced your program, we would appreciate you retuIning this document with the following portion completed; COMMENTS: Name of Organization: Program(s): Thank you for yOur assistance. 19 2001 ***** TIME 13:41 ******** *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE JAN- - MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION i START =JAN.-::.1_~ ..!~:'~0 END=JAN-19 13:41 FILE NO.=980 STN NO. COIjM. ABBR NO. STA~JON.NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION ,.---. ....,,-..--' ( 9407260~41/ C. 002/00~.J0:00:39 .~) 1 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~. 001. OK ~ / /' ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST Sli\TE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, f:LORIDA 32708.2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: January 15, 2001 Office of the Clerk FROM: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk ChaiIperson Cindy Gennell CALNO TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 TO: NUMBER OF PAGES rn (including this cover sheet) COMMENTS: Please find attached an excelpt from the December CALNO Minutes which outlines what dates and program titles have been decided upon for future meetings. If your organization has not yet announced your program, we would appreciate you ~ this dooument with the following portion completed: Name of Organization: Program(s): Thank you for your assistance. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DRTE JRN-19-2001 ***** TIME 13:43 ******** FILE NO.=981 ~TRRT=JRN-19 13:~ "-, ,// END=JRN-19 13:42 MODE = MEMORY TRRNSMISSION _..~~ PRGES DURRTION <--0~0:00: 38 STN NO. COMM. RBBR NO. STRTION NRME/TEL NO. 001 -_/& 94079776009 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLOl'UDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: January 15,2001 OffiCe of the elerlc FROM: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Chairperson Cindy Gennell CALNO TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 TO: NUMBER OF PAGES OJ (including this cover sheet) Please find attached an excerpt from the December CALNO Minutes which outlines what dates and program titles have been decided upon for future meetings. If your orgarnzabon has not yet announced your program, we would appreciate you returning this docwnent with the following portion completed: COMMENTS: Name of Organi%ation: Program(s): Thank you for your assistance. *************** -(OMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE JAN-19-2001 ***** TIME 13:44 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=JAN-19 13:42) END=JAN-19 13:44 FILE NO.=982 ~~ p~ ,DURATION (~~2~002 /~~: 00: 45 STN NO. ,~OMM-. ABBR NO. 001 ./':,y II STATION NAME/TEL NO. 94073305606 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - . , - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST ST.(TE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 3Z708..z799 Telepholl9 (407) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: January 15.2001 Office of the Clerk FROM: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces. City Clerk Chairperson Cindy Gennell CALNO TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 TO: NUMBER OF PAGES m (including this cover sheet) Please find attached an excerpt from the December CALNO Minutes which outlines what dates and program titles have been decided upon for future meetings. If your organization has not yet annOlmced your program. we would appreclate you returning this doomnent with the followinp; portion completed: COMMENTS: Name of Organization: Prop;ram(s): Thank you for your assistance. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE JAN-19-2001 ***** TIME 13:45 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION ~~TART=JAN-~~ }3:44 END=JAN-19 13:45 FILE NO.=983 STN NO. COMM. ABBR NO. STATION N~~/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION c~ 94076657958 002/002 0d:00:38 j -~- ... .~ <;::<:.:a.~<;",\.~ - -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 001 ~'ll \. ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* '",.,., CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST sr.c;re ROAD 434 WINTeR SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32709.2799 llllephon8 (401) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: January 15,2001 OffiCe of the Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk ChaiIperson Cindy Gennell CALNO TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 TO: FROM: NUMBER OF PAGES m (including this cover sheet) Please find attached an excerpt from the December CALMO Minutes which outlines what dates and program titles have been decided. upon for future meetings. If your organIzation has not yet announced your program. we would apprectate you returning this document with the following portion completed: COMMENTS: Name of Organization: Program{s): Thank you for your assistance. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: TO: January 15,2001 Office of the Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Chairperson Cindy Gennell CALNO TELEPHONE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 FROM: NUMBER OF PAGES []] (including this cover sheet) COMMENTS: Please fmd attached an excerpt from the December CALNO Minutes which outlines what dates and program titles have been decided upon for future meetings. If your organization has not yet announced your program, we would appreciate you returning this document with the following portion completed: Name of Organization: Program(s): Thank you for your assistance. ~>i i<\~' . t~ ~~ . ~' ..'.' , .- ~/"; =~ . ~~7 ,.:(,u}~'C;~t~ ,>~ a...O~;A!~. !.?!'~V~:;L"~d".!~.N'r,,,; !~ H?:^o:r~~..;:..!'~ {.~H,;~~T~~ {~j~)....,,("} Mlt!lJTt$ v.l.i.en~(j Ijf',CiiMi'l!;!lI), woo I".~,f'j ()~ 5 3. Tl'c~Su.rer's Hql0it Commissioner BrerH!er, City of fAlke M~lry ;HNitOO t."t" C~llnt"il (h;;ll}H~ Cllm~nt HCC('UI1' b"l~nce wm: $964..~Hi; and thilt fh<:. rloiil,)c~ tOI; dncR w0uld t:-t; nHllkl(1 in J"nll~ry '(1 MAXI<: A MOTlON TO A'P)'RovF: THl~ TRK<\SlIRF:H,'S RKPOR1\" MOTION BY COMI\nSSIONl~R HART SF.COND(~D. MOTiON PASS":}) IIN:\NIMOUS1.Y. Chajrp(:r~Qll G~on;~.\j WdC(.ml~j C~mmis~i()m:r SkvC;': Wolihml, City (',If Alt(iJl'\flnte SpriJlgs who rcplaces COHinli~;t;io!1(;: EcJie Rost; anu livtcd th:ir (,'Ollfl.cilrn,HI R()I"~ll DalJs.ri, was the n~w!y ~PI.)(',if1i(~d R(l!p\,~,,~nlai.iv(; fhm\ Hll; Ci~y ("If Oviect~). ; I L .. 5. Pragnun B; 1~I'dJ;nrm Phuwir'R fffr the Y e~f 2001 J(\I.I\J(U'Y 3, 2001 City :)f All~nl.onte Sprjng~ '. Tc) be I.:h~((;rl'l,jn~d. FclJrutU'y 7, 2001 City (Jf Ca~~sdbl..:r[y . To h~ d~tcrn!i!lt')(,!, M3rch 7, 2001 City ofLakc:M<l.fY ~ UJ'd,nc 011 t}ic; "Grt~0l\tWay Mi~siUfj l..iuk." Apri' 4, 2001 City of L.ongwvod ' Tn \)!; dctenll]\1C;t\' May 2, 200) City of OV1(;d() ~ TCl b(; d0ttlDlll!l(?;cL June 6, Z001 City of Slil1foJC] , To he dC((lnniflcd. September 5, ZOO} Seminole COlllH)' Cou:mW;iije)\1 - To bl; <.lotGlmin(:.,l. Octoher 3, 2001 Seminole County ~chc.lol Board ~ To b~ tlct(;rrl1iO(~L (fh~ Cl~fk Wll,\' ()sk.l.~d 10 lot:k in, Utul (.,'lJlifiO'1 thi.v datI:! with the SCllooI fJ.o4Fd) Nov~mber 7, 2001 City ofWil.'ltcr Spril1Ss ' To be determined. December 5, 2001 (Chairperson eJemu!U $tJgg~u(}d 1~4Vt1'lg thi.~ dllt~ Vpc1'/.JOr the Repre.~er;tf1.tivefn)m ~he S~lf1in()[e Communiry Co!ll5f.e.) JAN-19-2001 12:55 97% P.01