HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 01 03 Minutes with Notes ~ --p.D', . uTEs ~OUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVEI~MENTS XN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) January 3,2001 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) held a meeting 00 Wednesday, January 3, 2001, at 7:00 p.tu., at the City of Altamoote Springs City Hall, 225 Newburyport A venue, Altamonte Springs, Florida. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to Order at 7:20 p.m. by CALNO Chairperson ICommissioncr Cindy Gennell. Roll Call - the followinj;( members were in. attendance: Deputy Mayor/CALNO Chairperson Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs Commissioner Steve Wolfran1, City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Linda C. Hart, City of Casselberry Commissioner Gary L. Brender, City of Lake Mary Angela Kersenbruck, Seminole Community College (representing Dr David T. Harrison) Also present was: Jim Merino, Deputy County Manager, Seminole County Absent were: Commissioner Dan Anderson, City of Longwood Councilman Robert Dallari, City of Oviedo Commissioner Brady Lessard, City of Sanford Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide, Semi.nole County Board of County Commissioners Board Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County Public School Board Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, and Items 2 - 6 were omitted or deferred to the end of the meeting. 7. Program D: Seminole County 1 Cent Local Option Infrastructure Sales Tax Presented By: lYfr. Jim }"1erino, Deputy County Manager Mr. Merino distributed copies of the briefing packet for the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners meeting ofNoyember 28,2000. It summarized the traditional concepts of the 1 ent sales tax and how it began with the Seminole Vision. The Seminole County Board chose to move forward with MayorlManager's concept. To target the 1 cent sales tax on road improvement and schools. 1\1INl'TES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERl'l\fENTS IN Sf.Mfl'IOLE COl'l'TY (C.\LNO) JAHUARY J, 1001 p.ge 1 of.1 Mr. Merino outlined the Preliminary Target Calendar Options and explained the benefits of the September RcfOption. Both options \....ould not take effect until January 1,2002, which means that there will be a period of time between September 30,2001 and January 1, 2002, in. which the sales tax for Seminole County will drop to 6%. Commissioner Brender accounted that Lake Mary has had no problem with referendums when (a) the taxes are tied to a specific item, and (bl when the citizens can see results. Mr. Merino continued that none of the proposed penny tax goes to operations, but to what can be touched, such as roads, overpasses and trails. Chainnan Gennell questioned the revenues generated by the "I M Generation" Sales Ta.x Program. !\ir. Merino noted that $534 million has been generated, which is apportioned to the agencies based on population. Commissioner Brender expressed concern that the apportionment is based on the nighttime resident totals of 10,000, rather than the daytime impact of 65,000 population. Mr. Merino reviewed the list of improvements to be targeted with the generated revenues, noting that as the Cities are reviewing the proposal for approval, the lists may be amended. There was considerable discussion concerning funding for State Road construction/renovations and that this penny sales tax would pre-fund addressing of State Roads, rather than waiting for the State to provide full funding. Mr. Merino concluded that they will be contacting all agencies and will be available to address the issue at agency meetings. 6. Program C: Program Planning for tbe Year 2001 Casselberry - Winter Springs - Water Conservation (Reclaimed Water) St. Johns River Water Management District Chairman Gennell VJill have her City Clerk contact the remaining agencies for their programming plans. Approval of the Minutes, Treasurer's Report, and Elections will be deferred to the next meeting as there was not a quorum of members in attendance. MINUTES COUNCil OF LOCAL GOVfH1'o'r>lENTS IN SD11NOLf. COUNTY (C."lNOI JANUARY 3,1001 rRge :) of <1 8. Rcport'l From Members Seminole Community College Angela Kcrscnbruck Grand opening for tJ1e nc\\': Oviedo campus will take place on Thursday, January I L 200 I from 10:00 am - 12:00 nOOll. All are invited Short Term Certificate Program will aid in fulfilling the need for vocational training such 3...<; technical schools formerly provided. There are 30+ programs planned including EMT, Criminal Justice, and (HV AC) Heating & Air Conditioning. Apprenticeship Programs are going well. The State waives 75% of the tuition and fees. It is a four year program of on the job training with one night of school per week. The student receives full benefits of the job. City of \Vinter Springs Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell The Charter Review process has been interesting. Some of the proposed recommendations include giving the mayor a vote, and going to a 4 district setup with the mayor elected by the citizens, or 5 districts with the mayor elected by the commission. Commissioners Brender and Hart pointed out that Lake Mary and Casselberry do not have commission districts. Oviedo has obtained a court injW1ction to stop Winter Springs from annexing certain properties. This was briefly discussed. City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Steve Wolfram Commissioner Wolfram reported there has been no commission meeting since the last CALNO meeting so he had nothing to report. Casselberry Commissioner Linda Hart The commission held all day meetings on December 14th and again last week on the Rachael's issue. There was gene.ral discussion concerning the issue. The Sunset Jazzfest will be held in February. Walk Around the Block will be held on March 10th. It "viII start at the Senior Center, down Winter Park Drive, and around Lake Triplett back to the Senior Center. She reported it is a fun time. The Second Annual Culture Fest will be held in April. "1 []'JUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOYE.R1'lME'ITS IN SEM[]'JOU': COUl"TY (CALNOl JANUARY J, 1001 P"cc .i CJr 4 Lake Mary Commissioner Gary Brcndc:r Lake Mary canceled their December meeting. Commissioner Al Crump resigned as of January 1'1. Qualifying begins January 5th and the election to replace will be held on February 20th The City just got the go ahead for the termis court project. Bids were very high ($150.000 above budget). They will start with seven (7) clay courts. There will be a referendum considered this fall for $3.5 - $4 million for a new Fire Station on Crystal Lake Avenue. The City is considering design build contract for the development. The Marriott Hotel and Convention Center has now gone through the permitting process Southern Bank Corporation is moving to Lake Mary. Chairman GClU1ell wished everyone a Happy ~ew Year. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Minutes respectfully submjued by: Janice G Goebel, Deputy City Clerk ellY of Altamonte Springs