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City of Oviedo Land Development Code
City of Oviedo Land Development Code Tree Preservation and Landscaping Regulations City Council Priorities! Issues . Tree PreseIVation I Protection . Effective Buffers Between Land Uses . Open IGreen Space Locations . Shade Coverage of Paved Surface Areas . Minimum Tree Size . Enforceable Maintenance Standards Summary of Revised Code . Establishes a compliance requirement . Requires water conserving landscaping. . Redefines canopy trees. . Requires street trees. . Encourages tree preservation. . Establishes measurable bufferyard types. . Regulates all vehicular use areas. . Creates effective maintenance regulations. Tree Replacement Schednle . A 10"-12" Ilgnlfkanttree removed D.l repllKementtree . A 1%"-18" Ilgnlfkant tree ......oved..1replacement trees . A 18"-14" Ilgnlficant tree ~ved D 3 re""""ment trees . A 14"-30" IlgnlnclUIt tree ftIDOved - 4. re""""menttreel . A +30" treeD a Heritage Tree = Incb for Inch replacement . Max. replacement required - 300 Inch.. (caliper) I acre Replacement Tree Stock .A replacement tree = 6" caliper Redefinition of Canopy Tree . A New Canopy Tree. . Required Canopy Trees. . Canopy Street Trees. Measurable ButTeryard..Types .. Provides forprindpalland use. . Provides for accessorylalld uses. . Provides specifidandwidth distanct\. . Provides specific screenoPlldty. . Provides specifiCtree planting rates. ButTeryal'd Descriptions .Al = 10' +3/100+50%0'-4' .A2. =10' +3/100+3/100+100%0'''''' .A3 = 10' + 3/100+ 31100 +1000f0 0'-6' .Bl = IS' +3/100+3/100+1000/.0'-4' +5410/.4'-20' .m =15' +3/100+3/100+100%0'-<;'+500/.6'-20' .B3 = IS' +3/100+3/100+100%0~-<;'+I00.1.6'.20' . Cl = 30' + 51100 + 3/100 + 100.1.0'-6.' +100.1. .C2.. 30' + 51100 +3/100 + 100% 0',",~+50%6' -20' .0 =30' +5/100+31100+100%0'-6'+100"'.6'-20' Vehicular Use Areas . Requires shade. CQverage. . Requires 10% green space. II Requires Landscaped Isla.nd Areas. Maintenance Standards . Required vigorous, healthy growth. . Required natural growth characteristics. Questions & Answers