HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 10 10 Letter Re: Requested Agenda Item for Upcoming City Commission Meeting 10/12/00 09:05 SEll I ~,lOLE COU~HY PUBL I C I.dORf<S -7 9,4073274753 ~,lO. 780 Q01 ~~~ffi.\ I, ,I SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY 520 W. Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200 Sanford, Florida 32773 (407) 665- 5740 October 10. 2000 I, iI Mr. Ron McLemore City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Subject: Requested Agenda Item for Upcoming City Commission/Council Meeting Dear Mr. McLemore: The State Statute establishing the Seminole County Expressway Authority provides that the five (5) County Commissioners and two (2) elected municipal officials within the County serve as Authority members. The Statute also provides that the Board of County Commissioners select the municipal members unless two-thirds of the municipalities jointly recommend in writing to the County Commissioners their selection of a member for appointment (within thirty days of a vacancy occurring). A replacement is currently needed for a term that expires in April 2002, previously held by OviedO Councilman Thomas Hagood, who officially vacated his elected office on October 2. [The City has nominated Councilman Tom O'Hanlon to fill the balance of this term.] In addition, Sanford Commissioner Whitey Eckstein's term as an SCEA Municipal member expires in November. [Commissioner Eckstein has indicated that he is willing to continue to serve on the SCEA Board for another two-year term.] We do believe it is important to 1Jy to have both Municipal appointments addressed in time for the upcoming SCEA November 14,2000, meeting. Historically, the Council of local Governments (CALNO) has served as a forum for recommending municipal representatives to serve on the Expressway Authority. Unfortunately, however, the unexpected cancellation of the October 4 CALNO meeting deprived Commissioner Gennell, CALNO Chairman, the opportunity to formally advise municipal CALNO members of this matter. =- , AUTHORITY MEMBERS - Oaryl MclaIn, Chairman = Car1ton Henley Whitey EcksteIn. Vice Chalnnan Grant Maloy Tom Hagood, Jr. Randall c. r>1orris Olck Van Oer Weide OCT-12-2000 10:18 407 3;28 58,22 96\ P.01 10/12/00 09:05 ~! ;I LJ...li ~~ ~~ 8i~ I- Z 1.U ~i z ~ ,,~ l.U ~ >' o 1 ~ ~ ~ >- ~ I-<.J" Z r :J ..~ O~ u ; u.I 1. ...l ,. ~ o .$ z~ _<t: ~ W tI) OCT-12-2000 10:18 SEr'1WOLE COU~HY PUBLIC f,JORf<5 "" 94073274753 ~~O. 780 Q03 w~@@n~n~.~ 1fml&.1W it 1r'lr /&IriJ ~ ()v rV/ ~ Date: 1 0/12100 To: Phillip Penland, Ity Manager. Altamonte Springs 571-8010 John LItton. City anager, Lake Mary, 407-324-3098 John Drago. City ager, Longwood, 407-260-3419 V. Eugene Williford, C anager, Oviedo, 407.977~009 Tony VanDerWorp, City Mana , ford, 407-330-5616 Ron McLemore, City Manager, Winter Spr ng5, . 7-4753 Jack Sehluckebler, City Manager, Casselberry. 407-262-n45 FAX Number: From: Pam Hastings, Manager Seminole County Expressway Authority FAX Number: Message: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 407.665-5605. THERE ARE 3 PAGES, INCLUDING THIS ONE1 IN THIS - TRANSMITTAL. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS FAX PLEASE CALL (407) 665-5605 407 328 5822 %J'; P.03 10/12/00 09:05 SErWjOLE COUtH\ PUBLIC tJORKS -7 94073274753 r~O. 780 Gl02 In an effort to honor historical protocol, we propose that each City consider these appointments prior to the next eALNO meeting on November 1, and take action to either endorse the two gentlemen named above, or nominate an alternative Municipal representative to the SCEA. This would then allow CALNO the opportunity to discuss this matter as warranted on November 1, particularly should there not be agreement among a majority of the Cities. Each City Council/Commission, as well as the County Commission. will have a regular meeting between November 1 and 14, at which time the proposed appointments could be revisited IT necessary. Please advise both County Commission Chairman, Carlton Henley, and CALNO Chairman Cindy Gennell in writing of your City's action later this month on this matter. Your attention to these appointments is sincerely appreciated. Please call on me at 407-665- 5601 if you have any questions or we can be of assistance. ~;:~ ):am Hastings Manager cc Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs, CALNO Chairman CALNO Board Members Commissioner Carlton Henley, Seminole County BCe Chairman Daryl McLain, Seminole County, SCEA Chairman James N. Marino, P.E., SCEA Executive Director Lois Stabler, Administrative Assistant F:\SHAREDISCE,Io.'LETTERSIVcicant bd positlon~doc OCT-12-2000 10:18 407 ],28 582,2 96>; P.02