HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 12 06 Winter Springs Town Center I:-;-~.~ " ,',' " ... A traditional town center is the physical place where many basic ...... ... :' ,~~needs of citizens are conveniently and tightly focused. Shopping, ,',' " I} ,',' ,/,' " " working, governance, being entertained, dwelling, and the arts all ,',' ... rJ ,/'p":' :' .~''[)' , happen together in a town center because it is pragmatic to ,~ " ", , " d b h " c:::,,',' ,'" ,', , , " I 0 so, ut t e motivatIon to create a town center , "()~/)" ,. . " " , ,'. :,' ,',' ,'- runs deeper and the payoff much greater than , ,',' " " " ':0 " (),~,'/, mere convenience. Human settlements have . ','...,':' ,', t::J centers because human society craves , " ,: ,/ ,: contact and connectedness. A proper '0 " town center is a symbol of the , community, a reflection of its values and aspirations. Winter Springs citizens gave clear instruction to the designers: the Town Center here is to capture the young city's imagination and project an image of its bright future. 8In(irvidual. Hlcdherent or te The Winter ~ :n'Center and its co ighborhoods, designed oximately 200 acres of Ically located mostly ieveloped land, will serve as ..focal point for the entire city. I1skawilla Road, designed as the 10 street, runs perpendicular to 434, a recently widened 4-lane arterial highway. As a main street, ~;ruskawilla Road will link a "Market Square" to the quiet center, "Magnolia Square." Adjacent and connected to these core areas are mixed-use neighborhoods that will include office, retail, and residential uses. The Cross Seminole Trail currently runs through the site and will be repositioned to offer alternate pedestrian and bicycle paths into the heart of the Town Center and equestrian / hiking trails around the periphery. The trails will feature views of pristine wetland preserve areas. DOVER, KOHL &: PARTNERS lown planning Winter Springs Town Center Location: Winter Springs, Florida Client: The City of Winter Springs Charrette Team: Victor Dover, Joseph Kohl, Robert Gray, Sergio Vazquez, James Dougherty, Dora Garzon, Robert Gibbs, Dana Little, Forrest Michael, Dr. Bruce Stephenson and Rollins College student team Consultants: . Gibbs Planning Group Retail Planning . Michael Design Associates Landscape Architecture I\lustrations: James Dougherty, Dora Garzon, Robert Gray Status: In March 1998, the Winter Springs City Commission adopted the conceptual master plan and authorized Dover Kohl to produce a graphic code. Dover Kohl has since produced this code and is assisting the City with adopting the code as part of its system of land development regulations for the town center. Based upon the Master Plan, the City won a $5 million grant from Florida's State Trails and Greenways Program to purchase the network of green spaces. DOVER, KOHL & PARTNERS pia tow n nning South Miami, FL 33143 http://www.dovcrkoh1.com 5879 Sunset Drive Suite t tel: (305) 666-0446 fax: (305) 666-0360 t.\PI.rUI'C'U!'llT'-l'\"'T1 ,- TOWN CENTER DISTRICT CODE Ll!lCTvrl The Town Center District Code was created to replace Winter Springs' existing land development regulations, to legalize mixed-use development as envisioned in the Master Plan. The highly graphic, simple-to-use Code pre-approves desirable development, making it easier for developers to "do the right thing". III Ii ~~~ ~~;;.:;~ g;;::.._- :-.:: -II =.-::-== II;iiiiiI , U :=:~.:=:.:= ~~!i! ' Ii~ ~ ~=:- --- "' ~~ .~~ .IIli~ 0-- -- ...... 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A Return to the Town Center In our time the traditional town center form has been rediscovered as smart for business. The real estate industry has learned that "lifestyle" market positioning is lucrative. In retail, residential, office and entertainment markets, developers are now reintroducing the physical features of the livable and walkable downtown neighborhoods one finds in historic American towns. These include Main Streets with wide sidewalks, elegant squares, a rich mix of urban architecture, and tree-lined streets. Building these features today takes a concerted effort by both local government and developers; it almost always requires a thorough re- tooling of the official land development regulations, and tends to require some rethinking on the part of developers' consultants, too. Not surprisingly, the urge to create such places in maturing suburbs is now a nationwide phenomenon. Cities are incomplete (and they do not feel or function like healthy cities) without centers, and that's why the town center will make Winter Springs a better place to live. For example, today local citizens travel far to find many things they will find here, once the main shopping street is started. Likewise, the new office locations will create alternatives to the miserable commutes many professional business owners endure today. Given the city's maturing population, an urbane residence in the town center will also be ideal for empty nesters who would enjoy, say, easy walks to a restaurant. New street trees provide shade and traffic calming along S.R.434 Buildings front important public green spaces acr oss streets. Street-oriented traditional buildings encourage walking to the Main Street. --- f_ ._- A pier at the end of the Main Street provides public access to Lake Jesup. .-. '- 4~:"'~ .. IfJ.Ll ""'I ( WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER DIRECT SOFT COSTS ( Dover, Kohl & Partners (Design) Clayton Roper & Marshall (Appraisals) Tinklepaugh Surveying Inc. (Surveys) Primis Ine. (Appraisals) Property Valuation & Consulting (Appraisals) Printing Costs Travel & Micellaneous expenses Postage & Overnight delivery CPH Engineering Inc. Stormwater Town Center Master Plan Utility Town Center Master Plan Town Center Traffic Circulation Element Update Conceptual Stormwater Permit Design of Tuskawilla RoadlMain Street Design of Wastewater Force Main to Town Center Design of Spine Road TOTAL SOFT COSTS DIRECT HARD COSTS Central Winds Park Acquisition 1990 (59 acres) Central Winds Park Acquisition 1993 (9 acres) Central Winds Park Improvements $204,311 78,100 57,980 5,750 2,750 14,328 2,586 375 $35,00~ 25,000 17,000 11,824 104,495 51,805 113,157 $724.461 $2,462,299 350,000 4,000,000 Contractual Oblig:ations (roadlstormwater/utilities/amenities) Tuskawilla Road (Main Street) - Town Center $2,340,000 Spine Road - Town Center I $1,200,000 Hickory Grove Road/Urban Boulevard - Town Center $1,750,000 S.R. 434ffuskawilla Road Intersection Improvements. $ 100,000 Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Extensions $1,100,000 ( C." Continued Hard Costs Land Acquisition Costs Hickory Park Boulevard Rights of Way Option Agreement For additional rights of way connecting Hickory Park Blvd. to Second Street. Right of first for acquisition of Blumberg homesite And 1.68 acre tract and 3D-foot pedestrian easement connecting Hickory Grove Park parcels 4 and 5. TRAil.. CONSTRUCTION Paved Trail Segment 9700' Unpaved Trail Segment Boardwalk Over Wetland Area Pedestrian Bridge over S.R. 434 ( PARK IMPROVEMENTS _Magnolia Square Trailhead Hickory Grove Museum Structure and Acreage Park Expansion (Central Winds Trailhead) Market Square Miscellaneous Pocket Parks TOTAL HARD COSTS GRAND TOTAL TOWN CENTER COSTS (' $142,000 15,000 " $946,053 60,227 100,000 1,678,000 $750,000 300,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 $17.993.579 $18,718,940 " c s '. gr- l1) 00..... .... !j~ CIl ;:>-. 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