HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 11 01 Minutes with Notes MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MEETING held November 1, 2000, 7:00 P.M., Lake Mary City Commission Chambers, 100 North Country Club Road, Lake Mary, Florida. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Roll Call 15 (~~ ::-';\0'\ '::-)\ <' i_V ('< ~~ f Gt \J{ Lc ~C~-~- ~)( k)(J}) , PR::~~T: 18 ~hairperson Commissio~y Gennell-~ 19 v'Commissioner Linda Hart 20 Gommi~~i9!l~r,~CilY_~r1~' 21 (C<i.mmTssiorfefUanAnderson; 22 Commissioner Brady Lessard - Arrived Late 23 Vice President Dr. David Harrison, Ph.D. 24 Board Member Diane Bauer 25 ... Commissioner MichaefSlake (Alternate) 26 v eity Manager(John uraQb' 27 City Manager, Juh-n Litton 28 City Planner, Bill Spivey 29 Deputy City Clerk, Mary Campbell 30 ./0'~-e,ce, ~tJ\ct~- , . ,,-. 31 '-, . C.o;.jd,\.li,',J.,Gt-(.-, ~"I,('.,......"J-"-ABSENT: 32 ~ ~pi,(. 33 No Representative Present 34 Commissioner Daryl McLain 35 Commissioner Eddie Rose 36 37 2. 38 39 40 41 42 43 3. 44 45 46 Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Gennell at 7:17 P.M. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance . " ( (.)" I' I -< ,.I City of Winter Springs City of Casselberry City of Lake Mary City of Longwood City of Sanford Seminole Community College Seminole County School Board City of Winter Springs City of Longwood City of Lake Mary City of Lake Mary City of Lake Mary City of Oviedo Seminole County Commission City of Altamonte Springs Approval of Minutes: June 7,2000 Motic~n was made by Commissioner Brender to approve the minutes of the June 7, 2000, meeting, seconded by Commissioner Hart and motion carried unanimously. Approval of Minutes: September 6, 2000 Motion was made by Ms. Bauer to approve the minutes of the September 6, 2000, meeting, seconded by Commissioner Hart and motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4. Treasurer's Report Commissioner Brender reported they had $964.58, and in minus two months they would have dues going out again. Motion was made by Ms. Bauer to approve the Treasurer's Report, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and motion carried unanimously. 5. Nominations of Representatives to the Seminole County Expressway Authority Commissioner Gennell asked to hear the presentations first to see if any other members arrive. 6. Program A: 1-4 Corridor Commissioner Brender gave a presentation on what was going on in Lake Mary and the 1-4 Corridor now, what is already there, what's building and what they expect the end to be 7 to 10 years out between just south of Lake Mary Boulevard. That includes the Technology Park area, North Point, Primera, and the Rinehart Road Targeted Industry District, which directs the kind of growth they would allow in that area. Lake Mary extends across 1-4 in the Heathrow International Business Center with the AAA building on the border outside of the City of Lake Mary. There are approximately five other property owners and they are discussing annexation issues with Heathrow International Business Center. They are also discussing annexation of Colonial Town. He showed on the overhead the new 46A interchange over 1-4. The GreenWay will cut in at the railroad bridge. There is no current plan to have a 46A entrance or exit off the GreenWay. In order to hit 46A and the Heathrow International Boulevard area, cars will have to get off on Rinehart Road, travel south on Rinehart to the 46A light, make a right and go in. That is something they are exploring. Currently there now is the mail processing center, the trail which goes up the east side of Rinehart Road and will have a crossing over Rinehart Road, will go to and over 1-4, will run into International Boulevard and that will run to the Wekiva River. That is scheduled to start in 2001. The remaining properties is the Colonial Town Center Development. It is a multi- phased development and includes 1.2 million square feet of office, 220,000 square feet of retail space, and 500 ~ng units. ~- ~-;.....,C t -,' 1\_ , Commissioner Gennell asked the distance from the Seminole Town Center. Commissioner Brender said the .GreenWay is on the southern boundary of the Town Center property. The GreenWay is to have an exit for the Seminole Town Center. The Greenway is six miles and a $278 million project, with $80 million being for land acquisition. The Town Center property on the west side of 1-4 has a grand entrance feature, north of 46A is a 150,000 square foot office building under construction. They have planned a commercial core along 46A. They are talking to Colonial Properties about annexation as well. There is the existing retention pond for 1-4, and will be the new 304-room, 10-story Marriott Hotel with 11,000 square feet of conference space. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 2 1 2 Ms. Bauer interjected it would be nice to graduate the students from Seminole County in 3 Seminole County. 4 5 Commissioner Anderson asked about tax incentives. Commissioner Brender said the 6 only plan for tax incentives for the conference center in Sanford is $600,000 from the 7 Tourist Tax, which is the entire income for the year. They will take that for ten years 8 and payout $6 million to build part of 30,000 square feet planned to be on the lake and 9 will be supported by a 200-250 room hotel. The problem is they are not coming up with 10 the hotel. 11 12 Commissioner Gennell said she attended a joint meeting between the TDC, the City of 13 Sanford, and Seminole County on the conference center. One of the things proposed 14 was if the County wants and needs $400,000 or more, rather than deplete the Tourist 15 Development Council's income is to increase the bed tax by a penny. Theirs is 16 currently 3%, Orange County is 5%, so there is room to do that. The feasibility studies 17 for the County tell them they cannot support a facility big enough to graduate the 18 students inside. 19 20 Commissioner Brender said the lots in the Pizzuti property were for a hotel with 98,000 21 square feet of commercial space directly around it, which will be mostly restaurants. 22 Next to that is an open lot and then the 1001 Building which is 200,000 square foot 23 building under construction. Pizzuti currently has in the ground 1.4 million square feet 24 of office and are approved for 3 million square feet. 25 26 Commissioner Brender said as they move south is the First USA Bank, on the west side 27 of 1-4 is the Timacuan Office Park, there is a restaurant site and a Residence Inn with 28 152 rooms. On Lot 11 is 250,000 square feet of office approved which will bring the 29 northern corridor to tremendous development. The only other thing he has heard about 30 is the City of Sanford is getting ready to approve a Lowe's near Rinehart Road. As they 31 move south there is some temporary storage, and then they will do the New Century 32 Park DR!. Coming down Rinehart Road, the New Century Park PUD comes down to 33 the northern terminus of Primera then back up and completely encircles the Siemens 34 building. The plan is that Siemens is coming in with a 250,000 square foot building for 35 their North American Operations Center, and the rest of the area will be luxury office. 36 37 Ms. Bauer asked how many workers that would house (traffic concerns). Commissioner 38 Brender said the trips would be counted very closely, particularly from Rinehart Road. 39 Mr. Spivey interjected that with this development, they are going to connect the interior 40 roads of New Century Park with Primera Boulevard. Commissioner Brender said it was 41 hoped they can spread the traffic out sufficiently so Rinehart Road is not going to get 42 impacted significantly. They have planned that everything on the east side of Rinehart 43 Road is residential development. With the f1yover over the highway with the trail 44 system, they can take a bike from anyone of the neighborhoods and end up in the 45 Heathrow Business Center in five minutes, with the intent to keep people off the roads. 46 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 3 ,It. !\( , , 1./ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Ms. Bauer asked the average hom~/price. Commissioner Brender said the Timacuan area averages around $200-25(};(J00. Commissioner Gennell asked how many units were in the Forest, and Commissioner Brender answered about 380. Commissioner Brender said as they go south, the area will be luxury office and it runs into the existing five Crescent buildings. There are three 6-story, two 5-story, and there are a series of 3-story buildings planned. There is only one large non-developed residential property left in the City and is planned for 150 homes and some medium density building. Primera currently has 1.5 million square feet in the ground and will build out at 3.1 million square feet. The Anderson Lane area has been sold to Wendover and are planning a multi-use facility. Moving south is the Oakmont Center, Stonewood Tavern, apartments under construction, and Walgreen's on the south side of Heathrow. On the east side is Old Time Pottery and the North Point area. The existing buildings on 1-4 are the Florida Power building, Scholastic Book Fairs, LaQuinta, Extended Stay America (under construction), two undeveloped sites, the Weeks buildings, and the rest of the area is AT&T. Continuing south is Technology Park, which is where the flex space is. There is a series of companies/businesses, Recoton building, and the site for the City's new water tower. Ms. Bauer asked about the residential area. Commissioner Brender said those are Huntington I, Huntington Ridge, and Huntington Estates and have about 250 homes. The second area of Huntington Ridge is not yet incorporated into the City because they can't annex that property without annexing the Florida Power transfer station property without creating an enclave. He thought within six months the whole area would be annexed into the City. Commissioner Gennell asked the location of the most recent trail. Commissioner Brender pointed out 1-4, Lake Mary Boulevard and Rinehart Road. The trail runs up 46, down Rinehart, crosses at Lake Mary Boulevard, and goes down the power line easement, crossing over and heads towards Oviedo and Winter Springs trails. Within the next year and a half, they will be linked with the Oviedo and Winter Springs trails. Commissioner Gennell interjected it would probably take longer but the referendum would be a big determining factor. Commissioner Brender said Lake Mary has about 3.7 million square feet of office space and expect 8.1 million at build-out, which is about 1.5 million square feet more than the City of Orlando. Commissioner Gennell asked if they would hire more police. Commissioner Brender said Lake Mary maintains one of the highest policemen per resident rates in the County. Commissioner Brady Lessard arrived at this time (7:50 P.M.). Commissioner Brender said one of the key elements is are they a city of 10,000 (nighttime) or of 65,000 (daytime). They have to provide service for 65,000 during the day. The new police building will open in February with the upper story being open space for eventual expansion. At build-out they will have 45 to 50 sworn officers. Most COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 4 1 of the buildings have their own security, fire protection systems, monitoring systems and 2 they don't attract crime. They do have to watch out for the credit card processing 3 centers because of credit card fraud. 4 5 Commissioner Hart said traffic would be the biggest problem. Commissioner Brender 6 said they have been careful to develop neighborhoods and high quality office nearby 7 with the idea of keeping people off the roads. He said 46A is being widened all the way 8 to the existing City of Sanford four-Ianing of 46A to 17-92. Rinehart is currently in the 9 ground with four lanes with a wide median for future expansion. The extension of the 10 six-Ianing of 1-4 from Lake Mary Boulevard to the bridge is scheduled to begin next year 11 with completion in 2004. The bridge will be completed in 2004 or 2005, the GreenWay 12 will complete in 2003-2004, so when everything is done, they will have an exceptionally 13 well balanced roadway system. They will have dense development just inside the 14 beltway and as the beltway goes south, Winter Springs and Oviedo will be cities inside 15 the beltway of a major southern city. 16 17 Commissioner Anderson asked if they were going to replace or modify the bridge. 18 Commissioner Brender said they had funding of $180 million and would start next year. 19 The exi~ljng bridge will be left for traffic. They will move just to the east and construct 20 an-a:rcine bridge, which is three lanes on both sides with a breakdown lane. They will , 21~ .-fully constr.uct that bridge, .disassemble the old bridge, then build another ~t lanes-Ot1 22 the other Side. (j '", "f. ~, ICi!.. /- 23 24 Commissioner Gennell said in Seattle where they invited businesses to relocate and 25 use the trail system as part of their transportation network, the buildings have showers 26 so people can go in after biking to work and freshen up and then go to work. They 27 might want to suggest that to some of the businesses coming in. Commissioner 28 Brender said some are already doing it. Those types of services are being offered 29 routinely as part of an employee package. AT&T has not only a workout facility but a 30 "quiet room", which is a room with classical music playing and soft leather couches 31 where people can quietly relax. 32 33 Commissioner Gennell presented a token of appreciation to Bill Spivey. 34 35 The Board now returned to Item NO.5. 36 37 5. Nominations of Representatives to the Seminole County Expressway Authority 38 39 Commissioner Gennell said the Seminole County Expressway Authority is composed of 40 the Seminole County Commission and two representatives from the municipalities. 41 How they chose to make the procedure fair and equitable is to have CALNO make the 42 nominations for the representatives from the municipalities. 43 SIDE 18 44 Commissioner Gennell said it then goes back to the respective city commissions for 45 endorsement. For several years, that has worked satisfactorily. The County would 46 notify CALNO with ample time, which did not happen this time because a new person is COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 5 1 handling it and were caught off guard when Tom Hagood left office. They have a self- 2 im~osed deadline because they only meet twice a year and their meeting is November 3 14 h. They are trying to scrunch everything that would have gone over a three or four 4 month period in to a few weeks and it has been a bit of a hodge-podge. They sent a 5 letter to Oviedo by mistake indicating that Oviedo was to make an appointment to 6 replace Tom Hagood, which is not the process. She said Whitey Eckstein was also 7 coming up for renewal. What CALNO has ordinarily done is give deference to the cities 8 that were most involved at that point in time with the expressway. All the cities got 9 notified by the County that they needed to put this item on their agenda. Sanford did 10 notify CALNO and the Expressway Authority that Whitey Eckstein would like to be 11 reappointed. The issue brought to the cities was did they want to appoint Oviedo's 12 nominee (Tom O'Hanlon) and Whitey Eckstein. They are bound by that kind of a 13 deadline and most of the cities will be meeting between now and the 14th to be able to 14 ratify whatever is done here. 15 16 Commissioner Brender said the City of Lake Mary looked at the request with interest. 17 The expansion of the GreenWay is going to be impacting Sanford and Lake Mary and 18 the City of Lake Mary is interested in having a seat on the Expressway Authority. He 19 said he had volunteered and the City of Lake Mary at their last meeting allowed him to 20 offer his services if that is amenable to CALNO. 21 22 Commissioner Lessard said he would like to nominate Commissioner Brender from 23 Lake Mary and Commissioner Eckstein from Sanford. Most of the work in Oviedo is 24 done. 25 26 Commissioner Gennell said in an abundance of fairness, she didn't know why Oviedo 27 didn't have a representative present because they were noticed. Oviedo did send a 28 letter that their commission had nominated Tom O'Hanlon and Whitey Eckstein. She 29 said the Winter Springs City Commission ratified the nomin ation of Whitey Eckstein and 30 wanted to nominate Paul Partyka. She suggested to take all three names in 31 alphabetical order and let them vote for one. Whitey Eckstein wants to be reappointed 32 and suggested to handle the two positions separately. 33 34 Motion was made by Commissioner Hart to reappoint Commissioner Whitey 35 Eckstein, seconded by Dr. Harrison. 36 37 Commissioner Gennell noted that the Cities of Winter Springs, Altamonte Springs and 38 Casselberry ratified Whitey Eckstein. 39 40 Motion carried unanimously. 41 42 Commissioner Lessard said he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or take sides, but it 43 was his understanding the rule of thumb for CALNO was wherever the bulk of 44 construction was going on. He thought this could have been avoided had it been done 45 the right way. 46 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Commissioner Gennell agreed and it went out by people who were not familiar with the process. She thought if they followed the proper procedure, she would forward the outcome of this meeting to all the cities and ask them to ratify it. In the meantime she would notify the County of whatever action they take here so if they don't hear from some of the cities by the 14th, they will have CALNO's recommendation and the ratification of some cities. Vote on nominations: Gary Brender Tom O'Hanlon Paul Partyka 6 o o It was the consensus of CALNO that Whitey Eckstein and Gary Brender are their nominees for the Seminole County Expressway Authority. Commissioner Gennell noted that the next CALNO meeting is scheduled for December 6th at Winter Springs. Commissioner Brender said he saw an article in the Seminole Herald about SGlV and their expansion plans. The County is expanding the regular programming as well as the addition of several school-generated types of video. 7. Reports From Members: CASSELBERRY: Commissioner Hart reported that tonight there are debates going on with their current Mayor and candidate Carl Robertson, and the Sheriff and Chief Beary. The City Manager will give an explanation of the referendum on expanding the terms from three to four years for the commission seats. LAKE MARY: Commissioner Brender reported that Lake Mary ran three unopposed candidates (Mayor and Seats 1 and 3) who will be sworn in November 9th at 5:30 P.M. He invited everyone to attend. The Seminole County/Lake Mary Fantasy Night is scheduled for November 3rd, 7:00 P.M. at the Moose Lodge in Maitland. LONGWOOD: Commissioner Anderson said they are getting closer to breaking ground on the community center. They are working on parks and recreation and trying to plan that out better. A flier/survey was mailed out on what the needs were and what they wanted to see, etc. They received a lot of feedback. They have two seats up for election (Mayor COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 7 1 and Steve Miller). The arts and crafts festival is scheduled the weekend before 2 Thanksgiving. 3 4 SANFORD: 5 6 Commissioner Lessard reported that the Sanford Heritage Festival is scheduled for 7 November 10th, 11th, and 1ih and entertainment includes Percy Sledge and Charlie 8 Daniels. Presidential candidate G.W. Bush visited SCC. 9 10 SEMINOLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE: 11 12 Dr. Harrison reported that the new campus in Oviedo is open. They opened registration 13 October 23rd and are currently conducting some community courses. The college credit 14 classes will begin after the first of the year. 15 16 SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD: 17 18 Ms. Bauer reported that the School Board passed a resolution supporting the trailways 19 resolution, and sent home pamphlets. Their re-organizational meeting and swearing in 20 will be November 21st. The Teach-In is scheduled for November 16th. They had a joint 21 meeting with the Seminole County Commission and were asked to have their chairman 22 present a letter to the County Commission requesting support of the One-Cent Sales 23 tax with a quarter penny going to education. The School Board is taking their act on the 24 road regarding a dedicated channel for education and their "maiden voyage" will be at 25 Lake Mary City Hall. She planned to make a presentation to each city commission. 26 27 WINTER SPRINGS: 28 29 Commissioner Gennell reported that the Winter Springs Commission, along with some 30 County people and lobbyists, went to Tallahassee to lobby for $600,000 for 31 conservation land in the Winter Springs Town Center, and they received the money. 32 They have a charter review committee working hard on several issues using the charter 33 from the National Civic League as a model. 34 35 Commissioner Gennell said their senior center has a big menu of activities. A couple 36 from Kentucky who were staying at Twelve Oaks came in and asked if there was 37 something closer. It was brought to her attention that Casselberry has closed their 38 senior center, Lake Mary has a part-time senior center, and Sanford's senior center 39 doesn't do a lot of activities. She asked if that was true. Commissioner Hart said 40 Casselberry's is on a part-time basis due to funding issues. Commissioner Brender 41 said Lake Mary had a fairly active senior program and they usually have activities going 42 on daily. Commissioner Lessard said Sanford was unable to help them out. He thought 43 Lake Mary or Sanford would be the closest places, and Sanford is hosting the Golden 44 Age Games. Commissioner Anderson said Longwood doesn't have anything but that is 45 part of the provision for the new building. 46 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ms. Bauer said when a student is suspended, they are sent home. Parents have questioned the good that does because they sit home and watch TV. The School Board is in the process of reviewing a program of providing an alternative for students suspended from school who just stay home five or ten days. By the end of this year, they should have a program in place. She felt there should be some punitive assignments. SIDE 2A Commissioner Gennell asked if they still have the Excel Center, and Ms. Bauer answered affirmatively but would not be for this (suspensions). Ms. Bauer said Crooms Academy is being transitioned into a technology academy and they are currently in a transition period. 8. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CALNO) November 1, 2000 - 9