HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 09 28 Fax Re: Agenda *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE 5EP-28-2000 ***** TIME 11:38 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRAN5MI55ION FILE NO.=174 5TART=5EP-28 11:37 END=5EP-28 11:38 5TN NO. ~-~;:-AJ;lBR NO. 001 EJ ~::~~~L NO~~~ATION ~' ~00:29 -CITY OF WINTER 5PRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County AGENDA ^LTI'MONTE SPRlNOS Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, October 4,2000 Dinner-6:30 p.m.lMeeting-7:00 p.m. City of Lake Mary 100 North Country Club Road Lake Mary, Florida 32746 ;EMINOI.E CQUNlY SCHOOl 9OARO I. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call 2. Approval of the June 7,2000 Regular Meeting Minutes 3. Approval of the September 6,2000 Minutes 4. Treasurer's Report 5. Program A: Program B: Program C: 1-4 Corridor Transportation Joint Work Session To Discuss The SGTV Issue. 6. Reports From Members: . Casselberry . Lake Mlll)' . Longwood . Oviedo . Sanford . Seminole Community College . Seminole County Commission . Seminole County School Board . Winter Springs . Altamonte Springs Commissioner Linda C. Hart Commissioner Gary Brender Commissioner Dan Anderson Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Commissioner Brady Lessard Vice President Dr. David T. Hanison, Ph.D. Commissioner Daryl G. Mclain Board Member Diane Bauer Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell Commissioner Eddie Rose 7. Adjournment Next Meeting: November 8, 2000 - Seminole County School Board . puuUC N()'[ICE . This is a ~ublie meetina. and the publie i. invited '0 allen<!. Please be advised lhal one (1) or n'lOrc: Mcmb~ Or. Commission orCouDeil may be in oLlCndance allhi. Meelins. I'er",ns wiLh dipbili,te. needing ...isLanee In pattieipatl: in any or Ihcs. proceedincs should tonLaeL lOe CilY of Lonswood. 48 houfS in "dvance or !he mceLin& a' (407) 2C>O.)440. (lCr Seclion 286.26 1'1,,,i<l. SlaluLe.. ".rson. ore idvl,ed Ihal if lhey decide to .ppcolany deei.ions n\:ldc all.ese mtClinllSn"",rinllS !hey will need a ",eOI'd of Ihe proceed in&, .nd fOf l~eh pulj>Osc. Il>ey may ne.d 10 In'~'" ,h., . ....,.!,OIim reeonl or the ptQCCcdings is ",ade ""hiell record inelud.. the LesLimony and evidence upOn which ,he appe.' is 10 be bll$Cd per SCClion 2K6 Q I 05 Flo,id. SI'I~IC'. COUNCIL MEMBERS !;.ddie Ro.e I-,n<l. c. Han T<~n1 Ha~ood. JI'". Ur~dy U5S8rd. Cindy ('.cnnen. Chairperson Gary Brendet Dan ^Mcnon Doryl Mclain Diane 5o""r 0,. O:tvid T. 1-llrris.ol'1. Ill\.D.