HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 09 28 Fax Confirmation Re: Agenda ******************* DATE SEP-28-2000 ***** TIME 11:37 ******** *************** -C~1M. JOURNAL- MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=SEP-28 11:36 END=SEP-28 11:37 FILE NO.=173 001 COMM. ABBR NO. ~ STATION NAME/TEL NO. ~-~ PAGES DURATION ~0:00:17 STN NO. -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County AGENDA "UAMONre SPRINGS Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, October 4,2000 Dinner-6:30 p.m.lMeeting-7:00 p.m. City of Lake Mary 100 North Country Club Road Lake Mary, Florida 32746 SEMINOlE COUl\IT'( SCH:lOl BOAI!O 1. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call 2. Approval of the June 7, 2000 Regular Meeting Minutes 3. Approval ofllie September 6, 2000 Minutes 4. Treasurer's Report 5. Program A: Program B: Program C: 1-4 Corridor Transportation Joint Work Session To Discuss The SGTV Issue. 6. Reports From Members: · Casselbeny · Lake Mary · Longwood . Oviedo . Sanford · Seminole Community College · Seminole County Commission · Seminole County School Board · Winter Springs · Altamonte Springs Commissioner Linda C. Hart Commissioner Gary Brender Commissioner Dan Anderson Councilman Tom Hagood., Jr. Commissioner Brady Lessard Vice President Dr. David T. Harrison, Ph.D. Commissioner Daryl G. McLain Board Member Diane Bauer Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell Commissioner Eddie Rose 7. Adjournment Next Meeting: November 8, 2000 - Seminole County School Board . P\lBLlC NOTICE' This i. . public meeting, .nd the public is inviled to .Uend, Pic... be odvi..d l~al on. (I) Or more Members of. Commission or CouncillNY be in 111cndill1ee al t~i. Mee'ing. Persons with d;s.bilhieti n~ding lLUi.nance to ~icip.te in any of thc$c pf'occedings should Con18c:llhe City of Longwood~ 418 hours in advance ur the mcctins Il (407) 260.3440. pcr Sec,;"" Z!6.26 Florid. SIo'ule.. '-c!'Son! arc 3dvilCd I~\ if they decide ro .pr;cal an)' decisions made at lhc..s:.:. tneeting$!he.a.nn,c.. they ""ill need a record of the pJ"OCccdinss .and for sl,leh pUfpose. thc)' may nt..-cd lb insure that a verbatim retord of the. ProceedinlJ is made which recotd incfudes the le.S~imony Ind evidcJ'\Cc upon which lhe appc,;al IS \0 be baled per Section 2K(,.Q I 05 FI<lfid. SlaluLe., COlJ'NCIL MEMBERS llddie Rose Lind. C, "1." '1'001 llagood. Jr. Il'md)' Lcsurd Cindy Gcnnoll. crn.i'1'crton Olry Brende: Inn And.""n I.)~;yl McLain Oj~ne R:ilII~r