HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 09 06 Minutes to be Approved CALNO COUNCfL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY SEPTEMBER 6, 2000 Call to OnkL Chairman Gennel1 called the group to order on Wednesday, September 6,2000 at 7:25 P.M. at the Orlando-Sanford Airport, One Red Cleveland Boulevard, Sanford, Horida. Ms. Gennell reported th~re is no quorum because various City Commission m~etings were held today due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday and the Seminole County First Primary Election on Tuesday which postponed the meetings. Boll Call.. Members Present Cindy Crennell, City ofWinler Springs Brady Lessard, City of Sanford Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary Oiane Bauer, Seminole County School Board Absent Eddie Rose, City of Altamonte Springs Linda Hart, City of Casselberry Tom Hagood, City of Oviedo Dan Anderson, City of Longwood Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission David Harrison, Seminole Community College (present during County Trails update.) Also Present Commissioner Robert Miller, City of Winter Springs Coleen Rotella, Administrative Manager, Seminole County Planning & Development Richard Gennell Cynthia Porter, City of Sanford Deputy City Clerk Reports ftom M~mbers: Brady Lessard. City of Sanford No report. Gary Brender. City of Lake Mary Mr. Urender reported. that Time Warner Cable was present at the City of Lake Mary last week for fint reading of the new franchise agreement They were turned away due to diLliculties with the way the transition to Time Warner happened. The Lake Mary City Attorney advised that to negotiate on behalf of other cities in the County is outside the prerogative of the City of Lake Mary's franchise agreement. The time to bring it up will probably be April 2002 when the County renegotiates the franchise agreement. Tomorrow night he will read into the record ofthc minutes for the City of Lake Mary the request that has been drafted from CALNO. Each time'TWC comes to a City the same item should be read into the record so there is no question that when they get to the County it will be a top item on the list. He is also concerned that the length of the tTanchise agreement is fifteen years, because technology changes quickly. Time Warner will be at the City of Lake Mary Commission meeting tomorrow night for a reread of the first reading of the franchise agreement. Commissioner Brender said thal after a brief respite of abollt a year. the 200,000 square foot 100 I Building in the Pi7.7.Uti site is being built. The site plan approval is scheduled next month for the ten story 304 room Marriott Hotel with an 11,000 square fOOl conference center. Diane Bauer Seminole County School Board Ms. Bauer reported the school year began very succe"sfulfy with more than 60,000 students enrolled in Seminole County Each student has or will have an accomplishment that needs to be highlighted on SGTV. The School Board does not have any bargaining ability with TWC, however, letters have been sent to each City's elected officials and to Ann McGee, President of Seminole Community College, requesting support of additional cable channels. Ms Bauer requested that Commissioner Brender provide her a copy of the minutes oCthe City of Lake Mary Commission meeting ofSeplember 7, 2000 regarding the Time Wamer Cable discussio Ms. Bauer said that the School Board and CALNO could benefit ITom a joint work session to discuss the SGTV issue. Ms. Gennell said she would place the request for a joint work session on the CALNO Agenda for next month. - Ms. cnnell said the Resolution passed by CALNO envisioned not than an individual Cily would bargain with TWC for the whole County. but each municipality would negotiate tor itself. Ms. Bauer said that technology is an area in which Seminole County Public Schools is moving ahead by leaps and bounds. There are television studios and the capability to produce high quality progrdmming. The School Board met with Seminole Community College to discuss the issue Ms. Gennell requested that CALNO receive a copy of the minutes of that meeting. If CALNO receives minutes trom each municipality regarding TWC, a package can be given to the County when the franchise agreement comes up for renewal. Mr. Brender said that TWC knows that the County is behind the idea and that it will have to be addressed in two years~ they are holding out as long as they can. Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs Ms. Gennell distributed an updated CALNO membership list. Update OD County Trails .8.eferendum. Coleen Rotella, Administrative Manager, Seminole County Planning & Development Department. reported that Seminole County will hold a referendum on November 7, 2000 to determine whether County residents support expanding the original Natural Lands referendum to build trails, green ways, and purchase additional natural lands. Through savings in the original referendum approved in 1990, the program can be expanded and 25 million dollars in general obligation bonds can be issued under the current one quarter mill authorized. It would cost the average household $10 to $15 per year The referendum proposes construction of an additional 100+ miles of paved trails, 50+ miles of wilde mess trails, and added natural lands tor preservation. Examples of trail and greenway projects that may be created for the use of hikers, bikers, horseback riders, skaters, and walkers include: I) the completion of the 14-mile Cross Seminole Trail connecting to the Cady Way Trail, 2) completion of the 20+ mile Flagler Wilderness Trail, 3) completion of the I4-mile SeminoJe Wekiva Trail connecting it tel numerous parks, schools and neighborhoods, 4) Spring Hammock TrailheadlEnvironmental Education, 5) completion of green ways along the Wekiva, Econ River and St. Johns River and Lake Jesup, 6) connecting the County's 5,600 acres of Natural Lands to local neighborhoods county wide, and many more. (David Harrison, Seminole Community College, present 1 Tn addition, it allows for the purchase of more greenways and natural lands including property along the Wekiva, the Wekiva Marina, Spring Hammock, Lake Jesup, and the Little Econ. Information regarding the referendum is available through Seminole County's webslte and SGTV. and an Tnternet link can be set up for the Seminole County School Board's web site Briefine on Orlando-Sanford Airport. Victor White, Orlando-Sanford Airport Executive Director and Ray Wise, Marketing Director, were present to give an overview of the airport and to give a tour of the airport expansion project. Mr White said the airport has an international airline terminal that has gone from servicing zero passengers in 1995 to 1,2 million passengers last year. Orlando-Sanford Airport is the fastest growing airport in the entire world of the top 500 airports. In 1998 the airport was the fastest growing airport in the United States for aircraft takeo1lS and landings. [n the State offlorida the airport is second only to Miami lnternational in terms of takeoffs and landings. In tenns of general aviation, it is the busiest airport in the Statc. It is the fifth busiest airport in the United States in terms of private flying. The FAA and the Department of Transportation issued a statistic that the Orlando-Sanford Airport is the nineteenth busiest international airport in the United States. In the last two years the airport has obtained grant funds from the Federal Government in excess of $15 million. A State Legislature grant in excess of $1 g million was received and is being used for terminal expanSlon TBI, a private business partner, provided $7.5 million for the international terminal expansion project TBt is the second biggest airport operator in the world, with North American headquarters located at Orlando-Santord Airport. Next discussed was the issue of airport noise and night patterns. Mr. White said the new international terminal was designed with seven gates and includes several swing gates to accommodate the domestic terminal as well There is a hallway that goes through the concourse that has three gates that can be used f()r international flights and the other four gates can be used for domestic flights The new international terminal also has a two-story ticket lobby v-ith twenty-two ticketing positions and a new baggage claim area. Jerry's Jetway Cafe and Catering will operate a food and beverage operation in the new terminal as well as the domestic terminal There will be a new gift shop located across the concourse. The facilities will be nice and functional. While it won't look like OJ A, the airport has been successful in keeping costs to customers very low, which is why so many British tlights come to Sanford. The international terminal should be open by the cnd of this year and it will have no debt. In exchange for providing $7.5 million, TBI will manage the international facility for thirty years and will pay for maintenance of the facility. Mr. White said that Orlando~Sanford Airport has become the charter airport choice for Central Florida. The airport campus has approximately 2,000 employees Airport business has brought contr3L"tors and personnel positions for maintenance, service, aircraft mechanics, cleaners, fuellers, etc. Delta Airlines owns Comair Airlines which has its Aviation Academy located at the Airport and b the number one producer of airline pilots in the world. They have 350 employees at the campus and 600 students. half which are from other countries. A ten-year lease extension is being negotiated with Delta and Comair. The airport has a DRJ study which shows a new campus for Comair on the cast side of the Airport, if the funding can be created State legislature grant funds in the amount of$8.3 million have been received to purchase land to extend runways to the east which will help in noise abatement. Mr. White said he would give a brief tour of the terminal expansion project upon adjourlUllent of the meeting. Arrangements can be made to tour the international terminal \vhen it is finished and open for business. AdiournmeilL There being no further business, the meeting wa3 adjourned at 8'40 P.M Submitted by Cynthia Porter, Deputy City Clerk, City of Sanford.