HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 09 06 Memos to Cities Re: Agenda, Minutes, and Directions to 9/6/00 Meeting MEMORANDUM TO: City of Casselberry CALNO Members FROM: Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter Spring*' SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting for the Clerk's office, and for your CALNO Representative and Alternate. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Carol A. Foster, City Clerk City of Lake Mary FROM: Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPring~' SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting for the Clerk's office. The same information has been mailed under separate cover to Commissioner Gary L. Brender and Deputy Mayor Thomas C. Greene. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioner Gary L. Brender City of Lake Mary FROM: Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPring~ . SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25,2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting. In may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Deputy Mayor Thomas C. Greene City of Lake Mary Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPring~ FROM: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting. In may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: City of Longwood CALNO Members Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPrings\(l\ SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25,2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting for the Clerk's office, and for your CALNO Representative and Alternate. If I may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: City of Oviedo CALNO Members Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter Spring~ SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting for the Clerk's office, and for your CALNO Representative and Alternate. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Ms. Janet R. Dougherty, CMC, City Clerk City of Sanford Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPrin~- SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25,2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting. The same information has been mailed under separate cover to Commissioner Brady Lessard. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioner Brady Lessard City of Sanford Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPring~ . FROM: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25,2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. David T. Harrison, Ph.D. Vice President of Educational Programs Seminole Community College Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPrin~ FROM: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Elaine Greenwood Director of Arts and Science Seminole Community College Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPrings~ FROM: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting. If I may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Annette Hatch, Executive Assistant Office of Commissioner Daryl G. McLain Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPrin~ . FROM: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting, for you and Commissioner Daryl G. McLain. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Kathy Bowlin, Executive Assistant Office of Commissioner Grant Maloy Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPrin~ . FROM: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25,2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6,2000 CALNO meeting, for you and Commissioner Grant Maloy. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM FROM: Ms. Karen Brightman Clerk to the Board Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter Sprin~ TO: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting for you, and for School Board Member Sandy Robinson. The same information has been mailed under separate cover to School Board Member Diane Bauer. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments MEMORANDUM FROM: Ms. Diane Bauer, School Board Member Seminole County Public Schools Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk, City of Winter SPring~\ TO: SUBJECT: CALNO September Meeting Agenda DATE: August 25, 2000 Please find attached a copy of the Agenda, Minutes, and detailed directions for the upcoming September 6, 2000 CALNO meeting. If! may be of further service, please feel free to let me know. Attachments ,:,e;,11I:11 ~e;~Ull~ r age; I VI L. Expedla.cOl11'@ Welcome - Already a member? Siqn in ---- Search Expedia.com: 1,_ I. Getting Started Find a Map ~~Qj: Dnvlnq Directlon~ ~ My Maj)s 8. RQlJtes Link to Map or Route rave esomces LOW FARES from Orlando $149 to Atlanta $2Q2to Las Veqas $1Q~ to Chicaqo $206 to ;>?JLFranylscQ HOTELS 111 S?nfQrd 'CAR RENTALS In O~.<lndQ 1l)rv1<:lQS FAQ's Il) Need help with Maps? packages .. destinations &; liHerests o My Trips I III MYPrQfiit; I Il)C;lJstomer~lJQQ()rt Search u II i.f,'t;ml;40QE~.'Maryelvd,. SEIDford. FL. 32713 To: 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773" Make nWIJ h m I '- :l t IT. I j ~ : I:ll")' Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart 400 E Lake Mary Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 on E 0.7 0:01 Lake Mary Blvd (East) 1: Bear RIGHT (East) onto Local road(s) 0.3 0:01 2: Turn LEFT (East) onto CR-427 0.3 0:01 3: Bear RIGHT (East) onto Local road(s) < 0.1 0:01 4: Bear RIGHT (East) onto E Lake Mary Blvd 1.7 0:05 5: Continue (North) on Red Cleveland Blvd 0.8 0:01 End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 3.8mi 9 mins an optiolr e;;~'{E3 to My Maps & Routes e Reverse this routE:; e Link to this route e Search~Qr_ a new rou@ http://maps.expedia.com/pub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 .:)call;U I\..C::;Ull::; ra~c I VI L. has Expedla.cOl1l4J Welcome - Already a member? Siqn in ---- Search Expedia.com: I~~J . G~mnQ Started find a Map <3(')tDlivinfLQirections .. My Maps & R()!Jt~s Link to Map or Roule , rave eSOLLces _LOW FARES from Orlando $149 to Atlanta $~09 to.l,9s Veqas $169 to Qbicaqo $2Qii to San Francisco HOTELS in$2fli9~d .'CAR RENTALS In Or1i'lndo 12)N18jJS FAQ's 12) Nei3(Lhelp with Maps? packages .. destinatio!ls ,s. I r1 tel ests o My Trips I .. My Profile I 12) <:;ljstomer SupQort Search I~esults ,::e?,-,-_,.';_' _ ".'> ",; _":"--,," "i'From: $emjnoleCounty,Florida To: 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 Print this route ~i1_vgJhisrQllt~ ~:fTlail th~rQute \\/jake rnap HIDe iaile Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart Seminole County, Florida on E 1st St (West) 0.5 0:02 1: Turn LEFT (South) onto 5 Sanford Ave 1.7 0:05 2: Continue (South) on CR-425 [5 Sanford Ave] 1.1 0:02 3: Turn LEFT (East) onto CR-427 A [E Airport Blvd] 0.5 0:02 4: Continue (East) on E Airport Blvd [5 Patrol Rd] 0.6 0:02 5: Continue (East) on 5 Patrol Rd 0.4 0:02 6: Turn LEFT (North-West) onto Red Cleveland Blvd 0.1 < 1min End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 4.9mi 15 mins Select an option e Save to My Maps& Rou~_s e Reverse this rQlJtE2 e Link to this!.9ute e Search fQrQ.new route http://maps.expedia.comlpub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 ~Ci:Ul,;ll I\..C:SUU:S ragc i Vi L. Expedla.cOl1l@ Welcome - Already a member? Siqn in ---- Search Expedia.com: I i. Qettin-R- S ta rted Find a Map !3QLJ]rivinq Directions , I\II},_I'..'@Q~ & Routes Link to M<ip or Route esources LOW FARES from Orlando $149 to Atlanta $209 to Las Veqas $169 to Chicaqo $Z()E) tQSan [rancisc_Q HOTELS 111 Sanford mCAR RENTALS In Orlan9_0 [1J Maps FAQ's [1J Need help withJ','t?Q.sl packages .. destinations ,s, tIi te rests o MY TriQ.~ I . My Profile I [1J Custgmer Support S(~arch u . From:W~'(i()(1Blvd.Saljforij. FL,32773:i 'Jo:1 RedCfeveland Blvd, Sanford; FL, 32773 ~1'!1.1!i!1I1is route IVlah< map r IT! j 4. ~ lfI '1 i ,_ .: laUel Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart Weldon Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 on US-17 [US- 2.8 0:04 17 92] (North-East) 1: Turn RIGHT (East) onto E Airport Blvd 1.0 0:02 2: Continue (East) on CR-427 A [E Airport Blvd] 0.5 0:02 3: Continue (East) on E Airport Blvd [S Patrol Rd] 0.6 0:02 4: Continue (East) on S Patrol Rd 0.4 0:02 5: Turn LEFT (North-West) onto Red Cleveland Blvd 0.1 < 1min End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 5.4mi 12 mins an optkHl e Save to My Maps & Routes e Reverse this route e Link to this rou1~ e Search for a new route http://maps.expedia.com/pub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 ~e;ail;ll ~e;::;Ult::; rage; i Vi L. " Book~hCK _ _~ ,~~~r;:p\\brld. lVtaglC. ExpedIa.cOll1@ Welcome - Already a member? ;;igrUi'l packages - destinations 1:1< rnterests ---- Search Expedia.com: I j. GettinQ Started Fit1Qi1 Map G()t Dnvin!1 Directl()n~ .. My Maps & Routes Link tQnM~QorR~uJg LOW FARES from Orlando $H2.\QAtlanta $209 to Las Veqas $1(39 to Chicaqo ~2QE3 to $clflFsancisco HOTELS 11 ear },QuJel~~tlr1ation CAR RENTALS III Orlallelo 11) Maps FAQ's 11) Need help with M<3Jl?~ o My Trips I III My Profile I 11) <2u5J9Q1er $uJ2port Search Results From: 300 N Park Ave,Sanford, FL, 32771 To: Orlando Sanford Airport, Florida J:::malL!bl!;;!@te rnap "m II ... I ~ l- IT I " 1 , : Hide label Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart 300 N Park Ave, Sanford, FL, 32771 on W Fulton 0.3 0:01 St (West) 1: Turn LEFT (South) onto US-17 [US-17 92] 0.1 0:01 2: Continue (South) on US-17 92 [US-92] 1.5 0:03 3: Continue (South) on US-17 [US-17 92] 0.3 0:01 4: Turn LEFT (East) onto SR-46 [W 25th St] 0.5 0:01 5: Turn RIGHT (South) onto CR-425 [S Sanford Ave] 1.7 0:04 6: Bear RIGHT (South) onto CR-427 [S Sanford Ave] 0.1 0:01 7: Turn LEFT (East) onto E Lake Mary Blvd 1.7 0:05 8: Continue (North) on Red Cleveland Blvd 0.7 0:01 9: Turn RIGHT (North-East) onto Local road(s) 0.1 < 1min End: Arrive Orlando Sanford Airport, Florida < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 7.1 mi 17 mins Select an option e Save tQJ'{1'y Maps & Routes e Reverse this route http://maps.expedia.com/pub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 1 UIll-UY-lUllll11aV::S ra.ge 1 Ul .J You can't count on seeing a c ExpedIa.cOl'l'r' Welcome - Already a member? Siqn in ---- Search Expedia.com: l ..J . Q~ttinQ Started Find a M1l2 QglDrrvlnq DirecUons .. My MapsB, Routes Link to Map or Route esources _LOW FARES from Orlando ~A~tQ Atlanta $209 ~1?s Veqas $Jilllto c;hicaqo $206 to Sanf'rancisco HOTELS in Sanfore! CAR RENTALS In QrlanQQ 11) M<ms FAQ"~ 11) NeedjlelQwith Maps? packages .. destinEltiom. 8. tr1 terests o tv1yTrlps I ... MYf'rol~ElI 11) Customer Support Turn-by-turn maps if"9m:400~~riaBlvd.Oviedo. F"l.32765 'To: 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 Show i_nteractive map El"intthi~route Save!llil;,=-OLJte f:-fTlail thisxout~ Detailed Map Directions Toward Distance Start: Depart 400 Alexandria Blvd, Oviedo, FL, 32765 on Alexandria Blvd (West) 0.3 1: Turn RIGHT (North) onto SR-434 0.2 2: Turn lEFT (West) onto W Mitchell Hammock Rd 1.1 3: Bear RIGHT (West) onto Red Bug lake Rd 0.3 http://maps.expedia.com/pub/ agent.dll ?qscr=mrvw &vtyp= 1 Time 0:01 0:01 0:02 0:01 8/25/00 1 UIll-UY-lUllllllC:lJ.I:S 4: Bear RIGHT (West) onto Ramp 5: *TolI Road* Merge onto SR-417 Toll [Central Florida Greeneway Toll] 6: At SR-417 Toll Exit 49, turn off onto Ramp 7: Continue (North) on Local road(s) 8: Turn RIGHT (East) onto E Lake Mary Blvd 9: Continue (North) on Red Cleveland Blvd http://maps.expedia. com/pub/ agent.dll?q SCr=mrvw &vtyp= 1 SR-417- Toll North CR-427 ra~1; L. Ul .J 0.3 0:01 7.1 0:08 0.3 0:01 0.2 0:01 1.9 0:05 0.8 0:01 8/25/00 1 Ulll-UY-lUlllll1ajJlS rage.J Ul .J End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 12.6 mi 21 mins Select an option e Save to My_Maps & R~u1El~ e Reverse this route e LitlktQlb~Ql!te e Search. for Cl n~w route Maps and routes on Expedia.com use data from many sources, and from time to time, errors may appear. Expedia.com in no way intends any offense to users. If you find an error, please send us F~~cJl:l~~k. @2000 Microsoft Corporation and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. @ 1999 Navigation Technologies. All rights reserved. @Copyright 1999 by AND Data BV. All rights reserved. Certain mapping and direction data provided under license by Geographic Data Technology and is copyright@ 1999 Geographic Data Technology, Inc., all rights reserved. home I flights I hotels I cars I packages I cruises I destinations & illt~!ests I maps @2000 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved. !;l<Ql2.gjgl.com terms ofu$e Privacy policy http://maps.expedia.comlpub/ agent.dll ?qSCr=mrvw &vtyp= 1 8/25/00 .:)\;;all;lll'l..\;;::;Ull::; rag\;; I VI L., Expedla.cOl11t!l Welcome - Already a member? Siqn in packages .. ---- Search Expedia.com: I ......... .1. GeJlin..9 Started F i nJL<!.lIIIj:12 Qet Qnvln~Qirections. ~ MYMaps & ~9utes Link..tg MapgrBoute j rave, esou rCf~S LOW FARES from Orlando $149 to Atlanta $2.Q9 to Las Veqas $16.9to Chicaqo $206 to Silll Franci~co HOTELS in ~ClI"lforcl 'CAR RENTALS In Orlando CD I\i1ClPS EAQ's CD Need help with Ma[ls1 destinations ,3( Iflterests o My Trip~ I iil\i1Yl'fQfile I CD Cu_StQ_l1lfrS.JjQPort Search u ,From: 175WWEm"C;Vl Aw, LQngwood, FL, 32750}, 'To: 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 I;-mail this rout~ Make map larue, ~m I s.: I IT! d . 4 h Hielc label Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart 175 W Warren Ave, Longwood, FL, 32750 on W 0.1 0:01 Warren Ave (East) 1: Turn RIGHT (South) onto CR-427 0.2 0:01 2: Turn LEFT (East) onto 5R-434 1.2 0:02 3: Continue (East) on Local road(s) < 0.1 0:01 4: Turn LEFT (North) onto U5-17 [U5-17 92] 5.8 0:07 5: Turn RIGHT (East) onto E Airport Blvd 1.0 0:02 6: Continue (East) on CR-427 A [E Airport Blvd] 0.5 0:02 7: Continue (East) on E Airport Blvd [5 Patrol Rd] 0.6 0:02 8: Continue (East) on 5 Patrol Rd 0.4 0:02 9: Turn LEFT (North-West) onto Red Cleveland Blvd 0.1 < 1min End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 9.9mi 19 mins Select an option e ~ave to My Maps & ROLJtes e Reverse this routE;l http://maps.expedia,com/pub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 .:)\;;i:til,;U I\..\;;~Ull~ r i:t~\;; i Vi L Expedla.cOl1l<<> Welcome - Already a member? ~igr:1jr1 ---- Search Expedia.com: 1 '. G(!ttL09 Started Einq a Map Q!tLf)_(_!,!in~ Q_i}~~ct;oCI? MYI\II~ & Rout~ Link to MaporRout(! esources LOW FARES from Orlando $149 to f\llanta $209 to Las Veqas $169 toghicaqo $206 to ~~il Fran_Cls<:;o HOTELS in SanJgrd CAR RENTALS Ifl QrlandQ (1) M53RS FAQ'~ (1) Neecj help with Map~l packages .. destinations & In telests o rv1yJ:rjQS I .. MY PrQfjl~ I (1) CustQmer SUjJPQrt Search Results ~~mr1oo N~try.Ok.toR4it..$:.MarY,..Fl.f 32146 " 0: 1 Red ClevelancfBlvd, Sanford, FL, 32713 ,. E__I1'l~i1 thisrgl,ltE) r~~akc fl1ap ",m'l tf 11 11 l H ': ..t r t..tide !abci Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart 100 N Country Club Rd, Lake Mary, FL, 32746 on < 0.1 0:01 Local road(s) (South) 1: Turn LEFT (East) onto W Lake Mary Blvd 2.1 0:03 2: Continue (East) on Local road(s) < 0.1 0:01 3: Turn LEFT (North) onto US-17 [US-17 92] 1.0 0:02 4: Turn RIGHT (East) onto E Airport Blvd 1.0 0:02 5: Continue (East) on CR-427 A [E Airport Blvd] 0.5 0:02 6: Continue (East) on E Airport Blvd [5 Patrol Rd] 0.6 0:02 7: Continue (East) on 5 Patrol Rd 0.4 0:02 8: Turn LEFT (North-West) onto Red Cleveland Blvd 0.1 < 1min End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 5.8mi 13 mins Select an option e Savet~l\/1aps & Routes e Reverse this route t::'\ http://maps.expedia.com/pub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 ~\;;<tll';ll ~\;;:SUll:S r <tIS\;; i Vi L. Expedla.cOl'n€l Welcome - Already a member? Siqn in packages .. destinations &: IfHerests ---- Search Expedia.com: I .nJ. Qetting StarteQ fiDei a Map My Maps & R()utes Link to Map or Route rave esources iiLOW FARES from Orlando $14~to,l.\tlant? $2Q'tto Las Vei@' $169 to~hJcggQ $20gJQSilllEJ:? nClsco HOTELS in SaQfQrg !CAR RENTALS mQrlando Il) MapsEAQ's Il) Need help with Maps";' o fIJI~ I . MY Profile I Il) c;ustomer Support Search Results Ai ~ ~how tUTI}-by-tLJrn flljip!> PrinJJhjs route Save lhis J:ouj~ E-rTl~his~oute I'm Ii." I rr I >- ""t ~ Hide labe! Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart 95 Triplet Lake Dr, Casselberry, FL, 32707 on 0.1 0:01 Triplet Lake Dr (North-West) 1: Turn RIGHT (North) onto US-17 [US-17 92] 7.8 0:10 2: Turn RIGHT (East) onto E Airport Blvd 1.0 0:02 3: Continue (East) on CR-427A [E Airport Blvd] 0.5 0:02 4: Continue (East) on E Airport Blvd [S Patrol Rd] 0.6 0:02 5: Continue (East) on S Patrol Rd 0.4 0:02 6: Turn LEFT (North-West) onto Red Cleveland Blvd 0.1 < 1min End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 10.6mi 18 mins Select an option e Save~ My Maps_ & -BQutes e Reljerse tQi~Joute e Link to this route e Search for a new route http://maps.expedia.com/pub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 ~t;i:1il;l1 I\.t;~Ull~ ri:1~t; i Vi ~ Expedla.cOl11:.@ Welcome - Already a member? $igrUn packages .. d estirmti 011". &: Interests ---- Search Expedia.com: IJ . GettiQgj5tarted Finct a Map My Ma~ & Routes Link tClMa[! or 8-oute esources r'"LOW FARES from Orlando ~19 to Atlanta $2JlliJQ Las \feqas $129~oC h icam $206 to Sanfranc;l~co HOTELS in Sanford . CAR RENTALS In Qrlandg (2) Maps FAQ~ (2) Nee_d help with Maps? o My T[~ I . MY_ profile I (2) CU~Ql1ler SJJQPort rch from: 225 New/)uryport Ave. A1tj3monte Springs, FL, 32701 To: 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL, 32773 ~ i::-mail tj1is rout~ Make rnap IZlIGe, "IT! II 11 ~.JI m1 "1 ,~ iI' Hide label Directions Toward Distance Time Start: Depart 225 Newburyport Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL. 0.1 0:01 32701 on Newburyport Ave (South) 1: Turn LEFT (East) onto SR-436 [CR-427] 1.2 0:02 2: Turn LEFT (North) onto US-17 [US-17 92] 8.6 0:11 3: Turn RIGHT (East) onto E Airport Blvd 1.0 0:02 4: Continue (East) on CR-427 A [E Airport Blvd] 0.5 0:02 5: Continue (East) on E Airport Blvd [S Patrol Rd] 0.6 0:02 6: Continue (East) on S Patrol Rd 0.4 0:02 7: Turn LEFT (North-West) onto Red Cleveland Blvd 0.1 < 1min End: Arrive 1 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford. FL. 32773 < 0.1 < 1min Total Route 12.6mi 22 mins Select an option e ;;av~ to Mv Maps & Routes e Reverse this route e Link to this route http://maps.expedia. com/pub/ agent.dll 8/25/00 SlmnmpBHV "MOID{ ~Ull~l Ol ~~lJ P~J ~sB~ld '~:)~Al~S l~l(l1nJ JO ~q ABUl IJI '~lBU1~l1Y pUB g^~lBlUgSg1d~(l ONlY:) mOA 10J pUB 'g:)YJO SI~lgD gl(l 10J ~U~lg~Ul ONlY:) OOOl '9 l~qUlgldgS ~u~Ulo:)dn gl(l lOJ SUO~pg1~P pgpBlgp pUB 'SglTIU~W 'BPUg~y gl(l JO Ado:) B p~l(:)BnB pug gSBgld OOOl '~l lsn~ny :'tIlya BPUg~y ~U~lggW 19QUlgldgs ONlY:) :l:)3JOOS . ~~~U~dS 19lU~M.JO Al~:) '~lgD AP:) Alndga 'SBBH B~UBl Sl~QUlgW ONlY:) s~u~dS ~lUOUlBl1V JO Al~:) :WO(ld :Ol Wf}<INVlIOW'JIW