HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 07 Resolution Re: Support the Dedication of Additional Cable Television Channels for Education and Govt Use COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL CABLE TELEVISION CHANNELS FOR EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT USE THROUGH LOCAL NEGOTIATED FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the open exchange of information is essential to good government; and WHEREAS, the educational institutions in Seminole County have an abundance of information and educational opportunities available for the public; and WHEREAS, the public safety community in Seminole County has an abundance of information and public education material available; and WHEREAS, Seminole County government and all of the cities in Seminole County are in the process of making their deliberations and public records more available to the public; and WHEREAS, cable television provides a common means of transferring information; and WHEREAS, the Seminole Government Television Channel provides limited programming and announcements, and basic public information; and WHEREAS, the Seminole Government Television Channel Council has recommended the future availability of additional cable channels for governmental and educational use; and WHEREAS, comparable metropolitan areas are served by multiple government and education cable channels; and WHEREAS, local municipalities regularly review and amend their cable franchise agreements. BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County encourages and supports, through local negotiated franchise agreements, the dedication of three government and educational channels immediately, with the provision for two additional channels in the future, for the express benefit of the citizens of Seminole County. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 3RD DAY OF MAY, 2000 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused this seal to be affixed. ~~ ..J~, rt~C~l~RPE~N CLERK l May 3. 2~\ DATE --- I