HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 07 Powerpoint from City of Oviedo Land Development Code
City of Oviedo
Land Development Code
Tree Preservation and
Landscaping Regulations
City CouncilPrioritiesl Issues
. Tree Preservation I protection
. Effective Buffets Between Land Uses
. Open IGreenSpace Locations
. Shade Coverage ofPlIved Surface Areas
. Minimum Tree Size
. Enforceable Maintenance StlIndards
Summary of Revised Code
. Establishes a compliance requirement.
. Requires water conserving landscaping.
. Redefines canopy trees.
. Requires street trees.
. Encourages tree preservation.
. Establishes measurable bufferyard types.
. Regulates all vehicular use areas.
. Creates effective maintenance regulations.
Tree Replacement Schedule
. A 10"-12" slgnlflcant tree removed = 1 replacement tree
. A 12"-111" significant tree ....moved - 2 ....placement t......
. A 18"-24"slgnlflcant tree removed = 3 ....p1acement trees
. A 24"-30" slgnlflcant tree removed - 4 ....plilcement trees
. A +30" tree = a Heritage Tree = Incb for Inch replacement
. M... replacement required = 300 Inches (caliper) lac....
Replacement Tree.Stock
. A replacement tree = 6" cafiper
Redefinition of Canopy Tree
. A New Canopy Tree.
. Required Canopy Trees.
. Canopy Street Trees.
Mea$urable ButTeryard Type$
. Provides for principal land use.
. Provides for accessory land uses.
. Provides specific land width distance.
. Provides specific screen opacity.
. Provides specific tree planting rates.
ButTeryard De$criptions
. A1 = 10' + 3/100+50% 0'-4'
.A2 = 10' +3/100+3/100+ 1IMW.l)'-4'
.A3=10' +J/100+31100+ 100%O'.{i'
.B1 = 15'+3/100+3/100+100%0'-4' +50%4'-20'
.m =15' + 3/100 +3/100+100% O'.{i' +50%6'-20'
.00 = IS' +3/100+3/100+ lOO.I.O'.{i' +100% 6'-20'
.C1 =30' + 5/100 + 31100+ 100%O'.{i' +100%
. C2 = 30' + Sf100+3/100 + 100% O'.{i' +50%6'-20'
. C3 .. JO' + 51100 +31100 + 100% O'.{i' +1000;'. 6'"20'
Vehicular Use Areas
. Requires sbade coverage.
. Requires 10% green space.
.. Requires Landscaped Island Areas.
Maintenance Standards
. Required vigorous, healthy growth.
. Required natural growth characteristics.