HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 07 Minutes
Council of Local Government in Seminole County
Oviedo City Hall Council Chambers
400 Alexandria Boulevard, Oviedo, Florida
June 7, 2000
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The Chair called the regular meeting to order at 7:07 P.M.
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Cindy Gennell, Deputy Mayor/Commissioner, City of Winter- Springs
Member Gary L. Brender, Commissioner, City of Lake Mary
Member Dan Anderson, Commissioner, City of Longwood
Member Daryl G. McLain, Commissioner, Seminole County (left
approximately 8:15 P.M.)
Alternate Member Suzanne Tesinsky, Dean/Workforce Development,
Seminole Community College
Member Linda C. Hart, Commissioner, City of Casselberry
Member Tom Hagood, Jr. Councilman, City of Oviedo
Member Brady Lessard, Commissioner, City of Sanford
Deputy City Clerk Suzanne Thomas, City of Oviedo
Member Eddie Rose, Commissioner, City of Altamonte Springs
Member Diane Bower, Seminole County School Board
II Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Brender to approve the minutes of May 3, 2000, as written and
seconded by Mr. Anderson; motion carried unanimously.
III Treasurer's Report
Mr. Brender reported a balance of Nine Hundred Ninety-three Dollars and Sixty-five Cents
($993.65), with outstanding expenses of flowers and binders and that all dues have been paid.
A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report was made by Mr. Hagood and seconded by Mr.
McLain; motion carried unanimously.
IV Program A: Local Option Gas Tax
Presentation by Ms. Cindy Hall
Seminole County, Director of Physical Services
CALNO, June 7, 2000 - Page 2
Ms. Hall made her presentation, accompanied with handouts, showing the distribution of the Local
Option Gas Tax for the Calendar Year 2001. Ms. Hall stated that at this approximate time period
every year, CALNO is presented the distribution that is in accordance with the formula that is set
within the lnterlocal Agreement. Ms. Hall added that this information will be forwarded to
Tallahassee before July 1, 2000, but that the actual change in the distribution will not take place
until January 1,2001.
The Chair asked for any questions.
Mr. Hagood commented on discussions last year regarding the changing of Seminole County's
distribution of 63 .6% and asked whether there was any support for that at County level. He added
that he is still concerned about the County receiving 63.6% of the revenue when the majority of the
population resides in a City. Ms. Hall stated that the State's formula favored a higher percentage
going to the County than the current 63.6%. Mr. Hagood opined that he would prefer to see a more
equitable distribution of where and how the monies are spent.
A motion to approve the Local Option Gas Tax Distribution for the calendar year 2001 was
made by Mr. Hagood and seconded by Mr. Brender. Motion carried unanimously.
The agenda was amended to allow the set up of visual aids necessary for Program B.
Program C: Seminole Community College, Oviedo Campus
Presented by: Suzanne Tesinsky
Dean/W orkforce Development
Ms. Tesinsky's presentation began with a history of Seminole Community College. She stated that
the Oviedo Campus is the first full campus extended away from the main campus, and is on schedule
to open in January, 2001.
Ms. Tesinsky stated that the Oviedo Campus will not only have a full Associate of Arts degree
program, but will also offer fun-type community education courses. The campus will be very "high-
tech" but at the same time will be very environmentally sound. The campus will be full service, i.e.,
food service, full bookstore, and student services.
Mr. Brender asked if there would be any students drawn from the main campus to the Oviedo
Campus. Ms. Tesinsky stated that their studies conclude that the Main Campus did not draw many
students from Oviedo, so the anticipated opening student population of approximately 2800 would
come from Oviedo and the surrounding areas.
Ms. Tesinsky then invited all members to the ribbon cutting ceremonies on November 14, 2000.
CALNG, June 7, 2000 - Page 3
Program B: Tree Preservation
Mr. Bryan Cobb, Director of Planning & Zoning
City of Oviedo
Mr. Cobb gave a presentation about the tree preservation and landscaping regulations that the City
Council of Oviedo recently adopted. Mr. Cobb stated that Council gave some priorities and issues
that they wanted addressed in the updating of the Land Development Code. These included tree
preservation and protection, buffers between land uses, open and green space locations, shade
coverage in vehicle use areas, minimum tree sizes, and enforceable maintenance.
Mr. Cobb then summarized the Land Development Code revisions that City Council approved and
made effective May 1, 2000: establish a compliance requirement; require water conserving
landscaping; redefine canopy trees; require street trees; encourage tree preservation; establish
measurable buffer yard types; regulate all vehicular use areas; and create effective maintenance
Mr. Cobb closed his presentation with a question and answer period.
V Reports from Members
Altamonte Springs-Commissioner Eddie Rose
Mr. Rose was unable to attend for health reasons, but submitted a written report, read into the record
by Chairperson Gennell.
Casselberry-Commissioner Linda Hart
Ms. Hart reported on road construction, the addition of a new art museum on Lake Concord next to
City Hall and that Commission meeting dates will be changed to the second and fourth Monday of
every month, beginning July 1,2000. Ms. Hart reported that they are considering changing the
Commissioner's term limits to four (4) years
Lake Mary-Commissioner Gary Brender
Mr. Brender reported on a 250-room, ten story hotel that has come to the City for preliminary site
plan approval. He then discussed the status of the Greeneway, the paving of approximately three
miles of unpaved roads, and that construction had started on a 2000,000 square foot building in
Heathrow International Business Center.
Oviedo-Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr.
Mr. Hagood reported on the Annexation Agreement with Seminole Community College, and that
there was no decision made by Council on a countywide agreement on cable television.
Sanford-Commissioner Brady Lessard
No report.
CALNO, June 7, 2000 - Page 4
Seminole Community College-Suzanne Tesinksy
Ms, Tesinksy reported on a new project at the Main Campus for training personnel in the
construction industry.
Seminole County Commission-Commissioner Daryl G. McLain
No report.
Seminole County School Board-Board Member Diane Bauer
No Report
Winter Springs-Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell
Ms. Gennell reported that a new Eckerd Drug Store was under construction, and announced the
Fourth of July celebration at Central Winds Park. If fireworks were banned, Ms. Gennell reported
that the entertainment would continue.
Longwood-Commissioner Dan Anderson
Mr. Anderson reported on "payday advance" businesses. He stated that their city attorney had
concluded that State law does not allow local municipalities to regulate those businesses. He added
that local municipalities can "tighten up" the auto title loan businesses, but there is no such language
pertaining to the payday advance businesses. Mr. Anderson then addressed the control of cut-
through traffic in neighborhoods. He stated that Longwood has three main arteries, but no
secondary. Therefore, the residential streets become those secondary arteries and the residents
become frustrated with the traffic and the speed of that traffic through their neighborhoods.
VI Future Meetings and Adjournment
Sanford will host the September meeting at Sanford Airport.
The meeting adjourned at 9: lOP .M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Thomas, Deputy City Clerk
City of Oviedo