HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 07 Fax Confirmation Re: Memo City of Altamonte Springs Member Report *************** -(OMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE JUN-07-2000 ***** TIME 16:02 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=JUN-07 16:00 END=JUN-07 16:02 FILE NO.=263 STN NO. COMM. ABBR NO. STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION 001 OK a 94076999430 001/001 00:01:20 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - e6/a7/2eea 15:1e 4~'~~~4qL~ - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* .....~I I "'_1~''''''''''' -. -- MEMORANDUM rra;-~t; 8;' IliLrJ"' . \ '~~'1!i' _', ,..;l~;" ',lr." _-'...., _'f.' -'tl,ol'" :J1;~ .::i~;f~'_ :. ~'w.;ll]; ,,~"" , I To: I Chairperson Cindy Gennell Council ofLoca1 Governments of Seminole County (CALNO) From: Janice Goebel, Deputy City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs Date: October 7, 1999 Subject: City of Altamonte Springs Member Report Commissioner Eddie Rose is unable to attend the June meeting ofCALNO as he is having surgery on Wednesday morning. He did ask that I submit this memO as his report on behalf of AltamoJ)te Springs. The City is still in negotiations with Dean Witter concerning development of the Northlake ;U'ea between State Road 436 and Cranes Roost Park. The City is in hopes that this development will fulfill what has been lacking to finally make the Altamonte Springs Central Business District shine. Also within the Central Business District, SuperChannel55 will be beginning construction between Cranes Roost Park and Interstate Four. At a workshop May 9, 2000, proposals were made to the Altamonte Springs City Commission, and Crescent Resources, Inc., was ranked # I for negotiations for sale, design and develop of the Gateway property, located at the comer ofSUte Road 415 (Maitland Blvd) and State Road 434. The multi-use design for the property should prove to enhance the west side entrance into the City, and a.ttract cOtporate attention. The West Stat! Road 436 widening project is moving along. Our Police Department has been very busy in keeping the heavy traffic flowing during this time of slllfting lanes and "no left turns", which is leaving businesses feeling the crunch. lithe project continues on schedule, completion has been targeted for the Spring of 2002. The City is looking forward to our July 3rd Independence Day celebration, RED, HOT & BOOM! Fireworks lU'e c~tly scheduled to begin at 9:30 pm, simulcast to music by XLl06.7 fm. However, unless we see a steady flow of rain. we may be facing the lack of fireworks just a.s we all ex.perienced two years ago. Regardless, all who come out will still enjoy a full evening of perfonnances by a number of entertainers and groups. We hope each one of you will bring your familie.<; out to enjoy RED, HOT &. BOOM! with us. Thank you for your time and consideration in passing this information on to the other CALNO members. An.....,O~"'A~'\ QQy P.01 86/87/2808 15:18 4078304421 CITY ALTAMONTE SPGS PA!;E 01 MEMORANDUM To: Chairperson Cindy Gennell Council of Local Goverrunents of Seminole County (CALNO) From: Janice Goebel, Deputy City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs Date: October 7, 1999 Subject: City of Altamonte Springs Member Report Commissioner Eddie Rose is unable to attend the June meeting of CALNO as he is having surgery on Wednesday morning. He did ask that I submit this memo as his report on behalf of Altamonte Springs. The City is still in negotiations with Dean Winer concerning development of the Northlake area between State Road 436 and Cranes Roost Park. The City is in hopes that this development will fulfill what has been lacking to finally make the Altamonte Springs Central Business District shine. Also 'Within the Central Business District, SuperChannel55 will be beginning construction between Cranes Roost Park and Interstate Four. At a workshop May 9, 2000, proposaJs were made to the Altamonte Springs City Commission, and Crescent Resources, Inc., was ranked # 1 for negotiations for saJe, design and develop of the Gateway property, located at the comer of State Road 415 (Maitland Blvd) and State Road 434. The multi-use design for the property should prove to enhance the west side entrance into the City, and attract corporate attention. The West State Road 436 widening project is moving along. Our Police Department has been very busy in keeping the heavy traffic flowing during this time of shifting lanes and "no left turns", which is leaving businesses feeling the crunch. If the project continues on schedule, completion hac; been targeted for the Spring of 2002. The City is looking forward to our July 3rd Independence Day celebration, RED, HOT & BOOM! Fireworks are currently scheduled to begin at 9:30 pm, simulcast to music by XLI 06.7 fm. However, unless we see a steady flow of rain, we may be facing the lack of fireworks just as we all experienced two years ago. Regardless, all who come out will still enjoy a full evening of 1 performances by a number of entertainers and groups. We hope each one of you will bring your families out to enjoy RED, HOT & BOOM! with us. Thank you for your time and consideration in passing this information on to the other CALNO members. JUt'I-07-2000 15: 21 4078304421 99;; P.Ol