HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 05 03 Minutes
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida
May 3, 2000
1. Call to Order
The chair called a regular meeting together at 7:20 p.m.
Roll Call
Chair Cindy Gennell, Deputy Mayor/Commissioner, City of Winter Springs
Member Eddie Rose, Commissioner, City of Altamonte Springs
Alternate Member Al Clark, City of Casselberry
Member Gary L. Brender, Commissioner, City of Lake Mary
Member Dan Anderson, Commissioner, City of Longwood
Member Brady Lessard, Commissioner, City of Sanford (arrived at 8:07 p.m.)
Member Linda C. Hart, Commissioner, City of Casselberry
Member Tom Hagood, Jr., Councilman, City of Oviedo
Member Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright, Interim Vice President, Seminole
Community College
Member Daryl G. McLain, Commissioner, Seminole County
Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board
CALNO Alternate Member Michael Blake, City of Winter Springs
John J. Drago, City Administrator, City of Longwood
Geraldine D. Zambri, City Clerk, City of Longwood
Berlin D. Bosworth, Deputy City Clerk, City of Longwood
John Brock, Director, Community Services Department
Chris Murphy, City Engineer, Community Services Department
Craig Dunn, Computer Services Manager, Financial Services Department
Gail Easley, The Gail Easley Company
A moment of Silent Meditation was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Gennell asked if the City of Longwood had posted the CALNO meeting agenda.
Deputy City Clerk Bosworth replied, yes, that every CALNO agenda was posted the day it was
received, which was usually one week in advance of a meeting.
1.A. Approve Minutes of the April 5, 2000 meeting held at the Seminole County Corrections
Facility and prepared from notes taken by Chair Cindy Gennell.
Chair Gennell asked members if they had had the opportunity to review the April 5, 2000, minutes.
No one present had any changes or corrections.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida
May 3, 2000
Page 2
MSC [Brender/Clark] in favor of approving the AprilS, 2000 minutes, passed 5-0-6,
with Members Hart, Hagood, Wright, McLain, Bauer, and Lessard absent.
2. Treasurer's Report
Member Brender reported fund balance of Nine Hundred Ninety-Three Dollars and Sixty-Five Cents
Chair Gennell informed there was an outstanding invoice which was for the purchase of flowers for
Secretary's Day; the purchase having been approved at the prior meeting.
MSC {Rose/Anderson] moved to accept the Treasurer's report, passed 5-0-6, with
Members Hart, Hagood, Wright, McLain, Bauer, and Lessard absent.
Chair Gennell touched on the passing of Commissioner Mac McClanahan, mentioning that ordinarily
CALNO would have sent flowers; he passed on Good Friday, the service was Easter Sunday, and as
there was no mention in the newspaper where to send flowers.
3. Program A: Consideration of a Resolution Regarding Seminole Government Television
Chair Gennell, referring to the CALNO Resolution titled ...Supporting the Dedication of Additional
Cable Television Channels for Education and Government Use Through Local Negotiated Franchise
Agreements, before the body at this meeting, was what had been directed to be developed.
Chair Gennell went on to explain that the Seminole Government Television Channel Council
(SGTCC) had suggested there was a definite, immediate need for additional cable channels for
governmental use. If there were one additional cable channel made available for Seminole County's
educational institutions - colleges and schools, they would make full use of it. Likewise, the Sheriff's
Department and Fire Departments have an abundance of information materials they want to make
available to the public. None of the cities in Seminole County could get on the one cable channel
with the County. If all governmental agencies wanted to start putting on programming, the three
channels would have a full programming schedule right at the start. Mr. Lewis, who heads up the
cable channel for Seminole County, recently completed several surveys and has given the SGTCC
more direction and frame of reference as to what comparable metropolitan areas have in the way of
governmental cable channels.
MSC [Brender! Anderson] moved that the Resolution be approved, as written.
Additional discussion ensued with respect to the number of channels being requested, the fact that that
question was clarified in the Be It Now Therefore Resolved clause, and that this resolution would be
approved by CALNO in support of an individual city's negotiations with the cable provider as to
what CALNO recommended. Members would be approving CALNO recommendations.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida
May 3, 2000
Page 3
VOTE ON MOTION: Passed 5-0-6, with Members Hart, Hagood, Wright, McLain,
Bauer, and Lessard absent.
Mr. John Drago welcomed all on behalf of Commissioner Anderson, the Mayor, and the Longwood
City Commission. He next introduced Ms. Gail Easley.
4. Program B: Should We Have Zoning? Presentation by Ms. Gail Easley of The Gail Easley
Ms. Easley made her presentation using view graphs: SHOULD WE KEEP ZONING?-
1. What is Zonin~?, 2. How is zonin~ related to a plan?, 3. If not zonin~, what?: 0 WHAT IS
ZONING? - .:. Divides all land into districts, .:. Assigns development standards to each district, .:.
Standards are uniform within a district, .:. Standards may vary from one district to another; @ HOW
IS ZONING RELATED TO A PLAN? - 0 (A) Zoning and Zoning Map: (1) Divides land into
districts to assign uses, (2) Provides site design standards for each zoning district, (3) Zoning districts
must be consistent with the Future Land Use Map; 0 (B) Future Land Use Element and Future
Land Use Map: (1) Divides land into districts to assign uses, (2) Provides policy to guide site design
standards for zoning districts, (3) The Future Land Use Map controls the use decisions; @) IF NOT
ZONING, WHAT? : - 0 (A) Single Map Approach: (1) Future Land Use Map is the means of
dividing land into districts and assigning uses, (2) Changes in districts or uses require a plan
amendment - either small scale or large scale, (3) Design standards are contained in the Land
Development Code; 0 (B) Zoning Map and Future Land Use Map: (1) Two maps are used to assign
districts and must be consistent with each other, (2) Changes in districts or uses require both a plan
amendment and rezoning, (3) Design standards are contained in the Land Development Code.
ZONING: wl'Uses decided by Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map, wl'Site design
standards are contained in the Land Development Regulations and are related to the land use districts,
wl'Site design standards: .:. Location - such as street access, compatibility with the neighborhood, .:.
Impacts - how a proposed use will affect the neighborhood or the facilities and services of the City -
compatibility and concurrence, .:. Design features - setbacks, height, landscaping, parking, access
drives, drainage, etc., .:. Special standards - for specific uses with special design needs; ~
Different Use -- Small Scale Development Amendment (map changes only, less than 10 acres in size) -
one public hearing. No DCA review. Effective 30 days after adoption. (Very similar to rezoning
process, but no rezoning is required under the Single Map approach); -- Large Scale Amendment - two
public hearings, transmittal to DCA, possible DCA review, compliance review by DCA, site plan
review and approval based on standards in the Land Development Code.
Chair Gennell left the meeting briefly at 8:05 p.m. and returned at 8:06 p.m.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida
May 3, 2000
Page 4
5. Program C: Update on Street Prototype Design. Presentation by Mr. Christopher
Murphy, P.E., MPA, City Engineer, City of Longwood
After a brief introduction, Mr. Murphy made his presentation updating on the City of Longwood
streets prototype - touching on such topics as: 0 Neighborhood Revitalization Through Street
Improvements; @ Elements o/Typical Street Improvements - sidewalks, drainage, street calming,
driveway aprons, crosswalks, mailboxes; @) The Need/or Street Improvements - (a) Two types of
general improvements (dirt street paving, existing street retrofits), (b) Varying neighborhoods may
have been designed to divergent standards over time (drainage problems, traffic problems, poor
pedestrian accommodation, deteriorating/failing roadway); 0 Objectives o/Street Improvements - (a)
Improve infrastructure (improved drainage, improved street surface), (b) Increase safety (traffic
calming, wider sidewalks), (c) Social benefits (neighborhood pride); 0 Implementation o/Elements - (a)
If you do the right improvements, people will want to follow suit, (b) Applying a custom fit (structure
setbacks, lot grading, tree location, utilities); <D Bringing it Together - (a) Elements of street
improvements, (b) Objectives of street improvements, and (c) Implementation.
Mr. Murphy continued, noting these culminate in a citywide street prototype. The Longwood
Street Prototype includes: (a) Wider sidewalks, (b) Resolve/Improve drainage, (c) Street calming that
fits, (d) Improved driveway aprons, (e) Crosswalks, (f) Landscapin~ and Mailboxes, and develop more
than two or three prototypes that fit the area. Performance Measures include: (a) Reduced traffic
speed, (b) Increased use of sidewalks, (c) Increased neighborhood safety, (d) Reduced maintenance
requirements of roadway, (e) Improved drainage level of service, (f) Increased property values.
Mr. Murphy pointed out various types of street calming devices that can be incorporated-
singularly or in combination -- into street prototypes, e.g., medians, lane striping, rumble strips,
asphalt stamping, roundabouts, and speed bumps and noted there were pros and cons regarding traffic
Member Brady Lessard arrived at this point in the meeting (that being 8:07 p.m.)
Mr. Murphy, using slides showed the recent Longwood 14th Avenue paving project.
6. Program D: Longwood Community Building. Presentation by Mr. JohnJ. Drago, City
Administrator, City of Longwood
Mr. Drago made his presentation, noting the building would be about 7000 square feet, located
diagonally across the street from City Hall, and serve social, some recreational, and professional uses.
In designing the building, the City received valued input from the Historic Preservation Board, the
Commission, as well as residents. The City accomplished two objectives: (1) to make the building
resemble a house, and (2) and it was designed in such a way as to establish a set of design standards for
any future structures within the Historic District. The current community building would be
demolished and that site would become a centralized parking area. In response to questions, he
eXplained that with planned street improvements there would be on-street parking as well as shared-
parking - using the park once and walk concept; that the estimated cost of the building, with land,
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida
May 3, 2000
Page 5
would be approximately $1.2 to $1.4 million. The building would contain an entrance foyer, a front
office, bathrooms, a large social hall capable of being divided in half with a small stage, a full-service
kitchen, storage area, as well as a carriage house, enclosed trash container, handicap parking and ramp,
and a gazebo which will be located in the front of the building; the second story will contain meeting
rooms, storage room and a spiral staircase. The building would serve as a community building -
holding about 200 people. There would be a meandering sidewalk. The estimated completion date
would be June/July 2001.
7. Program E: Community Code Compliance Policy. Presentation by Mr. John Drago, City
Administrator, City of Longwood
Mr. Drago explained the objective of policy, which was to develop the foundation for Code
Enforcement taking a different approach than the usual approach of going out and citing people. The
policy encourages cooperation with the communities and with community policing to develop a
strategy on how to get code compliance. Next year, when Longwood next hosted CALNO, the City
would be further along on another concept in relationship to the Land Development Code for which
this Policy created the foundation. He pointed out that one of the items of the Policy was that people
would be able to log onto the City's web page and fill-in complaint information on the Code
Complaint Form and then e-mail to the City - anonymous complaints would be accepted. People will
be notified on their water bill and the City's newsletter that this was available to them. The policy
was developed to give Codes Enforcement Officers latitude on how they handle code complaints and
resolution thereto. The traditional approach of going out and citing people and bringing them to the
Codes Enforcement Board for non-compliance has been proven not to be effective. The City was
taking a different approach - with the street improvements being done, the elimination of zoning, as
well as other things being worked on, would create the foundation for more community pride and
self-discipline in neighborhoods policing themselves. The City believed the Policy was very flexible,
broad enough, but detailed enough, to let the public know how codes enforcement was going to be
handled in Longwood. A copy of Commission Policy, City of Longwood, Policy Number P-703,
titled Community Code Compliance Guidelines was attached hereto to as though fully contained herein.
Mr. Drago had the Computer Services Manager, Craig Dunn, scroll the City's web page to
display and comment on its contents.
8. Reports from Members:
o Winter Springs, Deputy Mayor/Commissioner Cindy Gennell - reported the Town
Center project, which was currently their major event, was getting near finalization to
become a reality.
o Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose - reported the Commission was expected
to award the construction contract to build-out the "Downtown Center" next week to one
of two finalists. He announced his book had been published.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida
May 3, 2000
Page 6
o Casselberry, Commissioner Al Clark - None.
o Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender - reported Lake Mary recently went through a
zoning change to afford an opportunity for tighter zoning in their future Land Use Map,
allowing for a Downtown Zoning District; construction was currently under way on the
second story of their new $5 million dollar police station.
o Longwood, Commissioner Dan Anderson - reported two Commission seats were up for
election this coming November.
o Oviedo, Councilman Tom Haygood, Jr. - Absent.
o Sanford, Commissioner Brady Lessard - briefly comment on the tragic passing of Mac
McClanahan; Sanford would be holding a special election within the next 30 to 90 days;
Sanford was doing very well, rebuilding/refurbishing an old city; the grand opening of the
600-seat refurbished Ritz Theatre would be a black-tie affair this Saturday, May 6.
o Seminole Community College, Interim Vice President, Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright
- Absent.
o Seminole County Commission, Commissioner Daryl G. McLain - Absent.
o Seminole County School Board, Board Member Diane Bauer - Absent.
Mr. Drago had a few mementos for the CALNO members.
11. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
~71~ ~. ~/
Berlin D. Bosworth, C.M.C.
Deputy City Clerk, City of Longwood
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
May 3, 2000 - Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
Page 7
SUBJECT: Community Code Compliance
1 of 3
ADOPTED BY: Regular Business Item April 17, 2000 City
Commission Meeting
DATED: April 17, 2000
The City of Longwood asks its citizens to help maintain the quality of life in their neighborhoods
and businesses by taking responsibility for the maintenance of their own properties. Most citizens
do their part by keeping their yards and houses attractive and being considerate of their neighbors'
desire to live in a safe, peaceful, and pleasant-looking neighborhood. The same is true of business
Unfortunately, some properties are not well maintained, and some create nuisances-or even
hazards-with which surrounding residents must contend. These properties detract from the overall
quality oflife in a neighborhood, and the neighborhood's more responsible property owners are often
motivated to sell out and move to a more desirable area. As poorly maintained properties proliferate,
land values fall and the character of the neighborhood declines. The same is true of the City's major
business areas.
To reverse the process of neighborhood and commercial deterioration and enhance the quality of life
in these areas, Longwood has enacted codes that specifically prohibit unsightly or hazardous
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for code compliance activities and how code
violations should be reported to the City.
1. The goal of the City is to encourage both owners and tenants to voluntarily eliminate any
violations that may exist, so that Longwood stays a city we can be proud to live in.
2. The Code Compliance Division will develop an annual community code compliance work
program for residential and commercial properties.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
May 3,2000 - Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
Page 8
SUBJECT: Community Code Compliance
2 of 3
ADOPTED BY: Regular Business Item April 17, 2000 City
Commission Meeting
DATED: April 17, 2000
POLICY (continued)
3. The Code Compliance Division annually will identify community code compliance districts
(CCCD) in the City that require additional enforcement in order to bring the CCCD into
compliance with City codes.
4. Code Compliance Division personnel, in conjunction with community policing personnel, will
meet with neighborhood community leaders in the CCCD to establish a strategy on how best to
accomplish compliance with City codes.
5. The City will accept anonymous complaints and investigate all complaints.
6. If a violation of a City code can be seen from a public place (street, sidewalk or easement) the
Code Compliance Division will take all steps necessary to abate the violation.
7. If a City code violation cannot be seen from a public place, the complainant must be willing
to allow the code compliance officer to view the violation from their property, or the City may
verify the violation by the use of some other legal means.
1. Before complaints are called into the Code Compliance Division, it is preferred that neighbors
and business owners try to resolve their problems first.
2. To file a complaint regarding possible City code violations, you can either write, telephone or use
the code complaint form on the City's web site (www.ci.longwood.fl.us). Please provide the following
a. Your name, address, phone number, fax number and e-mail. The City will accept anonymous
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
May 3, 2000 - Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers
Page 9
SUBJECT: Community Code Compliance
3 of 3
ADOPTED BY: Regular Business Item April 17, 2000 City
Commission Meeting
DATED: April 17, 2000
PROCEDURE (continued)
b. The address of the property being complained about. If the address is not available
(such as a vacant lot), please give detailed directions from your location so the code
compliance officer can locate the property or violation.
c. A detailed description of the complaint, including date observed, how long the
violation has been going on and names, if known.
3. Depending on the type of code violation, the code compliance officer will investigate all
complaints within 3 business days.
4. Within one business day after the code compliance officer investigates the complaint, the
person who filed the complaint will be notified as to the status of the complaint, if requested.