HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 04 21 Fax Re: May 2, 3000 Agenda APF'-21-2'0l2IQ if':;: 1'3 ,';';,< j~ ! T'y' [IF t.d r ~..rrEFj "::,~"F' J HC~'::: 407 327 47:33 CITY OF WYNTER SPRINGStFlORIDA P.Ol , . 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 W1NTE'R SPRINGS. FLORIDA' 32708.2799 '+" Telephone (407) ~7.1aOO F 'A'CS I MIL E COVER SHEET Apri121~2000 Deputy Mayor Gennell FROM: Andrea Loren.zo-Luaces Cny Clerk",,-, TELEPHONE: (~07) 327-1800 x 227 F'ACSI1\IILE: (407) 327~4753 ( 407)699-9430 (including this cover sheet) f' ~r:-: 1.: :>;..-:"~--, ,.------r-~ _:,.""",,:,~ _. ._--~ '~ . ,~l~t me know if this is acceptable to }'ou. Th~1k you, P.S. Have a Ha)2p)' Birthday and Easter! i .....,J..,.; . ...._-~~ ,"H", ,'~ AF'F:-21-"fK:K"1 pi" (3 .:.:.: ,,- ""~i 'T\'~CI~" C,ll ~1i-EF~- SF'Rl ;[G~;- - - - - - - - - -- -- " -- - " - - -- 407- 327- 4753- ---F'~ 02- --- - -~- AGENDA Date: Time: Location: 1. Call to Order Invocation " Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call 2. Approval of April 5, 2000 Minutes Treasurer's Report Wednesday, May 3~ 2000 Dinner-6:30 p.m./Meeting-7:00 p.m. City ofLongwood (Commission Cham~s) 175 West Warren Avenue, Longwood. Florida 32750 Program A: Should We Have Zoning? Presentation By Ms. Gail Easley o(,the Gail Easley Company Program. B: "Update On Street Prototype Design Presentation By Mr. Chris Mwphy, City of Longwood, City Engineer Program C: Longwood Community Building Presentation By Mr. John 1. Drago, City of Longwood, City Administrator Program 0: Community Code Compliance Policy Presentation By Mr. John J. Dr~go, City ofLoogwood, City Administrator '. Reports From Members: . Winter Springs · Alt~monte Springs · Oasselberry · Lake Mary . Longwood . Oviedo . Sanford · Seminole C'Ommunity.CoUege · Se@inoleCo~tY.Comr:nission · Seminole County SchoOl Board Adjournment June1~ 2000 - City of Oviedo 5, 6. 7, 8. Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell Commissioner Eddie Rose CorIUllissioner Linda C. Hart Commissioner Gary Brender Commissioner Dan Anderson Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Commissioner Brady Lessatd Interim Vice President Dr.St~hen Caldwell Wright Corwnissioner Datyl (3; Met-ain Board Member Diane Bauer * P\lBLIC NOTICE ~ ~ {l)Qr More Membel1c onll~ Cj~y OfWiJl~ Springs CitY Commission May Be In Attendanee At Thi,; M~tjnl. lilSJQtancC to participate in any of these proceedinSS should contllet !he City of Longwood. 48 hours in advlmor: tt1tes. ~'~""'r':.' ',": .', " .",' ' " ~. '. . ~~ ~