HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 02 27 Fax Re: March 1, 2000 Minutes 83/27/2800 15:29 4072527745 (:11"/ OF CA'3SELBERR'l PAGE 01 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SE~nNOLE COUNTY The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) held a meeting Wednesday, March 1,2000 at 7:00 p.m., Casselberry City Hall Commission Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida. 1. CALL TO ORDER/INVOCATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA::"lCE Chairperson Gennell called the meeting to order at 7: 13 p.m. Chairperson Gennell requested a moment of silence and then led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. ROLL CALL Merober.t.P.resent: Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, City of Winter Springs, CALNO Chairperson Commissioner Linda C. Hart, City of Casselberry Commissioner TIlOm Greene, City of Lake Mary, CAlNO Alternate Councilman Tom Hagood. Jr., City of Oviedo Commissjooer Eddie Rose, City of Altamonte Springs Interim Vice President Dr. Stephen C. Wright, Seminole Community College Members Not Present: Commissioner Gary Brender, Cjty of Lake Mary, CAU\"O Treasurer Board Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission Conunissioner Dan Anderson, City of Longwood Commissioner A.A. "Mac" McClanahan Others Present: Vice Mayor/Commissioner Al Clark, City of Casselberry Commissioner Ov.ren Sheppard, City of Casselberry Jack M. Schluckebier, Casselberry City Manager Thelma McPherson, Casselberry City Clerk Donna Gardner, Casselberry Commission Secretary Jolm Drago. Longwood City Manager MAR-27-2000 15:33 407,26.'277 45 9T; P.Ol 03/27/2000 16:29 4072627745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 02 COUNCIL Of LOCAL GO\'ERN!\IENl'S IN SE.!\'11NOLE COUNTY 1\i1arch l. 2000 Metring Minutt5 PQg~ 20f3 3. APPROVAL Of M~~RCH 3.1999 MINUTES MOTION: Councilman Hagood moved to approve the minutes of February 2, 2000, u presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hart. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 4. I.REASURER'S RKPORT There was no Treasurer's Report given due to the absence of Commissioner Brender. 5. PROGRAM A: EASTERN l-4 CORRIDOR WATER PROJECT Barbara A. Vergara, P.G., Director, Division of Water Supply Management. St. Jolms River Water Management District. gave a presentation on the Eastern I-4 Corridor Water Project and the Water 2020 Pro gram, which has been legislative ly mandated. Ms. Vergara discussed proj ected increased water needs; the inability of the Floridan aquifer to provide for the increased demand; protection of area wetlands and their ecological communities; development of altemative water sources such as surface water from the S1. Johns River; and aggressive pursuit of water conservation measures and reuse distribution systems. Ms. Vergara noted the demand in Seminole County was projected to increase 59% by 2020. In sununary, Ms. Vergara stated the S 1. Johns River Water Management District has been assisting area municipalities and counties in order to achieve the Water 2020 Program goal of designing and implementing economically feasible water supply development projects to satisfy the growing needs ofthe East-Central Florida area while protecting valuable water-dependent natural resources, noting reaching that goal will require greater capital investment of approximately S 1.5 billion. Discussion ensued regarding services provided by the S1. J olms River Water Management District, impacts on each individual city and cooperative measures that need to take place in order to protect the water commodity. Chairperson Gennell noted V olusia County has a separate water alliance board and suggested that the organization of a similar board, or further discussion of these water issues by CALNO in search of funds for mutual planning may be beneficial to Seminole County as a whole. Chairperson Gennell also reconunended having the S1. Jonns River Water Management District nm some oftheirpublic information programming on Seminole Government Television (SGTV). 6. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Deputy Mayor Gennell of the City of Winter Springs: Noted binders had been distributed to all members and all future agenda materials/minutes would be 3-hole punched for ea5Y insertion. Inquired ifthe Council wished to pursue development of water alliance board. Council consensus was to add the matter to the April agenda for further discussion. MRR-27-2000 15:]8 4072627745 97;; P.02 03/27/2000 15:29 4072527745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PA(3E 03 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COl'NTY March 1,2000 Meertng Mlnute~ Page 3 of 3 Councilman Hagood of the City of Oviedo: Noted his e-mail address on the member's informational page was incorrectly listed and should have a dot between "Tom" and "Hagood". Reported construction of a new Sears store at the Oviedo Marketplace continued with an anticipated completion date in late sunIDler, 2000. ConIDlissioner Hart of the City of Casselberry: Noted the Casselberry City Commission would begin meeting the second and fourth Mondays of each month after July 1~' to alleviate some holiday conflicts. Dr. Wright ofSemmole Conununity College: Reported development of the Oviedo campus was progressing with an anticipated completion date ofJune 2000. Commissioner Rose of Altamonte Springs: Noted his book had been printed and was avaiJable for purchase. 7. AD.JOURNrvlENT There being no further business, Chairperson Gcnnell adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Donna G. Gardner City Commission Secrela1), City of Casselberry r1AR-27-2000 15: 38 407,2627745 97>: P.03