HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 02 02 Minutes to be Approved MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) February 2, 2000 The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) held a meeting on Wednesday, February 2, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., at the City of Altamonte Springs City Hall, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Florida. 1. Call to Order Silent Meditation Pledge of Allegiance Meeting was called to Order at 7:07 p.m. by CALNO Chai.rperson ICommissioner Cindy Gennell. A moment of silence was held. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call - the following members were in attendance: City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose City of Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender City of Winter Springs, Commissioner/CALNO Chairperson Cindy Genncll City of Longwood, Commissioner Dan Anderson City of Sanford, Commissioner A.A. "Mac" McClanahan Seminole County Public School Board, Board Member Diane Bauer City of Oviedo, Commissioner Tom Hagood, Jr. Also present were: Stan Stevens, Citizen City Administrator John Drago. City of Longwood City Manager Ron McLemore, City of Winter Springs Richard GeIUlell, Citizen 2. Approval of January 5, 2000 Minutes Moved by Commissioner Hagood, seconded by Commissioner Brender, to approve the minutes of January 5, 2000. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Treasurer's Report Commissioner Brender reported a current balance of$741.35. He reported that statements were mailed approximately 1 ~/2 weeks ago for the $25.00 membership fee. Moved by Commissioner Hagood, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, to accept the Treasurer's Report, as presented. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN S.EMINOLE COUNTY (CAlNO) FEBRUARY 2, 2000 Page 2 0(6 Chairperson Gennell asked for approval to hear Agenda Item #7, Program D, at this time. Moved by Commissioner Brender, seconded by Board Member Bauer, to amend the agenda to hear Program D at this time. Motion carried unanimously. Program D: Consideration of a Resolution Regarding The Grove Counseling Center Larry Visser, President of the Grove COWlseling Center, Inc., gave a briefhistory of the organization and requested support of the resolution for funding. He explained the main campus is in Winter Springs with two programs for rehabilitating youthful offenders, the Adolescent Residential Program and the Grove Unique Youth Services Program which assists with the Department of Juvenile Justice. He explained the need for rebuilding and expanding the facilities. Responding to a question from Chairperson Gennell, Mr. Visser stated that their clients come from all over the county and surrounding areas. The substance abuse program is voluntary \y,ith referrals from school ofticials, parents and other governmental agencies, while the youthful offenders are generated from the Juvenile Justice System. The Juvenile Justice Report rated the Center the second highest in the State. Commissioner Rose stated that he was aware of good results in the past and inquired as to the current result rate. Mr. Visser reported that at 12 months, 70% of youth are still drug free and 70-80% from the youthful offenders program are still in school with no further arrests. Chairperson Gennell read the Resolution. Moved by Commissioner Hagood, seconded by Commissioner Brender, to adopt the Resolution, as read. Motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Gennell presented the Resolution to Mr. Visser. 4. Program A: PresentatIon by Sheriff Donald F. Eslinger Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Sheriff Eslinger introduced Deputy Rich Kay, Community Service Officer, Barbara O'Hara, Certified Law Enforcement Planner, and Dana Hampton ofthe Information Services Department., who accompanied him to provide a presentation on CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environment Design). Sheriff Eslinger explained how the structure of a building or the layout of streets could result in a positive impact to crime. He gave an example of how highway rest areas were originally laid out with the loop of traffic and a picnic area in the rear being conducive to crime. As new rest areas have opened, closure of that rear area has resulted in improvement in the environment and crime. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVER~MENTS IN SF;MINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) FEBRUARY 2, 1000 Pllge 3 or 6 Barbara 0 'Hara gave a presentation on examples of good and bad environmental usage as a deferent to crime. Commissioner McClanahan commented on the fact that many cities, when reviewing site plans, recommend and/or require hedges, trees and other plants be placed against fences to hide the fences, when in fact it is creating an unsafe environment. He stated that education in this area is very needed for planners and elected officials. Sheriff Eslinger stated that some plarmers and architects already have this training, however awareness needs to be heightened concerning these concepts. Commissioner Brender commented on a new housing development in Lake Mary which has a six (6) foot brick fence. He stated that it is what the developers and residents want and asked if there is a pay-off for this form of security. Sheriff Eslinger explained that gated communities sometimes begin to feel a false sense of comfort and are constantly in need of education concerning safety and crime prevention. He did not advocate an elimination of gated communities, just the need for continual education. Commissioner Anderson commented on a code enforcement issue in the City of Longwood where residents are in favor of hedges rather than fences, enabling neighboring residents to watch out for each others property. Conunissioner Hagood also pointed out the change in socialization of neighbors by the erection of fences at each residence. Sheriff Eslinger pointed out that the Sheriff's Office is currently growing thicket plants that will be distributed to senior citizens for planting next to their houses, as an environmental security measure. Board Member Bauer commented that the thicket plants would not be conducive to school design, and asked if this matter is being addressed during school design planning. Deputy Kay explained that the department i.s getting more involved in the early stages of development in the county, and often make suggestions relative to the CPIED concept. Sheri ff Eslinger explained that some agencies require review of this concept during the development process. Commissioner Brender asked if there is data available and Sheriff Eslinger replied that most architects are aware of the CPIED concept. In response to questioning by Chairperson Gennell, Deputy Kay explained there will be a three (3) day training session in late February or early March on the CPTED concept. Members suggested it be advertised on the government TV channel as well as notification sent to city planners. MINUTES COlJlllCIL OF LOCAL GOVERl'I/~[El'JTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CAl.1"O) FE.B.RUAR\' 2, 2000 Fa!:\! 4 of 6 5. Program B: Presentation by Mr. John Saboor of the Central Florida Sports Commission Mr. Saboor gave a brief summary of the history of the Central Florida Sports Commission, their mission statement, and activities for the Central Florida area. He further explained that strive to create a level playing field among agencies in planning activities, and that they consider sports as one of the last organized lines of defense for our children. Upcoming events include: Celebrity Mascot Games at the Orlando Arena Central Florida Hall of Fame (Payne Stewart to be inducted) AAU Olympic Garnes - July 25 . August 6, 2000 Florida Sunshine State Games - 2001 (Five million dollar impact expected) Regional Championship for Amateur Golfers Florida Sports Foundation Senior State Games - Fall of 2000 in Kissinunee Commissioner Rose reported that Altamonte Springs hosted an Olympic tribute a couple years ago, and Mr. Saboor indicated they are planning a special Olympic celebration in October, after the Sydney games. Mr. Saboor was thanked for'enlightening the Council on the history and activities of the Central Florida Sports Commission, and the invitation was extended for future presentations. 6. Program C: Determination oftbe March 2000 Program Commissioner Linda Hart was not present at the meeting. Chairperson Gennell indicated she will coordinate this item with Commissioner Hart. 7. Program D: Consideration of a Resolution Regarding The Grove Counseling Center Heard previously in the meeting. 8. Reports From Members . Seminole County School Board Board Member Diane Bauer Crooms High School will no longer be an "at risk" school. There will be a Presentation for Leadership on Friday, February 11, 2000, 7:30 am-I 0:00 am. Chairperson Gennell suggested the School Board host their meeting of CALNO at the Seminole County Environment Study Center. Board Member Bauer indicated she would consider the location. Chairperson GenneIl also suggested to Commissioner McClanahan that the Sanford meeting might take place at the airport. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CM.NO) FEBRUARY 2, 2000 Plge sore; City of Winter Springs Commissioner Cindy Gennell The Beautification Assessment District ballot passed, however it has been court challenged and Judge Stevenson ruled against the City. The opponents blocked issuance of bonds, claiming they were inequitably assessed. The City Commission of Winter Springs has been holding their Commission meetings at 5 :00, starting with a workshop. The Commission has agreed to continue this schedule for another month. . Clf)' of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Eddie Rose Commissioner Rose presented a book of his life that was recently published.J-Ie reported a book signing and sale will be held in March. Cost of the book is $14.00 Later in the meeting, Commissioner Rose reported the City of Allamonte Springs recently opened bids on the sale of City owned property located at Maitland Boulevard and State Road 434. Two bids were in the range of $21 million dollars, which would result in a $16 million dollar profit to the City. . Lake Mary Commissioner Gary Brender There looks to be a merger between the Lake MarylHeathrow and the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce. There was a vote that morning for the Seminole County Chamber to absorb the Lake MarylHeathrow Chamber. It is still uncertain what the new name will be. Commissioner Brender further reported that they will still maintain two oftices. Pizzutti has announced the planned development of a conference center and hotel on the corner of State Road 46A & Interstate 4. There is to be 20,000 square feet of convention space, and the hotel and convention center should be in operation within eighteen months. Another new development in the City of Lake Mary is a 210,000 square foot office building, which will house a single user. This is also a Pizzutti project. City of Longwood Commissioner Dan Anderson North Street has now reopened. The City has let bids for a study on the Parks & Recreation needs for expansion, to meet CtUTent and future needs. MINUTES COUNCIL OF lOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEl\f.l~OU: COUNTY (CALNO) FEBRCARY 2, 2000 I'R~C 6 of6 Commissioner Hagood suggested the City of Longwood might look into involvement and membership with the Central Florida Sports Commission. City of Oviedo Commissioner Tom Hagood, Jr. The City of Oviedo continues to negotiations of the Winter Mile Master Plan involving 60- 80 acres for a park. Seminole COlmty has been asked to participate in the purchase. . City of Sanford Commissioner A.A. "Mac" McClanahan Commissioner McClanahan reported the new fifty meter swimming pool at Seminole High School has almost been completed. The City of Sanford will be responsible forscheduling and maintaining the pool. City of Sanford is in litigation over the granting of a variance on a place to feed the homeless. Moved by Board Member Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Hagood, to adjourn. There was consensus. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Mmutes respectfillly submitted by. Janice G. Goebel, Deputy City Clerk City of Aftamonte Springs