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2000 CALNO 2000 Program Schedule
P _ e 1 // l I TO; Andrea (for Amy) }'ROl\1: Cindy (;l'nndl " RR: CALNO 1000 Program Sdltdulc ('AI/NO PR()GI~Al\'lS (DRAFT) January (List III(: program, jllSI !"or n'l'llrd "t'('ping ,\;,1((') FehrulIry-AI1:lIHOl\h' Sprjll~.s .... ~'(lll alrt':ldy Ilan' it I\lal'ch---Ca,,~dbl'lT\ - 1'0 Ill' dl'l'illt'd :11 Il1l' !'l'hrll:JI'Y Jlll'dill~, pll'ast' pllt if 011 lh~' Fell. :lgl'IHfa Apl'il---SCllli110Ic ('ollllt)'/I..;\d('(1 dall" \\'Ilh Lal.:c Mar) "ill he hdd AT tlu' .I/\IL-- prognlln will b(' (l .ledl lllldall.'. illl'llldilll!, a 10llr of the ,I;lil J\by---Longwood--( 'il~ lIpdatt. ( JUl1l'---O\'cido---2 ill'llIS .lli~1I '1'('('11 ( o 1'1'1 do-;; ,IIHI Seminole Cnmlll\lllit~ Ctllh'gt', O"iC'du Campus ,f /,' ,i \ r""' ~. ......~/~. 1 ----L ~. l./t c....-r~..- ~ ~ _i,..;>~ ,- <:.- Scptollbcr Sanford---AI thl' Orlando Sanford Ail'JlOl'j Update and '1'0\11' of Air""rt Ol'lobl'l" ---Lakl' '''1:11')1'1 radt'd d;ltl'S with S('tl\IIIOII' (01lIlty-.1-4 ('onid<lrfl'ransp<ll'tation No\'cmhu---SchQol Boartl-...l1pdall' 1111 Sdlools D(,(,cll1llC'I"--Wintu Srll"ing~ Fa,,1 1.-1 ('OITidnl' W..Il~r Pro.il'l"t---(IId'1 }l hl'o('hurt' in I Ill' C^LNO 1'ol<l('r rc~anlillg thi'i prll~l-a'll, ~iOll can elll .'-it .John,> \Vatl'J" Management alld arrange for th(,lllto pill 011 lhl' pI'O~I';lll1) PS; .Ju..t fOI" your illfonllalloll, il dOl'!,u't appl',lI" that HIlY of the C^ 1 ,NO IIll'/IIblTS arc ~ojn~ to change this )'t';lI', uIlIl'SS SIlIlH'OIl~' 11l.')l'S all ekl'tion or s()nH~thill~, ~o you l'<l1I .jllst g() with the IllClllhcl'ship li'il W(, aln-ally hm'l.', :'....llIllillg you havl' l"lllTl'nt infonll:ltiOIl for Dan Anclet"Son. That, "llIlIg wit h lIlt' prllgnllll lisl and copi('.<; of thc bY!;lws slllluld he ))l"Ovi(kd for the I'chnJ::U-Y mr('lin~" THANKS!! JAN-19-2000 01:04 9,...,~/ ( /, P.Ol