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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 12 15 Faxes to Cities DEC-15-1999 16:25 407 359 7109; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Dec-21 -99 4:02PM; Page 1/1 407 327 4753 P.01/01 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County Sent By: ; . I.A\(E MAf('( . loN<;\'\lOOD . c,t.'iSEL~ . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS . OVlEOO t;;: ~~U('1 CD ~.~~ OLl?e~ SEMIt<<lLE t;OUNTY so<<Xll BOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks FroD1: Chairperson Cindy GeDnell ADV ANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at tbe Seminole County Sberiffs Otnce, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson GenDeU is requesting that the CALNO Memben submit B suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a tenative scbedule to discuss. Additionally, 'We would like to confirm email addresses for aD of the Members, Alternate5, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fax back aU of tbe information using this form, &Dd direct It to Amy R. Lovlngfoss, Interim Assistant City aerie., City of Winter Springs at (407) 3274753. Thao}( Yon! ~ Ie: I-hr; ~ ~c["c('7:; arr~J,f tf ~ ~ P / If!- ~v-c.rJ.- p.,.rl/ /l1c.-A./,,- ~'I f-fC""O:/ >' ~. Jttvf/C)QN-./Jef- COUNCIL MEMBERS Gary Brender hilI Lo"cstnl\d D:aryl MeLain B.uer Eddie ROK Undll C. Hart Tom Hagood, Jr. A.A. "MAe" McCla11U1an Cindy GeMlell, CMi~ Dr. S~hen Caldwell Wri&ht, Ph.D. TOTAL P.01 DEC-21-1999 15:59 407 ~Sq 7109 gh~ P.01 12/16/99 09:55 ~'= : ..4.' ~~'~:a7 SCPS SUPER rr-HENDENT' S OFF I CE .:, 94073274753 407 327 <1753 CITY OF WI~JTER SPRl NGS ~.lO. 920 Gl01 407 327 4753 P.01/01 .:. ~: .,~!'.~.. } :' . ;rtN'rE~ SP'~INCS ......".. ......t .. . ....::..:..C~S;.;..~l .:. ..1;",\\:)~.= ;".,I'J(;$ . QVlEOC '.J. i ';..J~fT ..:.,....., ..', 11....:.1 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County Attention: CALNO Members, Alterna.tes, aDd Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy ~DDell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE ! II . 't'~t ( \L:\O Meeting will be beld at the Seminole County Sheriffs Office, on January 5, 2000. Furtber InformatioD will be proYided OD the Agenda. ( '11 ai rpt'rso'Jl Gennell is requesriDg tbat the CALNO Memberi submit a suggeited program title (or rht :;ear 2000 to the Winter SpriDgs City Clerk's Office. Tbis is so the Meeting ClaD begiD. with a tenative schedule to discuss. ':.rlrhJ(ln:.dly. we would like to coDfirm email addre!lses for all oftbe Members, AlternateS, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. i vel fre~ \0 fax back all of the information using this form, and direct it to Amy It Lovingfoss, Illt~rim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! ~'b---DV~ ~L A ~\\n_:\-~ - _ ~(' e; S::-P~- hlt...f' I. ~ vP.-r'€X1- Br)~ty+,~@~~. bz.,+r.u~ ~1Ga- _ ~; n.:)o t'} e- ~p:>. J( I Z. . f-(.. uS COUNCIL MEMBERS ;-: I..IOGP C. H.\rt : ~;'!l f'.',""'(j. Jr A..A. .MlLC. M.cC\uf\.il'i~n DB"I McLaitl Oillr\o B6\lCl' DEC-16-1999 09:56 Cin,)' GeMel1. Chsirpertoft Gary emllltT P'ilU. l-D"'esmnd Dr. Step""" Caldwel1 Wright, Ph D. TOTAL p.m 407 320 8,281 96~~ P.Ol l'F.C-15-1999 16:tiD CIlY CF WINTER SPRnES 43"i' 32'? 4753 P r:ll/01 Council of Local Governments in SemiDole COUlltY . ~ttll~ . 1.0HGW000 .~ AL1A1a'O'(Y l' .~ 1E:llIIlIQ.l CI)UIIIlY fOtDOI.llOMO ..utD~: CALNO Members, AJtmta~ od Clerks Frota: cnirpcnOII CbIcI:y GeaBeIl ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE De Nut CALNO.~ will be IteId at tIN ScmlHIe C6utr Sller1II't Oftiu, ou JaII..ry ~ 2000- hr1ller &.fm'IIlaUa. wiD be pl'orided OJI *e ApIId& chairpenmt GeIUll!II is rcq-estbtc 6wl die CALNO Manbas __...~ prop'Q' tide for 1be ynr 1AIOO" die \VbIt<< SprD~ City Clerk', ()ftke.. TIris" 10 tile Meetbag; aB beda willa . teatdi'fe ldaedule CO ~. Additioually., we 9CRdd lib to ~ emaO :ad&__ lot all of tile Members, AlRrams, aIld CJerb,. ~ iIIdHe dtII ~ u."en. Feel free to fas: back .n .r tilt illfonutio fonD, aud ditect it to ABly R.. LoWlgrost, IDtedm MlWaDt City Cl<<k, aty o(Wuata" Sprbap at (407) nT-4753. Tlumk You: [-\rv\a..i1 tor (o.ro1 t=Os-l:er, (21+Y ClerK, loJ(e. rvta.r( c+oster@ lQkefY'A.ry{J\ ~ ~urY) ~~A.lZ'RS & E'AlIk tt..o:: LialIa Cl&rt T_~Jr. AA""'~ CWyo--u. ca.6<_ Ottt'/ a>1lll&or ,..,1 ~ I*)'l~ ~u- Dr. ~ Cd4-" .".."..ltl.l>. TOTI=L P. 01 . DEC-16-l999 08:04 96~; P.0l *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-15-1999 ***** TIME 14'51 *'****** --I 11\ \25~ MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-15 14:50 END=DEC-15 14:51 r ~ FILE NO.=906 ~ ' ()-- , .afi~G )rV~ ot!~~~ \ P STN NO. CJ:~r NO. 001 ~ STAT ~fEL~a. PA(:iS8 DURATlm~ / /',/ / ~0:00:33 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS SEMINOLE CQUNT'( SCHOOl. IIOARO Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Cbairperson Cindy Gennell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting win be beld at the Seminole County Sberifrs Office, on January 5; 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Cbairperson Gennell is requesting that the CALNO Memben submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk'S Office. This is $0 the Meeting can begin with. tenative scbedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Members; Alternates, and Clerks. Please Include this information, as well. Feel free to fax back all of the information using this ror~ and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Spriugs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie Rose Linda C. Hon Tom Hasood. Jr. A.A. "Mac" McC\mOhUl Cindy Gcnnell, CIlllilpel10n Gary Brender Paul Love'lIand Daryl Mcuin Di;L1le Bauer Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright. Ph.D. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-15-1999 ***** TIME 14:54 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION FILE NO.=907 STN NO. u~ 13131 START=DEC-15 14:53 END=DEC-15 14:54 PA~. . DURAT I ON ~.0''''25 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - . ALtAMONfE SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUI'lTY SCIolOOL BOARD - ***** - 4137 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy Gennell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office. on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on tbe Agenda. Chairperson GenneD is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with . tenative schedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for aU of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this Information, as well. Feel free to fn back all of the information using this form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! Eddie Rase Linda C. Ibrt Tam Hagood, Ir. }..A. "Mac" McCllIIIhaft COUNOL MEMBERS Cindy Gcnnell, CIlaitpet!an Oaf)' Bn:nda- Paul LQvcstrand Daty\ Meuin Diane Bauer Dr. S"",hen c.ld~1l Wright. Ph.D. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-15-1999 ***** TIME 15:06 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-15 15:03 END=DEC-15 15:06 FILE NO.=908 STN NO. COMM. ABBR NO. STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION 001 OK 94073302444 001/001 00:00:30 a -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . ALT AIIIONTE SPRINGs SEMiNOlE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARl1 Attention: CALNO Members, AlterDates~ and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy Gennell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided On the Agenda. Chairperson GenneU is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a tenative scbedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all oftbe Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fax back all of the information using this for~ and direct it to Amy R Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Cler~ City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS E4<1ic Rose Linda C. Hart Tom Hagood, 'r. I<.A. "Mat. MeCltnahan CindyGenMll, ~on Gary Brender Paul Lovcstnlld Daryl McLain Diane Bauer Or. $lcphen Caldwell Wright, Ph.D. "J~ ~.~ fJ.N~ ~(t~ I\;~ N\OV . 6 i *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-15-1999 ***** TIME 15:59 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-15 15:58 END=DEC-15 Cif) , >>- 15:59 , ~N (y r () u~~~ b~\taf"i FILE NO.=910 STN NO. COMM. ABBR NO. STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATI ON 001 OK Ii 94073241896 001/001 00:00:45 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . A~TAMONTE SI'RINOS SEM IM:>I.E COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy GenneU ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting wDl be held at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson Gennell is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a tenative schedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confum emall addresses for aU of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as weU. Feel free to fax back all of the information using this form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk., City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Tbank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie Rose Lillda C. Hart Totl'l Hagood,Ir. A.A. "Mac' McClanahan Cindy Gennell. Chairpcnon Guy anmder Paul LovCSlnnd Daryl McLain Diane Bauer Dr. Stephen Calclwcll wn,ht. Ph.D. *************** -COMM. JOURNA L- ******************* DATE DE- f~ l,-15-1999 ***** TIME 16:03 ******** r. ,-;( 11)J 5T"'T .[€C -15 16' 02 EN!)-[€C -15 16 "'3 Cr -il0 _ STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION ~'. .. ,'^ (jJ 0 94073243098 . ~)- ~ 001/001 00:00:25 [J; MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION FILE NO.=911 STN NO. COMM. ABBR NO. 001 OK a -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS SEMINOLE C:OUNn' SCHOOL SOARO Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy GenneU ADV ANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Cbairperson Gennell is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a ten.tive scbedule to discuss. Additionany, we would like to confirm email addresses for all oftbe Memben, Alternates, and Clerks. Please iDdude this information, as well. Feel free to flU back all of the information using this form, and direct it to Amy R. LOvingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 317-4753. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS O*'Y BT1!:lIder Paul Lovcsmnd Daryl McLain ~. Bauer Eddie Ro~ Linda C. Hart Tom Hagood, Jr. A.A. "Mae" MtCl__ Cilllly GcM61l. Cllaiq>er1on Or. 5lepMn CaI<lW6\\ Wri&ht. Ph.D. .'---. - --"- - *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-15-1999 ***** TIME 16:21 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-15 16:20 E~m=DEC-15 bl) 16' 21 {iLLY r l J/.UVYJod 7J-ifYJ . FILE t:lO.=913 STN NO. . . COMM. ABBR NO. ..stATION NA~1E/TEL NQ. ~~(.>ES '. DURATION / 94'72ffi3419 I 00 V 007""28 ( L// ---- - - -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 001 . OK a i \, ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . ALTAI\oION'rf SPRINGS SEMIIIIOLE COUNTY SCKlOL BOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy GenneU ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sherifi's Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson GenneU is requesting that tbe CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a tenadve schedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fax back all of the informatioD using this fonn, and direct it to Amy R Lovingfoss, Interim Anistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-47S3. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS ~ Eddie RDsc Lind- C. Hut Tom Hagood, Jr. A.A. "Mae" McCW1ahan CiPdy Qamell, ChurpetSOn Gary Brender Paul L.ove.lnnl1 Daryl Mclain Dilllle Sauer Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright, Ph.D. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL - ******************* DATE DEC-15-1999 ***** TIME 16:25 ******** ...1 , C~ END=DEC-15 16:25c: JtJ f. " " / "'-, '1 O~ "-' PAGES D~~."TION ' \] \ f)..J'-' MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-15 16:24 FILE NO.=914 001 COM~.,/' '~~BR NO. //tl~ J ! / ~,/ '\ STATION NAM~/TEL NO. STN NO. , /9407977 \ /' '---..-- 081/001 09:00:26 /' ,",-..-" -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . ALTAr;lONTE SPRINGS SEIWlINO.E <;OUNTY S0400L BOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Cbairperson Cindy GenDeU ADV ANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriffs Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson Gennell is requestiDg that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a tenative schedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fII back all of the informatlon using this form, and direct It to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Wi liter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank Youl COUNCIL MEMBERS Oary Bmlcler P.....I LovtslTal\d Daryl McLain Diome BOll" Eddie Rase Lillda C, Hart Tom Hagood, Jt. A.A. "Mae" M<:(:IaMIlan Cin6y Connell, ClIairperson nt. Stephen Caldwell Wrlghl. Ph,D. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-16-1999 ***** TIME 08:34 ******** . *,v~~ END=DEC-16 08:~~ L~.~~J:. ~..'~ ~ ,9.. '. , l~ PAGE:;> .' reRATI ON J' - , ^ A' \J-' ~V -. OJ,j ~1/001 ~(t ()I MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-16 08:33 FILE NO.=920 ~~.;:tNO. 001 L/ /' ~..~"", STAT~aN NAME/TEL NO. ;/ , ;40733019/,/ V -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . AUI\IIIIONTE SI'IlINOS SEMiNOlE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy GenaeU ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNQ Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sherifrs Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson GenneU is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is 50 the Meeting can begin with a ten.tive schedule to discuss. Addition ally, we would like to confirm emaU addresses for all of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fax back all of tbe information using tbis form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! COUNC1L MEMBERS Eddie Rose Unda C. Hart Tom Hagood,lr. A.A. "MO(:' MeClllll.1wI Cindy Ornnell, Chairpenon Gary Bren6er Paul Lovestrand Dsryl McLain BiuOT Dr. Stephen C.ldwell Wright, Ph.D. 001 rr~ JOURNRL- ******************* DATE DEC-16-1999 ***** TIME 08:38 ******** ~ (l,.~ ~,L ' .U, " END=DEC-16 08:38 ~~~ I ~~if START=DEC-16 08:37 *************** -COMM. MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION FILE NO.=921 ~::DNNAME/T~ ~. 94073305606 :00:28 STN NO. -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . ALTAMONTE SPRINCiS S!MIIIIOI.E COUNTY SOiOOL ElOARO Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy GenneU ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sherifrs Office, on January 5,2000. Farther Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairptl:'SOD GennelI is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begiD with a tenative schedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm emill addresses for all oC the Members, Alternates, llnd Clerks. Please iDclude this information, as weU. Feel free to fax back aU of the informatioD using this form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie Rose LiIIda C. IW1 Tom Hagood. Jr. A.A. "Mae' M~ Ciody Gmoell. Chairperooo Gary Brender Paul LoveslTa1ld Daryl Mcl.lin Diane Bluer Or. SlqJbcn Caldwell WriShl. Ph.D. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-16-1999 ***** TIME 08:51 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION FILE NO.=922 STN NO. ~.~BBR NO. DK 001 START=DEC-16 08:50 END=IE-16 118'51(" Lvt~ :xv I{'Il , Lc/ C/ .' ~V /~ r \\l.Y\ ~J -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* . A~TAMONTE $PtINOS SEMI~E COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Council of Local Governments in Seminole County Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy GeoneU ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, on January S, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson Gennell is requesting tbat the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with II tenative scbedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Memben, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include tbis information, as well. Feel free to fax back aU of the information usmg tbis form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 3274753. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie Rose Unda C. Hilt 1'om ih&OOd.1t. A.A- "Mac" McC\a(lahan DBryl Mclain Diane lbuel' Cindy Gennett. ClIai~ Gory a...nder hul Ul"esvand Dr. SIepMn Caldwell Wright, Ph. D. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-16-1999 ***** TIME 09:03 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-16 09:02 t~ 4/ / , I' END=DEC-16 09~' 03 /' ,/V'L ~ 1.-/./2)' I f'V _ L L ,'f- (Y1/ 0 a k C 0rytv6fJ~fYY - . FILE NO.=9;23 STN NO. ~~. ~BR NO. 001 ua /'"'~ - \ ...--' ~ / ,/" \ \ ,/ TAT ION NA~lE/TEL Nr:/ /l'AGES DURA} IOI~ 94073282032 /L/"'17 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . Al TAMONTE SPRINGS SEMINOI.E COUNTY SCHOOl. EIOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy Gennell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriffs Omce, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson Gennell is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting ean begin with a tenative schedule to disCllSS. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as welL Feel Cree to fax back all of the informatioD using this form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss. Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 321-4753. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS ....-- Eddi~ Rote Uncia C. Hart Tom Hal~. Jr. A.A. "Mae" McC\anIh&n Cindy Gcnn~ll. Ch.upenon iliry Brender Plll11 L.ovcstnnd DBryI Mellin Diane Souer Or. Stephen ~ld_U Wright, Ph.D. *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-16-1999 ***** TIME 09:07 ******** FILE NO.=924 s:~~r "' ....~~". . rON NAME/TEL NO. PAGE5 DURATION QjL./ - t /(r END=DEC-16 09:07, ( Q/V'l CU_V '%r, 1,0 Q9 , ~k 011" ,lC' t ) C'j')O~ MODE = MEMORY TRAt~SM I SS I Ot~ START=DEC-16 09:07 // 001/001 :=0?:26 ~/ -C ITY OF WINTER SPR It~GS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County ALTAMONTE · $P1lINGS $EMIIIIOlE COUNTY $CHOOL BOARO Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy Gennell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Cbairperson Gennell is requesting that the CALNO MeDlbers submit a snggested program title for the year 2000 to tbe Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting tan begin with. tenative schedule to distuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fu back all of the information using this form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 3274753. Thank You! COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie RQS/l Lino. C. H2rt Tam Hagood, Jr. A.A. "Mac" McCl41\lhan Cindy GeMeIl. Chairpmon Gary 5=der Paul LaW:SlnM Daryl Mclain Oianc Bauer Dr. S\q)hcn Caldwell Wnpl, Ph.D, *************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ******************* DATE DEC-16-1999 ***** TIME 09:10 ******** MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION START=DEC-16 09:09 END=DEC-1609:10 FILE NO.=925 STN NO. COMM. ABBR NO. STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION 001 OK Ii 96999430 001/001 00:01:04 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ************************************ - - ***** - 407 327 4753- ********* Council of Local Governments in Seminole County .. Al.TAMONTE 'SI'ItINQS sallNOI.E COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy Gennell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sberlfl's Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Cbairperson GeDllell is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title tor the year 1000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a tenative schedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fax back all of the information using this form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingf08s, / Interim Assistant City Clerk, City oeWinter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! __ ~~~ ,~~~- ~ ~! VJ V' ~\~V"" >1r /~ COUNOL MBMBERS Eddie RDse . Unda C. Hart Tom HlIIgood, Jr. A.A. "Mae" McClonallln Cindy Gcnnell, Chairponon GUy Btender Paul Loves1nln<l Deryl McUlin Dian. Ba"er 0... Stephen Caldwell Wright, Ph.D. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LAKE MARY . LONGWOOD . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS . OVIEDO SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Attention: CALNO Members, Alternates, and Clerks From: Chairperson Cindy Gennell ADVANCED MEETING NOTICE The Next CALNO Meeting will be held at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, on January 5, 2000. Further Information will be provided on the Agenda. Chairperson Gennell is requesting that the CALNO Members submit a suggested program title for the year 2000 to the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office. This is so the Meeting can begin with a tenative schedule to discuss. Additionally, we would like to confirm email addresses for all of the Members, Alternates, and Clerks. Please include this information, as well. Feel free to fax back all of the information using this form, and direct it to Amy R. Lovingfoss, / Interim Assistant City Clerk, City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-4753. Thank You! O;~) ,-L ~yY ~ ,0- / v\ ' i'-' . ,}P r\~ ../ \j. ~ i ^ ~fl/ . v~ \Y~ ~\I~', "\ ~ . " 0 vV'~ \... f\ ~ V ~....\V''iL C1...'.. ~ ,Y=Y J \ 1 IV C-.- :J 0 xv \ // COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie Rose Linda C. Hart Tom Hagood, Jr, A.A. "Mac" McClanahan Cindy Gennell. Chairperson Gary Brender Paul Lovestramd Daryl McLain Diane Bauer Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright, Ph.D.