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520 W. lake Mary 501l!ev(lnt, Suite 200 Sanford, Florida 32773
November 17, 1999
Commissioner Cindy Genne:1I
Chairman, CALNO
C/o City of Winter Springs
1128 East State Road 434
Winter Springs. FL 32708
RE: Seminole COl.liotv [)(pre~swav Authoritv/MLH,icipal Appointment
Doar Commissioner Gennell
The State Statute establishing tl1e SGl11inole County Expressway Authority (SCEA) provld(~s mat the five (5)
County Commissioners and two (2) elect(~d muniCipal ornC'.I~ls W1t~Hn the County serve as Authority mi?mbers.
The Statute also provides trIal ltle OOi'lrd of County Commissioners sp.lects the munlCiral meml)ors l.mle$$ two-
thirds of the municipalities jOll1t1y mrommend in writing to the County Commi!i-sioners their selection of a
member for appointment Wittiln tt"lil1y dJ.:lys of a v<lc~ncy ocoumng.
Historically, CALNO has served (IS a lorUf(l for recommending municipal reprc~.cntativcs to serve on the
Expressway Authority. It will bo most h~lpf1J1 If CALNO will continue to assil>t In the prooof,s and place this
matter on its December 1, 19Q9 meeting agenda. The terrn of one of the municipal positions, held by
Councilman Thomas Hagood, Jr of Oviedo, will e)(plre in Apnl Coqncili1l<ln Hagood has served three two-yt;!~r
terms on the Authority and h&s expressed his d(;slre to be reappointed.
After CALNO's action. eacli of me seven cities will be asked to end()(s,G CALNO's re(.ommendation by placing
the matter before their respective City Commission for official ac~ion. The cities will also be asked to aovise
Seminole County of the action taken prior to triG County Commission meeting of February 8, 2000.
If you or other members of CALNO have any qlJo:;tions mgarrJlng this matter. plea$e do not hesitate to give me
a call at 665-5740
Since. rely, d.'~ /.. .
(/--~.2:J ;1lA-. y~, 'Q \i~
Pam Hastings ()
cc: SCEA Board Members
James N. Marino, Executive Director
WI'ltey Eckstein, Vice Chairman
Daryl MClain, GnJlrman
Carll(ln Henley
Grant Maloy Tom t-lilg(lod. Jr
Randall C MMrlS
DicK V;tn Der WWle
DEC-02-1999 10:38