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Kaleidoscope is a quarterly publication for Altamonte Springs residents. It
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The following services are offered by the Community Oriented
Police Services (COPS) Center on Saturdays. between 10:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m" inside the Altamonte Mall on the second floor adja-
cent to Burdines.
CHILD AND ADULT FINGERPRINTING: Complimentary fingerprinting is
provided for children. Parents receive the fingerprint card to store in
a safe place and to have available for law enforcement in the
event the child is missing. Adult fingerprinting is also available for job
requirements, immigration and other applicable situations. Adult fin-
gerprint cards costs $2.14 per card for residents of Altamonte Springs
and $4.28 per card for all others. No appointment necessary.
CITIZENS AT RISK PROGRAM: The CAR. program is a bracelet
registry designed to help citizens with special medical or
assistance requirements who are easily disoriented. The
program aids law enforcement and medical person-
nel in helping citizens who have become disoriented
due to a loss of memory, medical condition, or the
stress of being a victim of a crime. A citizen who
enrolls in the program receives a coded bracelet to be
worn at all times. If the citizen becomes disoriented or
unconscious, pOlice officers and medical personnel can retrieve
information from pre-completed information packets. With this
information, police officers can help citizens by either returning them
home, contacting a family member, or providing emergency
medical information for treatment.
Interested in serving on a City Board? If you have a few
hours a month, the City of Altamonte Springs needs your
help in shaping the future of our community. Service on one of
these Boards is a good way to become involved in your City.
The City's seven citizen boards address issues involving every-
thing from planning our future growth to enforcing existing ordi-
nances. Most of these Boards meet monthly, and each meet-
ing typically lasts from one to three hours.
The Boards are:
. Board of Zoning Appeals
. Code Enforcement Board
. Police Officers and Firefighters Pension Plan Board
of Trustees
. Health Facilities Authority
. Personnel Administration Board
. Planning Board
. Surface Water Quality Board
If you are interested in volunteering your time and sharing
your knowledge with us, please contact Pat Wainright, City
Clerk, at 263-3780 for an application and for more information
about service on City Boards. .
S.H.A.D.O.W.: Stop Handing America's Dollars Out The Window is a
computer database set up to store important information on items
that are prime targets for burglars such as televisions, radios, radar
detectors, firearms and tools. S.HAD.O.w. benefits victims of car
burglary, auto theft and home burglaries. Over half of all victims who
report items stolen do not have a record of their serial numbers.
Without a serial number a victim cannot positively identify ownership
of property. S.H.AD.O.w. allows citizens to safely store serial numbers
and other important information about their valuables on a comput-
er. If an item is stolen, the information is readily available.
utilizes a digital camera to photograph children with
computer image quality. The child's photograph is
stored on a computer disk and turned over to par-
ents for safekeeping. In the unfortunate event the
child is lost or missing, the stored photograph will
aid law enforcement because it can be broadcast
.. .. on television, relayed to other police agencies via
computer, or full-color missing person flyers can be
produced in a matter of minutes. Parents are encour-
aged to update the child's photograph every six
months. Digital Children Safety Photographs is a complimentary ser-
vice sponsored by Altamonte Mall and the Altamonte Springs Police
CRIME PREVENTION/SAFETY BROCHURES: Citizens have a vast amount
of information at their fingertips with a colorful display of crime pre-
vention material. Subjects include "How to protect your home,"
"What to do if you're robbed," "How to spot a con artist,"
"Preventing car theft," "About personal safety," "About Firearm safe-
ty," "Self-protection for women," "Are you a latchkey child?" and
many more!
BICYCLE REGISTRATION: In response to the many requests received
from parents, bicycle registration is available through the
S.HAD.O.w. program.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: Volunteers are trained on the concept and
tools of Neighborhood Watch. Citizens are encouraged to come by
and learn how they can start a Neighborhood Watch program in
their neighborhood.
COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD: The bulletin board includes upcoming
community events, job openings in the city, and recreational ser-
vices offered by the city.
The COPS Center is always looking for input from the community
on what services they would like to see implemented. If you have an
idea for a service, please call the Community-Oriented Police
Services Division at 834-2677.
Special thanks to the following people who provided the wonder-
ful services of the COPS Center all year long: Irv Winnick, Richard
Meisner, Stan Foster, Dan Focarino, Bob Kunze, Bob and Helen
Morrison, Walt Bachelor and Susie McDonald. .
produced by the City Clerk's Office at (407) 263-3780. The City of Altamonte Springs is an equal opportunity employer.
Many residents may not know that S.R. 436
and other heavily traveled roadways or
intersections are electronically controlled by
our emergency fire/ems vehicles through a
alarm sounds, special vehicle emitters are acti-
vated during emergency response. Receivers
mounted at each designated intersection
electronically steps the traffic light safely
through its cycle to capture a green light signal
for the approaching emergency vehicle. This allows the emergency
vehicle to flow more safely with traffic without causing grid-lock at
major intersections. The direct benefits of this technology are:
improved safety of emergency personnel and the general public;
added comfort and safety to patients being transported (less abrupt
stop and go movement) and improved response times during peak
traffic periods at a slower, but more consistent speed. Smaller emer-
gency vehicles such as staff cars and police cars are not equipped
with these devices due to their greater maneuverability through traf-
Another emergency response improvement is the recently
installed automated VEHICLE LOCATOR (AVl) system on all fire/ems
vehicles. The AVL computer processor is located at Seminole
County's Communications Center at Five Points. Through transmitters
mounted on the emergency vehicle and receiver towers strategical-
ly positioned throughout the county, the computer can better deter-
mine which emergency vehicle is closest to the incident location.
While uncommitted emergency vehicles are out on the road, the
computer is constantly updated on the exact location of the vehi-
cies (within 50 feet) and automatically plugs the unit into the recom-
mended response criteria. Dispatchers can over-ride the system
when obvious response barriers exist such as lakes, rivers, streams,
road-closures. etc. This system will be fully operational in 1999.
. Inspect the fireplace and chimney frequently. Animais and birds
build nests in chimneys, causing fires and preventing smoke and
gases from escaping.
. A carbon monoxide detector is a must if you have a fireplace or
gas appliances. Carbon monoxide is produced by the burning
process and is odorless, colorless and deadly gas produced by the
burning process is dangerous if not vented outside your home.
Carbon monoxide poisoning mimics flu-like symptoms, and is
difficult to detect.
. Space heaters should be placed at least three feet from all
combustibles such as drapes, carpeting, bed sheets and your
clothing. Remember to turn off heaters when unattended
for an extended period. A space heater equipped with an
automatic shut-off is the safest.
An AUTOMATED MESSAGING SYSTEM was recently purchased
through a joint Fire/Police venture. This special computerized system
is capable of simultaneous telephone messages, blast faxes and
pages to community groups such as Neighborhood Watch
Captains, Homeowner Associations, and in special cases, multiple
residents based on specified geographical locations. Use of this pub-
lic safety messaging system will be in the areas of neighborhood/
business warnings on criminal activity or timely prevention tips,
reports of lost or missing children, seasonal fire/injury prevention mes-
sages, emergency management notifications and/or special weath-
er warnings. Those of you with school children have most likely been
contacted by your child's school via a similar automated voice sys-
tem when notified of school absences. A special feature includes a
map database of the community which enables police or fire per-
sonnel to electronically pinpoint a specific area such as a lost child's
last known location. All homes with listed telephone numbers within
a certain geographic area can be readily notified to be on the look-
out for the missing child. After the appropriate personnel training
and programming, this system should be coming on-line in the very
near future.
In the wake of the 1998 county and state-wide disasters, your Fire
Department is in the process of establishing an on-line LOCAL WARN-
ING POINT over our web site (www.asfd.org).This internet web site
will be set up for neighborhood emergency management planning
efforts during pre-disaster or post disaster operations or when a signif-
icant event adversely impacts our community. In addition, emer-
gency situation reports may be made available through web site
"links" at the county and state levels, depending upon the event's
impact. Hopefully, this will provide a one-stop shop for our cyber-resi-
dents during times when pertinent information is needed from an
official source.
If you would like more information on these programs, please con-
tact your Altamonte Springs Fire Department at 830-3844. .
. Get ahead of the flu season by
getting a flu shot. This will reduce
your chance of contracting
common influenza viruses.
Contact your family doctor for
more information.
. For more information on cold
weather safety procedures and
practices, contact the Altamonte
Springs Fire Department
Training Division at 830-3991. .
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February 6 and 7. Saturday and Sunday · 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sponsored t)Y. Physique Plus
For more information, call~(407) 894-3200
February 27. Sa~urday . 3:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
For more information call (407) 830-3883
March 27, Saturday · 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Lucent Technologies and Gina's on the Water
For more information call (407) 263-3799
April 4, Sunday · 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Sponsored by Sanlando Baptist Church
For more information call (407) 788-6801 ,