HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Calendar of Events Seminole County .rL. SEMINOLe COUN7Y FLORIDA'S NATURAl CHOICE 105 International Parkway · Heathrow, Florida 32746 (407) 328-5770 · FAX (407) 328-5775 · (800) 800-7832 http://www.co.seminole.fl.us/visit semcvb@ix.netcom.com 29 - 30 Seminole Softball Club Memorial Day Tournament Red Bug Lake Park, Casselberry. Area youth tournament. Contact Todd Miller (407) 366-4568. 29 - 30 World's Largest Softball Tournament Men's "C" National Qualifier Seminole Counry Softball Complex, Altamonte Springs. Contact Tony Galloway (407) 696-5979. 29 - 30 Seminole Soccer Club Youth Soccer Tournament Sylvan Lake Park, Sanfotd. State-wide participation. Contact Joe Neri (4071035. ~June 2nd & 4th Wednesday Bradlee-Mclntyre House Tour 130 Warren Ave., Longwood. Tour a 19th century Queen Anne style house built as a winter cottage. Tours from 11 :00 a.m. ro 4:00 p.m. For info call (407) 332-0225 or John Bistline (407) 332-6920. June through July Summer Education Programs: The Nature Niche, Animal Trackers, Jr. Zoologist Centtal Florida Zoological Park, 3755 N. Highway 17-92, Sanford. Recreation, exploration and conservation are the ingredients for a fun learning experience. The Nature Niche for children 6-12, uses the natural wetlands surrounding the zoo for a dynamic and exciting program based on the abundant plant and animal life through games, observations, acrivi- ties and crafts. Children 6-12 may travel the globe in a make-believe trek to meet animals and experience the life and culture of other lands during Animal Trackers. In the Jr. Zoologist program, children 9-12 may experience what it's like to be a zoo keeper by working with the keepers behind the scenes. Advance registration required. For more information call (407) 323-4450 exr. 123. 17 - 22 Florida Section/US Tennis Association Jr. State Closed Tennis Tournament Red Bug Lake Park, Sanlando Park & Sylvan Lake Park. Contact Cindy Harkins (407) 695-7113. 19 6th Annual Father's Day Golf Outing Casselberry Golf Club, Casselberry. Golf tournament in scramble format with an 8:00 a.m. shotgun start. Cost TBD. For more information call (407) 262-7720 ext. 1305. 20 Father's Day at the Zoo Central Florida Zoological Park, 3755 N. Highway 17-92, Sanford. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Treat your dad to a relaxing day of family fun. Free for members and fathers accompanied by their family. Non-members: Adults $7, children (3-12) $3. Seniors 60 and over $4. For more information call (407) 323-4450 ext. 149. 2S - 27 Central Florida Swim Classic with Longwood Aquatic Club Lake Brantley Aquatic Center, 1002 Palm Springs Rd., A1ramonte Springs. For more information call (407) 862-2207. i .- ....,~ OUT AN"n Pr ... O~~ ~l: 1999 January to June Florida's Natural Choice for... · Fun · Sports .Conventions · Arts and Entertainment Seminole County Florida Convention & Visitors Bureau ] an uary .~ 2nd & 4th Wednesday Bradlee-Mclntyre House Tour 130 Warren Ave., Longwood. Tour a 19th century Queen Anne style house built as a winter cottage. Tours from 11 :00 a.m. ro 4:00 p.m. For information call (407) 332-0225 or John Bistline (407) 332-6920. January - April Planetarium Shows Seminole Communiry College B-Building, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Tonight's Sky, 1st, 3rd & 5th Fri. of the month 8:30 p.m.; Myths in the Night, 2nd & 4th Fri. of the month 8:30 p.m.; Larry, Cat in Space, Sat. matinee 1:00 p.m.; The 13th Sign, Sat. evenings 8:30 p.m. Evening shows $3 adults, $1 K-12 students and seniors. Matinee $1 all ages. For more information call (407) 328-2360. January - May Historical Awareness for Seminole County Students Bradlee-Mclnryre House Museum, 130 Warren Ave., Longwood. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Three-part program of storytellers, Victorian fashion and tour of the three-story 1885 Queen Anne sryle house. Free. Contact Carolyn Bistline (407) 830-9459 or (407) 332-0225. 7 -24 Orlando Theatre Project - Molly Sweeney Seminole Communiry College Fine Arts Theatre, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Thurs. - Sat. performances at 8:00 p.m., Sun. matinee at 2:00 p.m. A lyrical and poignant tale of a woman offered a chance to regain her sight, her husband given a cause to fight for, and a doctor facing his last chance at redemption. Irish storytelling at its best from the author of Dancing at Lughnasa. Single tickets $15. Season ticket packages $40 with various discounts available. For more information call (407) 328-2040. January 12 - February 4 Ironworks by Teresa Young Seminole Communiry College Fine Arts Gallery, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Teresa Young is a So. Carolina sculptor working in welded steel incorporating craft rechniques of quilting, sewing and basketry. Open Mon. & Wed. noon - 3:00 p.m., Tues. & Thurs. 3:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. and evenings of lectures, music and theatre performances. For more information call (407) 328-2039. 14 - 15 AARP Driver Class Sanford Senior Center, Sanford. 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. To sign up call (407) 302-1010. 15 - 16 22nd Annual Scottish Highland Games Seminole Greyhound Park, Casselberry. Combining the traditions of Highland Games past with bold innovations for the future. Special guests, piping and drumming, Highland dancing, jousting knights, Scotrish food & wares, enter- tainment, athletics, children's activities. Adults $10, children (6-11) $6. For more information call (407) 426-7268. 15 - 17 NTRP Adult Tennis Tournament San Ian do Park, Altamonte Springs. Area tournament. Contact Charlie O'Brien (407) 869-5966. 16 - 17 Martin Luther King Celebration Sanford Civic Center, 401 E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. For more information call Carla Thomas (407) 330-5665. 19 Ballroom Dance Lessons Sanford Senior Center, Sanford. Beginners 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., intermediate 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., Latin dances 4 p.m. ro 5 p.m. $12.00 for six weeks. For more information call (407) 302-1010. 21 - 24 Active Life Styles Adult Softball Camp Seminole Counry Softball Complex, Altamonte Springs. Regional event. Contact AI Schnider (888) 335-3828. 23 Citrus Invitational Tournament Orlando Jai-Alai, 6405 So. Highway 17-92, Fern Park. Matinee - noon; evening performance 7:30 p.m. Best players in the country compere for title and prize money. For more information contact Tracy Cowart (407) 339-6221 ext. 103. 30 Jazz Ensemble Spring Concert Fine Arts Concert Hall, Seminole Communiry College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 8:00 p.m. Free and open ro the public. For more information call (407) 328-2039. JMay 1 ...... A Taste of Oviedo Oviedo Ciry Hall, 400 Alexandria Blvd., Oviedo. 10 a.m. ro 7 p.m. Spring festival sponsored by Oviedo Chamber of Commerce featuring live enterrain- ment, fine arts and crafts show, sampling from local restaurants, classic car show, cooking contest, children's activities and business expo. Admission: adults $1 donation. For information contact Angela Williford (407) 365-6500. 1 Public Safety Day Crane's Roost Park, Altamonte Springs. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information call (407) 263-3786. 1 Sun Belt Day Lily Show Sanford Civic Center, 401 E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. For more information call Jean Norris (407) 322-4436. 2nd & 4th Wednesday Bradlee-Mclntyre House Tour 130 Warren Ave., Longwood. Tour a 19th century Queen Anne sryle house built as a winter cottage. Tours from 11 :00 a.m. ro 4:00 p.m. For info call (407) 332-0225 or John Bistline (407) 332-6920. 5 Cinco de Mayo Sanford Civic Center, 401 E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. To sign up for this fun day call (407) 302-1010. 9 Mother's Day at Higgins House - Victorian Bed & Breakfast 420 S. Oak Ave., Sanford. Honor Mother with an old-fashioned Sunday dinner & horse-drawn carriage ride through historic Sanford. $21.95 per person. Advance reservations only. For tickets and more information call (407) 324-9238. 13 - 30 Orlando Theatre Project - Below the Belt Seminole Communiry College Fine Arts Theatre, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Thurs. - Sat. performances at 8:00 p.m., Sun. matinee at 2:00 p.m. Two co-workers struggle with each other, their intimidating yet ineffectual boss, and the comic insanity of their positions in an industrial madhouse thar makes Dilbert's cubicle look like a holiday. Single tickets $15. Season ticket packages $40 with various discounts available. For more information call (407) 328-2040. 14 - 16 Patriot Aquatics Long Course Swimming Invitational Lake Brantley Aquatic Center, 1002 Palm Springs Rd., Altamonte Springs. For more information call (407) 862- 2207. 14 - 16 NTRP Adult Tennis Tournament Sanlando Park, Alramonte Springs. Area tournament. Contact Charlie O'Brien (407) 869-5966. 25 Revelry '99 Student Center Multi-Purpose Room, Seminole Communiry College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 7:30 p.m. Featuring poets published in Revelry, the literary voice of the Gwendolyn Brooks Writers Assoc. of Florida, Inc. Free and open ro the public. For more information call (407) 328-2060. 26 National Senior Health and Fitness Day at the Zoo Central Florida Zoological Park, 3755 N. Highway 17-92, Sanfotd. 9:00 a.m. ro 1 :00 p.m. Local seniors celebrate senior fitness ar the zoo, an official site for National Senior Health and Fitness Day. Activities will include health screenings, scavenger hunt, Nature Trekkers Walking Trail, healthy snacks, prizes and more. For more information call (407) 323-4450 ext. 149. 26 Tuesday Voices - Poetry Readings . Multi-Purpose Room, Seminole Community College Student Center, ] 00 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 7:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more infor- mation call (407) 328-2060. 29 - 31 Sanlando Glass Show Sanford Civic Center, 40 I E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. Fri. 6 p.m to 9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information call (407) 302-1010 or (407) 298-3355. 30 - Feb. I Junior Super Series Tennis Tournament Red Bug Park, Casselberry and San Ian do Park, Altamonte Springs. Super Series State Tournament. Contact Cindy ~::~~ary 2nd & 4th Wednesday Bradlee-Mclntyre House Tour 130 Warren Ave., Longwood. Tour a 19th century Queen Anne style house built as a winter cottage. Tours from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For info call (407) 332-0225 or John Bistline (407) 332-6920. 6-7 Physique Plus 12-Hour Spinning Tourney Crane's Roost Park, Altamonte Springs. 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by Physique Plus. For more information call (407) 894-3200. February 9 - March 12 LES BARTA, photoconstructions Seminole Community College Fine Arts Gallery, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. This Nevada artist manipulates visual language as an exercise of the power to construct reality. Mixed media including photography and compurer graphics. Open Mon. & Wed. noon - 3:00 p.m., Tues. & Thurs. 3:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. and evenings of lectures, music and theatre performances. For more information call (407) 328-2039. 12 Father/Daughter Dance Civic Center, Winter Springs. 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. A free dance for Winter Springs residents. OJ, refreshments and desserts provided. For more information call (407) 327-7110. 12 - 14 Antique Show Sanford Civic Center, 40 I E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. Fri. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun. II a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call (904) 269-2431. 16 Tarpon Springs Leave Sanford Senior Center 8:00 a.m., return 6:00 p.m. $45.95 includes transportation, sponge boat tour, lunch at Louis Pappas. For more information call (407) 302-1010. 19 - 20 Lake Mary High School Sofiball Tournament Seminole County Softball Complex, Altamonte Springs. Area tournament. Contact Jeannie Fisher (407) 320-9550. 19 - 21 Swimming Invitational Longwood Aquatic Club, 1655 E.E. Williamson Rd., Longwood. For more information contact Joe Auer (407) 862-3232. 19 - 21 Orlando Miniature Doll House Show Sanford Civic Center, 401 E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call (407) 839-9489. 23 Tuesday Voices - Poetry Readings Multi-Purpose Room, Seminole Community College Student Center, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 7:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information call (407) 328-2060. 25 - 28 A Midsummer Night's Dream Fine Arts Theatre, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Thurs. - Sat. at 8:00 p.m., Sun. matinee at 2:00 p.m. Shakespeare's most popular comedy set in the alternative music scene of Athens, Georgia. Young lovers rebel against parents, flee to a night club called April continued. II 27th Annual Spring Symphonic Band Concert Fine Arts Concen Hall, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 4:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information call (407) 328-2039. 14 Contemporary Choral Ensemble Fine Arts Concen Hall, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 12:00 p.m. Free and open ro the public. For more information call (407) 328-2039. 15 - 18, 23 - 25 The Birthday Party Fine Arts Theatre, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Thurs. - Sat. at 8:00 p.m., Sun. matinee at 2:00 p.m. British playwright Harold Pinter's dark masterpiece of ominous threat plays out in a small seaside resort with a very unusual birthday celebration. $6 general admission, $5 senior citizens and students. Fine Arts Theatre Box Office: (407) 328-2040. 16 - 18 Sunshine State Classic World Water Ski Championship. Crane's Roost Lake Park, Altamonte Springs. For more information call Don Dyches at (407) 628-4802. 16 - 18 P.Y.A. Bass Tournament Headquartered at Sanford Civic Center, near Lake Monroe lakefront in Sanford. 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information call Brian Terwilliger (407) 328-7041. 17 - 18 Maitland Arts & Fine Crafts Festival Lake Lily Park, Highway 17-92, Maitland. 9:00 a.m. ro 5:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Maitland South Seminole Chamber of Commerce. Free. Over 200 artists, food and entertainment. For more information contact Susan Miller (407) 644-0741. 18 26th Annual Community Chorus Concert Fine Arts Concert Hall, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 3:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information call (407) 328-2039. 21 Poetic Alliances: A Celebration of International Poetry Fine Arts Concen Hall, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. ] 2:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information call (407) 328-2060. 22 2nd Annual Community Orchestra Spring Concert Fine Arts Concert Hall, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 7:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information call (407) 328-2039. 23 - 25 Water Polo High School Regional Championships Lake Brantley Aquatic Center, 1002 Palm Springs Rd., Alramonte Springs. Over 200 athletes. For more information call (407) 862-2207. 24 Earth Day at the Zoo Central Florida Zoological Park, 3755 N. Highway 17-92, Sanford. 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Join the Central Florida Zoo in celebration of Earth Day in the Rainforest Pavilion with environ- mental exhibits, give-aways, games, crafts and more. For more information call (407) 323-4450 ext. 149. 24 - 26 NTRP Spring Break Adult Tennis Tournament Red Bug Lake Park, Casselberry. Area tournament. Contact Cindy Harkins (407) 695-71 13. 25 32nd Annual Spring Choral Concert with SCC Chorale and Choraliers Fine Arts Concen Hall, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 4:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information call (407) 328-2039. the Forest. A hysterical musical romp. $6 general admission, $5 senior citizens and students. Fine Arts Theatre Box Office: (407) 328-2040. 27 Battle of the Bands High School Concert. Crane's Roost Park, Altamonte Springs. 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information call (407) 830-3883. 27 Gospel Festival Sanford Civic Center, 40 I E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. For more information call (407) 323-1610 ext. 209. ~MarCh 2nd & 4th Wednesday BradJee-Mclntyre House Tour 130 Warren Ave., Longwood. Tour a 19th century Queen Anne style house built as a winter cortage. Tours from II :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For info call (407) 332-0225 or John Bistline (407) 332-6920. 5-7 A Midsummer Night's Dream Fine Arts Theatre, Seminole Community College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Fri. & Sat. at 8:00 p.m., Sun. matinee at 2:00 p.m. Shakespeare's most popular comedy set in the alternative music scene of Athens, Georgia. Young lovers rebel against parents, flee to a night club called the Forest. A hysterical musical romp. $6 general admission, $5 senior citizens and students. Fine Arts Theatre Box Office: (407) 328-2040. 6-8 USTA Florida Section Designated Junior Tennis Tournament Red Bug Lake Park, Sanlando Park and Sylvan Lake Park. State tournament. Contact Cindy Harkins (407) 695-7113. 8 Anna McGoldrick St. Patrick's Show Orlando Marriort, Orlando. For more information call (407) 302-1010. 11 - 12 AARP Driver Class Sanford Senior Center, Sanford. 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. To sign up call (407) 302-1010. 12 - 14 NTRP Adult Tennis Tournament Sylvan Lake Park, Sanford. Area tournament. Contact Paul Kobylarz (407) 322-6567. 12 - 14 Central Florida Quilters Guild Sanford Civic Center, 40 I E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information call (407) 366-0426. 13 City of Oviedo Annual Arts & Crafts Festival'99 Riverside Park, 1600 Lockwood Blvd., Oviedo. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Homemade crafts, activities and entertainment for evetyone's enjoyment. For more information contact Jenette Davis (407) 977-6082. 13 - 14 Historic Longwood Founder's Day Spring Arts and Crafts Festival Downtown historic Longwood. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Enjoy fine arts and crafts while strolling the streets of historic Longwood. For more information call (407) 263-2310. 23 Tuesday Voices - Poetry Readings Featuring the winner of the Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright Poetry Awards. Multi-Purpose Room, Seminole Community College Student Center, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. 7:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information call (407) 328-2060. 26 - 27 Night Sights Central Florida Zoological Park, 3755 N. Highway 17-92, Sanford. 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. See animals in a different light. This evening safari begins with dinner, then it's off for a hike through the zoo where guests will explore the fas- cinating nighrtime world and meet rhe animals that enjoy living in the datk. Non-members: Adults $15, children (3-12) $7. Members: Adults $10, children J April (3-12) $5. Advance reservations required. For more information call (407) 323-4450 ext. 123. 2n~4urWednesday ,.,. BradJee-Mclntyre House Tour . 27 130 Warren Ave., Longwood. "Florida Then and Now" Tour a 19th centuty Queen Anne style Wekiwa Springs State Park, 1800 Wekiwa house built as a winter cortage. Tours Circle, Apopka. 8 a.m. to from II :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For info call 4 p.m. Encampments in historic time (407) 332-0225 or John Bistline (407) periods in Florida ftom the 1860's 332-6920. to pre-1492. Minimal fee. For more information contact Dave Sukkert 3 (407) 263-8030. Fitness Pit Sanford Civic Center, 40 I E. Seminole 27 Blvd., Sanford. Body building event. 7:00 Crescendo at Crane's Roost p.m. For more information call Tom Crane's Roost Park, A!tamonte Springs. Farnsworth (407) 330-5692. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information call (407) 263-3799. 3 Hippity Hop Adventure 27 Central Florida Zoological Park, 3755 N. 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt Highway 17-92, Sanford. 9:00 a.m. to Central Winds Park, 1000 East 3:00 p.m. Take a hop along SR 434, Winter Springs. 10:00 a.m. the adventure trail to discover clues Easter egg hunt for Winter Springs leading to the Easter bunny with prizes residents ages 10 and under. Moonwalks, and surprises along the way. Free bunny face painting, clowns, candy and prizes. tails, face painting, photos with the Easter Free. For more information call bunny and more. Non-members: Adults (407) 327-7110. $7, children (3-12) $2. Seniors 60 and over $4. Free for members 27 and children under 2 years. For more Kiwanis Club Pancake Day information call (407) 323-4450 ext. 149. Sanford Civic Center, 40 I E. Seminole Blvd., Sanford. 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For 4 more information call (407) 321-1689. Sonrise Service Crane's Roost Park, A!tamonte Springs. March 30 - April 22 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Sponsored by 30th Annual Juried Student Exhibition Sanlando Baptist Church. For more infor- Seminole Community College Fine Arts mation call (407) 788-680 I. Gallety, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Open Mon. & Wed. noon - 3:00 p.m., 9 - 11 Tues. & Thurs. 3:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. and Men's Super Open Softball Tournament evenings of lectures, music and theatre per- Seminole County Softball Complex, formances. For more information A!tamonte Springs. National qualifier call (407) 328-2039. event. Contact Tony Galloway (407) 696-5979. E 31 Open Doors - Short Story Awards 10 - 12 Fine ArtS Lobby, Seminole Community Seminole County Spring Classic College, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford. Junior Tennis Tournament 12:00 p.m. For more information call Sanlando Park, A!tamonte Springs. (407) 328-2039. Area event. Contact Brian Morrissey (407) 869-5966.