HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 04 09 Fax Re: Resolution on Video Gambling ~~I Y ur vH~~CLO~KKY t-'Ai.;It:. ~l CITY OF CASSELBERRY 95 TRIPLET LAKE DRIVE CASSELBERRY, FL 32707 Tel. (407) 262-7700 Fax. (407) 262-7745 FAX TRANSMISSION TO: Cindy Gennell, Chairperson, CALNO FROM: ~lack M. Schluckebier DATE: 4/9/99 NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING COVER: 3 COMMENTS: Attached is a resolution on video gambling, drafted on behalf of CALNO, for you... l"eview. If it appears satisfactory, please sign and return it by fax. If you have any suggestions or modifications, please fax them to me and a final copy will be prepared and forwarded by mail for your signature. If you bave any questions, please do not hesitate to cllll me. Thanks. PLEASE CALL 407 262-7700, EXT.l130, IF ANY PART OF THIS TRANSMISSION IS NOT RECEIVED. -::p 4 "' c 1~.4.--:I-qg n'-::' ?l!f RESOLUTION 99- THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT THEIR REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, 1999. WHEREAS, the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) and the Seminole County Legislative Delegation have a strong working relationship; and WHEREAS, the Seminole County Legislative Delegation has been responsive to the needs of the citizens of Seminole County throughout the years; and WHEREAS, in November, 1996 the citizens of Seminole County voted to amend the Seminole County Home Rule Charter to prohibit casino gambling in Seminole County unless approved by referendum election within the County; and WHEREAS, the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code of Seminote County have been amended to conform to the provisions of the County Charter; and WHEREAS, nun.lerous bills (such as House Bills 1453, 1455, 1457, 1459 and 1461 and Senate Bills 2176, 2178, 2180, 2182 and 2184) would, under the guise of expanding the State Lottery, penuit casino games which are defined as "video lotteries", although the authorization of such games would clearly violate the provisions of the Constitution of the State of FIOlida; and other bills, such as House Bill 707 and Senate Bill 962 relating to compulsive gambling, could be amended to permit so-called "video lotteries"; and WHEREAS, the Seminole County Legislative Delegation would greatly benefit the citizens of Seminole County by ensuring the defeat of any and all legislation that penuits "video lotteries" or other casino games which are ruses that purport to be part of the State Lottery; and WHEREAS, CALNO desires to express the genuine concern of the citizens of Seminole County to the members of the Seminole County Legislative Delegation relative to the proposed legislation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL C..oVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) THAT: 1) The members of the Seminole County Legislative Delegation are hereby urged to defeat the proposed legislation relating to so-called "video lotteries" and any and all similar legislation. 2) CALNO, in the strongest possible way, condenms all attempts to circumvent the Constitution of the State of Florida by permitting casino games under the ruse of expanding the State Lottery. 3) A certified copy of this Resolution shall be provided to each member of the Sem.inole County Legislative Delegation and the mayor of each city located within the County. -::;. p ,-~,,.r -+ '=i" 2 ~ il.1- :-: '::: ~ '-=I ~ - - - - ,=.4 P?,'I ?o: PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: F F: Or"l ~:~ 1':2 6 2 '"7 i 4:, day of ) 1999. Council of Local Goverrunents In Seminole County (CALNO) By: Cindy Gelll1ell, Chairperson Deputy Mayor City of Winter Springs fJ4-C ~-Slg : :,4- C ,_ .: