HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 04 04 News Article Re: Lobbyists Author State Bills .....-:.::~~~;;-.:.- ?~.~~ ;. - ---.-.......- . ~ *.::;.':.:-.-- I ~ f ~ ~ i \ ~ Z ::J ~,: ..g:: ;E-c , It I . 0\ 0\ 0\ .- "'t' ....l ~~.' ~ .sE -n;C Ec.:I ~.c:i =0_ C> ... =- ~~ :5C1. .9- E ~~ :@ c:c '" ... E- ECD 8E ..", I 16~ CIJ-c Oi:: C - "" r- "" r- m 1t) N Me;- en ~~ ~ """" NN "" 1t) r- r- enen 1t) 1t) NN rAC :;:0 CD-a ii!!:'" ~a: 0">::: ~o .",- 1..U~ ~W .2- <::0 .,- (/)16 .CIJ a:: . o.u ~ :cc (.) - ty:E ...:c ....(.) en ~~ %-= x ~ ~ ~ :E '" ~ o u: A ~..,.;.'.'C,,,,.,.'t'" . \.J - ,".';,"',' . .~ . ca ,~""..... rI:J ~;~ " Q) rI:J ~ .;..c 'Q) A ,~ 0' ~I(:: ~ , .'~__ ,.c.,'" '.!f~f~",t' (, .~; ,: .,,' L:~"" " be....:. . cn.:':~... ...-..,., ~ 41. ...".f,: . cu.'" cu' to ' . _ __'__.--- -;-. -: ..coo' _...,,,... . - - ~:c as.~ . . ...: . cu. "'~. bO Cil c::: .5.c::: c::: ~:t~~~ ~. "~~J;~~ _;..'-:;'> ~. ~o;n C:::~Q) .' . .:'":<--,...._:.'.. ..~.~. 5:->. -..:.... b.>' . o~ ~ . . 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'v (j) cu E -:S~-:S.E bO.... =- =<:::~ ~.... C:::C'I.l ' 00 0 ~ "t:I!?- b/l- :;:....ctlCl) cu -:S >. ~ cU C'I.l.t:l E 15'.0 '" :; _ <l,? ~ with e..'etensive ties to th Florida Cuban refugee e Cardenas is also close tc brother, Texas Gov. Gee Bush, and their father, f( President George Bush. That will make Florid friendlier state for Georg Bush's presidential hope besides presenting a ne~ politan image for a party ally associated with Angl, banites and rural consen Since last November'~ Republicans control the s islature, the Cabinet and norship simultaneously fe time in a century. "I guess the continual is, 'How do you top that?' don't," Cardenas said~ "BI something to create a last acy." Democrats, meanwhill ing back to their roots to i their. flagging fortunes. Pa City businessman Charles head, who ran the party iri 1980s, is expected to win ci stint as chairman later this Whitehead, who oozes back-slapping~ good-ol'-bo) of a Panhandle auto dealer central and north Florida c tive Democrats at ease. Bu tory on race relations satisj party's hoeral wing. He hali history of working to unify ty's disparate factions. ~ Top Democrats now 100 semiretired millionaire to .r, moribund fundraising and I the party from results of thl trous 1998 elections.j "It was easy my first tim around compared to what it like now," Whitehead said.! The two new chairmen ~ guide their parties into whal be the most expensive, chai election in Florida history, ii vember 2000. 'I The full effects of term Ii will hit the state legislatUre first time next year, forcing'] 160 legislators to give up thf seats. .'0 , 1 At the same time, u.s. ~ Connie Mack has decided n~ run for re-election, throw!ng' a~~~~e~~C:db~ as Congress members a~.fi Cabinet officers. leave theIr~ seats open to I1JI1'forMacl(~. The result will be. in forme.t7..! Chairman Tom Slade's.worW overturned fruit baskee~of gf ~.~~~,(~~~fljiPt.~j;,:~j~P~.' '. CARD '.... COUN HACKLEY /Tribune Photo Marc Dunbar, right, a lObbyist with the Pennington law finn, talks with Sen. Daniel Webster, R.()coee, while Sen. Mandy Dawson-White, D-Fort Lauderdale, listens. lOBBY tlawmakers concede lack bf biIl..authoring paper trail .:.. From Page 3. $Iot machines at dog and horse tracks and jai alai fron- tons, he asked for help from industry lobbyists to Write the measure. . .' i 'They know the intricacies of their business better than I do," Bitner said. .. · - When pressed for particulars, he fumbled. First he said the idea for the legislation was his, brought about by a desire to raise money for elder care programs. Then he said the bill might have come from Gene McGee, lobbyist for the Jacksonville Racing Circuit, in response to that legislative desire to help the elderly. Ultimately, Bitner said he couldn't recall exact de- tails of who suggested what and when, but he said he sought input from McGee because he trusts him.' . McGee declined to be interviewed. terest money to flow anonymously through political parties. THIS YEAR, freshman Sen. Richard Mitchell, D- Jasper, has proposed a measure to make lobbyists and lawmakers more accountable for their relationships. Lobbyists would have to report each bill they ask a legislator to sponsor or oppose and whether the mea- sure would help a lobbyist or group that gave more than $100 to the lawmaker. Lawmakers would need to report each lobbyist or politically affiliated group with whom they conduct business as well as their financial interest Mitchell's bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on Ethics and Elections, but it hasn't been I heard yet Several Republican. and Democratic leaders said they want open government but not laws limiting a LOBBYIST-DRIVEN amendments dot the $48 bil- lobbyist's right to free speech. And they worry more lion budget proposals in the House and Senate, with- disclosure laws could eat up all their time. out identifying the lobbyists involved. "I had 30 members of the PTA come see me this In one case. prominent South Florida lobbyist Ron morning," said Rep. Les Miller, D-Tampa "I can't take Book wanted a$lOmillion grant for the developers of time to Write down the names of everyone who comes a Miami mall that promises to provide jobs for Floridi- to see me. And my staff should be working on bills, ans leaving ~eIfare. Two lawmakers agreed his argu- not taking their time to keep track of who comes to ments had some merit and deserved either a smaller see me.". . giant or a $10 million loan. Attorney General Bob Butterworth said the reason -.. On major bills, lobbyists play crucial roles. Con- lawmakers don't pass such restrictions is that "the sider this year's legislation for and against school Legislature is not about open government" vouchers. the "tort reform" package to limit lawsuits "Lobbyists have a strong, strong influence on Tal- against businesses, a plan to raise telephone rates, lahassee, " he said. "I think people should know who is measures restricting the title loan industry or the in- lobbying who on what" surance industry, or the debate on how the state should manage environmentally sensitive land. BOOK, THE LOBBYIST, said legislators have "Some amendments come with a bill sponsor's ap- made the Proct:SS behind lawmaking more ~t.ii1t: provaI. Others. are offered by lawmakers againstthe able in recentyears'--;i:>';';'':::-.;.;E:'''-.;;s;~~'-'' wishes of the sponsoring colleague, aimed at chang-_ .' ,," .- ;.,"You gO-Gn theIntemet _ . " ingthe outcome of the legislation. .;?',\p'.:;;~' jn~.::~ J'-o.;.~<<f.-' . Several House and Senate members.' mterview last week estimated 30 pe~~t.~ 60 PE:rcen~?ttfi. measures they:fileeachyear~ I<>BbY1st~~o. T ~ ~ _ . ~ _. ._~..._._ _