HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 6, 1999 Minutes to be Approved
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO)
Oviedo City Hall, 400 Alexandria Boulevard, Oviedo, Florida
October 6, 1999
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Gennell called the meeting to order at 7: 12 p.m., followed by a moment of silent
meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call
PRESENT: Commissioner Cindy Gennell (Chair)
Commissioner A.A. "Mac" McClanahan
Board Member Diane Bauer
Commissioner Gary Brender
Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr.
Winter Springs
Seminole County School Board
Lake Mary
ABSENT: Dr. Stephen C. Wright
Commissioner Daryl McLain
Commissioner Eddie Rose
Commissioner Linda Hart
Mayor Paul Lovestrand
Seminole Community College
Seminole County Commission
Altamonte Springs
3. Approval of September 1, 1999 minutes
Board Member Bauer asked that the minutes under Roll Call reflect her presence at the
September I meeting. Motion made by Commissioner Brender to approve the minutes of
September 1,1999, with the noted correction; seconded by Commissioner McClanahan,
and motion carried unanimously.
4. Treasurer's Report
Commissioner Brender reported the current balance of$739.02. Motion made by Councilman
Hagood to approve the Treasurer's Report, seconded by Board Member Bauer, and
motion carried unanimously.
5. Program: Light Rail Presentation
Warren Wright, Community Relations Director, Central Florida Regional Transportation
Authority, was introduced. Mr. Wright provided a diagram of the Central Florida Regional Rail
Plan. He explained that they hope to have the starter line, which is a 8-mile segment, completed
by the year 2003. This will run from downtown Orlando (Livingston Street) to the Florida
Turnpike (Belz Factory Outlet). Construction should begin sometime next year. .
Mr. Wright spoke about the other remaining corridors they want to extend onto the starter line to
include the North Corridor (through Lake Mary), the Orlando Sanford Airport Corridor, the East
Corridor (to the UCF area), the West Corridor (to Ocoee), the Orlando International Airport
Corridor, the Kissimmee Corridor, the Attractions Corridor, the Commuter Rail Corridors (to
Polk County), and the U.S. 192 Corridor.
Mr. Wright addressed the advantages of light rail in that it helps with traffic congestion
problems, that transportation is essential for continuing economic growth, continued highway
growth will increase pollution levels, it is the highest value per dollar for a regional rail system,
has a lower capital and operating cost versus other technologies, has the greatest operating
flexibility, and is a non-proprietary system (competitive bid process). He stated that Orlando is
the only new system in the President's 2000 budget and that more than 120 cities are vying for
light rail funds from the Federal Government.
Mr. Wright stated that light rail is an updated version of the electric streetcar, it reaches a speed
of 55-65 mph, and will accommodate 12,500 passengers per hour. He addressed statistics with
using a vehicle as compared to using light rail; and the cost effectiveness of using light rail as
compared to the Greeneway missing link, the widening ofl-4, and the Lynx line. He also
explained that one light rail vehicle is capable of carrying the same number of riders as three
Lynx buses (one car is 90' long) and that it takes a three-car light rail train 30 seconds to pass
through an intersection.
Commissioner Brender commented about light rail not going to the right places. Mr. Wright
stated they received community input and they believe this will work if it is put in the right
locations. Mr. Wright highlighted the costs involved, the construction schedule, and the design
of the stations (will blend with neighborhoods, canopy concept, quick boarding of trains, people I
will be protected from the weather, is open and airy, and is a secure environment).
He also addressed the rail vehicle criteria, the Operations Control Center, and the connectivity
with the Lynx bus system (schedules will be coordinated with the rail schedule). There was
discussion about the system running to the north. In conclusion, Chairman Gennell asked Mr.
Wright to come back at a later time to give the board an update. He stated he would be happy to
do so.
6. Other Business
Chairman Gennell stated that the next meeting location has been changed to the Seminole
County School Board office.
7. Reports from Members
Councilman Tom Hagood, Oviedo -- No report.
Commissioner McClanahan, Sanford -- Stated they are waiting for the Feasibility Report. He
stated the developer asked for an extension until October 11.
Commissioner Gennell, Winter Springs -- Reported that the Governor appointed her to the
State Emergency Response Commission where she will represent 400 cities for the Florida
League of Cities. She spoke about an issue where the State and the Federal Government went
through an exercise to identify their vulnerable places and how those places will be protected
from terrorism. She stated that the Federal Government information from the exercise is not a
public record, but when they gave the information to the State to use, it then became a public
record which is a real problem because of the sensitivity of the information. She stated they are
looking at getting a legislator to sponsor a bill this year to get that type of information exempted
from the public records law.
Reported about their upcoming election and that there are three seats up for election along with a
referendum whether or not to prohibit the consumption of alcohol along with adult entertainment. .
Reported that they hired a new City Attorney Anthony Garganese who is a resident of
Reported that the Mayor appointed Interim City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces as the permanent
City Clerk.
Chairperson Gennell read into the record the report as submitted in writing from Commissioner
Rose, Altamonte Springs. The report is made part of the official record.
Reported that their Clerk checked with the Sheriff s Office who indicated that they would be
happy to host a monthly meeting if the board chooses to meet year round. She stated the
Seminole Community College will host a meeting and that she will also talk with the Airport.
Commissioner Brender, Lake Mary -- Reported that their two Commissioners Al Crump and
George Duryea ran unopposed and will take the oath of office in November.
Stated that things have slowed down and that they are getting caught up in Building but that he
believes once 46-A opens up in the next month or so that there will be a whole rash of
development starting up along the 46-A I 1-4 Interchange.
Board member Bauer -- Reported that the School Board and the Seminole County Commission
held their second joint meeting. She thought the first meeting went very well and this one was
even more excellent. There was superb interaction and reported the issues that came up at the
meeting which included joint utilization of school libraries. Staff will formalize an interlocal
agreement which will probably not include all that everyone hopes to see such as being able to go
to the schools and sign out a book, but that this is the first stage of getting there.
They also have the same situation with the use of playgrounds at the schools and updating them
with new equipment. Councilman Hagood asked if there are any board level policies that either
encourages or discourages the use of playgrounds, basketball courts, or baseball fields (for
organized sports). Board member Bauer addressed they are looking at the concept of community
and neighborhood schools working together so the communities are able to utilize the schools.
She spoke that the communities must take a vested interest and ownership with the playgrounds
since they will be servicing the neighborhoods. She stated that the playgrounds will not be used
during the day because schools will always take priority. She stated the County's goal is to have
a park within 5 minutes or Y2 mile from every residence. Liability issues were also discussed.
Board member Bauer stated she has a positive feeling toward this even though there are still
issues that need to be resolved. She spoke about a notice to the Seminole County Commission
that the School Board has received a recommendation from the Future Planning Committee that
they will consider formally, probably after the first of the year, a request for a ~ cent sales tax.
She stated that has not been voted on yet and is only a recommendation at this time.
Commissioner McClanahan stated they are now involved with a tri-party agreement with the
County and the School Board to build a swimming pool at Seminole High School. He stated his
concern is that the City has agreed to run the pool and take the liability. Councilman Hagood
spoke about Charlie Rose who came before the Council Monday night requesting that the City
work to build another swimming pool in the area.
Commissioner Brender asked if there is anymore information on an entrance for Seminole High
School coming off of Airport Boulevard. Board member Bauer stated she will check into this
and update the board next month.
The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Cynthia S. Bonham, CMC
City Clerk, City of Oviedo
Chairperson Cindy Gennell
Council of Local Governments o~se inole County (CALNO)
Janice Goebel, Deputy City Cler'
City of Altamonte Springs
October 6, 1999
City of Altamonte Springs Member Report
Commissioner Eddie Rose is unable to attend tonight's meeting of CALNO as he is speaking at a
Paralyzed Veterans of America banquet meeting.
Commissioner Rose asked that I bring copies of the Kaleidoscope Newsletter for each member
present at the meeting, as well as a copy of our new citizen information book, The Informer. Both
were just published. You can see from The Informer, that it went to press just prior to the
unexpected death of Commissioner Griffith. As we are facing three changes in our commission this
November, The Informer was published so that only those pages needing to be changed may be done
so quickly, without the need to publish the entire book again. This will enable us to keep the books
current for our citizens without the major cost outlay each time.
The Kaleidoscope Newsletter is published four times a year and mailed to each resident ofthe City.
It has provided an excellent means of keeping the citizens of Altamonte Springs informed.
Altamonte is looking forward to various events to take place at Crane's Roost Park, including a
concert featuring Tommy James called Crystal Blue Persuasion this Saturday night (October 9th) ,
the Annual Taste of Altamonte sponsored by the Rotary Club next Monday (October 11 th), and the
Annual Halloween at Cranes Roost sponsored by the Altamonte Springs Police Department on
October 3pt.
The City of Altamonte Springs is also sporting a new look. The Commission Chambers inside City
Hall have been undergoing a renovation for the past couple months and will be completed by the end
of next week. It is a new configuration ofthe room, moving into the 21 st Century look, and will have
a 'state ofthe art' audio/visual system. You are all welcome to come to City Hall for a personal tour,
or would certainly welcome your attendance at a Commission meeting. The next meeting is October
19th and a new commission (Mayor and Commission Districts I, II and III) will be sworn in on
November 16th. Commissioner Freeman from District I ran unopposed.
Thank you for your time and consideration in passing this information on to the other CALNO