HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 2, 1999 Minutes to be Approved MINUTES Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida June 2, 1999 1. Call to Order The chair called a regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. followed by a moment of Silent Meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Roll Call PRESENT: Chair Cindy Gennell, Commissioner, City of Winter Springs Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board Member Eddie Rose, Commissioner, City of Altamonte Springs Member Linda C. Hart, Commissioner, City of Casselberry Member Gary Brender, Commissioner, City of Lake Mary Member Paul Lovestrand, Mayor, City of Longwood Member Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright, Seminole Community College ABSENT: Member Tom Hagood, Jr., Councilman, City of Oviedo Member A.A. "Mac" McClanahan, Commissioner, City of Sanford Member Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commissioner ALSO PRESENT: JohnJ. Drago, City Administrator, City of Longwood Geraldine D. Zambri, City Clerk, City of Longwood John Brock, Director, Community Services Department Berlin D. Bosworth, Deputy City Clerk, City of Longwood Donna L. McIntosh, Esq., Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A. Mayor Lovestrand welcomed guests on behalf of the City of Longwood and introduced staff. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 5,1999 MINUTES MSC [Brender/Hart] to approve the May 5, 1999 minutes, approved 7-0-3, with Members Hagood, McClanahan, and McLain absent. Chair Gennell announced that Item 6, Program B, had been removed from the agenda and that Donna McIntosh, Esq., was present to briefly speak to an item of interest to CALNO. 4. Treasurer's Report Member Brender presented the Treasurer's Report, noting the current balance was $930.96 but that would be reduced when paying an invoice for services required last month. MINUTES Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida June 2, 1999 Page 2 MSC [Lovestrand/Hart] to approve the Treasurer's Report, approved 7-0-3, with Members Hagood, McClanahan, and McLain absent. 4A. Donna L. McIntosh, Esq. -- State of Pennsylvania Public Decency Ordinance Ms. McIntosh explained there was a Public Decency Ordinance in the st~lte of Pennsylvania that was recently struck down by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court decided to accept review of that ordinance. As that ordinance was similar to the Seminole County ordinance, she has been working with Lonnie Groot of the Seminole County Attorney's Office and Frederick Nelson, Special Counsel to Seminole County, and they all believed it would be a good idea if Seminole County and CALNO represented themselves in front of the Supreme_ C.ourt on tl1is issue, urgirig the Court to find that particular ordinance constitutional. If CALNO decided to go forward, Lonnie Groot, Frederick Nelson, Anthony Garganese and she would volunteer to represent CALNO at no expense. MSC [Rose/Brender] moved to authorize Donna McIntosh, Anthony A. Garganese, Frederick Nelson, and Lonnie Groot to represent CALNO by filing an amiclls briefin front ofthe United States Supreme Court supporting the constitutionality of public decency ordinances. Ms. McIntosh stated that a copy of the brief would be provided and the attorneys would report on the outcome of tl1e case to members. Motion passed 7-0-3, with Members Hagood, McClanahan, and McLain absent. 5. Program A: Discussion on Street Design and Traffic Planning Presented by: Mr. John J. Drago, City Administrator, City of Longwood -Mr. Drago made a brief presentation, acknowledging the city of Longwood, like any other city in Florida, was faced with older neighborhoods which tended to be neglected. With the assistance of Mayor Lovestrand and the City Commission, they allowed him to develop the Model Street Paving Program. He introduced the engineer, Dwayne Darbonne, P.E., VI-lB. Inc., to continue with the technical presentation. Mr. Darbonne, P.E., VHB, Inc., using a slide presentation format, pointed out the program -- the Model Street Paving Program -- contained the following goals -- enhancing the quality of life; incorporating public preferences; creating safe and attractive streets; reducing negative effects of motor vehicles; promoting pedestrian, cycle and transit use; and, discouraging street parking. Constraints of the Model Street Paving consisted of -- right of way, stormwater permitting, and implementing features into the existing neighborhood. He pointed out that a Public Awareness Program was being developed so that residents would be made aware of the project from the MINUTES Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida June 2, 1999 Page 3 outset. Anticipated results embodied -- creating a sense of pride of ownership of residents along the corridors that would be improved; neighborhood renewal; ownership investment; enhanced neighborhood 'environment; and vehicles being parked in residential driveways. The project would include widening of sidewalks; reducing roadway width through striping, though the roadway would conform to County standards; introduction of bicycle lanes; supplemental lighting, especially at intersections; high intensity crosswalks which could be brick paver type; widening residential driveways; and traffic calming techniques applied at minor and major collectors where they interface with the residential street. Slides of the Model Street Paving program included: a road section; existing dirt street section; model street paving section; residential/collector interface; pedestrian- related tools, such as raised/textured pedestrian crossings and imprinted surface; narrow hazardous sidewalks; widened sidewalk; closed stormwater system; narrow drivewaysj and wident.d priveways. Next, Mr. Darbonne discussed traffic calming goals; traffic calming objectives; traffic calming tools; and depicted major collectors, calming approaching traffic; gateways; roundabouts; median treatment and traffic island; neckdown/bulb out; West Pine Avenue as it exist, West Pine Avenue as proposed; construction estimate; enhancement features. His final two slides dealt with conclusions, from the design perspective and transportation enhancements to creating livable communities. A "hard copy' of the slide presentation was given to each member. Members broached several topics of interest relating to the Model Street Paving program, those being: curb and guttering, handling runoff, buffer between pedestrians and traffic, special pipes which allowed some water to be stored within the pipe until such time as it could be discharged, impervious pavement, the plan for moving ahead with the Program, how to choose which side to place the sidewalk, meandering sidewalks so as not to have to remove trees, public notification and public meetings, and funding of the Program. 6. Program B: Overview of the "Civic Tracker" Program Presented By: Mr. John J. Drago, City Administrator, City of Longwood - Removed from the agenda. 7. Program C: Discussion on the "Local Option Gas Tax" Presented By: Mr. Crockett Hunter, Senior Analyst, Seminole County Ms. Cindy Hall, Director, Seminole County Department of Fiscal Services discussed the county calculation of the local option gas tax allocation; it appeared there might be an error in calculating Lark Mary's portion which needed to be reviewed. She requested permission to be given a few days to finalize the numbers and staff would contact the members to schedule appointments to meet personally with each member to review the allocation and sign-off on the allocation. Member Brender suggested the 1986 formula needed to be improved. MINUTES Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida June 2, 1999 Page 4 MSC [Brender/Hart] moved that local option gas tax allocation be approved subject to review and signature of each municipality's member, approved 7-0-3, with Members Hagood, McClanahan, and McLain absent. 8. Update on Seminole Government Television Presented By: CALNO Chairperson Cindy Gennell Chair Gennell presented an updated report, noting there was one channel for government use. The county believed that each city should strive, in its franchise agreement, to get its own channel as well as supporting a third channel to be used for education county-wide. The group's meetings were scheduled quarterly. Seminole County recently concluded their franchise contract :with Time- Warner and negotiated a very strong contract which contained a stipulation that Time- \Varner agree to abide by the ordinance, even should the County change the ordinance. TIle County would make available a copy of their contract so that cities may pick items out of it to use in their own municipal con tract. 9. Other Business Chair Gennell passed around the most recent membership list. 10. Reports From Members Chair Gennell commended Longwood on its newly renovated commission chambers. · Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr., Oviedo -- Not present. · Commissioner A. A. "Mac" McClanahan, Sanford -- Not present. - · Commissioner Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission -- Not present. · Interim Vice President Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright, Seminole Community College __ In terms of state funding, the college received additional funding for the Oviedo campus as well as funding for the Mechanical Trades building which would be built in cooperation with the Florida Automobile Dealers Association. The college did not, however, receive the requested funding for the Business Incubator Center, but he did not believe that would affect on-going operations of the Center. · Board Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board -- There was a joint work session meeting of the School Board and Seminole County. The County Commission and the School Board have agreed to look at compatible and cooperative use of some playgrounds/ parks after school hours to give more access to community members and MINUTES Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida June 2, 1999 Page 5 citizens to playground equipment. Secondly it was agreed to look at initiating, perhaps on a pilot program, cooperative use of libraries. Members commented on the Extended Day-Care Program, which was very successful; tutoring programs, which were funded with Lottery dollars; and the idea of school uniforms, with their own school colors, or instituting a dress code. Chair Gennell asked if after-school care was done by teachers. Member Bauer, said it could be, but believed the program was manned by hired persolHl.el. She was not aware that the original plan called for using teachers. Chair Gennell asked to see the original plan when the School Board took over after-school care and what the actual budget was currently for that program. · Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs -- This year marks the 40th anniversary of the city; there would be a fireworks display over the lake this July 4th. · Commissioner Eddie Rose, Altamonte Springs n His city's fireworks display was scheduled for July 3, 1999, with 100,000 people expected to attend. The city had hired a consultant to conduct the annual citizens' survey to ascertain peoples' opinions in Altamonte Springs--the number one priority was traffic issues. One department, Leisure Services, held its annual volunteer banquet honoring almost 500 people at the Hilton Hotel. The evaluation report on the city manager was just completed. The Hospital Foundation was planning, on October 3, a Blue Grass Festival in partnership with the city. · Commissioner Linda C. Hart, Casselberry -- On a personal note, the city was going to issue a proclamation at its next meeting to her grandmother who was going to be 100 years old on June 14. · Commissioner Gary Brender, Lake Mary -- Bond issues voted on May 25 were defeated close to 3 to 1, term extension for city commissioners from two years to three years was voted down by about 60% to 40%; there was a voter turn out of 14%. The city was installing a new water tower and digging two new wells, with $800,000 in improvements being paid out of reserves. The new police station was out to bid. The $570,000 Parks maintenance building for parking parks vehicles and storing equipment was up for commission approval tomorrow as was a 131 unit subdivision off 46A due east of the Hills of Lake Mary. Lake Mary expected $200 million in new construction this year. The city had an opening for a city planner. Lake Mary School Academy was almost completed. MINUTES Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida June 2, 1999 Page 6 · Mayor Paul Lovestrand, City of Longwood -- He deferred to the new city administrator, John Drago, noting he was already active in developing new projects. Mr. Drago announced he was working currently working on a tree survey, immersed in the FY 1999-2000 budget process, and looking forward to getting the model street paving program started. It was announced the next CALNO meeting was scheduled for September 1 in Oviedo. 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: du~ A ~/L Berlin D. Bosworth, C.M.C. Deputy City Clerk, City of Longwood