HomeMy WebLinkAboutFax Dated 04 30 99 Re: Request for Information . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . lONGWOOO . CASSElBERRY . ALTAMONTE . OVIEDO SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARO FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: April 30, 1999 TO: ATTENTION: City of Altamonte Springs Ms. Janice Goebel FROM: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces Interim City Clerk FACSIMILE: (407) 830-4421 TELEPHONE: FACSIMILE: (407) 327-1800 x 227 (407) 327-4753 RE: Request For Information NUMBER: OF PAGES: IT] (including this cover sheet) COMMENTS: As you requested, attached is a copy of the Agenda for next week's CALNO meeting. Thank you. COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie Rose Linda C. Hart Tom Hagood, Jr. A.A. "Mac" McClanahan Cindy Gennell, Chairperson Gary Brender Paul Lovestrarc,j Daryl McLain Diane Bauer Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright, Ph.D. . LAKE MARY Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . LONGWOOO . CASSELBERRY . ALTAMONTE SPRINGS AGENDA SEMINOLE COUN1Y SCHOOL BOARD Date: Time: Location: 1. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of April 7, 1999 Minutes 4. Treasurer's Report 5. Program A: Overview of Downtown Redevelopment Wednesday, May 5, 1999 Dinner-6:30 p.m./Meeting-7:00 p.m. City of Lake Mary 100 North Country Club Road Lake Mary, Florida 32746 6. Program B: Discussion with the Legislative Delegation 7. Other Business 8. Reports From Members: . Longwood . Oviedo . Sanford . Seminole Community College . Seminole County Commission . Seminole County School Board . Winter Springs . Altamonte Springs . Casselberry . Lake Mary 9. Adjournment Next Meeting: June 2, 1999 - City of Longwood Commissioner Paul Lovestrand Councilman Tom Hagood, Jr. Commissioner A.A. "Mac" McClanahan Interim Vice President Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright Commissioner Daryl McLain Board Member Diane Bauer Commissioner Cindy Gennell Commissioner Eddie Rose Commissioner Linda C. Hart Commissioner Gary Brender Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department's ADA Coordinator of the host government at least 48 hours before meeting. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetings/hearings they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. COUNCIL MEMBERS Eddie Rose Li nda C. Hart Tom Hagood, Jr. AA. "Mac" McClanahan Cindy Gennell, ChaIrperson Gary Brender Paul Lovcstrand Daryl McLain Diane Ballcr Dr. Stephen Caldwcll Wright, PhD. .r~~~~ **.~~~~**~~**. ***-+t~ ***~~+.~+A,***~***~* *-~~~t~**** t****~*~:~t.t** 1*tt***~.t~i ~ ~ COMMUNICATION CONFIRMATION REPORT NTER SfRGS 04-30-99 08:06 AM *~ ~***~~*** ***************~****t****~*~*****~~*~** *~~ **** *** ~ ***w** INPut TIME TVPE 5T ART TI ME PILI NO. 08:05 AM FILE IMMEDIATE NO. TEL NO. \ ) / ... ~ 't. .