HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 05 05 Amended Agenda Council of Local Governments in Seminole County . lONGWOOD . CASSaBERRY . AL=:e . CMI!OO Date: Time: Location: AMENDED AGENDA Wednesday. May 5. 1999 Dinner-6:30 pJ11:.lMeet1ng-7:00 p.m. City of Lake MIU"y 1 00 NQrth CoUtitryClub Road Lake Mary. Florida 32746 . LAKE MARY SlMUG.ECOUN'fY SCHOOlIOAlO 1. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval or April 7. 1999 Minutes 4. Tre8IUrel"s R.eport S. Program. A: Overview of Downtown Redevelopment 6. Pro&ram B: 'Di8cuuion with the LetJislative Delegation 7. Prosram C: Updale _ PUblic Schools Impact Fees Prelefttef1b)' Cindy CotO. Interim COUnty ""1<< - Seminole COUnty 8. Other Business :~ Reports Prom Members: .' Longwood . Oviedo . Sant'bfti . ~~tyC&llep .' ~:c.Dty~n . SemittoIO ,QMUaY School Board' . Winter S~ . AltanKmte Sjrinp . C.-elbeny . Lake Mary Commissioner, Paul Lovestrand Councibmul Tom Hapod. Jr. ConunisSiODer A.A. ~fl NcClaaban IateriIn Vice "Dr~ ....... Caldwell Wright ComIIIiIsionor ~ McLain BoaId-MemberDi- .au<< eomblilil_er CiDdy GcmneU Cornmi... Ed4ie Rose ~LiadaC. Hart ComtDissiOllel' Gary Brender 9. 10. Adjournment ; June 2. 1999 - City ofLongwood , , ' ~ to partieiptte in _ of dlese proceedinp should contact the Employee Relations Orcpar1mm.t's' ADA CoonI\MtOr of the host 48 ~__IIIlIelin8- ' aclvWd'''~ if_decide to appeal any deciIiOJIt.. at tJteIe mectiltplll,eariftJI they !fIlll need . recontof the P~. I1Id Cor .udllMJ'OSC. tlte)' may , '. ~m NCOfd of the proceedinp it made Whklt reconI inclUdes the tutimony ami evi~ upon which dtc ~,is to be based per Se.:tioo UftcIa C. H8t Tom Hitgoad. Jr. ' A.A. "Mac" McCIaaatlan COUNCILMlMSERS Cindy GemwlI. Chaitporscm day 8nImIcr o.n Andirstm DeryI McLain 0WIe Bauet Dr. Stephcm Caldwell Wright. Ph.D.