HomeMy WebLinkAboutFax Dated 05 03 99 Re: Minutes of April 7, 1999 05/03/1999 '13:11 4072627745 , d., h/" ""._. ., .,,,,. '''''ciTY OF 'CASSELBERRY , ~ \' \.. PAGE 01 ~oo"~-~'n:.."lTS'" " --^'-:--"""'-:'~~.-:-T:'7"':""~-;-:::-':'~'.~~;,;rtn::ri'i'~tJ.^1'lt",. -s'..': :.." .,"','," lJ;!!.~.",~!-..-~"~~_---,-,,,,,,::,__~:,,;;;.,..;.,...;..;.~.'.~..:...:...:_.~..:;..,...",,~-,-j~...:.....~W!~t!~.:.~.lhi . ....~~LLL-...:;j \ M~~tes o!~E.t 7._t.!?~~~~~N.Q~e~!il,1l._,. ...._._.__....12-__ ...._.____.____...-'-_.~. ...-c-...--; I . I I t= ... ~-=:-- -~~~-===:-~:::=~-=-=~==-,~~:L_=:=:-::~: - :==_:=-=~ ~ NOr. COUNTING COVER SHEET. IF YOU 00 NOT RECEIVE all PAGES, PLEASE TELEPHONE US IMMJ:DIATELY AT (407)262-7700, ext. 1133, .? ,U'l ,PM" '0 \ City ofCas~lberry 95 Triplet LakejDrive Ca$selberry, FL!32707 (407) 262-7700, ext. 1133 Fax: (407) 262-7745 t:";\ :II ;lVQlogjze for the delay \C). - I was on vacation last week - I got the City's mjnutes done1)ef'()re Iletti butldidn'tquite get these finished. I hope you can fu these out to the members today and proviae.qopjes wi attachments at the meeting. Again, I apologize for the incOnvenience. FAX COVER SHEET FAX NUMBER TRANSMITTED TO: 407-327.4753 To: Of From: ClientIMatter: Date: Andrea Lore~o.Luaces, Interim City Clerk City of Winter SPr1n&s Donna G. Gardner, City Commission Secretary CALNO Minutes May 3,1999 COMMENTS: Original will follow by US Mail. Attachments were not faxed due to amount - will mail today along with original minutes. Please call upon receipt. 05/03/1999 13:11 4072627745 ,1 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 02 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY TbeCouncilofLocal Governments in Seminole Counb' (CALNO) held a meetins Wednesday, Apri17, 1999 at 7~OOp.m.. Casselbf$Y City Hall Commission Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselbeny, Florida. 1. CAl-L TO QBDERlINVQCATIONJPLEDGE at ALLeGIA~CE ,Chai@etSonGennellcalled,the m.eetingto order at 1:22 p.m. Co~ssionerLessard led the invocation. Commissioner McLain'led the Ple<ip of Allegiance. 2. RQLJ..Ct\I,I. ~e~bers PJ;esent; D~ Mayor Cindy Oenttell. City of Winter Springs, CALNO Chairperson CQmmis~lionerLinda C. Hart. City of Casselberry , Cot,tmUssioner Gary Bren.der.City of Lake Mary. CALNO Treasurer Conlmissioner Paul Lovestmnd, Clty ofLongwood Alternate Commissioner Brady Lessard, City ofSanfol'd Commissjoner Daryl McLain, Seminole County Commission Councilman Tom Haaood, Jr., City orOviedo Commissioner Eddie Rose, City of Altarnonte Springs I:hterim Vice President Dr. Stephen C. Wright, Seminole Cotmnumty College ttIembers NQt Present: Boatd Member Diane Bauer, Seminole Cou.nty School Board Otbm Present: Mayor/Comrtrissioner Bruce A. Pronovost, City of Casselberry Vice Mayor/Conunissioner At CJ.ark, City ofCl1Sselberry Commissioner David Htn&OnJ City ofCMselboti'y Commissioner Owen Sheppard, City of CassCJl'bt:m:'Y Jack M. Scbluckebier, Casselbtrry City Manager Thelma McPherson, Casselbeny City Clerk Donna Gardner, Casselberry Commission Sec,retary .John Drago, Longwood City Manager ''FROM 4of\7?ft~7'1'4.'S'. 3-99 ; 18 fll:l>" PP2 05/03/1999 13:11 4072527745 -:~" f~ >>--\_~" -~ CITY OF CASSELBERRV PAGE 03 , ',~, COVN(:IL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY May ~.l", Meed.. Min._ '.101 S 3. APPBOVAL ()'~CH3, ,~MINUl'q Commissioner Rose requestedtlieminutes of March 3, 1999 be corrected to reflect the following: Page 7: March (II' is the opening day for Lillie: League th~ B,be Jlut" Lea~ue with nine T-Ball teams, at EQ$lmante Park. Everyone is invited. MOTION: CommlSlicmer Brendel' moved, CounmDulIl Hagood semu.... motion carriedunauimously to approve tile March 3, tt99 Coundl of Loeal Governments in Selllioole County miButes, ascorreeted. 4. TMJ\SVRER;S IU:PJ1'-T C()mm1$$ionor Brender, Treasurer. reported. that all membership dues had been received and the current balance was $928.87. MOTION: Commi........ MeLail) moved, COtUldh~l.. Hagood seeo~ aud mOfh)a.earried unammously to accept tbe Treuurer'sReport as presented. 5. .~RAMA: LOOKING AT VIDEO GA~LJNG TIJROVGHLOCAL :&XES Chairperson Gennellnotedthe agenda retleetedthat the host pre5entationwould be The P~tory Process for an ~e Service Office Fj,re Protection R.eview, however due to the urgency of the matter, the City ofCa$$e.~bas requested to chan:ge their program to the Video Gambling issue; Mr. lackSclijuckebier, City Manager of the City of Casselberry javea presentation entitled~ 4ILooking At Video Gl1nblinJ Through Local E:yes" regarding pending HB 1453/SB2176. An outline of the presentation as well as otbor docUt;netlts pertaining the propoSed state legislation that was distributed 1;0 the. Council by Mr. Sehluckebier is attache4 to and made a pattofthese minutes. Mr. Sehluckebier stressed the potential looal ~s of video aambling and requested CALNO, as well as the other entities in $e.minole County to take action to oppose FIB 1453/SB2176 and to convey that opposition to the Seminole County Legislative Delegation. Discussionlmsued regarding local concerns and potential impacts from the video gambling. Casselberry Mayor Bruce Pronovost announced that oppQsitiQn to video gambling has become a.le&islative priority of the Tri-County League of Cities. Coromlssioner McLain announced the Board of Cout).ty Commissioners would be considering a resolution voicing opposition to the proposed legislation at its n4xt regular meeting and most likely would be directing its lobbyist to pur&'Ue the matter in Tallahassee. Cllairperson Gennell suggested a resolution could be drafted in opposition to the 'Video gambling, if the COUI).cil so desired. '......""'" ;.....,;>11>,- ~."';'Cio> m:,.."-",,, ....,.., ,."" ~ n~_~~~QQ. 1~' t.R p~ 'P r1'1 05/03/1999 13:11 4072627745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE 04 " 'i~" ,( ~~ COONCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY May" I"'M"" MiHtes Pap3of5 MOTION. ColQ;lislioaer McLain moved, COIIlmissJoaer Breader seconded, and motion. earried ..DhoutJy to draft' ud approve 1..lOluti.8 from CALNO oppoaUat tile proposed video lamblilll .tate lelblatioD (HB14531SB217f). 6. O1'pRBI1SINESS . Chairperson. Gennell antlotmeed shewQU1d bedistribttting-.model resolution regcudingthe proposed SGnole Television Council; which was more appropriate sincekeyeletnertts oflbecable chatmel a~ent were no longer ap.plicable. Cha~er$On GenneU reiterated her request' to have each city appoint. a representative and not1fy her office as soon as possible. . Chairperson Gennell distributed updated CALNO membership lists and requested that any oortectioD.$ be forwarded toheroffiee. Commissioner Lovestrand noted that he still was the City of Loqwo04's alternateCALNO repres.entativeand that their main representative would be appomted.. after their upcoming election. Chairperson Gennell suggested having a detailed presentation regarding light rail. at the Oviedo meeting. CommissioUer Brender suggested having the. 1-4 Transformation Van and/or its driver as a presentation as well. . . Councilman Hagood reql1e$ted that the City of Oviedo be allowed to switch with the City of Sanford andhostCALNO in October rather than September due to the meetin,g's close proximity to the City of (]M,edo's scheduled election inSeptcunber. Commissioner Lessard consented. to the switch and it was . approved by Chairman Gennoll. <:hairperson Gennelll"equested the ratification of an expenditure to assist in partial reimbursement of her recent legislative trip to Tallahassee with the Orlando Chamber of Commerce. Chairperson GcmneUstated she promotes CALNO ~addition to the City of Wint.et Springs~ Seminole County~ _the Tourist Developm,m: Council on these trips. Cbirper50n Gennell further stated the co$t of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce trip was $660 at\d that she would be requesting $350 . reimbursement from the City of Winter Springs. She also noted she is scheduled foranothertripwith the Oreater Seminole County Chamber ofComtl1erce costing $350, of which she is gQitlgto request fullreirobursement from the City of Winter Springs. Discussion ensued regarding the appropriateness of reimbursing Chairperson GenneU after the expenditure bad beenn1ade,andthe eosts associated with these legislative trips in.associationlo the Council's treasury and.annuaJ dues. Chairperson Gennell clarified that she did not have knowledge of the actual cost of the trip prior to last meeting agenda~ and requested that if the Council did not choose to provide reimbursement for this recent trip, that future reimbursements be explored. Council consensus was to provide a partial reimbursement to Chairperson Gennell for the recent Orlando Chamber ofCo~t(:e legislative trip and to discuss reimbursement allocations for future legislative trips during bud$et discussions. MOTION: CoDlDliss;oner McLain movedt Councilman Hagood seconded, and Ulotion carried unanimously to approve A"c"':"':r)'~_n(') 1 t') ._1 Q PTur, P[).;.1 05/03/1999 13:11 4072627745 .'. CITY OF CASSELBERR\' PAG~ OS " .. ",'!\itJ'.\' COUNCIL 0' J..OCAL OOVlQ,NMltNTS IN SEMlNOUt COUNTY M.y 6,t'" Mutt., Mlllu_ ..... h15 aD upaditQr.ia the alOOwU of $155 to pardaJbr relmbuneCllaltpenoa Geaaell fOf a r<<eat legfsIative trip to T.lWlatHe widl' tbe OrIluHlo Chamber of Commerce;alld todlseuss reiIDburs.ent alloeatlolls for future ......tive trips durillg budget discussions. . Commissioner Brender noted that the Council '$ bank account \Vas currently using his social security nu~ as its taxidentifioauon number, DiscUision ensued regwdingexploring the ppssibilities of either establishingCALNO asa non-profitg<)vemmental agency-or perhaps having the treasmer' s entity use its identification l1lumberforthe account. ,Commissioner Brender stated hew-ouId discuss using Lake M~' st1iX identification number with the City' sFinance Director andnlport back to the Council on the matter. 7. ~;PO_TSJ?R.O~MEMB~R$ Commissioner Brender of the City of Lake Mary: · R.eported construction of the trail head park at the comer of Lake Mary Boulevard and Rinehart Road continues and oolllpletion is anticipated by May/1une, 1999. . ReportedLaltc Mary City Commission recently approved two (2) Charter Referendmns; the first chatlging the terms of City Commissioners from two years to three years; and another to modify a previous bond referendum with specific languaae that would allow the City to take advantage of financing for water, sewer and stonnwater projects through the State Revolvina Pund pl.'ogram, without theoecessityofa referendum. · Noted rapid develo~t continues in. Lake Mary, with additional development anticipated on the west side ofl-4 in the near future. Commissiotier Love~d of the City of Longwood: · Reported Longwood recently completed renovations of their City Commission Chambers. . R~City Commission recently approved hiring of.anarcbitect for a new cotnm\1nity center. CouncilmsnHagood of the City of Oviedo: . :Rf.1'Orted.CityCouncil recently approved transmitting their current character generator input to the County for use on the Time Warner Seminole County government access channel. Noted that Qviedo does not have access to the channel and inquired if the County was utilizing'the input yet. Commissioner Lessard of the City of Sanford: · Reported Mack McClanahan was recently elected and swom in to the City Commission on April 6, 1999. Noted Conunissioner Eckstein was unopposed in the election and was also swomin. · Noted the search for a new police eWef for the City of Sanford was still in protz-ess. · Noted the National Paralyzed Veterans of America will be oonducting their World Series of Fishing tournament on Lake Monroe Apri19wll. 1999. '~""""........., ~ .....'~:'.....',.. "''''' ..,.... I"'" ~._nq_aa I?' lR PM RnFi 05/03/1999 13:11 4072627745 "~,>lIII CITY OF CASSELBERRY PAGE , '.'. (()IJNCJL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLl!: COUNTV Mlly6, ,I'" Meeting Mlmt*_ PlJgeSof 5 Dr. Wright of Seminole Conu:nuIiity CoU~ge: No report. Commissioner McLain of Seminole County: A Reported the search for a new COWlty Manager was in progress,noting the a.pplications wiUbe reviewed by a consultant and a three person committee, and their recommendations will be forwarcled to the County Commission within the 60 to 90 days. Deput)r Mayor Gennell of the City of Winter Springs: · Reported the Rotary Club will beholding a free musieal presentation with fireworks on May 1, ,1999 in lieu of the art festival. · Report~d the Independence Daycelebratioll will include fireworksandwiU also celebrate the City of Winter Springs 40th Anniversary. · Noted as reported in the OrlandoSentinel on April 6, 1999, it was determined by the Appeals Court that the City of Winter Sprinas' MayOf' position is a weak mayor and that ~1l the strenllth ofthe City is vested in the Conttnission. Commissioner Rose of the City of Altamonte Springs: . Reported tbe Symphony in the Park held at Cranes Roost Park on March. 27, 1999 was a tremendous success. N()ted the Jasper Awards, honoring young athletes throughout the state and induction of three individuals (Sam Duval, Arnold Palmer and Mary Rose) to the Central Florida Sports Hall of Fame will be held onAprill5, 1999 at the Omni-Rosen Hotel. . Conunissioner Hart of the City of Casselberry: . Noted the City of Casselberry was participating in Intematio1)al Building Safety Week and encouraged everyone to visit the display in the lobby of City Hall. Reported the Pet Rock Festival, a musical fund raiser for the Seminole County Humane Society, will be he1dat Seminole Greyhound Park AprillO~ll, 1999. Noted the City's annual employee picnic will be held at Win Park on ApIj125, 1999. . 8. ADJOURNMF;N.I Chairperson Gennell adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. M'inutes respec(fully submitted by: Donna G. Gardner City CommiSsion Secretary City of Casselberry 1 R.,PM '