HomeMy WebLinkAboutFax Dated 02 04 99 Re: Mem from D. Metz to A. Clark i~2!04/1999 10:53 ~~. . 'r" 4072627745 CITY OF CASSELBERRY OAGE t:"l .- Ci~f Casselberry 95 Tri~tLake Drive Cassel~, fL. 32707' (407) 262~7100, e'X.t. 113.3 Fax: (407) 262.7745 COVER SHEET FAX NUMBER 'fR.A,NSMITIEDTO: 407w327-6912 . .. .,<" To: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Deputy City Clerk of: City ofWmter Spting$ From: Donna G. G"dn~, City Commission Secretary . Cli~tlMatter: CALNO HQ5fPresentation Date: <February 4,1999 ~~. '. '~}j-=--~~=-.-'=:~.~=..~.~=~=~,=~.-'-':':_.,~.~:~~-'~~.~='-'::"~'.~.'~~~~-'M._.."...=-'.:.r',"'N:g~ER' Q~~~(jS~~...._....~_~~~~ 12 . Memorandum from D. Metz to A. Clark =t. 1 i' I [ -~_-..=~;;..~~:~=~:~=~=~~-_;~_=-~:---~- F;~~ -=-~- -~~~-] COMMENTS: Original win NOT follo\\t, Commissioner Clark requested tUN: I forward this memo to you regarding the City of Casselberry's host presentation for 'the April 7 , 1999 CALNO meeting. Just a reminder to have CALNOagenda and stationary reflect LINDA C. HA]}.T as Casselbl;fry's primary representative. Thanks! * NOT CQv'NTlNO COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ~ PAGES, PLEASE TELEPJiPNE US IMMEDIATELY AT (407) 262-7700, ex,t. 1133. l1RGM Lln7~?i?7711.'i lG:06 A'U" \.;oir'i:',Mi A?/f!di" '["1' c,~ dCF25'~'774;::; r:rTV I"'AC;SELBEPRV F'i\GE 8'~' , ~~dflt:~;d~Y. Fe~rUary 03. ~ 999 :4:'41:43 AfyCal>Selb~Flre ~ep8rtme,n;'--' , " Page 1 of 1 ~ "I' , , '-, ~h()lle 407 26:i .17::'5 x 1202 F ~ '. . 161;.'7 no , ,:;J._ ". E~nlii1 li1i:~aJ1:""com ~..~ti f (;<<i$;hberrv Fllte/Rl!!Scue EMSh;mion .MemorandDrn February J, 1999 To: Ai Clark. City Comirii$$ioncr From: Da.le Mej", EMS Divisi<m Chief ,o".;.j;!\' I I I I Su~iect: Presentation of Preparatory Process for lSQ,Review '../ / /' ..' , .. ^'.....4-1!'<-.L-j,:s~.._,.__._. :;:f~ ChiefAlgenand 'staff of the Casselberry Fire Departroen t will, present on April 7th;"1! bri?f program outhe preparatory process for an Insurance Service Office fire protectiomR.evieW. The InsuranceServie,e Office is a private organization that evaluates C<>:tnmunity fire pr(')tectionand sells those ratings to insuran<;ecompanies. This ratin.g is one of the componentS 'used by the insurance industry in determining the property insurance premiums in a commu~ity, F.RC'lvI 4 7. 2 6;~ 7? 4::' ?':.,-..,rL..1...:.. iJ fl 1 . n