HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeminole County Government Agenda Memo Item No: SEMINOLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT AGENDA MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: S.G.T.V. Update and the Seminole County Television Council Resolution DEPARTMENT: Information Technologies DIVISION: Telecommunications AUTHORIZED BY: Chris Gasso CONTACT: Greq Holcomb EXT. 5109 Agenda Date 2/9/1999_ Regular 0 Consent D Work Session D Briefing r8J Public Hearing - 1 :30 D Public Hearing - 7:00 0 MOTION/RECOMMENDATION: The Board of County Commissioners adopts the resolution establishing and interlocal agreement endorsing a unified working relationship between Seminole County Government Television (SGTV) and the Seminole County Television Council. We further request the Board adopt the Operating Policies, Operating Procedures and Production Standards for Seminole County Government Television. BACKGROUND: The Board of County Commissioners has established Seminole County Government Television (SGTV) as a vehicle to open-up County Government to its citizens. One of SGTV's primary responsibilities is to provide our citizens with useful information, a Live uncut broadcast of County Commission Meetings as well as other government meetings and events as may be designated and approved by the Board. The Board of County Commissioners has been working in conjunction with the municipalities in Seminole County through CALNO, the Seminole County School Board and Seminole Community College who are also very interested in providing quality information and educational programming to the citizens of the County. The participants have adopted and interlocal agreement establishing the Seminole County Television Council in a coordinated effort to provide quality programming to be presented on SGTV. This resolution endorses and supports the Seminole County Television Council and represents the County's commitment to work with the Council, in accordance with the Operating procedures, policies and standards of SGTV, and the Board of County Commissioners. Reviewed by: Co Atty: DFS: Other: DCM: CM: RESOLUTION NO. 99-R- SEMINOLE ~OUNTY, FLORIDA THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY' 'THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT THEIR REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1999. WHEREAS, on August 31, 1998, Time Warner Communications (TWC) (Agreement) relating to the government/education access channel under Section 55.61, Seminole County Seminole County (County) and entered into an Agreement provision of a local (Channel) by TWC as required Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to .both Section 5 of said Agreement and Section 55.61 (a) (1) of the Seminole County Code, the allocation and use of the Channel provided by TWC is to be determined by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6 of said Agreement, the County agreed to provide each municipality within Seminole County, Florida, the Seminole County Community College, and the Seminole County School District the opportunity to participate in and provide programming for the Channel, with each governmental entity being responsible for its own programming, all costs associated therewi th, and any appropriate portion of the costs associated with operation of the Channel; and WHEREAS, the County has developed Operating Policies, Operating Procedures, and Production Standards for the Channel which include a provision for the submittal of programs for airing by eligible organizations that are appropriate and conform to technical and production standards; and WHEREAS, an interlocal agreement that would establish the Seminole Television Council has been endorsed by the Seminole County School District and the following cities: Casselberry, Lake Mary, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, the Seminole Television Council would assist in the creation, financing, programming, and management of local government and public educational cable television programming for Seminole County and its residents; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County strongly supports and encourages the efforts of the municipalities, School Board, and Community College in pooling their resources in order to achieve savings in the production of government and educational programming; and 1 WHEREAS, the County believes that the allocation of a portion of the time available on the County's Channel to, the Seminole Television Council subject to the County's Operating Policies, Operating Procedures, and production Standards would provide the best method of implementing Section 6 of the Agreement between the County and TWC; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COf.DfIS- SIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: (1) The Board of County Corrunissioners of Seminole County hereby approves the attached Operating Policies, Operating Procedures, and Production Standards for the Channel. The County Manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to amend said Operating Policies, Operating Procedures, and production Standards as needed. (2) In order to provide each municipality within Seminole County, the Seminole County Community College, and the Seminole County School District the opportunity to participate in and provide programming for the County's government/education Channel, as required by Section 6 of the Agreement between the County and TWC, the County will allocate a portion of the programming time available on the County's government/education Channel to the Seminole Television Council for its use subj ect to the County's Operating Policies, Operating Procedures, and Production Standards. (3) The time allocated to the Seminole Television Council shall be, at a minimum, twenty-eight (28) hours per week, with such hours being between the hours of 8 A.M. and 10 P.M.. The County will periodically evaluate the amount of time allocated to the Seminole Television Council in order to determine whether the amount of time allocated should be decreased or increased, provided, however, that the minimum allocation of twenty-eight (28) hours per week shall not be reduced. Determinations as to the amount of time allocated, Operating Policies, Operating Procedures, Production Standards, and other matters relating to the Channel shall be made by the County Manager or his/her designee. The recommendations of the Seminole Television Council on time allocation and other matters relating to the Channel shall be considered by the County Manager or his/her designee. ( 4 ) In the Seminole Television Television Council, appropriate. event the amount of time allocated to the Council is not fully utilized by the Seminole the County will use the time as it deems (5) Al though nei ther a member of the Seminole Television Councilor a signatory of the interlocal agreement establishing 2 the Seminole Television Council, the County shall designate a liaison to attend meetings of the Seminole Televis~on Council. . . ADOPTED this day of , 1999. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: MARYANNE MORSE Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida CARLTON HENLEY, CHAIRMAN GHI 1122/99 F: \USERS\CAJW01\RESO\SEMTVRES. 122 3 OPERATING " POLICIES 1... ..~ . .- . . . .\..........'............. -------- ,;t"--~.~~ ,- Seminole Government Television Information Technologies Department 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 OPERATING POLICIES 1 INTRODUCTION & STRUCTURE Seminole Government Television Policy DRAFT Introduction These Operating Policies were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County pursuant to Resolution No. 99-R-_" Seminole Government Television (SGTV) is a government channel programmed and operated by Seminole County, Florida. SGTV consists of programming primarily produced by city, county, state and federal agencies and their employees. Chapter 55 of the Seminole County Code mandates that cable operators provide a local government access channel. Organizational Structure The Information Technologies Department, Telecommunications Division of Seminole County Government under the jurisdiction of the County Manager and the Board of County Commissioners operate SGTV. SGTV provides production support and leadership to the divisions of Seminole County Government within the limits of its resources. The staff works closely with county departments to produce informational programs, training videos, and other video applications for internal and external use. 2 Roles and Responsibilities Seminole Government Television Policy . . The following Seminole County Positions will be referred to as the SGTV staff and will assume the stated roles and responsibilities: Telecommunications Manager Station Manager (for the purpose of this document, Station Manager shall mean Telecommunications Manager) Community Information Program Manager: Information Coordinator and Program Development. Marketing and Media relations Cable Franchising, Senior Coordinator: Cable Television Franchisee relations Character Generation and Program Presentation Community Information Coordinator: Broadcast and Video Production, Taping and Editing Senior Team Leader Telecommunications Maintenance: Technical Support and Consulting 3 MISSION Seminole Government Television Policy Programming To provide citizens with interesting, timely, accurate, and relevant information about the programs and services provided by Seminole County Government in a manner that encourages trust, a sense of accountability, and appreciation of the value of the services provided. The programming will serve to identify, explain, and facilitate the use of government services and to provide more responsible and informed interaction between government and citizens. SGTV is not a public access channel and access to airtime is restricted to governmental functions 'and operations. Production To provide high-quality technical and creative services to Seminole County Government departments and divisions and, with the approval of the County Manager's Office, other governmental organizations in order to produce cost-effective and informative television, programs, and videos. 4 PROGRAM POLICIES Seminole Government Television Policy SGTV encourages the submittal of programs for airing by eligible organizations that are appropriate to the mission and conform to technical and production standards. All requests for airtime should be submitted to the designee of the Information Technologies Department Director prior to airing the program. Eligible Applicants for Airing Programs on SGTV: . Local government bodies and agencies located in and around Seminole County for use in connection with their official government activities that affect the interests of the citizens of the community. · State and federal government bodies and agencies for use in connection with their official government activities that affect the interests of the citizens of the community. · Officials and representatives of the state and federal government for use in their official government activities, including state and federal legislators who represent the districts in and around Seminole County that affect the interests of the citizens of the community. 5 PROGRAM POLICIES Seminole Government Television Policy , . Appropriate Programming Includes: · Coverage of public meetings for government policy-making boards · Informational or instructional programs on various government agency functions or services. · Emergency and public safety information including hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters, poison prevent.ion, first aid, etc. · General announcements of current government meetings, sponsored events and job listings. · Coverage of government events such as facility openings, recreational and cultural events, and meetings of government boards and committees. · In-service training programs and educational programs appropriate for public viewing. · Election result coverage that is non-biased, non-partisan, and neutral in nature. · Reader service board with graphics/alphanumeric information of government events or services. . Public service announcements (PSAs) of government events and services. . Promotional and station identification announcements. 6 PROGRAM POLICIES Seminole Government Television Policy Criteria for Programming: . Submitted by eligible applicant . Citizen interest . Public service/safety needs . Governmental nature . Acceptable standards and guidelines . Production quality . Compliance with programming restrictions Restrictions on Programming: o Programming is prohibited that contains: · Advertisement of a commercial product or service of that nature. . Information concerning any lottery, gift enterprise, or similar promotion offering prizes based in whole or part upon lot or chance. · Direct solicitation of funds. . Material that would violate any federal, state, county, or city statute or law. · Material that promotes religious beliefs or religious philosophies. · Obscene, indecent, or defamatory material. . Appearances by or on behalf of candidates for public office with the purpose of the appearance being to garner interest or attention to their campaign. . Endorsements of proposed issues or ballot items. (Sample ballots and ballot listings may be permitted.) 7 PROGRAM POLICIES Seminole Government Television Policy . . o Programming shall be non-editorial information concerning the operations and . deliberations of local government. o Candidates who have announced and/or qualified for election/re-election to any elective office shall not be permitted to make individual statements on SGTV. o Current elected officials who have announced and/or qualified for election/re-election to any elective office will be shown only in the performance of their official duties - that is, conducting official business at meetings or incidental appearances in other programming. Programs or segments not related to meetings shall not be produced and/or broadcast after qualification and prior to the election. o Programs are governed by the Code of Conduct in Section 100 of the Seminole County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. Programs or appearances in programs by county employees not in accordance with the Code of Conduct may be refused airtime on SGTV. o SGTV Staff reserves the right to edit programs submitted for SGTV and/or to display disclaimers. o Program submissions must include all copyrights. Copyrighted music and video will not be used in SGTV programs without written permission. 8 PROGRAM SCHEDULING & SUBMISSIONS . Seminole Government Television Policy Program Scheduling The Community Information Program Manager is responsible for scheduling programs. All programs submitted to SGTV will be reviewed by the Station Manager before airing. Videotapes will be viewed from start to finish to ensure technical and content compliance. The program submission process is as follows: 1. Program is submitted for review. 2. Program is reviewed and any necessary changes required for airing are made by the originator of the video. 3. If the program is accepted as submitted, it can then be scheduled for airtime. 4. Requests for review, revision, or clarification of program content will be honored in order for the program to be aired. Video Program Submissions Eligible applicants may complete a "Seminole Government Television Program Submission" request to the Community Information Program Manager that meets all criteria established herein. Reader Service Board Submissions The Reader Service Board is a video bulletin board publicizing government-related services, events, employment opportunities, and public announcements. It is available free of charge to eligible users. Requests for messages to the Reader Service Board must be submitted in a format specified by the Cable Franchising, Senior Coordinator. Content on this service is produced by SGTV, and will not necessarily be in the same format as received. 9 PROGRAM PRIORITIES , Seminole Government Television Policy The following programming categories determine how programs will be aired: Category A Approved programs produced by agencies under the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners for Seminole County and live or taped delayed public meetings of the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners or its agencies or departments. Category B Approved programs submitted by other local government agencies or departments. Category C Approved programs originated by an outside government agency and related to Seminole County that affect the interests of the citizens of the community. 10 OPERATING". . PROCEDURES ~ino~r^,,,,,,,.. '.. .....- .:-ur<<.Y:G""', ,. ''';->-'' ~,) ~ .$' , ... ----- ~-'>-:-~ -..;..- Seminole Government Television Information Technologies Department 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 OPERATING PROCEDURES 1 PRODUCTION SERVICES Seminole Government TV Procedures DRAFT Introduction These Operating Procedures were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County pursuant to Resolution No. 99-R-_. Video productions are often effective for communicating with citizens and for training staff. It is anticipated that requests for broadcast and non-broadcast production will sometimes exceed staff capacity. SGTV will provide assistance and guidance as resources allow to other agencies in accomplishing the goals of their production on SGTV. Requests for production services must be made to the Community Information Program Manager. The following services are available to eligible SGTV users: . Airtime for live or pre-produced programs and public service announcements . Reader Service Board 2 PRODUCTION SERVICES Seminole Government TV Procedures Eligible Applicants Eligible applicants requesting SGTV productions services: . Divisions and departments under the supervision of the Seminole County Manager and the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners. . Local government bodies and agencies located in and around Seminole County for use in connection with official government activities. . State and federal government bodies and agencies for use in connection with their official government activities affecting the interests of this community. Appropriate subject matter for production services includes: . Coverage of public meetings for government policy-making boards . Informational or instructional programs on various government agency functions or services. . Emergency and public safety information including hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters, poison prevention, first aid, etc. . General announcements of current government meetings, sponsored events and job listings. . Coverage of government events such as facility openings, recreational and cultural events, and meetings of government boards and committees. . In-service training programs and educational programs appropriate for public viewing. . Election result coverage that is non-biased, non-partisan, and neutral in nature. 3 PRODUCTION SERVICES Seminole Government TV Procedures Appropriate subject matter (continued) · Reader service board with graphics/alphanumeric information of government events or services. · Public service announcements (PSAs) of government events and services and positive citizen involvement in activity. · Promotional and station identification announcements. Production requests by eligible applicants are evaluated on the following criteria: . Citizen interest . Program restriction compliance . Governmental nature · Acceptable standards and guidelines · Public purpose . Public service/safety needs . Resources available . Deadline 4 PRODUCTION SERVICES Seminole Government TV Procedures Videotape Format Programs in half-hour and one-hour format are preferred. However, programs of any length are accepted. Videotapes should be labeled with program title, episode (if applicable), and length. A contact name and phone number should also be printed on the label. Programming and PSAs should be submitted on the Betacam SP or Betacam format. Videotapes should have at least 30 seconds of color bars and tone at the head of the program and at least 10 seconds of black at the end of the program Video programs originated, edited, or dubbed on other formats are not accepted for playback on SGTV. FACiliTIES & EQUIPMENT Seminole Government TV Procedures Use of Production Facilities and Equipment: Requests for production assistance are required in writing at least 72 hours in advance and must be approved by the Station Manager. The Information Technologies Department will retain all camera original videotape footage and master videotape created during a production using Information Technologies Department videotapes. Applicants must supply their own videotapes for dubbing copies and an administrative fee may be applied toward the dubbing services. Use of equipment is restricted to government activities, county sponsored events, or other approved activities. Users may be county employees and approved interns and freelancers working with county staff. 5 PRODUCTION. STANDARDS ~inoJe.r^,.."",,; '" '~... ~lf,)'Gtf'b~'L ~ _.~ Seminole Government Television Information Technologies Department 1101 East Fi rst Street Sanford, Florida 32771 DRAFT PRODUCTION STANDARDS Introduction These Production Standards were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County pursuant to Resolution No. 99-R-_ for the purpose of ensuring that all SGTV video productions are of the highest quality. CHARACTER GENERATOR STANDARDS Seminole Government TV Production Standards . Specific PROJECTS (groups of pages) should be scheduled to run at specific times and should be included in the programming schedule. . Backgrounds should be related artistically to the subject on the page. . Feature the SGTV logo throughout the PROJECT. . After entering new information in any of the PROJECTS, put an * after the page name to indicate it needs to be proofed. Someone other than the person who entered the data must proof ALL pages. 2 PRODUCTION STANDARDS LIVE BROADCAST STANDARDS Seminole Government TV Production Standards Have pre-production meetings with the crew at least one hour prior to the start of the live broadcast. Perform technical check of all audio, video and lighting equipment at least one hour prior to broadcast to ensure that all are operating properly and to address any last minute problems. Check presets on all cameras and rehearse anticipated shots and transitions prior to every live broadcast. Maintain sufficient inventory of recording tapes in the control room at all times. Label all tapes before they are placed in the VCR for recording.:. Always run a character-generated pre-show promo prior to every live broadcast. Display the SGTV logo in the lower right corner of the screen during all live broadcasts. 3 PRODUCTION STANDARDS . . VIDEOTAPED PROGRAMMING STANDARDS Seminole Government TV Production Standards Programs in half-hour and one-hour format are preferred. However, programs of any length are accepted. Videotapes should be labeled with program title, episode (if applicable), and length. A contact name and phone number should also be printed on the label. Programming and PSAs should be submitted on the Betacam SP or Betacam format. Videotapes should have at least 30 seconds of color bars and tone at the head of the program and at least 10 seconds of black at the end of the program. Video programs originated, edited, or dubbed on other formats are not accepted for playback on SGTV. 4