HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 03 03 Minutes
March 3, 1999
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) held a meeting on Wednesday,
March 3, 1999, at 7:00 p.m., at the City of Altamonte Springs City Hall, 225 Newburyport Avenue,
Altamonte Springs, Florida.
1. Call to Order
Silent Meditation
Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting was called to Order at 7:04 p.m. by CALNO Chairperson ICommissioner Cindy Gennell.
A moment of silence was held. The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
2. Roll Call - the following members were in attendance:
City of Altamonte Springs, Commissioner Eddie Rose
City of Casselberry, Commissioner Linda Hart
City of Lake Mary, Commissioner Gary Brender
City of Winter Springs, Commissioner/CALNO Chairperson Cindy Gennell
Seminole Community College, Dr. Stephen C. Wright
City of Long wood, Commissioner Paul Lovestrand
City of Sanford, Commissioner Tony VanDerworp
Seminole County Public School Board, Board Member Sandy Robinson
Also present were:
Mayor 1. Dudley Bates, City of Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Bette Griffith, City of Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Pat Freeman, City of Altamonte Springs
Matt Chesler, Seminole County
Greg Holcomb, Seminole County
Stan Stevens, Citizen
City Administrator John Drago, City of Longwood
3. Approval of February 3,1999 Minutes
Moved by Commissioner Rose, seconded by Commissioner VanDerworp, to approve the
minutes of February 3, 1999. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Treasurer's Report
Treasurer's Report to be heard later in the meeting.
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7. Update on the Government Television Cable Channel
Chairperson Gennell asked Matt Chesler and Greg Holcomb, both of Seminole County, to join in
the discussion and report from Seminole County.
When asked the status of Altamonte Springs concerning the Govenm1ent Television Cable Channel
agreement, Mayor Bates responded that Altamonte Springs has not yet taken any formal action. A
resolution would need to be approved and adopted.
Commissioner Rose indicated that the agreement has already been approved by Altamonte-Springs.
Mayor Bates stated that the TWC/TCI merger is still in the process and Altamonte Springs has not
been assured an access channel when TWC takes over.
Commissioner Gennell stated that 1:--ake Mary and Oviedo are not presently interested. She also
added that Seminole County will provide technical support, and that Longwood recently passed the
Mayor Bates reiterated that it has just not been formalized.
When asked if the broadcast is from Seminole Community College, Mr. Holcomb stated that it is
from the Seminole County Services Building.
Commissioner Lovestrand noted that Longwood has passed by vote but no resolution has been
adopted yet.
Dr. Wright indicated it has yet to pass through the Seminole Community College legal department.
Commissioner Gennell stated that Seminole County is anxious to start setting meetings of the
Seminole Television Council. She requested that each City appoint a representative and notify her
office as soon as possible. Seminole County will facilitate the meetings and offer technical support.
It was suggested the meetings will begin approximately the second half of April.
Mr. Holcomb explained that currently they now tape two hours in the morning and two hours in the
evening. The rest of the time it is merely repeated. They are anxious to get more on the air.
Commissioner Gennell stated she thought Altamonte Springs would want to include the Cranes
Roost Events to reach all of the county, rather than just Altamonte Springs residents.
s. Program A: Light Rail Presentation
By: J. Dudley Bates, Mayor of the City of Altamonte Springs
Mayor Bates distributed copies of a brochure published by Lynx which provides general information
concerning Light Rail.
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Mayor Bates welcomed the members of CALNO to the City of Altamonte Springs, indicating an
appreciation for the efforts and work done by CALNO.
He gave a brief history of Light Rail, including the enabling in 1988, initial studies of the Central
Florida Commuter Rail Authority (CFCRA) in 1988, and the enabling legislation in Tallahassee in
1994 which merged CFCRA with Orange, Seminole, Osceola Transportation Authority "OSOT A"
(alk/a Tri-County Transit). The Federal government mandated a review of how it is funded, when
to operate, and how it will operate.
While he said it is not the full answer, Mayor Bates stated he feels it is a partial solution. Most
vehicles on Interstate Four today are single passenger.
There were 43,000 new vehicles registered in the three county area last year. Adding more concrete
and asphalt is not the answer.
Another area of concern are the clean air thresholds. When the thresholds are exceeded, Federal
funding will be lost. He charged those present that "it is unconscionable for us as elected officials
to allow that to happen".
Another concept is when we say it will cost forty million dollars per mile to build, when that forty
million also includes the vehicle. As opposed to building a road which only includes right-of-way
and asphalt. The vehicles cost our residents in addition to the road assessments.
He added that "roadways are not our ultimate answer to this problem".
Mayor Bates spoke ofthe friction between the City of Orlando and Orange County. Currently, 55%
or 330 million dollars, is within the President's budget for this tri-county area, as well as State
funding of22Yz %. However, unless a truce is drawn between the agencies of Orlando and Orange
County,~we stand to lose that funding. Orange County is requiring the first phase be between
International Drive and the Airport. This phase is actually the scheduled third phase. The planned
phases are: (1) International Drive to Florida Hospital; (2) Florida Hospital to State Road 434; and
(3) Downtown to the Airport. At that point they would all be linked together.
Commissioner Brender asked why not consider the airport first. Mayor Bates responded that Federal
agreement for funding is not intended to move tourist but to meet the needs of the local residents.
The initial segment was established to serve the local people first.
Commissioner Hart asked why the proposal is to stop at State Road 434, instead of continuing to
Lake Mary, considering all the growth taking place in Lake Mary.
Mayor Bates responded that with Lake Mary's growth, it would be a natural. He gave no other
He further explained that Altamonte Springs is looking at two methods of improving transportation.
Those are: (1) a people mover to the Maitland Centre; and (2) a transit greenwayon a smaller scale
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to move our citizens. These methods would be functional if Light Rail doesn't happen, or it will be
available to tie into Light Rail if it does becomes a reality.
Commissioner Hart asked what members ofCALNO can do. Mayor Bates replied, "to be interested
and informed concerning Light Rail and the issues". Members should talk about the matter with
their constituents and inform them of the issues. He continued that we are trying to displace the
misconceptions. It is a three unit train, so quiet that it can be seen before it is heard. His observation
of the same Light Rail used in Portland is that the air produced as it goes by is louder than the
machine itself.
Mayor Bates feels if we can get the initial segment built and the people can see it in action al1d use
it, the people will push to have the other phases completed.
Commissioner Brender stated the funding for building the Light Rail is easy, it is the operations that
is costly to the citizens, which is hard for the elected officials to defend to their electors.
Commissioner Brender noted the number of clogged lanes in Atlanta when they also have the
MARTA System. Mayor Bates replied that Atlanta has lost their federal funding due to pollution
Commissioner Lovestrand commented on the reduced number of persons using the Lynx bus system
now and his concern at the low numbers that would use the Light Rail system.
Commissioner VanDerworp commented that the buses are full in the mornings, it tapers off around
noon, and picks up again in the afternoons.
Commissioner Gennell thanked Dudley Bates for providing the presentation and asked him to keep
CALNO updated on the Light Rail status.
Treasurer's Report
Commissioner Brender reported a current balance of $678.87. He reported that the statements will
be mailed soon for the $25.00 memberships. Treasurer's Report was accepted as presented.
6. Program B: 2012 Olympics Presentation
By: Eddie Rose, Commissioner of the City of Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Rose reported that Tampa and Orlando are linking together to bid for the 2012
Olympics. There are seven or eight cities vying for the event, including Dallas, New York and
Kansas City. The choice will be made by 2002.
He further reported that at the last meeting, a representative of each sporting event was present and
assigned the task of reviewing the needs for their venue, researching the availability of equipment,
facilities and locations. Each sport must turn in a report by the end of April of what is needed to
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accommodate their Olympic sport. By the year 2000 we will know the cost, type of venue needed,
and will be presenting it to the Olympic Committee. We have in our favor, the weather, attractions,
Commissioner Rose added that he is in hopes that Central Florida will be able to bring in preliminary
events also, as the impact the our communities could be great.
Commissioner Brender asked if there was a commitment from Orlando, to which Commissioner
Rose replied that Orlando is in with Tampa to bring in the venues. There are insufficien~ locations
in either one of the cities, however the two cities together could provide what is needed. Also a
transit between Orlando and Tampa could be provided to assist with transportation needs. Presently
they are looking at holding the Triathalon in Clermont.
Commissioner VanDerworp commented that transportation will be a big issue.
Commissioner Brender asked what Atlanta spent in getting the venues ready. Commissioner Rose
replied that it was astronomical. They built a whole Olympic Village.
Commissioner Gennell thanked Commissioner Rose for his report and asked that CALNO be kept
posted on the issue.
8. Unfinished Business
Commissioner Gennell distributed a program schedule for the year. She commented that
Casselberry's and Longwood's programs are "To Be Announced". She also distributed the current
By Laws and a new Membership list.
Commissioner Gennell reported obtaining a copy of a flood plan ordinance which she will be
sending;a draft around to the cities in the near future.
She further announced the next meeting will be hosted by the City of Casselberry.
9. Reports From Members
Commissioner Linda C. Hart
March 13th a 5K run will be held to benefit the Casselberry Youth.
Lake Mary
Commissioner Gary Brender
March 6th the City of Lake Mary will be holding their Annual "Old Lake Mary Days" around
the City Hall facility, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Development in Lake Mary has increased so that they are beginning to turn down some
projects due to being inundated with requests. Development includes: a 3.1 million square
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foot office space approved; Century Park DRI has been approved; Siemens is relocating to
Central Florida, providing 300-500 new jobs; there is 120,000 square foot flex space on Lake
Mary Blvd.
With the continuing growth, the Commission held a strategic planning session to consider
reducing the density and growth. And to maintain office development while reducing
density. Barry Shriver, of Summit Consulting, ran the strategic planning session and is
highly recommended.
Commissioner Brender further reported that Rinehart Road is substantially completed, and
a 75,000 square foot spa facility is being built near the Primera entrance.
He also reported that he and Tom Green appeared to the Oviedo City Commission to provide
information concerning airport development, and it's wide spread impacts. A presentation
was also made to the Longwood City Commission, who approved the concept. The impacts
of the development need to be kept in mind.
Commissioner Gennell asked about the trail in Lake Mary, to which Commissioner Brender
responded that the trail up Rinehart Road should be dedicated in April or May. He added
that the program is looking good, however money is needed to decorate the trail.
City of Longwood
Commissioner Paul Lovestrand
Longwood's Founders Day will be held March 12th and 13th. The proceeds will go to
subsidizing another brick road in the historic district. The Founders Day Committee is part
of the Historic Committee, which is designated by City Charter.
City Administrator John Drago added that there is a new Recreation Program Director now
wpo is scheduling a "Blue Grass Pickin'" on the 3rd Saturday of each month, and the City
will be having an Easter Egg Hunt this year.
City of Sanford
Commissioner Tony VanDerworp
Commissioner VanDerworp reported that regardless of the small turnout at their recent
election, Commissioner McClanahan was elected, and a charter amendment was passed to
put the City Manager in charge of Police and Fire Departments.
Seminole Community College
Dr. Steven Caldwell Wright
Dr. Wright reported the college will soon be dedicating a new Science building, the a1Umal
auction was a big success, the college has established excellence awards for faculty, and that
traffic lights have been installed on college drive.
Seminole County Public School Board
Board Member Sandy Robinson
The School Board is looking at several new facilities. Work on Lyman High School will
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require over twenty million dollars to bring it up to grade, including replacing the round
building. Woodlands Elementary upgrade will be in excess of eight million dollars. The
costs are up due to labor costs.
Board Member Robinson also disclosed a policy proposal which will require that
undeveloped or unplatted properties will not be given a school assignment until It IS
developed. When developed, the Board will decide on the school assignment. She advised
that this is merely for informational purposes. There is opposition to the policy from the
Home Builders Association and Board of Realtors. The Board sees this as a way to alleviate
the displacement of current residents.
Commissioner Rose asked about the change to lengthen school days. Board Member
Robinson replied that it will be piloted in a few schools first. Actually, it is being done at
Midway and Pinecrest already.
City of Winter Springs
Commissioner Cindy Gennell
The 40th Anniversary of Winter Springs will be celebrated in June. It will be a spectacular
celebration with fireworks. The July 4th celebration will also include the anniversary
In May, the Rotary Club will be holding a concert and fireworks.
Concerning the Seminole Television Council, those cities that have not appointed a
representative yet, please call Andrea at the Winter Springs City Clerk's Office with the
name of the appointed elected official.
City of Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Eddie Rose
A Symphony in the Park will be held at Cranes Roost Park on March 27th. Tickets are still
March 6th is the opening day for Little League with nine T-Ball teams, at Eastmonte Park.
Everyone is invited.
The City appoints a Redistricting Committee every three years. This year's Redistricting
Committee will be presenting their recommendation to the Commission soon.
Commissioner Rose added that there has been so much growth on the west quadrant of the
City that his district is swinging over to the west side ofInterstate Four.
Lake Lotus Park is going strong with new boardwalks, a fishing pier, and in three or four
months there will be held a convention of the survivors ofthe Battle of the Bulge at the park.
Commissioner Griffith added that there are Park Rangers at Lake Lotus Park that provide
guided tours through the park.
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There will also be an Easter Egg Hunt held again this year at Eastmonte Park.
Commissioner Brender asked the status of the Channel 55 issue, to which Commissioner
Rose replied that the land has been purchased, and the owners are holding fund raising to be
able to pay for the building in cash.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Janice G. Goebel, Deputy City Clerk
City of Altamonte Springs