HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy Laws of CALNO - Amended on May 7, 1997 BYLAWS OF THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY AS AMENDED ON MAY 7, 1997 PREAMBLE We, the representatives of local governments in Seminole County, hereby join together in a voluntary organization to be known as the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County for the purpose of meeting at regular intervals to discuss and study community challenges of mutual interest and concern, and to recommend actions to meet those challenges. This organization has been formed as a vehicle for closer cooperation by which the members seek through mutual agreement, solutions to local mutual problems while combining our total resources for regional challenges beyond our individual capabilities. Our goal is to retain, strengthen and improve local home rule. ARTICLE I Membership A. Reqular Membership ,. Eligibility. Voting membership shall be open to municipal corporations located in Seminole County and incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida and Seminole County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. 2. Conditions. A local government, to become and retain membership on the council. shall: a. Formally submit in writing a request for membership on the Council. b. Be approved by a majority of the member agencies. c. Comply with dues requirements as stated in bylaws. 3. Representation. Each member government shall be officially represented by a duly elected representative and an alternate, designated by that member government. 4. Withdrawal. A member government may withdraw its membership at any time by formally submitting in writing its intention to do so. 5. Dues. Membership dues to defray administrative operating expenses shall be assessed annually by the Council. The initial membership dues established by this amendment shall be Twenty-five and no/lOO Dollars ($25.00) per annum. B. Ex-Officio Membership I. Eligibility. Non-voting membership shall be open to non-municipal public organizations located in Seminole County, and incorporated under the laws of the State , of Florida and Seminole County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. 2. Conditions. An ex-officio member that desires to become and retain membership on the council shall: a. Nominated by a member of the Council. b. Be approved by a majority of the member agencies. c. Shall not be subject to dues requirements. 3. Representation. The member organization shall be officially represented by an appointed representative and an alternate, designated by that member organization. 4. Withdrawal. A member organization may withdraw its membership at any time by formally submitting in writing its intention to do so. ARTICLE II Powers Of The Council In addition to the powers of the Council authorized by Chapter 163.02, Florida Statutes, the Council shall have the power to: I. Adopt a Council budget and membership fee schedules; 2. Adopt and amend bylaws; 3. Initiate, advise and aid in the establishment of cooperative arrangements, including Interlocal agreements, among local governments in the region; 4. Make recommendations to any local governments or to other appropriate agencies or entities; 5. Propose amendments to inter-governmental agreements for ratification of members. ARTICLE III Council Organization 1. Voting. Each local government member will have one (1) vote on the Council; The representative and/or alternate shall be an elected official. 2. Quorum. A quorum of the Council shall consist of a simple majority of the total voting membership. . 3. Meetings. The Council shall meet upon the call of its Chairman or any two (2) officers of the- Council. Unless otherwise notified, the Council will meet on the first Wednesday of each month at the time and place specified. 4. Committees. The Chairman shall have the power to appoint such committees as deemed necessary to carry out the Council's activities. 5. Elections and Duties of Officers. (a) All officers (members governments) shall be elected at the first annual meeting by the members in good standing and shall hold office for one (1) year. (b) (I) The Chairman shall preside at all meetings. (2) The Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of Chairman during his absence. (3) The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and shall be responsible for the accurate accounting of all financial transactions and the timely reporting of the financial condition to the membership. ARTICLE IV Policy On Legislative Matters It shall be the policy of the Council to act only on legislation pertaining to the welfare of all its members. ARTICLE V Amendments These bylaws may be amended (repealed) or added to at a regular meeting of the Council proved that a written notice shall have been sent to each member government ten (1 0) days in advance of meeting, which notice shall state in full the amendments or changes which are proposed to be made in such bylaws.