HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuck's Custom Caterers ._TQk_! '". -1 _ ,=,.::,.. -i'.... ~"':~ "f' '_; C ,,< S . '::" ........r-r-, 'T 0",,- -~ ",- - '. '..-:. .. 40 7' ;~; :::~ 3(1':~6 3 +- ++ p.. [) 1 ~. II I ;;.-. ,) 0/..(."'- {'/'/" BUCK'S CUSTOM CATERERS t.d'-1 tj tUiJ1UA. ;4pu-1o- e/,V 4n d/ ~..t'_A..J 3 Q 7 - /'1ov y. () "J (., Ffrt. 3Q r;. ~ 7~- 3 l?t . l'1ti' li/t{n~ to? tiL.kNA p1<- fu~~4'Ct. af b:[);) 1.1'1 . A. C3, JfjfJ1 ~ r:$d p~' 'fr't.{/U,c .-.-'.--.-.".---..-.-- l<< ~~d 11,,"1 Jj1~ .:y A<A' l.. .4j~,,- ,'lLI 0L~ "t. t /c"} ..... /JI /' . '*' >1,~. t.. JC)" ' .c't.l.<!1 . '.t.L1~ /1. A ., ,/ ' -1,' i/"1.....J, -1"7" ~,_.."'.n...., 1: .1\,.. {/(4-......( 4.":' t.l'( 1/') ~"/ '- CJu~ {k 1- U'- ()!H"~ JJ1tlt~/) 'fin.. ItdS- fU^~~ re~ bt)' ;Jb.<-~''i6-'t:v dd~.u.1 . -?/U u ~ r:})Jd,u tk~tiJJt jAoluf!t4 J:' . ... (; (/'\f 1')\1.7 ;,-L./l<:ll2..t/<ie' ",.,." L Lt...",,^,. '.,)V-d.de vi xl,:..: i1 t::<~j tLl/ dAL~'O" 1--1-;; LV j/LfLt^{/ -J.", .j('* :;I. '" ,,-,^,",,;; I' V'J tv-/uu-(1 X.{L}Lr-tl !~0jL*- '-' J!Mt.-d. t/ /5t,{ fix 1- L9 t2.t.d ~. ~ r") ~ ./ b' J .4. a: ..... a . ., I!.i.' .;? -~: /),(c 'i~1f.! -? ZL1t tt/a<1{t,r- fd 4./~J... v.Jj d;~j..().dL--,f6 L-J ()/.. /J. '" J (':,;..J.. h...UJL'1..... }\...tr2.<i. _.L,(/ ;f~-..L f-/) 0.[~~ /v;;/U'4.~l r /g.&-~ ~ 0 e...1. t{ ttt,_ F' .A}.~)tt 1220 South Sanford Avenue · Sanford, Florida 32771 . (407) 323-0963 Wedejlngs · 8onqul;,ts . /?ohc.:' t,:iii~;t~-,.~~.:j;h~~'"' . "'"~,,,,:<,, · Luous · Cocktol! PO/hes · Bor-B. Quos. Box Lunches '~J;.nl.J . J C[.. ., .. , '" :ou o ;.s: " D .~ 'v .J :J .J .~ Ie>. Caterea '.B!J MENU i I I II I ! I I ! / i I i I Wi.nt er Springs, FL 32708.1. I, Fax (">7) 327..,.., I , , --- -.-. - ~'------, ~ 'i THIS IS JUST A SMALL SAMPLE OF THE MENU ITEMS A V AILABLE WE WILL BE HAPPY TO CUSTOMIZE A MENU FOR YOU 670 East State Road 434 Phone (407) 327. JO I.J I I 9.u.~ I I I i I I ' I'.. D ;:: I .~ (.j I , . ~.) l';j ~.) .. ~.) ..{) D ~ (i I> -i ITI AI ITI t:t ~ "~t 1-. '2- .:! ITI (I) , ' I .to. ~ -J w t-:' -..I ~ -..I UI .to. 1J . I~ .. ISLAND FARE Luau Salad Polvnesian Chicken BBQ Pork: Almond Rice Pilaf Vegetable Du-Jour Rolls and Butter Pineapple UpSIde Down Cake 'Tj :-u o ~ ",. 'C::> -" (d r'J --J o -J 'f] .t:-'" TASTE OF ITAL Y Antipasto Salad Baked Ziti with Meatballs Fettacc:ini Alfredo Vegecab1e Du Jour Garlic Sticks Chocolate Layer Cake [J GOURMET TASTE Cberry T ornata and Walnut Salad Baked Pork Chops with orange sauce Stuffed Filet aC Sole Vegetables 0. Jour Garlic Roast PclIatoes CroissantswithHoBcyButter SouthemPeachNonsense ,~ co "" ,s, 'cl ELITE 516.00 PREMIUM SI4.00 TRADmONAL Caesar Salad Lemon Pepper Chicken Beef Roulades Vegetable Du Jour Anneruan Rice Pilaf Sesame Bread Strawbeny Trifle Luncheon Menus Selections Include: Iced Tea ,.ith Lemon or Lemonade I'.. D ,::; I ;... ',~ I t,j [SI t'j .. u ',jj D ~ MENU # 1 Sliced Roasl Beef. Sliced Turkey. and Smoked Ham Sliced Assorted Cheeses Assorted Bakel)' Fresh Breads Appropriate CoDdiments. Ita.Iian Pasta Salad Creamy egg Potato Salad Relish Tray Home Baked Cookies and Brownies C) D -i ITI AI ITI tj I]j -~ '0 .;.. 1; 3 'T1 MENU # 2 Assoned Club Sandwiches 10 include Turk:ey and Cheese. Ham and Cheese and RL. T. Clubs Pineapple Coleslaw Cherty Tomato and Cucumber Vmaigrette Fresh Fruit Compote Chocolate Punch Bowl Cake MENU 1# 3 Pita Crazy Sliced Turkey - avocado, sprouts. and bacon wi 1000 island dressl Vegetarian - sprouts, cucumber, tomato, mushroom & chee. Macaroni Salad. Fresh veggie tray with dip Peanut Butter Cup Tans .p.. ~ BON APPETITE Greek Salad Raspberry Mustard Glazed Chicken Meatloaf Wellington Basil Red Skin Potatoes Vegetable Do-lour Choice of Dessert Rolls and Butter 'j i~l -,J (q ~ MENU 1# 4 Sliced Roast Beef. Snow Peas and Water Chestnut Salad With Ptpp;1~1l1 Ranch Dressing Fresh Cut Marinated Vegetables with a Creamy DiU Dip Fresh Fruit Cup Home Made Miniature Muffins with Honey Buncr Individual Stra\\<beny Cheesecakes 1) ~ ~J FRUGAL $11.00 RUTE $13.00 PREMIUM SU.OO FRUGAL $9.00 (.. r~- - h ] ,,;:: 1I'I:Y\/Y'v"'v~i"",'T"'" "'I"IY"YYYVT'/YVy\'Y',y.'Y\IY\/Y\/Y'v?'/'f'VYVy\Y'. y. Y":~.~O D MENU #S MENU # 9 r ~ -1 I Pesto Pasta & Clucken Salad II ~ Spreadable Feast .. ,. ~ Egg, Chicken. Seafood. Ham. or Tuna Salads .. (II Fresh yeggies WIth dip I i Fresh Fnut Salad ~ Sliced Breads and ASSOrted Rolls .. ~~ I ~ .. t.,) Garlic Stix II> Baked Potato Salad .. Individual Boston Cream Pies Macaroni Salad ... l~l ~ t.) ... Choice of Dessert ~' ... <it (t4 . < Q 'L\.t.^.&^.&^~.& ,\.&,\.t.^.." ~..,\..&^~..,\...^..^..^.. '\<1.1\.."" A.. "",,\ .A.A", \..to, ....,v., v., \.t.A"'t;..~ D ~{ MENU 1# 6 :::::','.. ....IyvYV..v....vYVY'./Y'...~ .V~/'''V'Y'./''''VTV... v .-v...v..v~.IY' .I....\/~ /Y'v"VTVYD !,W1 It Garden Salad "" ~ I:, "" ~ -1 7! Chicken Veronique ... MENU 1# 10 m 0 ~ i'::: ~ AntipastO Salad A1 Brubant Potatoes .e. m "" ... Fruit Cup ; Green Beans Almondine ... ~ t:t ,J Lasagna Indi\idual Cheesecakes ~ :; tt1 -.1 Rolls & Butter ~ .{atatoui ~ -( ... Garlic Sticks <lIl J .o.:~ '- er! ... Cookies & Brownies ;'4 .t-"- I ... , t.~~"~'^-""""~~._"^'~.~.~~........~~.J ~. MENU 1# 7 Caesar Salad Turkey Supreme with Broccoli Basil Potatoes Vegetable Medley Pina Colada Fruit Rolls & Butter i I, ~\i\VYVYVYVYVY\i.. 'VYVYVYVTVYVYVYvyv~ ~ iii- MENU ## It .,: Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad .,: : Fresh Fruit, Italian Pasta Salad .. ~ French Bread ~ ": Choice ofDessen ~ ~ ~ ' < ~;~.~"'^ ,,~. ..~. ",^",^.^..t''''''''''4A'''^.^~^",^.&^,,^ "^M~L'\ 4/'.""''''/\'' " . /\..^ .~ ~.""r:.~/""iTJ'?'._'YVYVYD ! MENU 1# 8 Tomato & Cucumber Vinaisrettc Baked Stuffed Sole with Oraoge Grand Mariner Sauce Garlic Roasted Potatoes, Vegetable Du-Jour Strawberry Shortcake Rolls & Butter I I ~VT</"Vyv~'r'/YV YVYV YVYVYV~""..v y'" y v YVYVYVyvyv YV?Vr" y VYV~'..YV~ ~ MENU 1# 12 ~ ~ CIUc:kca Diane Served Om- Pasta j ~ Choice of Salad > Rolls & Butter II: Choice QfDessert ~ ~~.&A.&A"'^""^.&^"^"'^"^"^""^"^"^",^,,,^,,,,~^,,^,,.. ^"^.A/'~""^"'^",^",,,,,,,, ~ I I , I 1, ELITE $13.00 PREMIUM Sll.OO FRUGAL $9.00 ELITE $13.00 FRUGAL 59.00 PREMIUM SI1.00 "" Q -J (t4 t-,.l -J Q -J UI "" 11 Q (t4 .. CHEF-ATTENDED STATIONS t iillr:: *' _ ~ CARVING STATION Choice of Roast Top Round of Beef, Honey Baked llam or Roast Turkey Breast Served with Appropriate Condiments. 'Tj :cD () is: INCLUDES: Potato, Vegetable, Salad, Fruit Compote, and Rolls & Butter " roo', PASTA STATION Choice of Three Pastas and three Sauces~ Prepared to your Guests Individual Tastes INCLUDES: Caesar Salad. Garlic Stixs, Vegetable and Fruit Compote STIR-FRY -STATION Choice of Chicken. Beef or Shrimp with Oriental Style Vegetahles and Prepared to your Guests Individual Taste C:J I INCLUDES: White Rice, Mini-Egg Rolls, Salad, Fruit Compote, and Rolls & Butter. \_,,) I (() EUTE 523.00 PREMIUM 520.00 FRUGAL 517.00 'lJ o """ Entree Selections. Selections Include: Coffee. Ice Tea, or Lemonade Salad and Fresh Vegetable Potato, Pasta, or Rice Fruit Compote Bakery Fresh Rolls and :'UGt; This is just a small sample of some of tbe meau items avaiJable. We will be happy to customize a menu for you. c.~~ .filI- - ';"'~"'" . .... -"',.--::- ." ;-.ci~~:. .. ~. .... If.. . ... .. c'6 .~ . .__ .. ~.."....~..9: c.. ~~L ~ ~ ~> . ./ ~ ..~ I .... N is) to .. w ~.j D 3 ("') D --i rrI :lJ rrI I;j tt1 ,:.., D 3 fn_i ((1 . .f> ~ -.J W N -.J ~ -.J (JI .f> " . ~ .f> ~ CHOOSE TWO ENTREES CHOOSE TWO ENTREES l.EMON-PEPPER CHICKEN Marinate<! and Cooked to Perfection CHICKEN MAREN(,,() Honles,; Breast In Marinara Sauce \\ ilh Mushrooms. Pearl Onions. and BIad. Ob\cs CHICKEN DIANE Boneless Clucken, Mushrooms. Scallions in a Cajun Cream Sauce and Served Over Pasta CHICKEN ALMONDINE Boneless Breast Stuffed ~1ili Apples & Almonds Breaded and Drioted with Honey CHICKEN MARYLAND Breaded Boneless Breast Sauteed. topped with Bacon & DriuJed with Honey 7j '" o ,~ GARDEN.ROASTED CHICKEN Chicken on the Bone. Roasted, and Coated with Minced Garden Vegctahles MEDALLIONS OF BEEF Served with Gn:en Pcpporcoms &. Red Wine Sauce POLYNESIAN CHICKEN Chunks ofChickoo and Fresh Vegetables in a Swoct Pineapple Sauce ROAST WIN OF PORK DUXELLE Stuffed with Cnmmi. Portabcllo, and Shitaki mushrooms with neb brown saum .,. (") --J I) J STUFFED TURKEY BREAST Fresh turkey cutlets, pounded and stuffed with a cranberry and apple stu[fmg BEEF ROULADES Beef Rolled with Bacon. Onion. Herbs in a Sheny &. Rod Wine Sauce BAKED STUFFED FILET OF SOLE Fresh filet stuffed with seasoned bread crumbs. seaJJops and crabmeat topped widt. lemon diD sauce - of:;,. CHICKEN BREAST KIEV Boneless breast filled with butter, garlic and fresh ~ MEAT LOAF WELLINGTON Delicious Meat Loaf, Wrapped in Bacon. and Cooked it PutT P8Str}' FESTIVE CORNISH GAME f; filled with apples, cranberriC6 apricots, golden raisins. ere Or Long gram Wild Rice and H and seasonmg. '~J BAKED STUFFED BONELESS PORK CHOPS Butterflied and stuffed with an herb stuffing glazed with an orange sauce BAKED VEGETABLE or MEAT LASAGNA Lots of RWotta Cheese and Home- Made Marinara Sauce BEEF CALIFORNIAN Tender sliced eye of the round topped with sliced avacado, chunks of pineapple and sweet and sour sauce MARINATED LAMB KABOBS Tender Jamb and fresh vegetables, skewered, marinated, and grilll.'d to perfection I iD <D BAKED MANICOTfI FLORENTINE Pasta Tubes Filled with Riootta Cbeese, Topped \\-ith Marinara & Chopped Spinach LEMON-DILL CHICKEN Combining BonIess, Skinless breasts with Fruit iuices. Onions & Herbs makes this Un- usual in '-1 BAKED STUFH]) SHRIMP Jumbo shrimp stuffed with crabmeat. bread crumbs, bell pepper and herbs. with a buttery glaze c-. f'J '0 >:"" HOME-MADE BAKED zm Marinara and Ricotta Cheese 8Dd Topped wIth Plll1l1eSan Cheese ELITE $19.00 PREMIUM $16.00 FRUGAL $1.l.90 '0 'J 01 ELITE $22.00 PREMIUM 51 <<>.00 FRUGALSl4.00 '-< D Z , .... W I .... 10 ISI ~,i w W D 3: (") D -l ITl ;1) ITl t:t tI:l -( '-< D 3: 1Tl~ 0) . '>. ~ .f> ISI -J W tv ~J ISI -.j (J1 .f> ." ISI (J1 ~ Elite ;\()J)IT,ONAL COSTS China, (;Iasswart'. Stainlt.ss Flatwan\ Cent('rpit'ces, LIllie Lint'Il,1l U.OIII Pfl< IlIGUrSTS) 'iapkills, Fully DNorllted Buffet with Fresh Flowers, Clothed and Skirted ' Cake Table Gift Table Linens HORi\ D' OEUVRES MAY BE BtJTLER PASSED FOR THE BAR TENDER MInimum of 1 hre\: H()ur~ Each AdditIOnal Hour $8000 $20 00 FlJLL LIQUOR BAR SET UP ;', . .:', .. ~ ". ..... . . :... '. " 1'." . ~... ... ,,;.'... "',. ".'''' ,;",...':,,:: > I;:;'" < .. . . .t.: $2.50 PER PERSON Premium China. Glassware, Stainless Flatware, fable Unen,(l CLOTIl PER 10 GUESTS) Napkins, Fully Deco- rated Clothed and Skirted Buffet Table s BEER and WINE SET UP $ I .25 PER PERSO\ nOR" 0' 'H~tfVRES MAY BE BUTLER PASSED FOR THE FIR."iT HOUR SERVICE CHARGE 18 Percent TAX 7 Percent r Frugal Paperware Service on a J'ully Decorated, Clothed and Skirted Buffet Table ( ALL OTHER CLOTHS AND SKIRTING IS ADDITIONAL) VEGETARIAN AND SPECIAL DIET MENU ITEMS ARE A V AILABLE ADDING, DELETING OR CHANGING MENU ITEMS M,\ iil{ MAY NOT AFFECT MENU PRICES ,) [.., ".X:-\~<;::""'''' .: ....~....":.,' . "'.' '..,:......,'t'....... '''\''''~';'' ....."" :',.;.'''; '~'.'" "'''' .. ........ SPECIAL COLORS AND SIZES OF LINEN ARE A V AlLARLE UPON REQUEST .s., 'rj o (J) ..... :D .... I ... 1.>1 I ... tJ ~ t.) .. 1;>1 -I> I> :3 (") :D -i rn AI rn t:I trj ,~ I> 3 rn 'f~ -I> ~ -J (N ~) -J o -.J en -I> I~